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Advances in Industrial ­Mixing
A Companion to the Handbook of Industrial Mixing
By Edward L. Paul (Edited by), Arthur William Etchells (Edited by), David S. Dickey (Edited by), Victor A. Atiemo-Obeng (Edited by)

Hardback, 1044 pages
United States, 6 November 2015

Advances in Industrial Mixing is a companion volume and update to the Handbook of Industrial Mixing. The second volume fills in gaps for a number of industries that were not covered in the first edition. Significant changes in five of the fundamental areas are covered in entirely updated or new chapters. The original text is provided as a searchable pdf file on the accompanying USB. * This book explains industrial mixers and mixing problems clearly and concisely. * Gives practical insights by the top professionals in the field, combining industrial design standards with fundamental insight. * Details applications in 14 key industries. Six of these are new since the first edition. * Provides the professional with information he/she did not receive in school. * Five completely rewritten chapters on mixing fundamentals where significant advances have happened since the first edition and seven concise update chapters which summarize critical technical information.

Suzanne M. Kresta is a professor in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering at the University of Alberta. Arthur W. Etchells III is a retired DuPont Fellow with over forty years consulting in industrial mixing. David S. Dickey is a consultant specializing in mixing processes and equipment with MixTech, Inc. He has more than forty years experience with mixing processes and equipment. Victor Atiemo-Obeng is retired from The Dow Chemical Company where he worked as a scientist in the Engineering Science and Market Development department. The North American Mixing Forum provides an opportunity for dialogue about mixing problems in a wide range of industrial applications.

