For Introduction to Programming (CS1) and other more intermediate courses covering programming in C++. Also appropriate as a supplement for upper-level courses where the instructor uses a book as a reference for the C++ language.
This best-selling comprehensive text is aimed at readers with little or no programming experience. It teaches programming by presenting the concepts in the context of full working programs and takes an early-objects approach. The authors emphasize achieving program clarity through structured and object-oriented programming, software reuse and component-oriented software construction. The Eighth Edition encourages students to connect computers to the community, using the Internet to solve problems and make a difference in our world. All content has been carefully fine-tuned in response to a team of distinguished academic and industry reviewers.
For Introduction to Programming (CS1) and other more intermediate courses covering programming in C++. Also appropriate as a supplement for upper-level courses where the instructor uses a book as a reference for the C++ language.
This best-selling comprehensive text is aimed at readers with little or no programming experience. It teaches programming by presenting the concepts in the context of full working programs and takes an early-objects approach. The authors emphasize achieving program clarity through structured and object-oriented programming, software reuse and component-oriented software construction. The Eighth Edition encourages students to connect computers to the community, using the Internet to solve problems and make a difference in our world. All content has been carefully fine-tuned in response to a team of distinguished academic and industry reviewers.
Preface xxi
1 Introduction to Computers and C++ 1
1.1 Introduction 2
1.2 Computers: Hardware and Software 5
1.3 Data Hierarchy 6
1.4 Computer Organization 7
1.5 Machine Languages, Assembly Languages and High-Level Languages 9
1.6 Introduction to Object Technology 10
1.7 Operating Systems 13
1.8 Programming Languages 15
1.9 C++ and a Typical C++ Development Environment 17
1.10 Test-Driving a C++ Application 21
1.11 Web 2.0: Going Social 27
1.12 Software Technologies 29
1.13 Future of C++: TR1, the New C++ Standard and the Open Source Boost Libraries 31
1.14 Keeping Up-to-Date with Information Technologies 32
1.15 Wrap-Up 32
2 Introduction to C++ Programming 37
2.1 Introduction 38
2.2 First Program in C++: Printing a Line of Text 38
2.3 Modifying Our First C++ Program 42
2.4 Another C++ Program: Adding Integers 43
2.5 Memory Concepts 47
2.6 Arithmetic 48
2.7 Decision Making: Equality and Relational Operators 51
2.8 Wrap-Up 55
3 Introduction to Classes, Objects and Strings 64
3.1 Introduction 65
3.2 Defining a Class with a Member Function 65
3.3 Defining a Member Function with a Parameter 68
3.4 Data Members, set Functions and get Functions 71
3.5 Initializing Objects with Constructors 77
3.6 Placing a Class in a Separate File for Reusability 81
3.7 Separating Interface from Implementation 84
3.8 Validating Data with set Functions 90
3.9 Wrap-Up 95
4 Control Statements: Part1 101
4.1 Introduction 102
4.2 Algorithms 102
4.3 Pseudocode 103
4.4 Control Structures 104
4.5 if Selection Statement 107
4.6 if…else Double-Selection Statement 108
4.7 while Repetition Statement 113
4.8 Formulating Algorithms: Counter-Controlled Repetition 114
4.9 Formulating Algorithms: Sentinel-Controlled Repetition 120
4.10 Formulating Algorithms: Nested Control Statements 130
4.11 Assignment Operators 134
4.12 Increment and Decrement Operators 135
4.13 Wrap-Up 138
5 Control Statements: Part2 152
