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Classics of Comparative ­Policy Analysis
By Iris Geva-May (Edited by), Joselyn Muhleisen (Edited by), B. Guy Peters (Edited by)

Mixed media product, 1987 pages
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United Kingdom, 18 December 2019

The Classics of Comparative Policy Analysis is a four-volume set, compiled of articles, spanning twenty years, from the highly respected Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis.

The first volume addresses questions about theory and methodology in the comparative study of public policy. The second explores different modes of governance and comparative studies of institutions. The third volume contains chapters that are regional in focus and conduct comparisons in specific policy sectors. The fourth and final volume looks at comparisons within disciplinary policy sectors, including healthcare, environment, education, social welfare, immigration, and science and technology. Further, in each volume there is a new chapter on comparisons between the disciplines of public policy, public administration, governance and political science by leading scholars.

The Classics of Comparative Policy Analysis will be of great interest to scholars and practitioners of public policy, and social science more generally. The chapters were originally published as articles in the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis.

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Product Description

The Classics of Comparative Policy Analysis is a four-volume set, compiled of articles, spanning twenty years, from the highly respected Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis.

The first volume addresses questions about theory and methodology in the comparative study of public policy. The second explores different modes of governance and comparative studies of institutions. The third volume contains chapters that are regional in focus and conduct comparisons in specific policy sectors. The fourth and final volume looks at comparisons within disciplinary policy sectors, including healthcare, environment, education, social welfare, immigration, and science and technology. Further, in each volume there is a new chapter on comparisons between the disciplines of public policy, public administration, governance and political science by leading scholars.

The Classics of Comparative Policy Analysis will be of great interest to scholars and practitioners of public policy, and social science more generally. The chapters were originally published as articles in the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis.

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24.6 x 17.4 centimeters (3.84 kg)

Table of Contents


Laurence E. Lynn, Jr.

Part 1: Introduction to the book series and volume one

Why the Classics of Comparative Policy Analysis Studies

Iris Geva-May, Guy B Peters, Joselyn Muhleison

Part 2: Comparing fields of study: What lesson can be drawn?

Two Ships in the Night: Comparative Politics and Comparative Policy Analysis - Making the Linkage

Guy B. Peters and Iris Geva-May

Part 3: The Classics

1. Comparative policy analysis: Déjà vu all over again?

Peter Deleon, Phyllis Resnick‐Terry

2. Compared to What? The Multiple Meanings of Comparative Policy Analysis

Beryl A. Radin, David L. Weimer

3. The Problem of Policy Problems

Guy B. Peters

4. Twenty Years of Comparative Policy Analysis: A Survey of the Field and a Discussion of Topics and Methods

Iris Geva‐May, David Hoffman, Joselyn Muhleisen

5. Comparative logic versus problem logic? An introduction

Monika Steffen

6. Comparing complex policies: Lessons from a public health case

Monika Steffen

7. Understanding Policy Change as an Epistemological and Theoretical Problem

Giliberto Capano

8. The Dependent Variable Problem in the Study of Policy Change: Understanding Policy Change as a Methodological Problem

Michael Howlett, Benjamin Cashore

9. Mechanisms of Policy Change: A Proposal for a Synthetic Explanatory Framework

José Real-Dato

10. The Matching Problem within Comparative Welfare State Research: How to Bridge Abstract Theory and Specific Hypotheses

Sabina Stiller, Kees van Kersbergen

11. The Dependent Variable Problem within the Study of Welfare State Retrenchment: Defining the Problem and Looking for Solutions

Christoffer Green-Pedersen

12. Policy Innovations: Towards an Analytic Framework

Sami Mahroum

13. Exploring the Concept of Governability

Jan Kooiman

14. The Role and Impact of the Multiple-Streams Approach in Comparative Policy Analysis

Daniel Béland, Michael Howlett

15. Differences That Matter: Overcoming Methodological Nationalism in Comparative Social Policy Research

Scott Greer, Heather Elliott, Rebecca Oliver

16. Europeanization as a methodological challenge: The case of interest groups

Sabine Saurugger

17. How to construct a robust measure of social capital: Two contributions

Gert Tinggaard Svendsen, Christian Bjornskov

18. Cultural theory: The neglected variable in the craft of policy analysis

Iris Geva‐May

19. Cultures of public policy problems

Robert Hoppe

20. Toward cultural analysis in policy analysis: Picking up where Aaron Wildavsky left off

Brendon Swedlow

21. Metachoice in policy analysis

Aidan R. Vining, Anthony E. Boardman

22. Introduction: The OECD and Policy Transfer: Comparative Case Studies

Leslie A. Pal

23. Learning Transferable Lessons from Single Cases in Comparative Policy Analysis

Amanda Wolf, Karen Baehler


Laurence E. Lynn, Jr.