Contributors List xxxix Editors' Introduction xliii Contents of the DVD, Including Instructional Videos lvii A Technical Definition of Mixing 1 Jo¿elle Aubin and Suzanne M. Kresta Range of Industrial Mixing Applications 2 Three Dimensions of Segregation: A Technical Definition of Mixing 3 Identifying Mixing Problems: Defining the Critical Scales and Process Objectives 5 Notation 9 References 9 1a Residence Time Distributions 11 E. Bruce Nauman 1a-1 Introduction 12 1b Mean Age Theory for Quantitative Mixing Analysis 15 Minye Liu 1b-1 Introduction 15 1b-2 Age and Time in a Flow System 16 1b-3 Governing Equations of Mean Age and Higher Moments 17 1b-4 Computation of Mean Age 20 1b-4.1 Validations of Numerical Solutions 20 1b-4.2 Spatial Distribution of Mean Age in Mixing Devices 21 1b-5 Relations of Mean Age and Residence Time Distribution 25 1b-6 Variances and the Degree of Mixing 27 1b-6.1 Variance of Residence Time Distribution 27 1b-6.2 Variances of Age 28 1b-6.3 Degree of Mixing 28 1b-6.4 Spatial Nonuniformity in CFSTRs 30 1b-7 Mean Age and Concentration in a CFSTR 31 1b-7.1 Time History of Tracer Concentration 31 1b-7.2 Mixing Time in CFSTRs 33 1b-8 Probability Distribution Function of Mean Age 34 1b-8.1 Definition 34 1b-8.2 Scaling and Blend Time Estimation 35 1b-9 Future Development of Mean Age Theory 39 Nomenclature 39 Greek Letters 40 References 41 2a Turbulence in Mixing Applications 43 Suzanne M. Kresta and Robert S. Brodkey 2a-1 Introduction 44 2b Update to Turbulence in Mixing Applications 47 M¿arcio B. Machado and Suzanne M. Kresta 2b-1 Introduction 47 2b-2 The Velocity Field and Turbulence 48 2b-2.1 Circulation and Macromixing 51 2b-2.2 Fully Turbulent Limits and the Scaling of Turbulence 53 2b-3 Spectrum of Turbulent Length Scales: Injection of Scalar (Either Reagent or Additive) and the Macro-, Meso-, and Microscales of Mixing 56 2b-3.1 Mesoscale Mixing 59 2b-3.2 New Experimental Results 61 2b-3.3 Summary 65 2b-4 Turbulence and Mixing of Solids, Liquids, and Gases 65 2b-5 Specifying Mixing Requirements for a Process 66 2b-5.1 Mixing Test Cells 69 2b-6 Conclusions 78 Notation 78 Roman Characters 78 Greek Characters 79 References 80 3a Laminar Mixing: A Dynamical Systems Approach 85 Edit S. Szalai, Mario M. Alvarez, and Fernando J. Muzzio 3a-1 Introduction 86 3b Microstructure, Rheology, and Processing of Complex Fluids 87 Patrick T. Spicer and James F. Gilchrist 3b-1 Introduction 87 3b-2 Literature Analysis--Mixing of Complex Fluids 90 3b-3 Common Complex Fluid Rheology Classes and Their Effects 92 3b-3.1 Shear-Thinning Fluids 93 3b-3.2 Yield Stress Fluids 95 3b-3.3 Shear-Thickening Fluids 101 3b-3.4 Time-Dependent Fluids 103 3b-4 Conclusions 110 Nomenclature 110 Greek Symbols 111 References 111 Part A: Measuring Tools and Techniques for Mixing and Flow Visualization Studies 115 David A. R. Brown, Pip N. Jones, and John C. Middleton 5a Computational Fluid Mixing 119 Elizabeth Marden Marshall and Andr¿e Bakker 5a-1 Introduction 120 5b CFD Modeling of Stirred Tank Reactors 123 Minye Liu 5b-1 Numerical Issues 123 5b-1.1 Mesh Types 123 5b-1.2 Effect of Mesh Size on Mean Flow and Turbulent Diffusion 124 5b-1.3 Discretization Schemes 125 5b-1.4 Time Integration 126 5b-1.5 Convergence 127 5b-1.6 Treatment of Impellers 129 5b-1.7 Numerical Diffusion 130 5b-2 Turbulence Models 131 5b-2.1 The RANS Models 132 5b-2.2 The LES Method 133 5b-2.3 The DES Method 135 5b-2.4 The DNS Method 135 5b-2.5 Laminar and Transitional Flows 136 5b-3 Quantitative Predictions 137 5b-3.1 Power Number 137 5b-3.2 Flow Number Calculation 137 5b-3.3 Blend Time Calculation 139 5b-4 Modeling Other Physics 142 5b-4.1 Solid-Liquid Flows 142 5b-4.2 Gas-Liquid and Liquid-Liquid Flows 143 5b-4.3 Flows with Other Physics and Chemistry 143 Nomenclature 144 Greek Letters 144 References 145 6a Mechanically Stirred Vessels 149 Ramesh R. Hemrajani and Gary B. Tatterson 6a-1 Introduction 150 6b Flow Patterns and Mixing 153 Suzanne M. Kresta and David S. Dickey 6b-1 Introduction 153 6b-2 Circulation Patterns 154 6b-2.1 Base Case: Down-Pumping Pitched-Blade Turbine--(PBTD, D = T/3 and C = T/3) 157 6b-2.2 Baffles 157 6b-2.3 Changing the Impeller Type 158 6b-2.4 Impeller Diameter 160 6b-2.5 Off-Bottom Clearance 162 6b-2.6 Bottom Shape 166 6b-2.7 Liquid Level 168 6b-2.8 Baffle Options 170 6b-2.9 Viscosity 173 6b-2.10 Off-Set and Angled Shafts 175 6b-2.11 Continuous Flow 178 6b-3 Coupling the Velocity Field with Applications 178 6b-3.1 Solids Suspension 179 6b-3.2 Gas Dispersion 181 6b-3.3 Air Entrainment, Liquid Drawdown, and Drawdown of Floating Solids 182 6b-3.4 Reactor Design 184 6b-3.5 Summary 185 Nomenclature 185 Greek Symbols 185 References 186 6c Vessel Heads: Depths, Volumes, and Areas 189 David S. Dickey, Daniel R. Crookston, and Reid B. Crookston 6c-1 Head Depth 190 6c-2 Head Volume 193 6c-3 Head Area 194 6c-4 Dimensionless Coefficients for Torispherical Heads 195 6c-5 Calculations for Conical Bottoms 197 6c-6 Other Types of Bottoms 199 Nomenclature 199 Dimensional Variables and Parameters 199 Dimensionless Variables and Parameters 199 Dimensionless Greek Symbols 200 References 200 7a Mixing in Pipelines 201 Arthur W. Etchells III and Chris F. Meyer 7a-1 Introduction 202 7b Update to Mixing in Pipelines 205 Thomas A. Simpson, Michael K. Dawson, and Arthur W. Etchells III 7b-1 Introduction 205 7b-2 Use of CFD with Static Mixers 206 7b-3 Recent Developments in Single-Phase Blending 207 7b-3.1 Laminar Blending Updates 207 7b-3.2 Transitional Blending Updates 209 7b-3.3 Turbulent Blending Updates 210 7b-3.4 Reactive Mixing with Static Mixers 218 7b-3.5 Low-Pressure-Drop Turbulent Blending 219 7b-4 Recent Developments in Multiphase Dispersions 222 7b-4.1 Liquid-Liquid and Gas-Liquid Dispersions in Viscous Bulk 222 7b-4.2 Liquid-Liquid Dispersions in Turbulent and Transitional Flow 223 7b-4.3 New Methods for Calculation of Pressure Drop and Drop Size 225 7b-4.4 Emulsification 225 7b-4.5 Vortex Mixer Emulsification 226 7b-4.6 Dispersion with Screens 227 7b-4.7 Supercritical Mass Transfer 228 7b-4.8 Gas-Phase Continuous Systems 228 7b-5 Mixing with Static Mixers When Solids are Present 229 7b-5.1 Disposable Static Mixers 231 Notation 232 Roman Characters 232 Greek Characters 233 Subscripts 233 References 235 7c Introduction to Micromixers 239 Jo¿elle Aubin and Abraham D. Stroock 7c-1 Introduction 239 7c-2 Mixing and Transport Phenomena 240 7c-3 Micromixer Geometries and Fluid Contacting Mechanisms 241 7c-4 Characterization of Flow and Mixing 244 7c-5 Multiphase Mixing 245 7c-5.1 Liquid-Liquid Mixing 246 7c-5.2 Gas-Liquid Mixing 247 7c-6 Commercial Equipment and Industrial Examples 247 7c-7 Evaluation of the Current and Future Applicability of Microreactors in Industry 250 Notation 251 Suggested Reading 251 References 251 8 Rotor-Stator Mixing