在这本书里,作者从一个新颖的角度诠释和解读了人们生活中的很多问题,如情感与理智的关系,以及心理学、人的思想和行为之间的关系等等更广泛的议题。 是情感控制着理智,还是理智控制着情感?环境因素是如何影响人的身心健康和人的寿命的?我们的理智和智慧之间是什么关系?理智和智慧是怎样影响我们的幸福的? 这本书里有的文章是作者的个人经历;有的文章是他人分享的真实故事;有的文章是从心理学研究中吸取来的灵感,等等。作者多人生中很多话题进行了探索,比如他对信仰的阐述;什么力量主宰着人的命运;宠物对人身心健康的影响;等等。
In this collection of essays, the author considers how the forces of emotion and reason manifest in our everyday lives and the relationships that exist between the two. The author develops this perspective across essays on topics within psychology and physiology as well as broader themes of human life such as meaning, destiny, and character.
Does emotion control reason, or does reason control emotion? How do environmental factors affect our mental and physical health? What is the difference between wisdom that augments our wellbeing, and the mere knowledge that does not?
Drawing from personal experiences, true stories shared by others, and psychological studies, the author approaches these questions through a wide variety of eclectic cases. The resulting explorations are just as diverse, ranging from his reflections on the nature of belief emerging from his personal struggle with faith to the surprising effects of pet ownership on heart patient outcomes.
Show more在这本书里,作者从一个新颖的角度诠释和解读了人们生活中的很多问题,如情感与理智的关系,以及心理学、人的思想和行为之间的关系等等更广泛的议题。 是情感控制着理智,还是理智控制着情感?环境因素是如何影响人的身心健康和人的寿命的?我们的理智和智慧之间是什么关系?理智和智慧是怎样影响我们的幸福的? 这本书里有的文章是作者的个人经历;有的文章是他人分享的真实故事;有的文章是从心理学研究中吸取来的灵感,等等。作者多人生中很多话题进行了探索,比如他对信仰的阐述;什么力量主宰着人的命运;宠物对人身心健康的影响;等等。
In this collection of essays, the author considers how the forces of emotion and reason manifest in our everyday lives and the relationships that exist between the two. The author develops this perspective across essays on topics within psychology and physiology as well as broader themes of human life such as meaning, destiny, and character.
Does emotion control reason, or does reason control emotion? How do environmental factors affect our mental and physical health? What is the difference between wisdom that augments our wellbeing, and the mere knowledge that does not?
Drawing from personal experiences, true stories shared by others, and psychological studies, the author approaches these questions through a wide variety of eclectic cases. The resulting explorations are just as diverse, ranging from his reflections on the nature of belief emerging from his personal struggle with faith to the surprising effects of pet ownership on heart patient outcomes.
Show more作者阎庚函是上世纪九十年代初留学生,是美国公民,有自己的公司,一直从事医疗方面的工作。作者在业余时间喜欢写些杂文。曾经在中国的《读者》杂志上发表过几篇文章。十一年前,跟冯音捷合作,在中国出版了一本书《把握心情》。一年后,作者出版了《哈罗!美利坚》一书,直到目前这本书在中国仍然卖的非常好。新冠疫情在全世界爆发后,作者在家的时间多了,决定写这本书。历经近两年的时间,完成了这本书。Genghan Yan is a Chinese immigrant who came to the United States as an international student in the early 1990s. Now he is an American citizen who has his own company and has worked in the medical field for more than twenty years. Genghan Yan likes to write essays in his spare time. He had published several articles in the Chinese most popular magazine - Reader. Eleven years ago, co-authored with Yinjie Feng, Genghan Yan published a book - Take Care Your Emotion in China. A year late, he published his book - Hello, America, which had been selling very well in China until now. After the outbreak of the covid epidemic worldwide, he spent more time at home and decided to write this book. It took him about one year and a half to complete this book.
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