Part 1: Introduction to the Book Series and Volume Two

Why the Classics of Comparative Policy Analysis Studies?

Iris Geva-May, Guy B Peters, Joselyn Muhleison

Part 2: Comparative Policy Analysis, Institutions and Governance

The Rise of the Governance Mantra and Comparative Policy Analysis

Giliberto Capano

Part 3: The Classics

1. Bringing Governments Back in: Governance and Governing in Comparative Policy Analysis

Giliberto Capano, Michael Howlett, M Ramesh

2. Comparative Analyses of Infrastructure Public-Private Partnerships

Anthony E. Boardman, Carsten Greve, Graeme A. Hodge

3. Public–private partnerships in the US and Canada: "There are no free lunches"

Aidan R. Vining, Anthony E. Boardman, Finn Poschmann

4. Comparing Public–Private Partnerships and Traditional Public Procurement: Efficiency vs. Flexibility

Thomas W. Ross, Jing Yan

5. The Determinants of Privatization: a Comparative Analysis of Developing Countries

Michael Breen, David Doyle

6. Comparative Implementation Research: Directions and Dualities

Peter Hupe and Harald Saetren

7. Organizing for policy implementation: The emergence and role of implementation units in policy design and oversight

Evert Lindquist

8. Policy Harmonization: Limits and Alternatives

Giandomenico Majone

9. Exploring the Concept of Governability

Jan Kooiman

10. Can Corruption Be Measured? Comparing Global Versus Local Perceptions of Corruption in East and Southeast Asia

Min-Wei Lin, Chilik Yu

11. Public Personnel Policies: Impact on Government Performance

Greta Nasi

12. Government Effectiveness in Comparative Perspective

Soo-Young Lee, Andrew B. Whitford

13. Federalism, political structure, and public policy in the United States and Canada

Beryl A. Radin, Joan Price Boase

14. Towards Harmonization or Standardization in Governmental Accounting? The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board Experience

Iluminada Fuertes

15. Trust and Distrust as Distinct Concepts: Why Studying Distrust in Institutions is Important

Steven Van De Walle, Frédérique Six

16. Sustainable Development and Transnational Communication: Assessing the International Influence on Subnational Policies

Sander Happaerts, Karoline Van Den Brande

17. Accountable Climate Governance: Dilemmas of Performance Management across Complex Governance Networks

Asim Zia, Christopher Koliba

18. Beyond Welfare Effort in the Measuring of Welfare States

Jon Olaskoaga, Ricardo Alaez-Aller, Pablo Diaz-De-Basurto-Uraga

19. Beyond Compliance: The Europeanization of Member States through Negative Integration and Legal Uncertainty

Susanne K. Schmidt

20. Governance in the European Union: A Policy Analysis of the Attempts to Raise Legitimacy through Civil Society Participation

Eva G. Heidbreder

21. Policy Transfer and Accession: A Comparison of Three International Governmental Organisations

Peter Carroll

22. Agency fever? Analysis of an international policy fashion

Christopher Pollit, Karen Bathgate, Janice Caulfield, Amanda Smullen, Colin Talbot

23. Networks for Regulation: Privacy Commissioners in a Changing World

Charles D. Raab

24. Four Styles of Regulation and their Implications for Comparative Policy Analysis

Christian Adam, Steffen Hurka, Christoph Knill

25. Global Governance Indices as Policy Instruments: Actionability, Transparency and Comparative Policy Analysis

Tero Erkkilä

26. Informing institutional design: Strategies for comparative cumulation

Aidan Vining, David Weimer


Laurence E. Lynn, Jr.

Part 1: Introduction to the Book Series and Volume Three

Why the Classics of Comparative Policy Analysis Studies

Iris Geva-May, Guy B Peters, Joselyn Muhleison

Part 2: Comparing Regions: What lesson can be drawn?