Devices 255 Victor Atiemo-Obeng and Richard V. Calabrese 9a Blending of Miscible Liquids 259 Richard K. Grenville and Alvin W. Nienow 9a-1 Introduction 260 9b Laminar Mixing Processes in Stirred Vessels 261 Philippe A. Tanguy, Louis Fradette, Gabriel Ascanio, and Ryuichi Yatomi 9b-1 Introduction 261 9b-2 Laminar Mixing Background 263 9b-3 Rheologically Complex Fluids 266 9b-4 Heat Effects 268 9b-5 Laminar Mixing Equipment 269 9b-6 Key Design Parameters 274 9b-6.1 Determination of the Power Number by Dimensional Analysis 275 9b-7 Power Number and Power Constant 276 9b-7.1 Newtonian Power Analysis 276 9b-7.2 Non-Newtonian Power Analysis 278 9b-8 Experimental Techniques to Determine Blend Time 282 9b-9 Mixing Efficiency 285 9b-10 Characterization of the Mixing Flow Field 288 9b-10.1 Experimental Characterization 288 9b-10.2 Computational Fluid Dynamics Characterization 299 9b-11 Hydrodynamic Characterization of Laminar Blending 301 9b-11.1 Identifying the Operating Regime for Laminar Blending 302 9b-11.2 Open Turbines and Close-Clearance Impellers 303 9b-11.3 Coaxial Systems 312 9b-11.4 Mixers with Multiple Off-Centered Shafts 314 9b-11.5 Planetary Mixers 315 9b-11.6 When to Use Baffles 315 9b-11.7 Design Example 316 9b-12 Application of Chaos in Mixing 317 9b-12.1 Impeller Design 317 9b-12.2 Operating Modes 319 9b-12.3 Impeller Position 325 9b-12.4 Impeller Speed 327 9b-13 Selecting an Appropriate Geometry for Generic Applications 328 9b-13.1 Blending 328 9b-13.2 Liquid-Liquid Dispersion and Emulsification 329 9b-13.3 Solid-Liquid Dispersion 330 9b-13.4 Gas-Liquid Dispersion 331 9b-13.5 Aeration Technologies 333 9b-13.6 Fluid Level Changes 334 9b-13.7 Caverns 335 9b-14 Heat and Mass Transfer in the Laminar Mixing 336 9b-15 Industrial Mixing Process Requirements 338 9b-16 Scale-up Rules in the Laminar Regime 340 9b-16.1 Scale-up Based on Constant Speed 340 9b-16.2 Scale-up Based on Constant Heat Balance 341 9b-16.3 Scale-up Based on Constant Mass Balance 341 9b-17 Mixer Troubleshooting and Engineering Calculations 342 9b-17.1 Adhesion 342 9b-17.2 Change of Re upon Change of Scale 342 9b-17.3 Shear Heating Issue 343 9b-17.4 Significant Viscosity Change 344 9b-17.5 Miscible Liquid-Liquid Mixing with Excessive Different Viscosity 344 9b-17.6 Example of Industrial Calculation 346 9b-18 Concluding Remarks 347 Acknowledgments 348 References 348 10 Solid-Liquid Mixing 357 David A. R. Brown, Arthur W. Etchells III, with sections by Richard K. Grenville, Kevin J. Myers, N. Gul O¿ zcan-Tas¿kin incorporating sections by Victor A. Atiemo-Obeng, Piero H. Armenante, and W. Roy Penney Nomenclature 441 Dimensional Variables and Parameters 441 Dimensionless Parameters 442 Greek Symbols 443 References 443 11 Gas--Liquid Mixing in Turbulent Systems 451 John C. Middleton and John M. Smith 12 Immiscible Liquid-Liquid Systems 457 Douglas E. Leng and Richard V. Calabrese 13a Mixing and Chemical Reactions 465 Gary K. Patterson, Edward L. Paul, Suzanne M. Kresta, and Arthur W. Etchells III 13a-1 Introduction 466 13a-1.1 How Mixing Can Cause Problems 468 13a-1.2 Reaction Schemes of Interest 469 13a-1.3 Relating Mixing and Reaction Time Scales: The Mixing Damkoehler Number 472 13b Scale-up Using the Bourne Protocol: Reactive Crystallization and Mixing Example 479 Aaron Sarafinas and Cheryl I. Teich 13b-1 Example: Redesigning an Uncontrolled Precipitation to a Reactive Crystallization 479 Goal 479 Issue 479 References 489 14a Heat Transfer 491 W. Roy Penney and Victor A. Atiemo-Obeng 14a-1 Introduction 492 14b Heat Transfer In Stirred Tanks--Update 493 Jose Roberto Nunhez 14b-1 Introduction 493 14b-1.1 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient 493 14b-2 Consideration of Heat Transfer Surfaces used in Mixing Systems 496 14b-2.1 Correlations for Conventional and Spiral-Baffle Annular Jackets 502 14b-2.2 Correlations for Half-Pipe and Dimple Jackets 504 14b-3 Heating and Cooling of Liquids 506 14b-3.1 Heating: Inner Coils or Jacketed Vessel with an Isothermal Medium 507 14b-3.2 Cooling: Inner Coils or Jacketed Vessel with an Isothermal Medium 508 14b-3.3 Heating: Inner Coils or Jacketed Vessel with Nonisothermal Medium 508 14b-3.4 Cooling: Inner Coils or Jacketed Vessel with Nonisothermal Medium 509 14b-3.5 External Heat Exchanger, Isothermal Heating Medium 510 14b-3.6 External Heat Exchanger, Isothermal Cooling Medium 511 14b-4 Summary of Proposed Equations Used in Heat Transfer for Stirred Tanks 512 14b-4.1 Correcting for the Viscosity 512 14b-4.2 Use of Compact Heat Exchangers 517 14b-4.3 Cooling, a Real Problem 517 14b-5 Methodology for Design of Heating Mixing System 518 14b-6 Example 518 14b-6.1 Resolution 519 Acknowledgments 529 Nomenclature 529 Greek Symbols 531 References 531 15 Solids Mixing Part A: Fundamentals of Solids Mixing 533 Fernando J. Muzzio, Albert Alexander, Chris Goodridge, Elizabeth Shen, and Troy Shinbrot Part B: Mixing of Particulate Solids in the Process Industries 533 Konanur Manjunath, Shrikant Dhodapkar, and Karl Jacob 16 Mixing of Highly Viscous Fluids, Polymers, and Pastes 539 the late David B. Todd 17 Mixing in the Fine Chemicals and Pharmaceutical Industries 541 Edward L. Paul (retired), Michael Midler, and Yongkui Sun 18 Mixing in the Fermentation and Cell Culture Industries 543 Ashraf Amanullah and Barry C. Buckland, and Alvin W. Nienow 19 Fluid Mixing Technology in the Petroleum Industry 547 Ramesh R. Hemrajani 20 Mixing in the Pulp and Paper Industry 551 the late Chad P.J. Bennington 21a Mechanical Design of Mixing Equipment 555 David S. Dickey and Julian B. Fasano 21b Magnetic Drives for Mixers 559 David S. Dickey 21b-1 Introduction 559 21b-2 Laboratory Magnetic Stirrers 559 21b-3 Top-Entering Magnetic Mixer Drives 561 21b-4 Bottom-Entering Magnetic Mixer Drives 563 22 Role of the Mixing Equipment Supplier 567 Ron Weetman 23 Commissioning Mixing Equipment 569 David S. Dickey, Eric Janz, Todd Hutchinson, Thomas Dziekonski, Richard O. Kehn, and Kayla Preston and Jay Dinnison Nomenclature 639 Greek Symbols 640 References 640 24 Mixing Safety 641 Gord Winkel and David S. Dickey References 663 25 Mixing Issues in Crystallization and Precipitation Operations 665 Alvin W. Nienow and Edward L. Paul Nomenclature 716 Greek Symbols 717 Subscripts 718 References 718 Appendices 722 Problem Example 1: Slow Approach to Equilibrium 722 Problem Example 2 723 Problem Example 3 725 26 Mixing in theWater and Wastewater Industry 729 Michael K. Dawson Nomenclature 775 Greek Symbols 776 References 777 27 Mixing in the Food Industry 783 P. J. Cullen, Wesley Twombly, Robin Kay Connelly, and David S. Dickey Nomenclature 823 Greek Symbols 823 References 823 28 Mixing and Processes Validation in the Pharmaceutical Industry 827 Otute Akiti and Piero M. Armenante Acknowledgment 885 References 885 Index 891

