Table of Contents
- List of Illustrations
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction: Invisible Surrealists
- Part 1. The First Black Surrealists
- Martinique
- Etienne Léro
- Légitime Défense Manifesto
- Civilization
- And the Ramps
- Abandon
- Put
- Simone Yoyotte
- Pierre Yoyotte
- Theory of the Fountain
- Antifascist Significance of Surrealism
- Maurice-Sabas Quitman
- Jules Monnerot
- On Certain Traits Particular to the Civilized Mentality
- Indispensable Poetry
- Yva Léro
- Aimé Césaire
- Jamaica
- Cuba
- Juan Breá
- My Life Is a Sunday
- Thoughts
- Juan Breá and Mary Low
- Notes on the Economic Causes of Humor
- Trinidad
- C.L.R. James
- Introduction to Red Spanish Notebook
- Part 2. Tropiques: Surrealism in the Caribbean
- Martinique
- Aimé Césaire
- Panorama
- Introduction to Black American Poetry
- In the Guise of a Literary Manifesto
- Keeping Poetry Alive
- Isidore Ducasse, Comte de Lautréamont
- Suzanne Césaire
- Aimé Césaire, Suzanne Césaire et al.
- René Ménil
- Introduction to the Marvelous
- The Orientation of Poetry
- What Does Africa Mean to Us?
- Poetry, Jazz & Freedom
- Lucie Thésée
- Georges Gratiant
- Aristide Maugée
- Aimé Césaire, Poet
- Review of Reviews
- Georgette Anderson
- Symbolism, Maeterlinck & the Marvelous
- Stéphane Jean-Alexis
- Cuba
- Wifredo Lam
- Picasso
- Arrows in Rapid Flight
- Agustín Cárdenas
- Jacques Roumain
- Haiti
- Clément Magloire-Saint-Aude
- Utterances
- Talismans
- Not the Legend
- Three Poems
- The Surrealist Record
- On Poetry
- René Bélance
- Awareness
- Noise
- Encounter with Life
- Hervé Télémaque
- Why Are You Performing, Jean?
- Dominican Republic
- Aída Cartagena Portalatín
- Trinidad
- John Jacob Thomas
- John La Rose
- Puerto Rico
- Luis A. Maisonet
- Freedom of Expression for Young Children
- Part 3. South America
- Brazil
- João Cruz e Souza
- Rosário Fusco
- Sosígenes Costa
- The Golden Papyrus
- The Red Peacock
- Fernando Mendes de Almeida
- Jorge de Lima
- Guyana
- Léon-Gontran Damas
- For Sure
- Good Breeding
- A Caribbean View on Sterling A. Brown
- A Single Instant of Belief
- Negritude and Surrealism
- Wilson Harris
- Voodoo, Trance, Poetry and Dance
- Colombia
- Part 4. Africa
- Egypt
- Long Live Degenerate Art!
- Georges Henein
- Manifesto
- Art and Freedom
- Hot Jazz
- Between the Eagle's Nest and the Mouse-Trap
- Perspectives
- Jacques Vaché
- The Plain Truth
- A Tribute to André Breton
- Ikbal El Alailly
- Portrait of the Author as a Young Rabbit
- Post-Scriptum
- Anwar Kamel
- The Propagandists of Reaction and Us
- Ramses Younane
- What Comes After the Logic of Reason?
- Victor Musgrave
- Albert Cossery
- The House of Certain Death
- Joyce Mansour
- Floating Islands
- Fresh Cream
- Forthwith to S
- North Express
- Response to an Inquiry on Magic Art
- Morocco
- Robert Benayoun
- No Rhyme for Reason!