Comparative Public Administration and Comparative Public Policy

Leslie A. Pal

Part 3: The Classics

1. When do Governments Consolidate? A Quantitative Comparative Analysis of 23 OECD Countries (1980–2005)

Uwe Wagschal, Georg Wenzelburger

2. Europeanization, Policy Learning, and New Modes of Governance

Claudio M. Radaelli

3. Bottom–Up Policy Convergence: A Sociology of the Reception of Policy Transfer in Public Health Policies in Europe

Carole Clavier

4. Can Corruption Be Measured? Comparing Global Versus Local Perceptions of Corruption in East and Southeast Asia

Min-Wei Lin, Chilik Yu

5. Independent Professional Bureaucracies and Street-Level Bribery: Comparing Changes in Civil Service Law and Implementation in Latin America

Laura Langbein, Pablo Sanabria

6. A Comparative Study of Abortion Policymaking in Brazil and South America: The Salience of Issue Networks and Policy Windows

Andrzej Kulczycki

7. Father-friendly legislation and paternal time across Western Europe

Alison J. Smith, Donald R. Williams

8. Reconciliation of work and family life in Europe: A case study of Denmark, France, Germany and the United Kingdom

Peter Abrahamson

9. Fiscal Policy Learning from Crisis: Comparative Analysis of the Baltic Countries

Ringa Raudla, Aleksandrs Cepilovs, Vytautas Kuokštis, Rainer Kattel

10. Failing family policy in post-communist Central Europe

Steven Saxonberg, Tomáš Sirovátka

11. Comparative Analysis of Governmental Accounting Diversity in the European Union

Rosa Ma Dasí, Vicente Montesinos, Santiago Murgui

12. A Comparative Study of Asset-based Policy in Asia: Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan

Chang-Keun Han

13. The Challenges of Implementing Merit-Based Personnel Policies in Latin America: Mexico's Civil Service Reform Experience

Mauricio I. Dussauge Laguna

14. Public Personnel Policies and Problems in the New Democracies of Central and Eastern Europe

Tiina Randma-Liiv, Jane Järvalt

15. The Missing Dimension: A Comparative Analysis of Healthcare Governance in Central and Eastern Europe

Monika Ewa Kaminska

16. Made to Measure? Europeanization, Goodness of Fit and Adaptation Pressures in EU Competition Policy and Regional Aid

Carlos Mendez, Fiona Wishlade, Douglas Yuill

17. Overfishing in Southern Africa: A Comparative Account of Regime Effectiveness and National Capacities

Martin Sjöstedt, Aksel Sundström

18. A Legal Perspective on "Privateness" and "Publicness" in Latin American Higher Education

Andrés Bernasconi

19. Watching the Watchers: Transgovernmental Implementation of Data Privacy Policy in Europe

Abraham L. Newman

20. Managing urban growth in Asia

Clay G. Wescott, L. R. Jones

21. Governance for sustainability in East Asian Global Cities: An exploratory study

Mee Kam Ng

22. Building Collaborative Emergency Management Systems in Northeast Asia: A Comparative Analysis of the Roles of International Agencies

Namkyung Oh, Aya Okada, Louise K. Comfort

23. Crucial Factors in Implementing Radical Policy Change: A Comparative Longitudinal Study of Nordic Central Agency Relocation Programs

Harald Sætren

24. Housing Conditions, States, Markets and Households: A Pan-European Analysis

Michelle Norris, Henryk Domański

25. Regional Policy Agglomeration: Arctic Policy in Canada and the United States

Peter J May, Bryan D. Jones. Betsi E. Beem, Emily A. Neff-Sharum and Melissa K. Poague


Laurence E. Lynn, Jr.

Part 1: Introduction to the Book Series and Volume Four

Why the Classics of Comparative Policy Analysis Studies

Iris Geva-May, Guy B Peters, Joselyn Muhleison

Part 2: Comparative Policy Analysis and Policy Sectors

The Contribution of Comparative Policy Analysis to Policy Design Studies

Michael Howlett

Part 3: The Classics


1. Translating Monetary Inputs into Health Care Provision: A Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Different Modes of Public Policy

Claus Wendt, Jürgen Kohl

2. Comparing health policy: An assessment of typologies of health systems

Viola Burau, Robert H. Blank

3. Six Countries, Six Health Reform Models? Health Care Reform in Chile, Israel, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan and The Netherlands

Kieke G. H. Okma, Tsung-mei Cheng, David Chinitz, Luca Crivelli, Meng-kin Lim, Hans Maarse, Maria Eliana Labra

4. Bottom–Up Policy Convergence: A Sociology of the Reception of Policy Transfer in Public Health Policies in Europe

Carole Clavier

5. How do Governments Steer Health Policy? A Comparison of Canadian and New Zealand Approaches to Cost Control and Primary Health Care Reform