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Product Description

Advances in Industrial Mixing is a companion volume and update to the Handbook of Industrial Mixing. The second volume fills in gaps for a number of industries that were not covered in the first edition. Significant changes in five of the fundamental areas are covered in entirely updated or new chapters. The original text is provided as a searchable pdf file on the accompanying USB. * This book explains industrial mixers and mixing problems clearly and concisely. * Gives practical insights by the top professionals in the field, combining industrial design standards with fundamental insight. * Details applications in 14 key industries. Six of these are new since the first edition. * Provides the professional with information he/she did not receive in school. * Five completely rewritten chapters on mixing fundamentals where significant advances have happened since the first edition and seven concise update chapters which summarize critical technical information.

Suzanne M. Kresta is a professor in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering at the University of Alberta. Arthur W. Etchells III is a retired DuPont Fellow with over forty years consulting in industrial mixing. David S. Dickey is a consultant specializing in mixing processes and equipment with MixTech, Inc. He has more than forty years experience with mixing processes and equipment. Victor Atiemo-Obeng is retired from The Dow Chemical Company where he worked as a scientist in the Engineering Science and Market Development department. The North American Mixing Forum provides an opportunity for dialogue about mixing problems in a wide range of industrial applications.

Contributors List xxxix Editors' Introduction xliii Contents of the DVD, Including Instructional Videos lvii A Technical Definition of Mixing 1 Jo¿elle Aubin and Suzanne M. Kresta Range of Industrial Mixing Applications 2 Three Dimensions of Segregation: A Technical Definition of Mixing 3 Identifying Mixing Problems: Defining the Critical Scales and Process Objectives 5 Notation 9 References 9 1a Residence Time Distributions 11 E. Bruce Nauman 1a-1 Introduction 12 1b Mean Age Theory for Quantitative Mixing Analysis 15 Minye Liu 1b-1 Introduction 15 1b-2 Age and Time in a Flow System 16 1b-3 Governing Equations of Mean Age and Higher Moments 17 1b-4 Computation of Mean Age 20 1b-4.1 Validations of Numerical Solutions 20 1b-4.2 Spatial Distribution of Mean Age in Mixing Devices 21 1b-5 Relations of Mean Age and Residence Time Distribution 25 1b-6 Variances and the Degree of Mixing 27 1b-6.1 Variance of Residence Time Distribution 27 1b-6.2 Variances of Age 28 1b-6.3 Degree of Mixing 28 1b-6.4 Spatial Nonuniformity in CFSTRs 30 1b-7 Mean Age and Concentration in a CFSTR 31 1b-7.1 Time History of Tracer Concentration 31 1b-7.2 Mixing Time in CFSTRs 33 1b-8 Probability Distribution Function of Mean Age 34 1b-8.1 Definition 34 1b-8.2 Scaling and Blend Time Estimation 35 1b-9 Future Development of Mean Age Theory 39 Nomenclature 39 Greek Letters 40 References 41 2a Turbulence in Mixing Applications 43 Suzanne M. Kresta and Robert S. Brodkey 2a-1 Introduction 44 2b Update to Turbulence in Mixing Applications 47 M¿arcio B. Machado and Suzanne M. Kresta 2b-1 Introduction 47 2b-2 The Velocity Field and Turbulence 48 2b-2.1 Circulation and Macromixing 51 2b-2.2 Fully Turbulent Limits and the Scaling of Turbulence 53 2b-3 Spectrum of Turbulent Length Scales: Injection of Scalar (Either Reagent or Additive) and the Macro-, Meso-, and Microscales of Mixing 56 2b-3.1 Mesoscale Mixing 59 2b-3.2 New Experimental Results 61 2b-3.3 Summary 65 2b-4 Turbulence and Mixing of Solids, Liquids, and Gases 65 2b-5 Specifying Mixing Requirements for a Process 66 2b-5.1 Mixing Test Cells 69 2b-6 Conclusions 78 Notation 78 Roman Characters 78 Greek Characters 79 References 80 3a Laminar Mixing: A Dynamical Systems Approach 85 Edit S. Szalai, Mario M. Alvarez, and Fernando J. Muzzio 3a-1 Introduction 86 3b Microstructure, Rheology, and Processing of Complex Fluids 87 Patrick T. Spicer and James F. Gilchrist 3b-1 Introduction 87 3b-2 Literature Analysis--Mixing of Complex Fluids 90 3b-3 Common Complex Fluid Rheology Classes and Their Effects 92 3b-3.1 Shear-Thinning Fluids 93 3b-3.2 Yield Stress Fluids 95 3b-3.3 Shear-Thickening Fluids 101 3b-3.4 Time-Dependent Fluids 103 3b-4 Conclusions 110 Nomenclature 110 Greek Symbols 111 References 111 Part A: Measuring Tools and Techniques for Mixing and Flow Visualization Studies 115 David A. R. Brown, Pip N. Jones, and John C. Middleton 5a Computational Fluid Mixing 119 Elizabeth Marden Marshall and Andr¿e Bakker 5a-1 Introduction 120 5b CFD Modeling of Stirred Tank Reactors 123 Minye Liu 5b-1 Numerical Issues 123 5b-1.1 Mesh Types 123 5b-1.2 Effect of Mesh Size on Mean Flow and Turbulent Diffusion 124 5b-1.3 Discretization Schemes 125 5b-1.4 Time Integration 126 5b-1.5 Convergence 127 5b-1.6 Treatment of Impellers 129 5b-1.7 Numerical Diffusion 130 5b-2 Turbulence Models 131 5b-2.1 The RANS Models 132 5b-2.2 The LES Method 133 5b-2.3 The DES Method 135 5b-2.4 The DNS Method 135 5b-2.5 Laminar and Transitional Flows 136 5b-3 Quantitative Predictions 137 5b-3.1 Power Number 137 5b-3.2 Flow Number Calculation 137 5b-3.3 Blend Time Calculation 139 5b-4 Modeling Other Physics 142 5b-4.1 Solid-Liquid Flows 142 5b-4.2 Gas-Liquid and Liquid-Liquid Flows 143 5b-4.3 Flows with Other Physics and Chemistry 143 Nomenclature 144 Greek Letters 144 References 145 6a Mechanically Stirred Vessels 149 Ramesh R. Hemrajani and Gary B. Tatterson 6a-1 Introduction 150 6b Flow Patterns and Mixing 153 Suzanne M. Kresta and David S. Dickey 6b-1 Introduction 153 6b-2 Circulation Patterns 154 6b-2.1 Base Case: Down-Pumping Pitched-Blade Turbine--(PBTD, D = T/3 and C = T/3) 157 6b-2.2 Baffles 157 6b-2.3 Changing the Impeller Type 158 6b-2.4 Impeller Diameter 160 6b-2.5 Off-Bottom Clearance 162 6b-2.6 Bottom Shape 166 6b-2.7 Liquid Level 168 6b-2.8 Baffle Options 170 6b-2.9 Viscosity 173 6b-2.10 Off-Set and Angled Shafts 175 6b-2.11 Continuous Flow 178 6b-3 Coupling the Velocity Field with Applications 178 6b-3.1 Solids Suspension 179 6b-3.2 Gas Dispersion 181 6b-3.3 Air Entrainment, Liquid Drawdown, and Drawdown of Floating Solids 182 6b-3.4 Reactor Design 184 6b-3.5 Summary 185 Nomenclature 185 Greek Symbols 185 References 186 6c Vessel Heads: Depths, Volumes, and Areas 189 David S. Dickey, Daniel R. Crookston, and Reid B. Crookston 6c-1 Head Depth 190 6c-2 Head Volume 193 6c-3 Head Area 194 6c-4 Dimensionless Coefficients for Torispherical Heads 195 6c-5 Calculations for Conical Bottoms 197 6c-6 Other Types of Bottoms 199 Nomenclature 199 Dimensional Variables and Parameters 199 Dimensionless Variables and Parameters 199 Dimensionless Greek Symbols 200 References 200 7a Mixing in Pipelines 201 Arthur W. Etchells III and Chris F. Meyer 7a-1 Introduction 202 7b Update to Mixing in Pipelines 205 Thomas A. Simpson, Michael K. Dawson, and Arthur W. Etchells III 7b-1 Introduction 205 7b-2 Use of CFD with Static Mixers 206 7b-3 Recent Developments in Single-Phase Blending 207 7b-3.1 Laminar Blending Updates 207 7b-3.2 Transitional Blending Updates 209 7b-3.3 Turbulent Blending Updates 210 7b-3.4 Reactive Mixing with Static Mixers 218 7b-3.5 Low-Pressure-Drop Turbulent Blending 219 7b-4 Recent Developments in Multiphase Dispersions 222 7b-4.1 Liquid-Liquid and Gas-Liquid Dispersions in Viscous Bulk 222 7b-4.2 Liquid-Liquid Dispersions in Turbulent and Transitional Flow 223 7b-4.3 New Methods for Calculation of Pressure Drop and Drop Size 225 7b-4.4 Emulsification 225 