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Becoming Women/Becoming Workers


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Table of Contents

Acknowledgments Chapter 1 Introduction Posing the Problem Why Focus on Farida and Alexandra? Espistemological Considerations The Study Analysis and Organization of the Book Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework Moving Beyond the Structure/Culture Dichotomy From Reproduction to ...? Taking Gender Seriously And Race/Ethnicity ... Beyond Class (comma) Gender (comma) Race (comma) Language and Subjectivity Chapter 3 Background of the Study Present Structure of the French School System The Nature of Educational Differentiation in France Massification of the French School System Differentiation and Social Class Differentiation and Ethnicity/Race Differentiation and Gender French Schools in a Changing Economy: Economic Growth, Degradation of Work, and Fordism Schooling for a Modernizing Economy French Schools in a Changing Economy: Economic Recession, Deindustrialization and Post-Fordism Vocational Education: Revalorization or Formation of Marginal Workers? Conclusion Chapter 4 Class, Gender, and Race in the School: Defining the Boundaries Gender Stratification in the School Ethnic/Racial Stratification in the School Class Stratification in the School Vocational School: Failure or Success? Conclusion Chapter 5 Class, Gender, and Race in the School: Silencing and Marginalization Spatial Arrangement of the School Disciplinary Practices in the School Marginalization Techniques in the School Conclusion Chapter 6 Negotiating Boundaries: Everyday Practices Negotiating the Learning/Teaching Encounter Introducing Fragments of the Self in the School Introducing Sexualized Selves in the School Conclusion Chapter 7 Schooling and Education: Students' Perspectives Orientation Procedures On Being a BEP Student Conclusion Chapter 8 Visions for the Future: Work, Marriage, and Romance On Wage Labor On Being a Secretary On Marriage, Romance, Domesticity and Wage Labor Conclusion Chapter 9 The Social Construction of Marginal Identities Algerian Migrants and the French School The French Media, Girls of Algerian Descent, and the School Work of Identity Formation in the School Conclusion Chapter 10 Summary and Conclusions Summary of the Findings Theoretical Implications Limitations of the Study and Implications for Future Research The School: Its Potential and Its Limits Methodological Appendix Notes Bibliography Index

About the Author

Catherine Raissiguier is Assistant Professor of Women's Studies at the University of Cincinnati.

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