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Developments and ­Applications of Advanced ­Engineering Ceramics and ­Composites
Ceramic Transactions Series
By Mrityunjay Singh (Edited by), Hua-Tay Lin (Edited by)

Paperback, 320 pages
United Kingdom, 29 July 2019

This book provides a state-of-the-art collection of recent papers on the development and applications of advanced engineering ceramics and composites as presented at the 6th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PacRim 6) in September of 2005 in Maui, Hawaii.

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Product Description

This book provides a state-of-the-art collection of recent papers on the development and applications of advanced engineering ceramics and composites as presented at the 6th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PacRim 6) in September of 2005 in Maui, Hawaii.

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23.4 x 16.1 x 1.5 centimeters (0.41 kg)

Table of Contents

Preface ix

Processing and Fabrication—Oxide Systems

Processing and Properties of Ti-base Intermetallic Particles Dispersed Tetragonal Zirconia 3
Norihito Tanaka, Tohru Sekino, Takafumi Kusunose, Tadachika Nakayama, and Koichi Niihara

In-Situ Synthesis of Oxide/Oxide Composites 11
Zhong-Chun Chen, Toshihiko Okazawa, and Keisuke Ikeda

Fabrication and Characterization of Zirconia-Based Composites Containing Dispersed Monazite Particles 23
A. Hirvonen, R. Ramaseshan, T. Kusunose, T. Sekino, and K. Niihara

Monazite Fiber Coatings for Oxide Composites 33
Emmanuel E. Boakye, Pavel Mogilevsky, Randall S. Hay, and Michael K. Cinibulk

Fabrication and Mechanical Properties of Leucite-Containing Alumina Ceramics 43
Fumiharu Sato, Shinobu Hashimoto, Sawao Honda, and Hideo Awaji

Mo-SiO2 Functionally Graded Materials for High Intensity Discharge Lamps 53
Ayumu Umemoto, Koichi Hayashi, Kunihiko Nakashima, Noritaka Saito, Kenji Kaneko, and Keisaku Ogi

Densification of Al2O3-SiO2-TiO2-Based Ceramic Coating Film by Grain Size Control 59
Y. Muroya, K. Shimanoe, Y. Teraoka, N. Yamazoe, and Y. Haruta

Processing and Fabrication—Non-Oxide Systems

Grain Growth of ß-Silicon Nitride in RE-Mg-Si-O-N Liquid 73
Noritaka Saito, Daiji Nakata, Kunihiko Nakashima, and Ayumu Umemoto

Preparation of Nanostructured Silicon Carbide Using a Chemical Vapor Reaction 81
H. Tsuda, H. Mabuchi-Nakatani, and K. Okamura

Microstructural and Thermal Characterization

In-Situ Observation of Structural Transition in Rare Earth Manganites by TEM 97
Hiromi Nakano, Nobuo Ishizawa, and Naoki Kamegashira

Thermal Expansion of Nickel/Samarium-Doped Ceria Cermet 105
Soichiro Sameshima, Yoshihiro Hirata, and Keisuke Higashinakagawa

The Effect of Crystal Phase Formation on Leachability of Pb From Glass Ceramics Prepared From Industrial Zinc Waste 115
Bussaraporn Patarachao, Sirithan Jiemsirilers, Parjaree Thavorniti, and Sitthisuntorn Supothina

Thermomechanical Characterization

Effect of Fluoride Additives on the Hydroxyapatite Laminate Composites 125
Sung-Hwan Kim and Sang-Yeup Park

Effect of h-BN on the Microstructure, Mechanical Properties, and Machinability of Si3N4-based Ceramic Composites 131
Z. H. Piao, W. S. Cho, J. H. Lee, M. W. Cho, C. Cho, and Z. A. Munir

Weight Fraction Effects of Nanoparticle Inclusion on Mechanical Performance of Continuous Fiber Ceramic Nanocomposites 141
Vamshi M. Gudapati, Vinod P. Veedu, Anyuan Cao, and Mehrdad N. Ghasemi-Nejhad

Increase of Structural Integrity Machined Alumina/SiC Using Crack-Healing 155
Kotoji Ando, Masato Ono, Wataru Nakao, Koji Takahashi, and Shinji Saito

Influence of Geometrical Irregularities on the Creep Behavior of Ceramic Fibers 163
Ian J. Davies and Rodney D. Entwistle

Influence of Oxidation on the Micro-Mechanical Properties of a 3-D Woven SiC/SiC Composite Tested in Air at 1100°C 175
Ian J. Davies, Sorn Sieng, Toshio Ogasawara, and Takashi Ishikawa

Influence of EBC Coating on Tensile Properties of Ml SiC/SiC Composites 187
Ramakrishna T. Bhatt, Gregory N. Morscher, and Kang N. Lee