5.1 Introduction 153
5.2 Essentials of Counter-Controlled Repetition 153
5.3 for Repetition Statement 155
5.4 Examples Using the for Statement 158
5.5 do…while Repetition Statement 162
5.6 switch Multiple-Selection Statement 164
5.7 break and continue Statements 173
5.8 Logical Operators 174
5.9 Confusing the Equality (==) and Assignment (=) Operators 179
5.10 Structured Programming Summary 180
5.11 Wrap-Up 185
6 Functions and an Introduction to Recursion 194
6.1 Introduction 195
6.2 Program Components in C++ 196
6.3 Math Library Functions 197
6.4 Function Definitions with Multiple Parameters 198
6.5 Function Prototypes and Argument Coercion 203
6.6 C++ Standard Library Headers 205
6.7 Case Study: Random Number Generation 207
6.8 Case Study: Game of Chance; Introducing enum 212
6.9 Storage Classes 215
6.10 Scope Rules 218
6.11 Function Call Stack and Activation Records 221
6.12 Functions with Empty Parameter Lists 225
6.13 Inline Functions 225
6.14 References and Reference Parameters 227
6.15 Default Arguments 231
6.16 Unary Scope Resolution Operator 232
6.17 Function Overloading 234
6.18 Function Templates 236
6.19 Recursion 239
6.20 Example Using Recursion: Fibonacci Series 242
6.21 Recursion vs. Iteration 245
6.22 Wrap-Up 248
7 Arrays and Vectors 267
7.1 Introduction 268
7.2 Arrays 269
7.3 Declaring Arrays 270
7.4 Examples Using Arrays 271
7.4.1 Declaring an Array and Using a Loop to Initialize the Array’s Elements 271
7.4.2 Initializing an Array in a Declaration with an Initializer List 272
7.4.3 Specifying an Array’s Size with a Constant Variable and Setting Array Elements with Calculations 273
7.4.4 Summing the Elements of an Array 275
7.4.5 Using Bar Charts to Display Array Data Graphically 276
7.4.6 Using the Elements of an Array as Counters 277
7.4.7 Using Arrays to Summarize Survey Results 278
7.4.8 Static Local Arrays and Automatic Local Arrays 281
7.5 Passing Arrays to Functions 283
7.6 Case Study: Class GradeBook Using an Array to Store Grades 287
7.7 Searching Arrays with Linear Search 293
7.8 Sorting Arrays with Insertion Sort 294
7.9 Multidimensional Arrays 297
7.10 Case Study: Class GradeBook Using a Two-Dimensional Array 300
7.11 Introduction to C++ Standard Library Class Template vector 307
7.12 Wrap-Up 313
8 Pointers 330
8.1 Introduction 331
8.2 Pointer Variable Declarations and Initialization 331
8.3 Pointer Operators 332
8.4 Pass-by-Reference with Pointers 335
8.5 Using const with Pointers 339
8.6 Selection Sort Using Pass-by-Reference 343
8.7 sizeof Operator 347
8.8 Pointer Expressions and Pointer Arithmetic 349
8.9 Relationship Between Pointers and Arrays 352
8.10 Pointer-Based String Processing 354
8.11 Arrays of Pointers 357
8.12 Function Pointers 358
8.13 Wrap-Up 361
9 Classes: A Deeper Look, Part1 379
9.1 Introduction 380
9.2 Time Class Case Study 381
9.3 Class Scope and Accessing Class Members 388
9.4 Separating Interface from Implementation 389
9.5 Access Functions and Utility Functions 390
9.6 Time Class Case Study: Constructors with Default Arguments 393
9.7 Destructors 398
9.8 When Constructors and Destructors Are Called 399
9.9 Time Class Case Study: A Subtle Trap–Returning a Reference to a private Data Member 402
9.10 Default Memberwise Assignment 405
9.11 Wrap-Up 407
10 Classes: A Deeper Look, Part2 414
10.1 Introduction 415
10.2 const (Constant) Objects and const Member Functions 415
10.3 Composition: Objects as Members of Classes 423
10.4 friend Functions and friend Classes 429
10.5 Using the this Pointer 431
10.6 static Class Members 436
10.7 Proxy Classes 441
10.8 Wrap-Up 445
11 Operator Overloading; Class string 451
11.1 Introduction 452
