'The book you hold in your hands is the distillate of a quarter century's teaching. It is my attempt to answer, "What next?" for students who are embarking on their "second act".' - Julia Cameron
Julia Cameron has inspired millions with her bestseller on creativity, The Artist's Way. In The Artist's Way for Retirement, she turns her eye to a segment of the population that, ironically, while they have more time to be creative, are often reluctant or intimidated by the creative process. Cameron shows readers that retirement can, in fact, be the most rich, fulfilling and creative time of our lives.
When we retire, the newfound freedom can be quite exciting, but also daunting. Julia guides readers through a 12-week course aimed at defining and creating the life you want to have. This book includes simple tools that will guide and inspire you to make the most of this time in your life, and includes exercises such as:
Memoir writing - an opportunity to reflect on and honour past experiences.
Morning Pages - a tool to empty your mind and get focus and clarity for the day at hand.
Artist Dates - fun days out to discover new passions and interests, and to enjoy something new and different.
Solo Walks - peaceful time alone to refresh the mind, relax the body and gain new energy and insights.
This fun, gentle, step-by-step process will help you explore your dreams, wishes and desires - and help you quickly find that it's never too late to discover creativity and meaning.
'The book you hold in your hands is the distillate of a quarter century's teaching. It is my attempt to answer, "What next?" for students who are embarking on their "second act".' - Julia Cameron
Julia Cameron has inspired millions with her bestseller on creativity, The Artist's Way. In The Artist's Way for Retirement, she turns her eye to a segment of the population that, ironically, while they have more time to be creative, are often reluctant or intimidated by the creative process. Cameron shows readers that retirement can, in fact, be the most rich, fulfilling and creative time of our lives.
When we retire, the newfound freedom can be quite exciting, but also daunting. Julia guides readers through a 12-week course aimed at defining and creating the life you want to have. This book includes simple tools that will guide and inspire you to make the most of this time in your life, and includes exercises such as:
Memoir writing - an opportunity to reflect on and honour past experiences.
Morning Pages - a tool to empty your mind and get focus and clarity for the day at hand.
Artist Dates - fun days out to discover new passions and interests, and to enjoy something new and different.
Solo Walks - peaceful time alone to refresh the mind, relax the body and gain new energy and insights.
This fun, gentle, step-by-step process will help you explore your dreams, wishes and desires - and help you quickly find that it's never too late to discover creativity and meaning.
JULIA CAMERON has been an active artist for more than three decades. She is the author of more than 40 books, including such bestselling works on the creative process as The Artist's Way, Walking in This World and Finding Water. www.juliacameronlive.com EMMA LIVELY is a classical violist turned writer, composer and lyricist working in musical theatre and animation. She has served as Julia Cameron's business manager for a decade.
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