Although many people who have survived trauma, abuse, and violent situations understand on a logical level that the traumatic events they experienced were not their fault, shame may still underlie their feelings and fuel post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other trauma-related psychological difficulties. For example, women who are victims of domestic abuse are often so paralysed with the stigma of shame associated with their abuse, they don’t seek help. The Compassionate-Mind Guide to Recovering from Trauma and PTSD helps readers reduce the sense of threat they constantly feel and develop a fuller understanding of their reactions to trauma by cultivating compassion for themselves and others. The practical exercises based in compassion-focused therapy (CFT) that are offered in this book help readers gradually confront and overcome trauma-related behaviours. This approach invites readers who have undergone a traumatic experience to develop compassion for themselves and others, a sense of safety, and the ability to self-soothe when difficult memories or emotions arise. Written by an international expert on PTSD treatment, this book will prove to be an essential resource for therapists specialising in the treatment of trauma and anyone in the process of healing from a traumatic experience.
Although many people who have survived trauma, abuse, and violent situations understand on a logical level that the traumatic events they experienced were not their fault, shame may still underlie their feelings and fuel post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other trauma-related psychological difficulties. For example, women who are victims of domestic abuse are often so paralysed with the stigma of shame associated with their abuse, they don’t seek help. The Compassionate-Mind Guide to Recovering from Trauma and PTSD helps readers reduce the sense of threat they constantly feel and develop a fuller understanding of their reactions to trauma by cultivating compassion for themselves and others. The practical exercises based in compassion-focused therapy (CFT) that are offered in this book help readers gradually confront and overcome trauma-related behaviours. This approach invites readers who have undergone a traumatic experience to develop compassion for themselves and others, a sense of safety, and the ability to self-soothe when difficult memories or emotions arise. Written by an international expert on PTSD treatment, this book will prove to be an essential resource for therapists specialising in the treatment of trauma and anyone in the process of healing from a traumatic experience.
Compassion-focused therapy strategies that can help them overcome symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), foster a sense of well-being.
Deborah A. Lee, PhD, is a consultant clinical psychologist, head of a national treatment centre for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in Berkshire, UK, and an honorary senior lecturer in clinical psychology at the University College London. Lee has worked with adult survivors of rape, interpersonal violence, and childhood abuse for more than twenty years and specializes in treating shame-based PTSD and complex trauma. She has pioneered the use of compassion-focused therapy with those suffering from shame-based PTSD and complex trauma and widely disseminated her clinical knowledge through writing and delivering clinical workshops in North America and Europe.
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