11.2 Using the Overloaded Operators of Standard Library Class string 453
11.3 Fundamentals of Operator Overloading 456
11.4 Overloading Binary Operators 457
11.5 Overloading the Binary Stream Insertion and Stream Extraction Operators 458
11.6 Overloading Unary Operators 462
11.7 Overloading the Unary Prefix and Postfix ++ and -- Operators 463
11.8 Case Study: A Date Class 464
11.9 Dynamic Memory Management 469
11.10 Case Study: Array Class 471
11.10.1 Using the Array Class 472
11.10.2 Array Class Definition 475
11.11 Operators as Member Functions vs. Non-Member Functions 483
11.12 Converting between Types 483
11.13 explicit Constructors 485
11.14 Building a String Class 487
11.15 Wrap-Up 488
12 Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance 499
12.1 Introduction 500
12.2 Base Classes and Derived Classes 500
12.3 protected Members 503
12.4 Relationship between Base Classes and Derived Classes 503
12.4.1 Creating and Using a CommissionEmployee Class 504
12.4.2 Creating a BasePlusCommissionEmployee Class Without Using Inheritance 508
12.4.3 Creating a CommissionEmployee–BasePlusCommissionEmployee Inheritance Hierarchy 514
12.4.4 CommissionEmployee–BasePlusCommissionEmployee Inheritance Hierarchy Using protected Data 519
12.4.5 CommissionEmployee—BasePlusCommissionEmployee Inheritance Hierarchy Using private Data 522
12.5 Constructors and Destructors in Derived Classes 527
12.6 public, protected and private Inheritance 527
12.7 Software Engineering with Inheritance 528
12.8 Wrap-Up 529
13 Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism 534
13.1 Introduction 535
13.2 Introduction to Polymorphism: Polymorphic Video Game 536
13.3 Relationships Among Objects in an Inheritance Hierarchy 536
13.3.1 Invoking Base-Class Functions from Derived-Class Objects 537
13.3.2 Aiming Derived-Class Pointers at Base-Class Objects 540
13.3.3 Derived-Class Member-Function Calls via Base-Class Pointers 541
13.3.4 Virtual Functions 543
13.4 Type Fields and switch Statements 549
13.5 Abstract Classes and Pure virtual Functions 549
13.6 Case Study: Payroll System Using Polymorphism 551
13.6.1 Creating Abstract Base Class Employee 552
13.6.2 Creating Concrete Derived Class SalariedEmployee 556
13.6.3 Creating Concrete Derived Class CommissionEmployee 558
13.6.4 Creating Indirect Concrete Derived Class BasePlusCommissionEmployee 560
13.6.5 Demonstrating Polymorphic Processing 562
13.7 (Optional) Polymorphism, Virtual Functions and Dynamic Binding “Under the Hood” 566
13.8 Case Study: Payroll System Using Polymorphism and Runtime Type Information with Downcasting, dynamic_cast, typeid and type_info 569
13.9 Virtual Destructors 573
13.10 Wrap-Up 573
14 Templates 579
14.1 Introduction 580
14.2 Function Templates 580
14.3 Overloading Function Templates 583
14.4 Class Templates 584
14.5 Nontype Parameters and Default Types for Class Templates 590
14.6 Wrap-Up 591
15 Stream Input/Output 595
15.1 Introduction 596
15.2 Streams 597
15.2.1 Classic Streams vs. Standard Streams 597
15.2.2 iostream Library Headers 598
15.2.3 Stream Input/Output Classes and Objects 598
15.3 Stream Output 601
15.3.1 Output of char * Variables 601
15.3.2 Character Output Using Member Function put 601
15.4 Stream Input 602
15.4.1 get and getline Member Functions 602
15.4.2 istream Member Functions peek, putback and ignore 605
15.4.3 Type-Safe I/O 605
15.5 Unformatted I/O Using read, write and gcount 605
15.6 Introduction to StreamManipulators 606
15.6.1 Integral Stream Base: dec, oct, hex and setbase 607
15.6.2 Floating-Point Precision (precision, setprecision) 607
15.6.3 Field Width (width, setw) 609
15.6.4 User-Defined Output Stream Manipulators 610