7b-4.5 Vortex Mixer Emulsification 226 7b-4.6 Dispersion with Screens 227 7b-4.7 Supercritical Mass Transfer 228 7b-4.8 Gas-Phase Continuous Systems 228 7b-5 Mixing with Static Mixers When Solids are Present 229 7b-5.1 Disposable Static Mixers 231 Notation 232 Roman Characters 232 Greek Characters 233 Subscripts 233 References 235 7c Introduction to Micromixers 239 Jo¿elle Aubin and Abraham D. Stroock 7c-1 Introduction 239 7c-2 Mixing and Transport Phenomena 240 7c-3 Micromixer Geometries and Fluid Contacting Mechanisms 241 7c-4 Characterization of Flow and Mixing 244 7c-5 Multiphase Mixing 245 7c-5.1 Liquid-Liquid Mixing 246 7c-5.2 Gas-Liquid Mixing 247 7c-6 Commercial Equipment and Industrial Examples 247 7c-7 Evaluation of the Current and Future Applicability of Microreactors in Industry 250 Notation 251 Suggested Reading 251 References 251 8 Rotor-Stator Mixing Devices 255 Victor Atiemo-Obeng and Richard V. Calabrese 9a Blending of Miscible Liquids 259 Richard K. Grenville and Alvin W. Nienow 9a-1 Introduction 260 9b Laminar Mixing Processes in Stirred Vessels 261 Philippe A. Tanguy, Louis Fradette, Gabriel Ascanio, and Ryuichi Yatomi 9b-1 Introduction 261 9b-2 Laminar Mixing Background 263 9b-3 Rheologically Complex Fluids 266 9b-4 Heat Effects 268 9b-5 Laminar Mixing Equipment 269 9b-6 Key Design Parameters 274 9b-6.1 Determination of the Power Number by Dimensional Analysis 275 9b-7 Power Number and Power Constant 276 9b-7.1 Newtonian Power Analysis 276 9b-7.2 Non-Newtonian Power Analysis 278 9b-8 Experimental Techniques to Determine Blend Time 282 9b-9 Mixing Efficiency 285 9b-10 Characterization of the Mixing Flow Field 288 9b-10.1 Experimental Characterization 288 9b-10.2 Computational Fluid Dynamics Characterization 299 9b-11 Hydrodynamic Characterization of Laminar Blending 301 9b-11.1 Identifying the Operating Regime for Laminar Blending 302 9b-11.2 Open Turbines and Close-Clearance Impellers 303 9b-11.3 Coaxial Systems 312 9b-11.4 Mixers with Multiple Off-Centered Shafts 314 9b-11.5 Planetary Mixers 315 9b-11.6 When to Use Baffles 315 9b-11.7 Design Example 316 9b-12 Application of Chaos in Mixing 317 9b-12.1 Impeller Design 317 9b-12.2 Operating Modes 319 9b-12.3 Impeller Position 325 9b-12.4 Impeller Speed 327 9b-13 Selecting an Appropriate Geometry for Generic Applications 328 9b-13.1 Blending 328 9b-13.2 Liquid-Liquid Dispersion and Emulsification 329 9b-13.3 Solid-Liquid Dispersion 330 9b-13.4 Gas-Liquid Dispersion 331 9b-13.5 Aeration Technologies 333 9b-13.6 Fluid Level Changes 334 9b-13.7 Caverns 335 9b-14 Heat and Mass Transfer in the Laminar Mixing 336 9b-15 Industrial Mixing Process Requirements 338 9b-16 Scale-up Rules in the Laminar Regime 340 9b-16.1 Scale-up Based on Constant Speed 340 9b-16.2 Scale-up Based on Constant Heat Balance 341 9b-16.3 Scale-up Based on Constant Mass Balance 341 9b-17 Mixer Troubleshooting and Engineering Calculations 342 9b-17.1 Adhesion 342 9b-17.2 Change of Re upon Change of Scale 342 9b-17.3 Shear Heating Issue 343 9b-17.4 Significant Viscosity Change 344 9b-17.5 Miscible Liquid-Liquid Mixing with Excessive Different Viscosity 344 9b-17.6 Example of Industrial Calculation 346 9b-18 Concluding Remarks 347 Acknowledgments 348 References 348 10 Solid-Liquid Mixing 357 David A. R. Brown, Arthur W. Etchells III, with sections by Richard K. Grenville, Kevin J. Myers, N. Gul O¿ zcan-Tas¿kin incorporating sections by Victor A. Atiemo-Obeng, Piero H. Armenante, and W. Roy Penney Nomenclature 441 Dimensional Variables and Parameters 441 Dimensionless Parameters 442 Greek Symbols 443 References 443 11 Gas--Liquid Mixing in Turbulent Systems 451 John C. Middleton and John M. Smith 12 Immiscible Liquid-Liquid Systems 457 Douglas E. Leng and Richard V. Calabrese 13a Mixing and Chemical Reactions 465 Gary K. Patterson, Edward L. Paul, Suzanne M. Kresta, and Arthur W. Etchells III 13a-1 Introduction 466 13a-1.1 How Mixing Can Cause Problems 468 13a-1.2 Reaction Schemes of Interest 469 13a-1.3 Relating Mixing and Reaction Time Scales: The Mixing Damkoehler Number 472 13b Scale-up Using the Bourne Protocol: Reactive Crystallization and Mixing Example 479 Aaron Sarafinas and Cheryl I. Teich 13b-1 Example: Redesigning an Uncontrolled Precipitation to a Reactive Crystallization 479 Goal 479 Issue 479 References 489 14a Heat Transfer 491 W. Roy Penney and Victor A. Atiemo-Obeng 14a-1 Introduction 492 14b Heat Transfer In Stirred Tanks--Update 493 Jose Roberto Nunhez 14b-1 Introduction 493 14b-1.1 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient 493 14b-2 Consideration of Heat Transfer Surfaces used in Mixing Systems 496 14b-2.1 Correlations for Conventional and Spiral-Baffle Annular Jackets 502 14b-2.2 Correlations for Half-Pipe and Dimple Jackets 504 14b-3 Heating and Cooling of Liquids 506 14b-3.1 Heating: Inner Coils or Jacketed Vessel with an Isothermal Medium 507 14b-3.2 Cooling: Inner Coils or Jacketed Vessel with an Isothermal Medium 508 14b-3.3 Heating: Inner Coils or Jacketed Vessel with Nonisothermal Medium 508 14b-3.4 Cooling: Inner Coils or Jacketed Vessel with Nonisothermal Medium 509 14b-3.5 External Heat Exchanger, Isothermal Heating Medium 510 14b-3.6 External Heat Exchanger, Isothermal Cooling Medium 511 14b-4 Summary of Proposed Equations Used in Heat Transfer for Stirred Tanks 512 14b-4.1 Correcting for the Viscosity 512 14b-4.2 Use of Compact Heat Exchangers 517 14b-4.3 Cooling, a Real Problem 517 14b-5 Methodology for Design of Heating Mixing System 518 14b-6 Example 518 14b-6.1 Resolution 519 Acknowledgments 529 Nomenclature 529 Greek Symbols 531 References 531 15 Solids Mixing Part A: Fundamentals of Solids Mixing 533 Fernando J. Muzzio, Albert Alexander, Chris Goodridge, Elizabeth Shen, and Troy Shinbrot Part B: Mixing of Particulate Solids in the Process Industries 533 Konanur Manjunath, Shrikant Dhodapkar, and Karl Jacob 16 Mixing of Highly Viscous Fluids, Polymers, and Pastes 539 the late David B. Todd 17 Mixing in the Fine Chemicals and Pharmaceutical Industries 541 Edward L. Paul (retired), Michael Midler, and Yongkui Sun 18 Mixing in the Fermentation and Cell Culture Industries 543 Ashraf Amanullah and Barry C. Buckland, and Alvin W. Nienow 19 Fluid Mixing Technology in the Petroleum Industry 547 Ramesh R. Hemrajani 20 Mixing in the Pulp and Paper Industry 551 the late Chad P.J. Bennington 21a Mechanical Design of Mixing Equipment 555 David S. Dickey and Julian B. Fasano 21b Magnetic Drives for Mixers 559 David S. Dickey 21b-1 Introduction 559 21b-2 Laboratory Magnetic Stirrers 559 21b-3 Top-Entering Magnetic Mixer Drives 561 21b-4 Bottom-Entering Magnetic Mixer Drives 563 22 Role of the Mixing Equipment Supplier 567 Ron Weetman 23 Commissioning Mixing Equipment 569 David S. Dickey, Eric Janz, Todd Hutchinson, Thomas Dziekonski, Richard O. Kehn, and Kayla Preston and Jay Dinnison Nomenclature 639 Greek Symbols 640 References 640 24 Mixing Safety 641 Gord Winkel and David S. Dickey References 663 25 Mixing Issues in Crystallization and Precipitation Operations 665 Alvin W. Nienow and Edward L. Paul Nomenclature 716 Greek Symbols 717 Subscripts 718 References 718 Appendices 722 Problem Example 1: Slow Approach to Equilibrium 722 Problem Example 2 723 Problem Example 3 725 26 Mixing in theWater and Wastewater Industry 729 Michael K. Dawson Nomenclature 775 Greek Symbols 776 References 777 27 Mixing in the Food Industry 783 P. J. Cullen, Wesley Twombly, Robin Kay Connelly, and David S. Dickey Nomenclature 823 Greek Symbols 823 References 823 28 Mixing and Processes Validation in the Pharmaceutical Industry 827 Otute Akiti and Piero M. Armenante Acknowledgment 885 References 885 Index 891