- The Obscure Protests
- Letter to Chicago
- The Phoenix of Animation
- Too Much Is Too Much
- Comic Sounds
- Abdellatif Laâbi
- Tunisia
- Algeria
- Henri Kréa
- Never Forever Once More
- Oh Yes
- Jean-Michel Atlan
- The Time Has Come to Call Up a World
- Baya
- Habib Tengour
- Senegal
- Cheikh Tidiane Sylla
- Surrealism and Black African Art
- The Spirit of Unity---For Freedom
- Congo
- Mozambique
- Inácio Matsinhe
- Painting as a Contribution to Consciousness
- I Became a Tortoise to Resist Torture
- The Snake
- Angola
- Malangatana Valente Ngwenya
- Amílcar Cabral
- National Liberation and Culture
- Antonio Domingues
- The Influence of Aimé Césaire in Portuguese-speaking
- Madagascar
- South Africa
- Dennis Brutus
- The Sun on This Rubble
- Poet against Apartheid
- Part 5. Surrealist Beginnings in the United States, 1930s-1950s
- Fenton Johnson
- George Herriman
- Jean Toomer
- Zora Neale Hurston
- Richard Wright
- Ralph Ellison
- The Poetry of It
- Bearden & the Destruction of the Accepted World
- Russell Atkins
- Part 6. The 1950s Surrealist Underground in the United States
- Ted Joans
- Bob Kaufman
- Abomunist Manifesto
- $$ Abomunus Craxioms $$
- Abomunist Election Manifesto
- Tom Postell
- Gertrude Stein Rides the Torn Down El to NYC
- Harmony
- Percy Edward Johnston
- Part 7. Surrealism, Black Power, Black Arts
- Ted Joans
- Proposition for a Black Power Manifesto
- Hart Leroy Bibbs
- Jayne Cortez
- National Security
- Making it
- St. Clair Drake
- Negritude and Pan-Africanism
- Edward A. Jones
- The Birth of Black Awareness
- Ishmael Reed
- Katherine Dunham
- Ballet Nègre
- Notes on the Dance
- Melvin Edwards
- Joseph Jarman
- Oliver Pitcher
- Frank London Brown
- Pony Poindexter
- Jazz Is More French Than American
- Anthony Braxton
- Thelonious Monk
- Cecil Taylor
- Ornette Coleman
- Harmolodic = Highest Instinct
- Sun Ra
- Cosmic Equation
- The Endless Realm
- Babs Gonzales
- A. B. Spellman
- Dizzy Gillespie
- Part 8. Toward the New Millennium: The Mid-1970s through the
- Aimé Césaire
- My Joyful Acceptance of Surrealism
- Homage to Frantz Fanon
- Jayne Cortez
- There It Is
- What's Ugly
- Poetry Music Technology
- Everything Can Be Transformed
- Taking the Blues Back Home
- Léon Damas
- Mainstream Statement
- Larry's Time
- Amiri Baraka
- James G. Spady
- Larry Neal Never Forgot Philly
- Charlotte Carter
- Robin D. G. Kelley
- Norman Calmese
- My Discovery of Surrealism
- Cheikh Tidiane Sylla
- Ted Joans
- Kaufman Is a Bird Called Bob
- Cogollo
- Part 9. Looking Ahead: Surrealism Today and Tomorrow
- Aimé Césaire
- I Do Not Agree to Receive the Minister
- Robin D. G. Kelley
- Ayana Karanja
- Melvin Edwards
- Thinking about Surrealism
- T. J. Anderson III
- At Last Roundup
- Vaudeville 1951
- Michael Stone-Richards
- Surrealist Subversion in Everyday Life (with Julien
- Ron Allen
- Revelation
- Conversation between Eye and Mouth
- Anthony Joseph
- How Surrealism Found Me
- Extending Out to Brightness
- Patrick Turner
- Adrienne Kennedy
- People Who Led Me to My Plays
- Tyree Guyton
- There Is a True Magic Here
- Henry Dumas
- Will the Circle Be Unbroken?
- Deusdedit de Morais
- Jayne Cortez
- Poetry Coming as Blues and Blues Coming as Poetry
- Free Time Friction
- Afterword: Surrealism and the Creation of a Desirable Future,
by Robin D. G. Kelley
- Bibliography
- Index
Promotional Information
The first collection to document the extensive participation of
people of African descentoincluding poets, painters, sculptors,
theorists, critics, dancers, and playwrightsoin the international
surrealist movement over the past 75 years.
About the Author
Franklin Rosemont, editor of the Surrealist Revolution Series
published by the University of Texas Press, was welcomed into the
surrealist group in Paris in 1966 by renowned surrealist André
Breton. Rosemont has contributed to many international surrealist
exhibitions and journals, among them Analogon in Prague and
L'Archibras in Paris. Among his books are Jacques Vaché and the
Roots of Surrealism, Revolution in the Service of the Marvelous, An
Open Entrance to the Shut Palace of Wrong Numbers, and Lamps Hurled
at the Stunning Algebra of Ants.
Robin D. G. Kelley, a distinguished scholar of African American
history, is Professor of History and American Studies and Ethnicity
at the University of Southern California. He is the author of Race
Rebels: Culture, Politics, and the Black Working Class; Yo' Mama's
Disfunktional! Fighting the Culture Wars in Urban America; Freedom
Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination; To Make Our World Anew: A
History of African Americans (with Earl Lewis); and, most recently,
Thelonious Monk: The Life and Times of an American Original.