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MyProgrammingLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor.
Praised for providing an engaging balance of thoughtful examples and explanatory discussion, best-selling author Walter Savitch explains concepts and techniques in a straightforward style using understandable language and code enhanced by a suite of pedagogical tools. Absolute C++ is appropriate for both introductory and intermediate C++ programmers.
This edition is available with MyProgrammingLab, an innovative online homework and assessment tool. Through the power of practice and immediate personalized feedback, MyProgrammingLab helps students fully grasp the logic, semantics, and syntax of programming.
&>NOTE: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyProgrammingLab does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyProgrammingLab search for ISBN-10: 0132989921/ISBN-13: 9780132989923. That package includes ISBN-10: 013283071X/ISBN-13: 9780132830713 and ISBN-10: 0132846578/ISBN-13: 9780132846578.
MyProgrammingLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor.
Praised for providing an engaging balance of thoughtful examples and explanatory discussion, best-selling author Walter Savitch explains concepts and techniques in a straightforward style using understandable language and code enhanced by a suite of pedagogical tools. Absolute C++ is appropriate for both introductory and intermediate C++ programmers.
This edition is available with MyProgrammingLab, an innovative online homework and assessment tool. Through the power of practice and immediate personalized feedback, MyProgrammingLab helps students fully grasp the logic, semantics, and syntax of programming.
Chapter 1 C++ Basics 1
1.1 Introduction to C++ 2
Origins of the C++ Language 2
C++ and Object-Oriented Programming 3
The Character of C++ 3
C++ Terminology 4
A Sample C++ Program 4
1.2 Variables, Expressions, and Assignment Statements 6
Identifiers 6
Variables 8
Assignment Statements 10
Pitfall: Uninitialized Variables 12
Tip: Use Meaningful Names 13
More Assignment Statements 13
Assignment Compatibility 14
Literals 15
Escape Sequences 17
Naming Constants 17
Arithmetic Operators and Expressions 19
Integer and Floating-Point Division 21
Pitfall: Division with Whole Numbers 22
Type Casting 22
Increment and Decrement Operators 25
Pitfall: Order of Evaluation 27
1.3 Console Input/Output 28
Output Using cout 28
New Lines in Output 29
Tip: End Each Program with n or endl 30
Formatting for Numbers with a Decimal Point 31
Output with cerr 32
Input Using cin 32
Tip: Line Breaks in I/O 34
1.4 Program Style 34
Comments 35
1.5 Libraries and Namespaces 35
Libraries and include Directives 36
Namespaces 36
Pitfall: Problems with Library Names 37
Chapter Summary: 38
Answers to Self-Test Exercises 39
Programming Projects 40
Chapter 2 Flow of Control 43
2.1 Boolean Expressions 44
Building Boolean Expressions 44
Pitfall: Strings of Inequalities 45
Evaluating Boolean Expressions 46
Precedence Rules 48
Pitfall: Integer Values Can Be Used as Boolean Values 52
2.2 Branching Mechanisms 54
if-else Statements 54
Compound Statements 56
Pitfall: Using = in Place of == 57
Omitting the else 59
Nested Statements 59
Multiway if-else Statement 59
The switch Statement 60
Pitfall: Forgetting a break in a switch Statement 63
Tip: Use switch Statements for Menus 63
Enumeration Types 64
The Conditional Operator 64
2.3 Loops 65
The while and do-while Statements 66
Increment and Decrement Operators Revisited 68
The Comma Operator 70
The for Statement 72
Tip: Repeat-N-Times Loops 74
Pitfall: Extra Semicolon in a for Statement 75
