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A Collective Act


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About the Author

Michelle Anderson has almost 20 years of experience in education at school, regional, state, national and international levels. She is currently an ACER Senior Research Fellow. At ACER she has worked on Standards for School Leadership (for Teaching Australia) and the Australian Country Background Report for the OECD's Improving School Leadership Activity (for DEST). Christine Cawsey is Principal of Rooty Hill High School, a comprehensive 7-12 school in Sydney. In 2007, she was a winner in the National Awards for Quality Schooling for Excellence by a Principal. She is Deputy President of the NSWSPC and her academic interests include school culture, communication, leadership development and quality teaching.||||David Lloyd is director of the Creative Writing Program at Le Moyne College. He is the winner of the Maryland Poetry Review 2002 chapbook contest as well as the cowinner of the Poetry Society of America's year 2000 Robert H. Winner Memorial Award.

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