The machinery about which I am writing is found in the confectionery industry, but it is also generally used throughout the food industry and some other areas that produce items that need to be wrapped and packed for distribution. It just happens that much of my working life was spent in the confectionery industry. Similar machinery operates in the pharmaceutical industry, is used for wrapping and handling books, for wrapping blocks of fuel and for packing tea and other items. Some of the robots described are used in the glass industry, loading drinking glasses direct from hot moulding plants. They are used to load filled bottles into cases in the drinks business or shampoo for chemical manufacturers. Other industries, for example the textile industry, used machinery designed for other purposes (such as weaving), before the development of packaging machines, that worked on comparable principles. Some of the mechanisms in all of this machinery possibly have their ancestry in the great cathedral clock mechanisms from as early as the fifteenth century. Just because this book is mainly illustrated by reference to chocolate bars and sweets does not mean that that is the only application, nor does it lessen the ingenuity applied in the designs of these machines or their importance in the modem world.
An Introduction To Packaging Machines. Common Features in Conventional Wrapping Machines. The Distribution of Produce from Manufacture to Packaging Machines. Basic Descriptions of Some of the Most Used Confectionery Wrapping Machines and Machine Interaction with Materials. Equipment that Complements Packaging Machines. Form, Fill, Seal Wrapping Machines. Equipment that is Allied to Packaging Machinery. The Operation of Machines for Filling Cartons and Cases. Factory Services, Maintenance and Hygiene Relative to Packaging. A Packaging Project: Machine Performance and Used Machinery
Show moreThe machinery about which I am writing is found in the confectionery industry, but it is also generally used throughout the food industry and some other areas that produce items that need to be wrapped and packed for distribution. It just happens that much of my working life was spent in the confectionery industry. Similar machinery operates in the pharmaceutical industry, is used for wrapping and handling books, for wrapping blocks of fuel and for packing tea and other items. Some of the robots described are used in the glass industry, loading drinking glasses direct from hot moulding plants. They are used to load filled bottles into cases in the drinks business or shampoo for chemical manufacturers. Other industries, for example the textile industry, used machinery designed for other purposes (such as weaving), before the development of packaging machines, that worked on comparable principles. Some of the mechanisms in all of this machinery possibly have their ancestry in the great cathedral clock mechanisms from as early as the fifteenth century. Just because this book is mainly illustrated by reference to chocolate bars and sweets does not mean that that is the only application, nor does it lessen the ingenuity applied in the designs of these machines or their importance in the modem world.
An Introduction To Packaging Machines. Common Features in Conventional Wrapping Machines. The Distribution of Produce from Manufacture to Packaging Machines. Basic Descriptions of Some of the Most Used Confectionery Wrapping Machines and Machine Interaction with Materials. Equipment that Complements Packaging Machines. Form, Fill, Seal Wrapping Machines. Equipment that is Allied to Packaging Machinery. The Operation of Machines for Filling Cartons and Cases. Factory Services, Maintenance and Hygiene Relative to Packaging. A Packaging Project: Machine Performance and Used Machinery
Show more1 An introduction to packaging machines.- 1.1 Fundamental questions.- 1.2 The start of the packaging machine industry.- 1.3 Types of packaging machines.- 1.4 Associated machinery.- 2 Common features in conventional wrapping machines.- 2.1 Basics of wrapping machine design.- 2.2 Conventional wrapping machines.- 2.3 The supply of aluminium foil and paper wrappers.- 2.4 Component parts used when supplying wrappers and foil from a reel.- 2.5 Adhesive application.- 2.6 Folding the wrapper.- 2.7 Stacking.- 2.8 Mechanical latches and trips and machine inhibition.- 2.9 Machine guards and safety mechanisms.- 2.10 Lubrication.- 2.11 Timing—the synchronization of machine operations.- 2.12 Other methods of machine synchronization.- 3 The distribution of produce from manufacture to packaging machines.- 3.1 Automatic feeding to bar wrapping machines.- 3.2 Automatic feeder developments.- 3.3 Summary of basic system.- 3.4 Controls.- 3.5 Automatic feeders for horizontal FFS (pillowpack) machines.- 3.6Simple distribution feeders.- 3.7 Waterfall feeders.- 4 Basic descriptions of some of the most used confectionery wrapping machines and machine interaction with materials.- 4.1 Wrapping machines for specific wrapping operations.- 4.2 Chocolate bar wrappers.- 4.3 Batch rollers, rope sizing and cut and wrap machines.- 4.4 Foiling machines.- 4.5 Egg foiling machines.- 4.6 Rollwrapping machines.- 4.7 Stickpack machines.- 4.8 Twist wrapping machines.- 4.9 A brief look at interaction between materials and machines.- 5 Equipment that complements packaging machines.- 5.1 Metal detectors.- 5.2 Checkweighers.- 5.3 Weighers and fillers.- 5.4 Robots (used as pick and place machines).- 5.5 Image recognition robots.- 5.6 Blister packing machines.- 5.7 Ancillary equipment.- 5.8 Splicing attachments.- 5.9 High speed fault analysis.- 6 Form, fill, seal wrapping machines.- 6.1 Form, fill, seal (FFS) machines.- 6.2 Horizontal FFS machines.- 6.3 Relationship between lengths, speeds and synchronization ofposition.- 6.4 Speed of machine elements.- 6.5 Synchronization of positions.- 6.6 Pack dimensions.- 6.7 Transfer assistance.- 6.8 Adjustments during production for mechanically operated machines.- 6.9 Changing a machine to facilitate different sizes.- 6.10 Electronic FFS machines.- 6.11 Common features in horizontal FFS wrapping machines.- 6.12 Vertical form, fill, seal machines.- 6.13 Multi-lane wrapping machines.- 6.14 Making multi-packs on horizontal FFS machines.- 6.15 Methods of feeding horizontal FFS type wrapping machines.- 6.16 Special machines.- 7 Equipment that is allied to packaging machinery.- 7.1 Allied machinery.- 7.2 Buffer storage.- 7.3 Carton erectors.- 7.4 Case erectors.- 7.5 Case sealers.- 7.6 Channelizers.- 7.7 Chillers.- 7.8 Collators.- 7.9 Conveyors.- 7.10 Automatic belt tracking devices.- 7.11 Conveyor access control (gates).- 7.12 Overwrapping machines.- 7.13 Pallet stretch wrapping machines.- 7.14 Palletizers.- 7.15 Special overwrapping applications.- 8 The operation of machines for filling cartons and cases.- 8.1 Loading and filling machines for cartons and cases.- 8.2 Machine 1—casing machine with mainly pneumatic operation.- 8.3 Machine 2—mechanically operated carton loading machine.- 8.4 Machine 3—casing machine with pneumatic operation and electronic control.- 8.5 Machine 4—mechanical collation and electronic control: machine principle suitable for both carton and case loading.- 8.6 Machine 5—pneumatic operation with PLC controls.- 8.7 Lined carton machines.- 8.8 Small tubes as cartons.- 8.9 Robots for carton filling.- 9 Factory services, maintenance and hygiene relative to packaging.- 9.1 Factory services.- 9.2 Electrical supplies to machines.- 9.3 Compressed air.- 9.4 Vacuum.- 9.5 Air conditioning.- 9.6 Cooling air.- 9.7 Drinking water and hot water.- 9.8 Cooling water.- 9.9 Waste extraction.- 9.10 Maintenance matters.- 9.11 Hygiene and packaging.- 10 A packaging project: machine performance and used machinery.- 10.1 The approach to apackaging project.- 10.2 Machine performance.- 10.3 Buying used machinery.
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