Pitfall: Infinite Loops 75
The break and continue Statements 78
Nested Loops 81
2.4 Introduction to File Input
Reading From a Text File Using ifstream
Chapter Summary 81
Answers to Self-Test Exercises 82
Programming Projects 87
Chapter 3 Function Basics 91
3.1 Predefined Functions 92
Predefined Functions That Return a Value 92
Predefined void Functions 97
A Random Number Generator 99
3.2 Programmer-Defined Functions 103
Defining Functions That Return a Value 103
Alternate Form for Function Declarations 106
Pitfall: Arguments in the Wrong Order 107
Pitfall: Use of the Terms Parameter and Argument 107
Functions Calling Functions 107
Example: A Rounding Function 107
Functions That Return a Boolean Value 110
Defining void Functions 111
return Statements in void Functions 113
Preconditions and Postconditions 113
main Is a Function 115
Recursive Functions 116
3.3 Scope Rules 117
Local Variables 117
Procedural Abstraction 120
Global Constants and Global Variables 121
Blocks 124
Nested Scopes 124
Tip: Use Function Calls in Branching and Loop Statements 125
Variables Declared in a for Loop 125
Chapter Summary 126
Answers to Self-Test Exercises 126
Programming Projects 130
Chapter 4 Parameters and Overloading 137
4.1 Parameters 138
Call-by-Value Parameters 138
A First Look at Call-by-Reference Parameters 141
Call-by-Reference Mechanism in Detail 143
Constant Reference Parameters 145
Example: The swapValues Function 146
Tip: Think of Actions, Not Code 147
Mixed Parameter Lists 148
Tip: What Kind of Parameter to Use 149
Pitfall: Inadvertent Local Variables 151
Tip: Choosing Formal Parameter Names 153
Example: Buying Pizza 153
4.2 Overloading and Default Arguments 156
Introduction to Overloading 156
Pitfall: Automatic Type Conversion and Overloading 159
Rules for Resolving Overloading 160
Example: Revised Pizza-Buying Program 162
Default Arguments 164
4.3 Testing and Debugging Functions 166
The assert Macro 166
Stubs and Drivers 167
Chapter Summary 170
Answers to Self-Test Exercises 171
Programming Projects 172
Chapter 5 Arrays 177
5.1 Introduction to Arrays 178
Declaring and Referencing Arrays 178
Tip: Use for Loops with Arrays 181
Pitfall: Array Indexes Always Start with Zero 181
Tip: Use a Defined Constant for the Size of an Array 181
Arrays in Memory 182
Pitfall: Array Index Out of Range 184
Initializing Arrays 184
5.2 Arrays in Functions 187
Indexed Variables as Function Arguments 187
Entire Arrays as Function Arguments 188
The const Parameter Modifier 192
Pitfall: Inconsistent Use of const Parameters 193
Functions That Return an Array 194
Example: Production Graph 194
5.3 Programming with Arrays 200
Partially Filled Arrays 200
Tip: Do Not Skimp on Formal Parameters 200
Example: Searching an Array 203
Example: Sorting an Array 205
5.3 Multidimensional Arrays 210
Multidimensional Array Basics 210
Multidimensional Array Parameters 212
Example: Two-Dimensional Grading Program 213
Chapter Summary 218
Answers to Self-Test Exercises 219
Programming projects 223
Chapter 6 Structures and Classes 231
6.1 Structures 232
Structure Types 234
Pitfall: Forgetting a Semicolon in a Structure Definition 238
Structures as Function Arguments 238
Tip: Use Hierarchical Structures 239
Initializing Structures 242
6.2 Classes 244
Defining Classes and Member Functions 244
Encapsulation 250
Public and Private Members 251
Accessor and Mutator Functions 255
Tip: Separate Interface and Implementation 257
Tip: A Test for Encapsulation 258
Structures versus Classes 259
Tip: Thinking Objects 261
Chapter Summary 261
Answers to Self-Tesr Exercises 262
Programming Projects 264
Chapter 7 Constructors and Other Tools 267