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23.6 x 16.3 x 5.6 centimeters (1.57 kg)

Table of Contents

Contributors List xxxix

Editors’ Introduction xliii

Contents of the DVD, Including Instructional Videos lvii

A Technical Definition of Mixing 1
Joelle Aubin and Suzanne M. Kresta

Range of Industrial Mixing Applications 2

Three Dimensions of Segregation: A Technical Definition of Mixing 3

Identifying Mixing Problems: Defining the Critical Scales and Process Objectives 5

Notation 9

References 9

1a Residence Time Distributions 11
E. Bruce Nauman

1a-1 Introduction 12

1a-2 Measurements and Distribution Functions

1a-3 Residence Time Models of Flow Systems

1a-4 Uses of Residence Time Distributions

1a-5 Extensions of Residence Time Theory



1b Mean Age Theory for Quantitative Mixing Analysis 15
Minye Liu

1b-1 Introduction 15

1b-2 Age and Time in a Flow System 16

1b-3 Governing Equations of Mean Age and Higher Moments 17

1b-4 Computation of Mean Age 20

1b-5 Relations of Mean Age and Residence Time Distribution 25

1b-6 Variances and the Degree of Mixing 27

1b-7 Mean Age and Concentration in a CFSTR 31

1b-8 Probability Distribution Function of Mean Age 34

1b-9 Future Development of Mean Age Theory 39

Nomenclature 39

Greek Letters 40

References 41

2a Turbulence in Mixing Applications 43
Suzanne M. Kresta and Robert S. Brodkey

2a-1 Introduction 44

2a-2 Background

2a-3 Classical Measures of Turbulence

2a-4 Dynamics and Averages: Reducing the Dimensionality of the Problem

2a-5 Modeling the Turbulent Transport

2a-6 What Have We Learned?



2b Update to Turbulence in Mixing Applications 47
Marcio B. Machado and Suzanne M. Kresta

2b-1 Introduction 47

2b-2 The Velocity Field and Turbulence 48

2b-3 Spectrum of Turbulent Length Scales: Injection of Scalar (Either Reagent or Additive) and the Macro-, Meso-, and Microscales of Mixing 56

2b-4 Turbulence and Mixing of Solids, Liquids, and Gases 65

2b-5 Specifying Mixing Requirements for a Process 66

2b-6 Conclusions 78

Notation 78

Roman Characters 78

Greek Characters 79

References 80

3a Laminar Mixing: A Dynamical Systems Approach 85
Edit S. Szalai, Mario M. Alvarez, and Fernando J. Muzzio

3a-1 Introduction 86

3a-2 Background

3a-3 How to Evaluate Mixing Performance

3a-4 Physics of Chaotic Flows Applied to Laminar Mixing

3a-5 Applications to Physically Realizable Chaotic Flows

3a-6 Reactive Chaotic Flows

3a-7 Summary

3a-8 Conclusions



3b Microstructure, Rheology, and Processing of Complex Fluids 87
Patrick T. Spicer and James F. Gilchrist

3b-1 Introduction 87

3b-2 Literature Analysis—Mixing of Complex Fluids 90

3b-3 Common Complex Fluid Rheology Classes and Their Effects 92

3b-4 Conclusions 110

Nomenclature 110

Greek Symbols 111

References 111

4 Experimental Methods

Part A: Measuring Tools and Techniques for Mixing and Flow Visualization Studies 115
David A. R. Brown, Pip N. Jones, and John C. Middleton

4-1 Introduction 117

4-2 Mixing Laboratory

4-3 Power Draw or Torque Measurement

4-4 Single-Phase Blending

4-5 Solid–Liquid Mixing

4-6 Liquid–Liquid Dispersion

4-7 Gas–Liquid Mixing

4-8 Other Techniques

Part B: Fundamental Flow Measurement

4-9 Scope of Fundamental Flow Measurement Techniques

4-10 Laser Doppler Anemometry

4-11 Phase Doppler Anemometry

4-12 Particle Image Velocimetry



5a Computational Fluid Mixing 119
Elizabeth Marden Marshall and Andre Bakker

5a-1 Introduction 120

5a-2 Computational Fluid Dynamics

5a-3 Numerical Methods

5a-4 Stirred Tank Modeling Using Experimental Data

5a-5 Stirred Tank Modeling Using the Actual Impeller Geometry

5a-6 Evaluating Mixing from Flow Field Results

5a-7 Applications

5a-8 Closing Remarks




5b CFD Modeling of Stirred Tank Reactors 123
Minye Liu

5b-1 Numerical Issues 123

5b-2 Turbulence Models 131

5b-3 Quantitative Predictions 137

5b-4 Modeling Other Physics 142

Nomenclature 144

Greek Letters 144

References 145

6a Mechanically Stirred Vessels 149
Ramesh R. Hemrajani and Gary B. Tatterson

6a-1 Introduction 150

6a-2 Key Design Parameters

6a-3 Flow Characteristics

6a-4 Scale-up

6a-5 Performance Characteristics and Ranges of Application

6a-6 Laminar Mixing in Mechanically Stirred Vessels



6b Flow Patterns and Mixing 153
Suzanne M. Kresta and David S. Dickey

6b-1 Introduction 153

6b-2 Circulation Patterns 154

6b-3 Coupling the Velocity Field with Applications 178

Nomenclature 185

Greek Symbols 185

References 186

6c Vessel Heads: Depths, Volumes, and Areas 189
David S. Dickey, Daniel R. Crookston, and Reid B. Crookston

6c-1 Head Depth 190

6c-2 Head Volume 193

6c-3 Head Area 194

6c-4 Dimensionless Coefficients for Torispherical Heads 195

6c-5 Calculations for Conical Bottoms 197

6c-6 Other Types of Bottoms 199

Nomenclature 199

Dimensional Variables and Parameters 199

Dimensionless Variables and Parameters 199

Dimensionless Greek Symbols 200

References 200

7a Mixing in Pipelines 201
Arthur W. Etchells III and Chris F. Meyer

7a-1 Introduction 202

7a-2 Fluid Dynamic Modes: Flow Regimes

7a-3 Overview of Pipeline Device Options by Flow Regime

7a-4 Applications

7a-5 Blending and Radial Mixing in Pipeline Flow

7a-6 Tee Mixers

7a-7 Static or Motionless Mixing Equipment

7a-8 Static Mixer Design Fundamentals

7a-9 Multiphase Flow in Motionless Mixers and Pipes

7a-10 Transitional Flow

7a-11 Motionless Mixers: Other Considerations

7a-12 In-line Mechanical Mixers

7a-13 Other Process Results

7a-14 Summary and Future Developments




7b Update to Mixing in Pipelines 205
Thomas A. Simpson, Michael K. Dawson, and Arthur W. Etchells III

