ANN RICHMOND FISHER is a former classroom teacher who earned a degree in Elementary Education from Northern Michigan University. She has written more than 60 books and educational products, including The 3rd Grade Spelling Workbook. Additionally, Ann operates the websites and
"Ann Fisher's The Big Book of Reading Comprehension Activities,
Grade 5 is accessible and engaging. The material is unique, the
passages are right-sized, and the information is written to keep
students interested. The activities and skills are varied,
appealing, essential, and well-drafted. In sum, it is a wonderful
tool for teachers and parents, and is a playful vehicle for
students to practice comprehension." --Kelly Altobelli, EdD,
Glendale Unified School District
"As a homeschool mom, it has been difficult to find workbooks that
are entertaining as well as instructive. Ann Fisher has created a
wonderful tool that contains short, captivating passages followed
by a variety of fun and educationally challenging activities. Kids
will enjoy it so much that they will forget they are learning!"
--Angela McClaid, home educator of 3
"This book represents a systematic extension of Author Fisher's
prior 60+ books dedicated to helping students learn. Kids will love
this book because it offers reading about fun fantasy and fantastic
facts. Parents will find joy as their kids learn that reading is
FUNdamental. Teachers will welcome the strategic mix of stories
that grow progressively more challenging in culturally diverse
content and language skills, all tied to the Common Core--the 'gold
standard' of reading curricula." --Lynn E. Miner, PhD, Graduate
Dean (Ret.), Marquette University
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