7.1 Constructors 268
Constructor Definitions 268
Pitfall: Constructors with No Arguments 273
Explicit Constructor Calls 275
Tip: Always Include a Default Constructor 275
Example: BankAccount Class 278
Class Type Member Variables 285
7.2 More Tools 288
The const Parameter Modifier 288
Pitfall: Inconsistent Use of const 290
Inline Functions 295
Static Members 297
Nested and Local Class Definitions 300
7.3 Vectors—A Preview of the Standard Template
Library 301
Vector Basics 301
Pitfall: Using Square Brackets beyond the Vector Size 303
Tip: Vector Assignment Is Well Behaved 305
Efficiency Issues 305
Chapter Summary 307
Answers to Self-Test Exercises 307
Programming Projects 309
Chapter 8 Operator Overloading, Friends, and References 315
8.1 Basic Operator Overloading 316
Overloading Basics 317
Tip: A Constructor Can Return an Object 322
Returning by const Value 323
Tip: Returning Member Variables of a Class Type 326
Overloading Unary Operators 327
Overloading as Member Functions 328
Tip: A Class Has Access to All Its Objects 330
Overloading Function Application ( ) 331
Pitfall: Overloading &&, ||, and the Comma Operator 331
8.2 Friend Functions and Automatic Type Conversion 332
Constructors for Automatic Type Conversion 332
Pitfall: Member Operators and Automatic Type Conversion 333
Friend Functions 334
Friend Classes 336
Pitfall: Compilers without Friends 338
8.3 References and More Overloaded Operators 339
References 339
Pitfall: Returning a Reference to Certain Member Variables 341
Overloading >> and variable; and getline 398
String Processing with the Class string 399
Example: Palindrome Testing 403
Converting between string Objects and C-Strings 407
Chapter Summary 407
Answers to Self-Test Exercises 408
Programming Projects 412
Chapter 10 Pointers and Dynamic Arrays 419
10.1 Pointers 420
Pointer Variables 421
Basic Memory Management 429
Pitfall: Dangling Pointers 432
Dynamic Variables and Automatic Variables 432
Tip: Define Pointer Types 433
Pitfall: Pointers as Call-by-Value Parameters 435
Uses for Pointers 437
10.2 Dynamic Arrays 438
Array Variables and Pointer Variables 438
Creating and Using Dynamic Arrays 439
Example: A Function That Returns an Array 443
Pointer Arithmetic 445
Multidimensional Dynamic Arrays 446
10.3 Classes, Pointers, and Dynamic Arrays 449
The -> Operator 449
The this Pointer 450
Overloading the Assignment Operator 451
Example: A Class for Partially Filled Arrays 453
Destructors 462
Copy Constructors 463
Chapter Summary 467
Answers to Self-Test Exercises 468
Programming Projects 470
Chapter 11 Separate Compilation and Namespaces 473
11.1 Separate Compilation 474
Encapsulation Reviewed 475
Header Files and Implementation Files 476
Example: DigitalTime Class 484
Tip: Reusable Components 485
Using #ifndef 485
Tip: Defining Other Libraries 488
11.2 Namespaces 489
Namespaces and using Directives 489
Creating a Namespace 491
Using Declarations 494
Qualifying Names 496
Tip: Choosing a Name for a Namespace 498
Example: A Class Definition in a Namespace 498
Unnamed Namespaces 499
Pitfall: Confusing the Global Namespace and the Unnamed Namespace 506
Tip: Unnamed Namespaces Replace the static Qualifier 507
Tip: Hiding Helping Functions 507
Nested Namespaces 508
Tip: What Namespace Specification Should You Use? 508
Chapter Summary 511
Answers to Self-Test Exercises 512
Programming Projects 513
Chapter 12 Streams and File I/O 519
12.1 I/O Streams 521
File I/O 521
Pitfall: Restrictions on Stream Variables 526
Appending to a File 526
Tip: Another Syntax for Opening a File 528
Tip: Check That a File Was Opened Successfully 530
Character I/O 532
Checking for the End of a File 533