15.7 Stream Format States and Stream Manipulators 612
15.7.1 Trailing Zeros and Decimal Points (showpoint) 612
15.7.2 Justification (left, right and internal) 613
15.7.3 Padding (fill, setfill) 615
15.7.4 Integral Stream Base (dec, oct, hex, showbase) 616
15.7.5 Floating-Point Numbers; Scientific and Fixed Notation (scientific, fixed) 617
15.7.6 Uppercase/Lowercase Control (uppercase) 618
15.7.7 Specifying Boolean Format (boolalpha) 618
15.7.8 Setting and Resetting the Format State via Member Function flags 619
15.8 Stream Error States 620
15.9 Tying an Output Stream to an Input Stream 622
15.10 Wrap-Up 623
16 Exception Handling: A Deeper Look 632
16.1 Introduction 633
16.2 Example: Handling an Attempt to Divide by Zero 633
16.3 When to Use Exception Handling 639
16.4 Rethrowing an Exception 640
16.5 Exception Specifications 641
16.6 Processing Unexpected Exceptions 642
16.7 Stack Unwinding 642
16.8 Constructors, Destructors and Exception Handling 644
16.9 Exceptions and Inheritance 645
16.10 Processing new Failures 645
16.11 Class unique_ptr and Dynamic Memory Allocation 648
16.12 Standard Library Exception Hierarchy 650
16.13 Wrap-Up 652
17 File Processing 658
17.1 Introduction 659
17.2 Files and Streams 659
17.3 Creating a Sequential File 660
17.4 Reading Data from a Sequential File 664
17.5 Updating Sequential Files 669
17.6 Random-Access Files 670
17.7 Creating a Random-Access File 671
17.8 Writing Data Randomly to a Random-Access File 675
17.9 Reading from a Random-Access File Sequentially 677
17.10 Case Study: A Transaction-Processing Program 679
17.11 Object Serialization 686
17.12 Wrap-Up 686
18 Class string and String Stream Processing 696
18.1 Introduction 697
18.2 string Assignment and Concatenation 698
18.3 Comparing strings 700
18.4 Substrings 703
18.5 Swapping strings 703
18.6 string Characteristics 704
18.7 Finding Substrings and Characters in a string 706
18.8 Replacing Characters in a string 708
18.9 Inserting Characters into a string 710
18.10 Conversion to C-Style Pointer-Based char * Strings 711
18.11 Iterators 713
18.12 String Stream Processing 714
18.13 Wrap-Up 717
19 Searching and Sorting 724
19.1 Introduction 725
19.2 Searching Algorithms 725
19.2.1 Efficiency of Linear Search 726
19.2.2 Binary Search 727
19.3 Sorting Algorithms 732
19.3.1 Efficiency of Selection Sort 733
19.3.2 Efficiency of Insertion Sort 733
19.3.3 Merge Sort (A Recursive Implementation) 733
19.4 Wrap-Up 740
20 Custom Templatized Data Structures 746
20.1 Introduction 747
20.2 Self-Referential Classes 748
20.3 Dynamic Memory Allocation and Data Structures 749
20.4 Linked Lists 749
20.5 Stacks 764
20.6 Queues 768
20.7 Trees 772
20.8 Wrap-Up 780
21 Bits, Characters, C Strings and structs 791
21.1 Introduction 792
21.2 Structure Definitions 792
21.3 typedef 794
21.4 Example: Card Shuffling and Dealing Simulation 794
21.5 Bitwise Operators 797
21.6 Bit Fields 806
21.7 Character-Handling Library 810
21.8 Pointer-Based String Manipulation Functions 815
21.9 Pointer-Based String-Conversion Functions 822
21.10 Search Functions of the Pointer-Based String-Handling Library 827
21.11 Memory Functions of the Pointer-Based String-Handling Library 831
21.12 Wrap-Up 835
22 Standard Template Library (STL) 850
22.1 Introduction to the Standard Template Library (STL) 851
22.2 Introduction to Containers 853
22.3 Introduction to Iterators 856
22.4 Introduction to Algorithms 861
22.5 Sequence Containers 863
22.5.1 vector Sequence Container 864
22.5.2 list Sequence Container 871
22.5.3 deque Sequence Container 875
22.6 Associative Containers 877
22.6.1 multiset Associative Container 877
22.6.2 set Associative Container 880
