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The content of this book opens the way for the reader to approach ancient Tantric practices, presented in the form of a hierarchical system that demonstrates the inner workings of the emerging Chinese contemporary religion. It divides the tantric subject matters in terms of the purpose of practice, showing the methods of practice for the different specialties of mantra teacher, mantra teacher, theory teacher, and career teacher, and includes content on how teachers assess the degree of the practice of their students. Readers will learn in detail about the procedural observance methods for the recitation of the authentic mantra practices such as the Junti Mantra and the Six Character Daimyo Mantra, as well as the system of theoretical knowledge and solutions of the sociology of religion advocated and adopted by the author for the modernization process of Chinese Buddhism, allowing the practice to be rounded off in the realization of both worldly and worldly aspirations. Most of the appendices are aids that the author has applied most in his practical teaching of Buddhism, and are solutions to the bottlenecks that most often arise in the practice of practitioners of the Cundhi mantra.
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The content of this book opens the way for the reader to approach ancient Tantric practices, presented in the form of a hierarchical system that demonstrates the inner workings of the emerging Chinese contemporary religion. It divides the tantric subject matters in terms of the purpose of practice, showing the methods of practice for the different specialties of mantra teacher, mantra teacher, theory teacher, and career teacher, and includes content on how teachers assess the degree of the practice of their students. Readers will learn in detail about the procedural observance methods for the recitation of the authentic mantra practices such as the Junti Mantra and the Six Character Daimyo Mantra, as well as the system of theoretical knowledge and solutions of the sociology of religion advocated and adopted by the author for the modernization process of Chinese Buddhism, allowing the practice to be rounded off in the realization of both worldly and worldly aspirations. Most of the appendices are aids that the author has applied most in his practical teaching of Buddhism, and are solutions to the bottlenecks that most often arise in the practice of practitioners of the Cundhi mantra.
Show more高七师 ,准提法网络佛学院院长,显密圆通准提法成就者,主修中阴身救度法、准提法、净土法。2000年秉承太虚法师思想创建《佛法入世间》论坛,弘扬人生佛教与人间佛教的方法。2007被印证为甘孜多康色拉胜乘妙音州佛学院的金刚阿阇梨,2008创办国际性首所准提法网络佛学院,现成为全球最大的居士佛学院,学院依照明代袁了凡居士为榜样,行善与修持准提咒,提倡入世修行等系列佛教理论与实践活动,并成功的把心理学引入佛教教学与修行中,为家庭佛教建设找到科学方法。其倡导的准提宗发展思路是依《显密圆通成佛心要集》为宗,提倡学佛有利于事业发展,社会进步。以准提咒为修行核心,往生极乐世界为保障。达到出世入世圆融的目的。塑造佛教徒健康快乐的生活方式。Gao Qi Shi is the Dean of the Zhuntifa Network Buddhist Institute, he's an accomplished practitioner of the Zhunti Dharma, based on the manifest and tantric teachings of Buddhism, he masters in Bardo Salvation method, Zhunti Dharma, and Pure Land Dharma. In 2000, he founded the "Buddhism in the World" internet forum to promote engaged Buddhism with a human face, following the thought of Venerable Tai Xu. In 2007, he is certified as Guru in the ChengShengMiaoYinZhou State Buddhist Institute of Dapda SeLa at Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. In 2008, he founded the first international Zhuntifa network Buddhist institute, which is now the world's largest Buddhist institute for laymen in Chinese. The institute follows the example of Yuan Liaofan, a Buddhist layman of the Ming Dynasty, who practiced the Zhuntifa mantra and advocated a series of good works and Buddhist practical activities. Master Gao successfully introduced psychology into Buddhist teachings, finding a scientific base for building family Buddhism. He advocates the development of the Zhuntifa school based on the "Collection of manifest and Tantric Enlightenment", and promotes Buddhism which is beneficial to career development and social progress. The Zhunti mantra is the core of the practice, and rebirth in the pure land of Amitabha is the guarantee of liberation after this life. The aim of the school is to achieve the integration of worldly practice and the pursuit of transcendence, shaping a healthy and happy way of life for Buddhists.
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