This filmography (including television and music video appearances) chronicles the career of Caroline Munro, a woman of humble beginnings whose chance entry in a ""Face of the Year"" photo competition propelled her to international fame as a model and actress, and whose work in genre cinema has won her the well-earned title of ""First Lady of Fantasy."" It provides complete technical and cast credits for each film, a synopsis, reviews and notes, and a foreword by Caroline Munro.
This filmography (including television and music video appearances) chronicles the career of Caroline Munro, a woman of humble beginnings whose chance entry in a ""Face of the Year"" photo competition propelled her to international fame as a model and actress, and whose work in genre cinema has won her the well-earned title of ""First Lady of Fantasy."" It provides complete technical and cast credits for each film, a synopsis, reviews and notes, and a foreword by Caroline Munro.
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