7b-1 Introduction 205

7b-2 Use of CFD with Static Mixers 206

7b-3 Recent Developments in Single-Phase Blending 207

7b-4 Recent Developments in Multiphase Dispersions 222

7b-5 Mixing with Static Mixers When Solids are Present 229

Notation 232

Roman Characters 232

Greek Characters 233

Subscripts 233

References 235

7c Introduction to Micromixers 239
Joelle Aubin and Abraham D. Stroock

7c-1 Introduction 239

7c-2 Mixing and Transport Phenomena 240

7c-3 Micromixer Geometries and Fluid Contacting Mechanisms 241

7c-4 Characterization of Flow and Mixing 244

7c-5 Multiphase Mixing 245

7c-6 Commercial Equipment and Industrial Examples 247

7c-7 Evaluation of the Current and Future Applicability of Microreactors in Industry 250

Notation 251

Suggested Reading 251

References 251

8 Rotor–Stator Mixing Devices 255
Victor Atiemo-Obeng and Richard V. Calabrese

8-1 Introduction 256

8-2 Geometry and Design Configurations

8-3 Hydrodynamics of Rotor–Stator Mixers

8-5 Mechanical Design Considerations

8-6 Rotor–Stator Mixing Equipment Suppliers



9a Blending of Miscible Liquids 259
Richard K. Grenville and Alvin W. Nienow

9a-1 Introduction 260

9a-2 Blending of Newtonian Fluids in the Turbulent and Transitional Regimes

9a-3 Blending of Non-Newtonian, Shear-Thinning Fluids in the Turbulent and Transitional Regimes

9a-4 Blending in the Laminar Regime

9a-5 Jet Mixing in Tanks



9b Laminar Mixing Processes in Stirred Vessels 261
Philippe A. Tanguy, Louis Fradette, Gabriel Ascanio, and Ryuichi Yatomi

9b-1 Introduction 261

9b-2 Laminar Mixing Background 263

9b-3 Rheologically Complex Fluids 266

9b-4 Heat Effects 268

9b-5 Laminar Mixing Equipment 269

9b-6 Key Design Parameters 274

9b-7 Power Number and Power Constant 276

9b-8 Experimental Techniques to Determine Blend Time 282

9b-9 Mixing Efficiency 285

9b-10 Characterization of the Mixing Flow Field 288

9b-11 Hydrodynamic Characterization of Laminar Blending 301

9b-12 Application of Chaos in Mixing 317

9b-13 Selecting an Appropriate Geometry for Generic Applications 328

9b-14 Heat and Mass Transfer in the Laminar Mixing 336

9b-15 Industrial Mixing Process Requirements 338

9b-16 Scale-up Rules in the Laminar Regime 340

9b-17 Mixer Troubleshooting and Engineering Calculations 342

9b-18 Concluding Remarks 347

Acknowledgments 348

References 348

10 Solid–Liquid Mixing 357
David A. R. Brown, Arthur W. Etchells III, with sections by Richard K. Grenville, Kevin J. Myers, N. Gul Ozcan-Taskin incorporating sections by Victor A. Atiemo-Obeng, Piero H. Armenante, and W. Roy Penney

10-1 Introduction and Scope 358

10-2 Solid and Liquid Physical Characteristics 364

10-3 Agitation of Sinking or Settling Solids 371

10-4 Incorporation and Dispersion of Floating Solids 416

10-5 Attrition and Particle Damage 425

10-6 Solids Suspension and Distribution Using Liquid Jets 430

10-7 Mass Transfer 431

10-8 Lab and Pilot-Scale Testing 440

Nomenclature 441

Dimensional Variables and Parameters 441

Dimensionless Parameters 442

Greek Symbols 443

References 443

11 Gas—Liquid Mixing in Turbulent Systems 451
John C. Middleton and John M. Smith

11-1 Introduction 452

11-2 Selection and Configuration of Gas–Liquid Equipment

11-3 Flow Patterns and Operating Regimes

11-4 Power

11-5 Gas Hold-up or Retained Gas Fraction

11-6 Gas–Liquid Mass Transfer

11-7 Bubble Size

11-8 Consequences of Scale-up



12 Immiscible Liquid–Liquid Systems 457
Douglas E. Leng and Richard V. Calabrese

12-1 Introduction 459

12-2 Liquid–Liquid Dispersion

12-3 Drop Coalescence

12-4 Population Balances

12-5 More Concentrated Systems

12-6 Other Considerations

12-7 Equipment Selection for Liquid–Liquid Operations

12-8 Scale-up of Liquid–Liquid Systems

12-9 Industrial Applications



13a Mixing and Chemical Reactions 465
Gary K. Patterson, Edward L. Paul, Suzanne M. Kresta, and Arthur W. Etchells III

13a-1 Introduction 466

13a-2 Principles of Reactor Design for Mixing-Sensitive Systems

13a-3 Mixing and Transport Effects in Heterogeneous Chemical Reactors

13a-4 Scale-up and Scale-down of Mixing-Sensitive Systems

13a-5 Simulation of Mixing and Chemical Reaction

13a-6 Conclusions



13b Scale-up Using the Bourne Protocol: Reactive Crystallization and Mixing Example 479
Aaron Sarafinas and Cheryl I. Teich

13b-1 Example: Redesigning an Uncontrolled Precipitation to a Reactive Crystallization 479

Goal 479

Issue 479

References 489

14a Heat Transfer 491
W. Roy Penney and Victor A. Atiemo-Obeng

14a-1 Introduction 492

14a-2 Fundamentals

14a-3 Most Cost-Effective Heat Transfer Geometry

14a-4 Heat Transfer Coefficient Correlations

14a-5 Examples



14b Heat Transfer in Stirred Tanks—Update 493
Jose Roberto Nunhez

14b-1 Introduction 493

14b-2 Consideration of Heat Transfer Surfaces used in Mixing Systems 496

14b-3 Heating and Cooling of Liquids 506

14b-4 Summary of Proposed Equations Used in Heat Transfer for Stirred Tanks 512

14b-5 Methodology for Design of Heating Mixing System 518

14b-6 Example 518

Acknowledgments 529

Nomenclature 529

Greek Symbols 531

References 531

15 Solids Mixing

Part A: Fundamentals of Solids Mixing 533
Fernando J. Muzzio, Albert Alexander, Chris Goodridge, Elizabeth Shen, and Troy Shinbrot

15-1 Introduction

15-2 Characterization of Powder Mixtures

15-3 Theoretical Treatment of Granular Mixing

15-4 Batch Mixers and Mechanisms

15-6 Conclusions

Part B: Mixing of Particulate Solids in the Process Industries 533
Konanur Manjunath, Shrikant Dhodapkar, and Karl Jacob