12.2 Tools for Stream I/O 537
File Names as Input 537
Formatting Output with Stream Functions 538
Manipulators 542
Saving Flag Settings 543
More Output Stream Member Functions 544
Example: Cleaning Up a File Format 546
Example: Editing a Text File 548
12.3 Stream Hierarchies: A Preview of Inheritance 551
Inheritance among Stream Classes 551
Example: Another newLine Function 553
Parsing Strings with the stringstream Class
12.4 Random Access to Files 557
Chapter Summary 559
Answers to Self-Test Exercises 559
Programming Projects 562
Chapter 13 Recursion 571
13.1 Recursive void Functions 573
Example: Vertical Numbers 573
Tracing a Recursive Call 576
A Closer Look at Recursion 579
Pitfall: Infinite Recursion 580
Stacks for Recursion 582
Pitfall: Stack Overflow 583
Recursion versus Iteration 584
13.2 Recursive Functions That Return a Value 585
General Form for a Recursive Function That Returns a Value 585
Example: Another Powers Function 586
Mutual Recursion
13.3 Thinking Recursively 591
Recursive Design Techniques 591
Binary Search 592
Coding 594
Checking The Recursion 598
Efficiency 598
Chapter Summary 600
Answers to Self-Test Exercises 601
Programming Projects 605
Chapter 14 Inheritance 609
14.1 Inheritance Basics 610
Derived Classes 610
Constructors in Derived Classes 620
Pitfall: Use of Private Member Variables from the Base Class 622
Pitfall: Private Member Functions Are Effectively Not Inherited 624
The protected Qualifier 624
Redefinition of Member Functions 627
Redefining versus Overloading 628
Access to a Redefined Base Function 630
Functions That Are Not Inherited 631
14.2 Programming with Inheritance 632
Assignment Operators and Copy Constructors in Derived Classes 632
Destructors in Derived Classes 633
Example: Partially Filled Array with Backup 634
Pitfall: Same Object on Both Sides of the Assignment Operator 643
Example: Alternate Implementation of PFArrayDBak 643
Tip: A Class Has Access to Private Members of All Objects of the Class 646
Tip: “Is a” versus “Has a” 646
Protected and Private Inheritance 647
Multiple Inheritance 648
Chapter Summary 649
Answers to Self-Test Exercises 649
Programming Projects 651
Chapter 15 Polymorphism and Virtual Functions 657
15.1 Virtual Function Basics 658
Late Binding 658
Virtual Functions in C++ 659
Tip: The Virtual Property Is Inherited 666
Tip: When to Use a Virtual Function 666
Pitfall: Omitting the Definition of a Virtual Member Function 667
Abstract Classes and Pure Virtual Functions 667
Example: An Abstract Class 669
15.2 Pointers and Virtual Functions 671
Virtual Functions and Extended Type Compatibility 671
Pitfall: The Slicing Problem 675
Tip: Make Destructors Virtual 676
Downcasting and Upcasting 677
How C++ Implements Virtual Functions 678
Chapter Summary 680
Answers to Self-Test Exercises 681
Programming Projects 682
Chapter 16 Templates 687
16.1 Function Templates 688
Syntax for Function Templates 690
Pitfall: Compiler Complications 693
Tip: How to Define Templates 694
Example: A Generic Sorting Function 695
Pitfall: Using a Template with an Inappropriate Type 700
16.1 Class Templates 702
Syntax for Class Templates 703
Example: An Array Template Class 707
The vector and basic_string Templates 713
16.3 Templates and Inheritance 713
Example: Template Class for a Partially Filled Array with Backup 714
Chapter Summary 720
Answers to Self-Test Exercises 720
Programming Projects 723
Chapter 17 Linked Data Structures 725
17.1 Nodes and Linked Lists 727
Nodes 727
Linked Lists 732
Inserting a Node at the Head of a List 734
Pitfall: Losing Nodes 737
Inserting and Removing Nodes Inside a List 737
Pitfall: Using the Assignment Operator with Dynamic Data Structures 741
