Gaskell's best known work is set in a small rural town, inhabited largely by women. This is a community that runs on cooperation and gossip, at the very heart of which are the daughters of the former rector.
Louisa May Alcott was born on 29 November 1832 in Pennsylvania. Her
father was friends with Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry Thoreau.
Alcott started selling stories in order to help provide financial
support for her family. Her first book was Flower Fables (1854).
She worked as a nurse during the American Civil War and in 1863 she
published Hospital Sketches, which was based on her experiences.
Little Women was published in 1868 and was based on her life
growing up with her three sisters. She followed it with three
sequels, Good Wives (1869), Little Men (1871) and Jo's Boys (1886)
and she also wrote other books for both children and adults. Louisa
May Alcott was an abolitionist and a campaigner for women's rights.
She died on 6 March 1888.
Elizabeth Gaskell was born on 29 September 1810 in London. She was
brought up in Knutsford, Cheshire by her aunt after her mother died
when she was two years old. In 1832 she married William Gaskell,
who was a Unitarian minister like her father. After their marriage
they lived in Manchester with their children. Elizabeth Gaskell
published her first novel, Mary Barton, in 1848 to great success.
She went on to publish much of her work in Charles Dickens's
magazines, Household Words and All the Year Round. Along with short
stories and a biography of Charlotte Bronte, she published five
more novels including North and South (1855) and Wives and
Daughters (1866). Wives and Daughters is unfinished as Elizabeth
Gaskell died suddenly of heart failure on 12 November 1865.
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