Tim Tenbensel

6. National Values, Institutions and Health Policies: What do they Imply for Medicare Reform?

Theodore R. Marmor, Kieke G. H. Okma, Stephen R. Latham


7. A comparative analysis of paid leave for the health needs of workers and their families around the world

Alison Earle, Jody Heymann

8. Three Worlds of Welfare Chauvinism? How Welfare Regimes Affect Support for Distributing Welfare to Immigrants in Europe

Jeroen Van Der Waal, Willem De Koster, Wim Van Oorschot

9. Public Funding, Private Delivery: States, Markets, and Early Childhood Education and Care in Liberal Welfare States – A Comparison of Australia, the UK, Quebec, and New Zealand

Linda A. White, Martha Friendly

10. Reconciliation policies and the effects of motherhood on employment, earnings and poverty

Joya Misra, Michelle J. Budig, Stephanie Moller

11. Less Bad than its Reputation: Social Spending as a Proxy for Welfare Effort in Cross-national Studies

Carsten Jensen

12. The regulation of working time as work-family reconciliation policy: Comparing Europe, Japan, and the United States

Janet C. Gornick, Alexandra Heron

13. Social Citizenship of Young People in Europe: A Comparative Institutional Analysis

Tom Chevalier


14. Comparative Analysis of Higher Education Quality Assurance in Colombia and Ecuador: How is Political Ideology Reflected in Policy Design and Discourse?

Nadia Rubaii, Mariana Lima Bandeira

15. Federal Dynamics of Changing Governance Arrangements in Education: A Comparative Perspective on Australia, Canada and Germany

Giliberto Capano

16. Importing Private Higher Education: International Branch Campuses

Jason E. Lane

17. Private Higher Education and Public Policy: A Global View

Daniel C. Levy, William Zumeta


18. Policy Analysis and Europeanization: An Analysis of EU Migrant Integration Policymaking

Andrew Geddes, Peter Scholten

19. The Interplay of Knowledge Production and Policymaking: A Comparative Analysis of Research and Policymaking on Migrant Integration in Germany and the Netherlands

Han Entzinger, Peter Scholten

20. Fiscal federalism and the politics of immigration: Centralized and decentralized immigration policies in Canada and the United States

Graeme Boushey, Adam Luedtke

21. Bureaucratic Control and Policy Change: A Comparative Venue Shopping Approach to Skilled Immigration Policies in Australia and Canada

Anna Boucher

22. Setting the Immigrant Policy Agenda: Expertise and Politics in the Netherlands, France and the United Kingdom

Peter Scholten, Arco Timmermans


23. Democracy, Colonial Legacy, and the Openness of Cabinet-Level Websites in Developing Countries

Ivan Katchanovski, Todd La Porte

24. Federalism and the Regulation of Agricultural Biotechnology in the United States and European Union

Adam D. Sheingate

25. Direct Legislation in North America and Europe: Promoting or Restricting Biotechnology?

Christine Rothmayr Allison, Frédéric Varone

About the Author

Iris Geva-May has been recognized by Thomson Reuters for having pioneered the field of comparative policy analysis since 1998, when she founded the now high indexed Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis. She serves as its Founding Editor. She is President of the International Comparative Policy Analysis Forum Scholarly Society. She has published among others The Logic and Methodology of Policy Analysis, An Operational Approach to Policy Analysis (with Wildavsky), International Library of Policy Analysis, Routledge Handbook of Comparative Policy Analysis, and Policy Analysis as a Clinical Profession. She is currently a Honorary Visiting Professor at SPPA, Carleton University, Ottawa, and the Wagner School NYU; and Professor Emerita, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver.

B. Guy Peters is Maurice Falk Professor of Government at the University of Pittsburgh, USA, and Honorary Editor of the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis. He is also the Founding President of the International Public Policy Association and Editor of the International Review of Public Policy. He has been honored as the recipient of the Fred Riggs Award for Lifetime Achievement in Public Administration, and the Lifetime Achievement Award from NISPAcee. Among his seminal publications are: Comparative Politics Theory and Methods, Institutional Theory In Political Science, The Politics of Bureaucracy: A Comparative Perspective, and An Advanced Introduction to Public Policy, The Next Public Administration.

Joselyn Muhleisen serves as the Awards Coordinator for the International Comparative Policy Analysis Forum and the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis. She is a Doctoral Lecturer at the Marxe School of Public and International Affairs, Baruch College, City University of New York (CUNY). She earned her doctorate in political science from The Graduate Center, CUNY. She is the former Assistant Director of the European Union Studies Center, CUNY, New York. She has published work about the development of comparative policy analysis and its relationship to international studies.

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