Searching a Linked List 742
Doubly Linked Lists 744
Adding a Node to a Doubly Linked List 746
Deleting a Node from a Doubly Linked List 748
Example: A Generic Sorting Template Version of Linked List Tools 753
17.2 Linked List Applications 757
Example: A Stack Template Class 757
Example: A Queue Template Class 764
Tip: A Comment on Namespaces 767
Friend Classes and Similar Alternatives 768
Example: Hash Tables with Chaining 771
Efficiency of Hash Tables 777
Example: A Set Template Class 778
Efficiency of Sets Using Linked Lists 784
17.3 Iterators 785
Pointers as Iterators 786
Iterator Classes 786
Example: An Iterator Class 788
17.4 Trees 974
Tree Properties 795
Example: A Tree Template Class 797
Chapter Summary 802
Answers to Self-Test Exercises 803
Programming Projects 812
Chapter 18 Exception Handling 819
18.1 Exception Handling Basics 821
A Toy Example of Exception Handling 821
Defining Your Own Exception Classes 830
Multiple Throws and Catches 830
Pitfall: Catch the More Specific Exception First 834
Tip: Exception Classes Can Be Trivial 835
Throwing an Exception in a Function 835
Exception Specification 837
Pitfall: Exception Specification in Derived Classes 839
18.2 Programming Techniques for Exception Handling 840
When to Throw an Exception 841
Pitfall: Uncaught Exceptions 842
Pitfall: Nested try-catch Blocks 843
Pitfall: Overuse of Exceptions 843
Exception Class Hierarchies 844
Testing for Available Memory 844
Rethrowing an Exception 845
Chapter Summary 845
Answers to Self-Test Exercises 845
Programming Projects 847
Chapter 19 Standard Template Library 851
19.1 Iterators 853
Iterator Basics 853
Pitfall: Compiler Problems 858
Kinds of Iterators 859
Constant and Mutable Iterators 862
Reverse Iterators 864
Other Kinds of Iterators 865
19.2 Containers 866
Sequential Containers 866
Pitfall: Iterators and Removing Elements 872
Tip: Type Definitions in Containers 872
The Container Adapters stack and queue 872
Pitfall: Underlying Containers 873
The Associative Containers set and map 876
Efficiency 881
19.3 Generic Algorithms 883
Running Times and Big-O Notation 884
Container Access Running Times 888
Nonmodifying Sequence Algorithms 889
Modifying Sequence Algorithms 894
Set Algorithms 895
Sorting Algorithms 897
Chapter Summary 897
Answers to Self-Test Exercises 898
Programming Projects 900
Chapter 20 Patterns and UML 907
20.1 Patterns 908
Adapter Pattern 909
The Model-View-Controller Pattern 909
Example: A Sorting Pattern 911
Efficiency of the Sorting Pattern 917
Tip: Pragmatics and Patterns 918
Pattern Formalism 919
UML 919
History of UML 920
UML Class Diagrams 920
Class Interactions 921
Chapter Summary 921
Answers to Self-Test Exercises 922
Programming Projects 923
Appendix 1 C++ Keywords 927
Appendix 2 Precedence of Operators 929
Appendix 3 The ASCII Character Set 931
Appendix 4 Some Library Functions 933
Appendix 5 Old and New Header Files 941
Index 945
Walter Savitch is Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at the University of California at San Diego. He received his PhD in mathematics from the University of California at Berkeley in 1969. Since that time he has been on the faculty of the University of California in San Diego (UCSD). He served as director of the UCSD Interdisciplinary PhD program in Cognitive Science for over ten years. He has served as a visiting researcher at the Computer Science departments of the University of Washington in Seattle and and at the University of Colorado in Boulder, and has been a visiting scholar at the Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica in Amsterdam.
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