Conceptual Econometrics Using R, Volume 41 provides state-of-the-art information on important topics in econometrics, including quantitative game theory, multivariate GARCH, stochastic frontiers, fractional responses, specification testing and model selection, exogeneity testing, causal analysis and forecasting, GMM models, asset bubbles and crises, corporate investments, classification, forecasting, nonstandard problems, cointegration, productivity and financial market jumps and co-jumps, among others.
Conceptual Econometrics Using R, Volume 41 provides state-of-the-art information on important topics in econometrics, including quantitative game theory, multivariate GARCH, stochastic frontiers, fractional responses, specification testing and model selection, exogeneity testing, causal analysis and forecasting, GMM models, asset bubbles and crises, corporate investments, classification, forecasting, nonstandard problems, cointegration, productivity and financial market jumps and co-jumps, among others.
Part I: Statistical Inference
1. Finite-sample inference and nonstandard asymptotics with Monte
Carlo tests and R
Jean-Marie Dufour and Julien Neves
2. New exogeneity tests and causal paths
Hrishikesh D. Vinod
3. Adjusting for bias in long horizon regressions using R
Kenneth D. West and Zifeng Zhao
4. Hypothesis testing, specification testing, and model selection
based on the MCMC output using R
Yong Li, Jun Yu and Tao Zeng
Part II: Multivariate Models
5. Dynamic panel GMM using R
Peter C.B. Phillips and Chirok Han
6. Vector autoregressive moving average models
Wolfgang Scherrer and Manfred Deistler
7. Multivariate GARCH models for large-scale applications: A
Kris Boudt, Alexios Galanos, Scott Payseur and Eric Zivot
Part III: Miscellaneous Topics
8. Modeling fractional responses using R
Joaquim Jose Santos Ramalho
9. Quantitative game theory applied to economic problems
Sebastián Cano-Berlanga, José-Manuel Giménez-Gómez and Cori Vilella
book “Ancient Inhabitants of Jebel Moya published by the Cambridge
Press under the joint authorship of Rao and two anthropologists. On
the basis of work done at CU during the two year period, 1946-1948,
Rao earned a Ph.D. degree and a few years later Sc.D. degree of CU
and the rare honor of life fellowship of Kings College,
He retired from ISI in 1980 at the mandatory age of 60 after
working for 40 years during which period he developed ISI as an
international center for statistical education and research. He
also took an active part in establishing state statistical bureaus
to collect local statistics and transmitting them to Central
Statistical Organization in New Delhi. Rao played a pivitol role in
launching undergraduate and postgraduate courses at ISI. He is the
author of 475 research publications and several breakthrough papers
contributing to statistical theory and methodology for applications
to problems in all areas of human endeavor. There are a number of
classical statistical terms named after him, the most popular of
which are Cramer-Rao inequality, Rao-Blackwellization, Rao’s
Orthogonal arrays used in quality control, Rao’s score test, Rao’s
Quadratic Entropy used in ecological work, Rao’s metric and
distance which are incorporated in most statistical books.
He is the author of 10 books, of which two important books are,
Linear Statistical Inference which is translated into German,
Russian, Czec, Polish and Japanese languages,and Statistics and
Truth which is translated into, French, German, Japanese, Mainland
Chinese, Taiwan Chinese, Turkish and Korean languages.
He directed the research work of 50 students for the Ph.D. degrees
who in turn produced 500 Ph.D.’s. Rao received 38 hon. Doctorate
degree from universities in 19 countries spanning 6 continents. He
received the highest awards in statistics in USA,UK and India:
National Medal of Science awarded by the president of USA, Indian
National Medal of Science awarded by the Prime Minister of India
and the Guy Medal in Gold awarded by the Royal Statistical Society,
UK. Rao was a recipient of the first batch of Bhatnagar awards in
1959 for mathematical sciences and and numerous medals in India and
abroad from Science Academies. He is a Fellow of Royal Society
(FRS),UK, and member of National Academy of Sciences, USA,
Lithuania and Europe. In his honor a research Institute named as
SCIENCE was established in the campus of Hyderabad University.
Hrishikesh D. Vinod is a Ph. D. in economics from Harvard
University, who has published over 200 research papers in refereed
journals in Economics and Statistics. His R books include: (i)
Hands-On Intermediate Econometrics Using R, (ii) Hands-on Matrix
Algebra Using R, (World Scientific Publishers: Hackensack), and
(iii) Advances in Social Science Research Using R. (Springer). His
Wiley Interscience book (joint with D. P. Reagle) is entitled
Preparing for the Worst: Incorporating Downside Risk in Stock
Market Investments. His Marcel Dekker book (joint with A. Ullah) is
Recent Advances in Regression Methods. Vinod was a researcher at
the prestigious Bell Laboratories before becoming a tenured full
professor of Economics at the 177-year old Fordham University in
New York, where he is the Director of the Institute of Ethics and
Economic Policy within Economics Department.
The exceptionally diverse range and depth of Vinod’s research is
seen from his CV at: `ResearchGate'
reports that Vinod's work is cited by other researchers some 2700
times, attesting its originality and pioneering quality. The cited
research may be classified into six categories.
1) Economic theory and applications: Joint production function,
Demand function, Disequilibrium models, Elasticity of substitution,
Kernel estimation of shape of demand curve, Poisson Model for
Measuring the Returns to R&D, Fuzzy Latin Squares.
2) Econometric theory and applications: Bounds on variance of
regression coefficients, Unit root, Double bootstrap, Maximum
entropy methods, Causality from non-experimental data, economic
distance between blacks and whites, Godambe-Durbin Estimating
Functions in Econometrics, Maximum Entropy for singular covariance
matrices, Projection Pursuit models.
3) Economic policy issues: Controlling corruption, Corporate
governance, India's over-population, Hindu economics, Human rights,
Entrepreneurship, Unemployment reduction prowess under Bush versus
Obama, Preventing Madoff-Style Ponzi Schemes, Enhancing US power
and influence in the UN, Stress testing, Tax cuts, Bank
4) Mathematical Statistics and applications: Generalized
Durbin-Watson test, Ridge regression extensions, Nonparametric
regression using clusters, Generalized t ratio, Canonical ridge
estimator, Closed forms for asymptotic bias and variance in
autoregressive models, Consequences of perturbations of collinear
5) Combinatorics, Matrix algebra and applications: Inventory
theoretic models of demand and Clustering by integer
6) Software: Vinod's Journal of Economic Literature and American
Economic Review articles discuss software numerical accuracy
issues. Vinod's R packages are: `meboot’ for maximum entropy
bootstrap and `generalCorr’ for generalized correlation
coefficients and causality.
Winner of several honors and awards including Fellow of the Journal
of Econometrics and keynote speaker at international meetings.
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