22.6.3 multimap Associative Container 881
22.6.4 map Associative Container 883
22.7 Container Adapters 885
22.7.1 stack Adapter 885
22.7.2 queue Adapter 887
22.7.3 priority_queue Adapter 888
22.8 Algorithms 890
22.8.1 fill, fill_n, generate and generate_n 890
22.8.2 equal, mismatch and lexicographical_compare 892
22.8.3 remove, remove_if, remove_copy and remove_copy_if 895
22.8.4 replace, replace_if, replace_copy and replace_copy_if 897
22.8.5 Mathematical Algorithms 900
22.8.6 Basic Searching and Sorting Algorithms 903
22.8.7 swap, iter_swap and swap_ranges 905
22.8.8 copy_backward, merge, unique and reverse 906
22.8.9 inplace_merge, unique_copy and reverse_copy 909
22.8.10 Set Operations 910
22.8.11 lower_bound, upper_bound and equal_range 913
22.8.12 Heapsort 915
22.8.13 min and max 918
22.8.14 STL Algorithms Not Covered in This Chapter 919
22.9 Class bitset 920
22.10 Function Objects 924
22.11 Wrap-Up 927
23 Boost Libraries, Technical Report 1 and C++0x 936
23.1 Introduction 937
23.2 Deitel Online C++ and Related Resource Centers 937
23.3 Boost Libraries 937
23.4 Boost Libraries Overview 938
23.5 Regular Expressions with the regex Library 941
23.5.1 Regular Expression Example 942
23.5.2 Validating User Input with Regular Expressions 944
23.5.3 Replacing and Splitting Strings 947
23.6 Smart Pointers 950
23.6.1 Reference Counted shared_ptr 950
23.6.2 weak_ptr: shared_ptr Observer 954
23.7 Technical Report 1 960
23.8 C++0x 961
23.9 Core Language Changes 962
23.10 Wrap-Up 967
24 Other Topics 974
24.1 Introduction 975
24.2 const_cast Operator 975
24.3 mutable Class Members 977
24.4 namespaces 979
24.5 Operator Keywords 982
24.6 Pointers to Class Members (.* and ->*) 984
24.7 Multiple Inheritance 986
24.8 Multiple Inheritance and virtual Base Classes 991
24.9 Wrap-Up 996
Chapters on the Web 1001
A Operator Precedence and Associativity 1002
B ASCII Character Set 1004
C Fundamental Types 1005
D Number Systems 1007
D.1 Introduction 1008
D.2 Abbreviating Binary Numbers as Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers 1011
D.3 Converting Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers to Binary Numbers 1012
D.4 Converting from Binary, Octal or Hexadecimal to Decimal 1012
D.5 Converting from Decimal to Binary, Octal or Hexadecimal 1013
D.6 Negative Binary Numbers: Two’s Complement Notation 1015
E Preprocessor 1020
E.1 Introduction 1021
E.2 #include Preprocessor Directive 1021
E.3 #define Preprocessor Directive: Symbolic Constants 1022
E.4 #define Preprocessor Directive: Macros 1022
E.5 Conditional Compilation 1024
E.6 #error and #pragma Preprocessor Directives 1025
E.7 Operators # and ## 1026
E.8 Predefined Symbolic Constants 1026
E.9 Assertions 1027
E.10 Wrap-Up 1027
Appendices on theWeb 1033
Index 1035
Chapters 25—26 and Appendices F—I are PDF documents posted online at the book’s
Companion Website, which is accessible from
25 ATM Case Study, Part 1:
Object-Oriented Design with the UML 25-1
25.1 Introduction 25-2
25.2 Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 25-2
25.3 Examining the ATM Requirements Document 25-3
25.4 Identifying the Classes in the ATM Requirements Document 25-10
25.5 Identifying Class Attributes 25-17
25.6 Identifying Objects’ States and Activities 25-21
25.7 Identifying Class Operations 25-25
25.8 Indicating Collaboration Among Objects 25-32
25.9 Wrap-Up 25-39
26 ATM Case Study, Part 2:
Implementing an Object-Oriented Design 26-1
26.1 Introduction 26-2
26.2 Starting to Program the Classes of the ATM System 26-2
26.3 Incorporating Inheritance into the ATM System 26-8
26.4 ATMCase Study Implementation 26-15
26.4.1 Class ATM 26-16
26.4.2 Class Screen 26-23