15-7 Introduction

15-8 Mixture Characterization and Sampling

15-9 Selection of Batch and Continuous Mixers

15-10 Fundamentals and Mechanics of Mixer Operation

15-11 Continuous Mixing of Solids

15-12 Scale-up and Testing of Mixers



16 Mixing of Highly Viscous Fluids, Polymers, and Pastes 539
the late David B. Todd

16-1 Introduction 539

16-2 Viscous Mixing Fundamentals

16-3 Equipment for Viscous Mixing

16-4 Equipment Selection

16-5 Summary



17 Mixing in the Fine Chemicals and Pharmaceutical Industries 541
Edward L. Paul (retired), Michael Midler, and Yongkui Sun

17-1 Introduction 542

17-2 General Considerations

17-3 Homogeneous Reactions

17-4 Heterogeneous Reactions

17-5 Mixing and Crystallization


18 Mixing in the Fermentation and Cell Culture Industries 543

Ashraf Amanullah and Barry C. Buckland, and Alvin W. Nienow

18-1 Introduction 544

18-2 Scale-up/Scale-down of Fermentation Processes

18-3 Polysaccharide Fermentations

18-4 Mycelial Fermentations

18-5 Escherichia coli Fermentations

18-6 Cell Culture

18-7 Plant Cell Cultures



19 Fluid Mixing Technology in the Petroleum Industry 547
Ramesh R. Hemrajani

19-1 Introduction 548

19-2 Shear-Thickening Fluid for Oil Drilling Wells

19-3 Gas Treating for CO2 Reduction

19-4 Homogenization of Water in Crude Oil Transfer Lines

19-5 Sludge Control in Crude Oil Storage Tanks

19-6 Desalting

19-7 Alkylation

19-8 Other Applications



20 Mixing in the Pulp and Paper Industry 551
the late Chad P.J. Bennington

20-1 Introduction 552

20-2 Selected Mixing Applications in Pulp and Paper Processes: Non fibrous Systems

20-3 Pulp Fiber Suspensions

20-4 Scales of Mixing in Pulp Suspensions

20-5 Macroscale Mixing/Pulp Blending Operations

20-6 Mixing in Pulp Bleaching Operations

20-7 Conclusions



21a Mechanical Design of Mixing Equipment 555
David S. Dickey and Julian B. Fasano

21-1 Introduction 556

21-2 Mechanical Features and Components of Mixers

21.3 Motors

21.4 Speed Reducers

21.5 Shaft Seals

21.6 Shaft Design

21.7 Impeller Features and Design

21.8 Tanks and Mixer Supports

21.9 Wetted Materials of Construction



21b Magnetic Drives for Mixers 559
David S. Dickey

22 Role of the Mixing Equipment Supplier 567
Ron Weetman

22-1 Introduction 568

22-2 Vendor Experience

22-3 Options

22-4 Testing

22-5 Mechanical Reliability

22-6 Service

22-7 Key Points


23 Commissioning Mixing Equipment 569
David S. Dickey, Eric Janz, Todd Hutchinson, Thomas Dziekonski, Richard O. Kehn, and Kayla Preston and Jay Dinnison

23-1 Introduction 569

23-2 Commissioning Concepts 570

23-3 Instructions for Commissioning 572

23-4 Safety Instructions 573

23-5 Receiving the Equipment 575

23-6 Kinds of Storage 578

23-7 Installation 582

23-8 Lubrication 590

23-9 Wiring 594

23-10 Initial Operation 595

23-11 Troubleshooting 597

23-12 Maintenance 597

23-13 Commissioning Shaft Seals 597

23-14 Mechanical Checkout, Startup, and Troubleshooting of Agitator Equipment 609

23-15 Summary 639

Nomenclature 639

Greek Symbols 640

References 640

24 Mixing Safety 641
Gord Winkel and David S. Dickey

24-1 Introduction 641

24-2 The Practice of Risk Management 642

24-3 Summary Comments on Mixing Safety 661

References 663

25 Mixing Issues in Crystallization and Precipitation Operations 665
Alvin W. Nienow and Edward L. Paul

25-1 Introduction 665

25-2 Basic Crystallization Concepts 667

25-3 Impact of Mixing on Primary Heterogeneous Nucleation 673

25-4 Impact of Mixing on Secondary Nucleation 678

25-5 Impact of Mixing on Crystal Growth and Dissolution Rates 684

25-6 Selecting Operating Conditions to Optimize Crystal Suspension and Withdrawal 687

25-7 Damkoehler Number for Nucleation and Subsurface Feeding of Reactants 695

25-8 Stirred Vessel Crystallizers 700

25-9 Other Types of Equipment 704

25-10 Precipitation 706

25-11 Agglomeration and Oiling Out 712

25-12 Conclusions 714

Nomenclature 716

Greek Symbols 717

Subscripts 718

References 718

Appendices 722

26 Mixing in the Water and Wastewater Industry 729
Michael K. Dawson

26-1 Introduction 729

26-2 Mixing in Drinking Water Treatment 735

26-3 Mixing in Wastewater Treatment 758

26-4 Mixing in Sludge Treatment 765

26-5 Conclusions 775

Nomenclature 775

Greek Symbols 776

References 777

27 Mixing in the Food Industry 783
P. J. Cullen, Wesley Twombly, Robin Kay Connelly, and David S. Dickey

27-1 Introduction 783

27-2 Building or Reducing Texture Through Mixing 784

27-3 Role of Mixing in Food Treatment 796

27-4 Food Homogeneity 802

27-5 Advances in the Science of Food Mixing 803

27-6 Other Food Mixers 803

27-7 Typical Food Groups 818

Nomenclature 823

Greek Symbols 823

References 823

28 Mixing and Processes Validation in the Pharmaceutical Industry 827
Otute Akiti and Piero M. Armenante

28-1 Introduction 827

28-2 Validation in Pharmaceutical Industry 828

28-3 Pharmaceutical Processes and Role of Mixing in Pharmaceutical Production 836

28-4 Examples of Process Validation in Pharmaceutical Industry 852

28-5 Example of Process Validation for API Manufacturing: Manufacturing of EX123 API 852

28-6 Example of Process Validation for Drug Product Manufacturing: Manufacturing of EX123 Drug Product 864

Verification 884

Acknowledgment 885

References 885

Index 891

About the Author

Suzanne M. Kresta is a professor in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering at the University of Alberta. Arthur William Etchells III is a retired DuPont Fellow with over forty years consulting in industrial mixing. David S. Dickey is a consultant specializing in mixing processes and equipment with MixTech, Inc. He has more than forty years experience with mixing processes and equipment. Victor Atiemo-Obeng is retired from The Dow Chemical Company where he worked as a scientist in the Engineering Science and Market Development department. The North American Mixing Forum provides an opportunity for dialogue about mixing problems in a wide range of industrial applications.


“Advances in Industrial Mixing” is an updated version of the “Handbook of Industrial Mixing”
(1). The unchanged text of the “Handbook of Industrial Mixing” is provided electronically (on the accompanying DVD), and only the new or substantially revised contents are provided in the hard copy.....In summary, “Advances in Industrial Mixing” provides an expansion to the “Handbook of Industrial Mixing” (1), including new developments
in both experimental and numerical approaches and new methods developed based on more extensive data for assessing mixing quality. With regards to the issues raised in industry, a wide range of new materials are added in this volume, such as health and safety, and mixing in water, food and the pharmaceutical industry. (Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2017, 61:4)

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