Design Concepts, Test Methods, and Standards

A Material Design Concept for Toughened Ceramics 199
Hideo Awaji, Takuya Matsunaga, and Seong-Min Choi

Crack-Healing + Proof Test: A New Methodology to Guarantee the Reliability and the Quality of a Ceramic Component 213
Masato Ono, Wataru Nakao, Koji Takahashi, Kotoji Ando, and Masahiko Nakatani

Development of Elevated Fracture Toughness Testing Method Standard for Advanced Ceramics 223
Michael G. Jenkins and Jonathan A. Salem

Comparison of Static Fatigue SCG Models for Dense Ceramics 237
Michael G. Jenkins and Jonathan A. Salem

Next Generation Nuclear Power and the Need for Test Standards, Design Codes, and Data Bases for Ceramic Matrix Composites 251
Michael G. Jenkins

Component Development and Industrial Applications

Development of Strong Photocatalytic Fiber with Surface Gradient Structure 261
Toshihlro Ishikawa

Hot Section Si3N4 Materials Development for Advanced Microturbines Applications 273
Vimal K. Pujari, Ara M. Vartabedian, and William T. Collins

Development of SOFC Stack at KIST Using 10x10 cm2 Anode Supported Cells 285
Hae-Weon Lee, Hwa-Young Jung, Jl-Won Son, Joosun Kim, and Jong-Ho Lee

Engineered Refractories for Slagging Gasifiers 295
Kyei-Sing Kwong, James Bennett, Rick Krabbe, Hugh Thomas, and Cynthia Powell

Index 305

About the Author

Dr. M. Singh, FASM, FACerS, FIMMM (UK) is Chief Scientist at Ohio Aerospace Institute., NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH (USA). He is actively involved in various activities related to processing, manufacturing, joining and attachment technologies, and characterization of advanced silicon carbide based ceramics and fiber reinforced ceramic composites, lightweight cellular ceramics, advanced ceramic matrix composites for turbomachinery and space propulsion systems, and a wide variety of materials for high temperature applications. He is also involved in developing microjoining and packaging technologies for sensors for high temperatures and harsh environments, packaging and joining technologies for fuel cells, nanocrystalline silicon carbide materials. He has been actively involved in developing technologies for in-space repair of thermal protection systems of space shuttle orbiter, assembly technologies for heat rejection systems for lunar and deep space exploration missions, and ultrahigh temperature composites for leading edges of next generation space transportation systems. He has authored or coauthored more than two hundred thirty publications in journals, edited nineteen books, holds several patents, and various technology transfers to industries. He is recipient of numerous (more than thirty) national and international awards including 1989 Crystal Growth Award, 1993 Jacquet-Lucas Award from the International Metallographic Society and ASM International, 1994 ASM International/IIM Visiting Lectureship, 1995 R&D 100 Award, 1995 and 1997 Innovator of the Year and 1995 Best Paper of the Year Awards from NYMA, Inc., 1997 EDI Innovator Award from the Enterprise Development Institute, Cleveland, Ohio, 1998 Federal Laboratory Consortium Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer, 1999 Best Paper award from the American Ceramic Society, 1999 R&D 100 Award, and Dynacs Engineering Innovator of the Year award. He received NASA Public Service Medal in 1999 and NASA Exceptional Space Act Award in 2000 for his outstanding and extraordinary contributions to various NASA programs, 2000 NorTech Innovation Award, 2000 Richard M. Fulrath Award of the American Ceramic Society, Ishikawa International Carbon Prize from Ishikawa Science and Technology Foundation, Tokyo, Japan in 2000, 2001 R&D 100 Award, 2002 NorTech Innovation Award, 2003 Samuel Geijsbeek Award from the American Ceramic Society, 2004 Distinguished Alumnus Award from the Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, India, 2004 ASM International-Indian Institute of Metals (IIM) visiting lectureship, 2004 Japan Fine Ceramics Association (JFCA) International Prize, Tokyo, Japan, 2005 James I. Mueller memorial award from the American Ceramic Society, and 2005 R&D 100 award for the development of GRABER technology.

Hua-Tay Lin currently is a Distinguished R&D staff member, Ceramic Science and Technology Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and has served as a principal investigator on numerous programs sponsored by Department of Energy's Office of Distributed Energy, Office of Transportation Technologies, Office of Industrial Technologies, and Office of Power Technologies. He served as the Chair of the Engineering Ceramics Division of the American Ceramic Society and currently serves on the Journal of Materials Engineering & Performance Committee of ASM International and as the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology of the American Ceramic Society. He is a Fellow of the American Ceramic Society and received a Science and Technology Agency (STA) Fellowship Award to conduct research in Japan.

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