26.4.3 Class Keypad 26-25
26.4.4 Class CashDispenser 26-26
26.4.5 Class DepositSlot 26-28
26.4.6 Class Account 26-29
26.4.7 Class BankDatabase 26-31
26.4.8 Class Transaction 26-35
26.4.9 Class BalanceInquiry 26-37
26.4.10 Class Withdrawal 26-39
26.4.11 Class Deposit 26-44
26.4.12 Test Program ATMCaseStudy.cpp 26-47
26.5 Wrap-Up 26-47
F C Legacy Code Topics F-1
F.1 Introduction F-2
F.2 Redirecting Input/Output on UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X
and Windows Systems F-2
F.3 Variable-Length Argument Lists F-3
F.4 Using Command-Line Arguments F-5
F.5 Notes on Compiling Multiple-Source-File Programs F-7
F.6 Program Termination with exit and atexit F-9
F.7 Type Qualifier volatile F-10
F.8 Suffixes for Integer and Floating-Point Constants F-10
F.9 Signal Handling F-11
F.10 Dynamic Memory Allocation with calloc and realloc F-13
F.11 Unconditional Branch: goto F-14
F.12 Unions F-15
F.13 Linkage Specifications F-18
F.14 Wrap-Up F-19
G UML 2: Additional Diagram Types G-1
G.1 Introduction G-1
G.2 Additional Diagram Types G-2
H Using the Visual Studio Debugger H-1
H.1 Introduction H-2
H.2 Breakpoints and the Continue Command H-2
H.3 Locals and Watch Windows H-8
H.4 Controlling Execution Using the Step Into, Step Over, Step Out
and Continue Commands H-11
H.5 Autos Window H-13
H.6 Wrap-Up H-14
I Using the GNU C++ Debugger I-1
I.1 Introduction I-2
I.2 Breakpoints and the run, stop, continue and print Commands I-2
I.3 print and set Commands I-8
I.4 Controlling Execution Using the step, finish and
next Commands I-10
I.5 watch Command I-13
I.6 Wrap-Up I-15
Paul J. Deitel, CEO and Chief Technical Officer of Deitel & Associates, Inc., is a graduate of MIT’s Sloan School of Management, where he studied Information Technology. He holds the Java Certified Programmer and Java Certified Developer certifications, and has been designated by Sun Microsystems as a Java Champion. Through Deitel & Associates, Inc., he has delivered Java, C, C++, C# and Visual Basic courses to industry clients, including IBM, Sun Microsystems, Dell, Lucent Technologies, Fidelity, NASA at the Kennedy Space Center, the National Severe Storm Laboratory, White Sands Missile Range, Rogue Wave Software, Boeing, Stratus, Cambridge Technology Partners, Open Environment Corporation, One Wave, Hyperion Software, Adra Systems, Entergy, CableData Systems, Nortel Networks, Puma, iRobot, Invensys and many more. He has also lectured on Java and C++ for the Boston Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery. He and his father, Dr. Harvey M. Deitel, are the world’s best-selling programming language textbook authors.
Dr. Harvey M. Deitel, Chairman and Chief Strategy Officer of
Deitel & Associates, Inc., has 45 years of academic and industry
experience in the computer field. Dr. Deitel earned B.S. and M.S.
degrees from the MIT and a Ph.D. from Boston University. He has 20
years of college teaching experience, including earning tenure and
serving as the Chairman of the Computer Science Department at
Boston College before founding Deitel & Associates, Inc., with his
son, Paul J. Deitel. He and Paul are the co-authors of several
dozen books and multimedia packages and they are writing many more.
With translations published in Japanese, German, Russian, Spanish,
Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, French, Polish,
Italian, Portuguese, Greek, Urdu and Turkish, the Deitels’ texts
have earned international recognition. Dr. Deitel has delivered
hundreds of professional seminars to major corporations, academic
institutions, government organizations and the military.
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