The Economics of Public Issues, 17th Edition Table of Contents
Part One: The Foundations of Economic Analysis
1: Death by Bureaucrat (when bureaucratic choices mean life for
some people—and death for others)
2: The Economics of Oil Spills (why they happen and who should
3: Supersize It (the economics of obesity)
4: Flying the Friendly Skies? (how safe is commercial air travel?
How safe should it be?)
5: The Mystery of Wealth (why some nations are rich and others are
Part Two: Supply and Demand
6: Sex, Booze, and Drugs (the unintended—and often
harmful—consequences of prohibiting voluntary exchange)
7: Kidneys for Sale (does a market for human organs make
8: Are We Running Out of Water? (on a planet that’s two-thirds
water, how can we be running out of the stuff?)
9: The (Dis)incentives of High Taxes (how high taxes illustrate the
old adage, “there is no free lunch”)
10: Bankrupt Landlords, from Sea to Shining Sea (when governments
lower rents, tenants can suffer)
Part Three: Labor Markets
11: (Why) Are Women Paid Less? (why are women paid less, while men
are working less?)
12: The Effects of the Minimum Wage (how a “living wage” can ruin
the lives of minority youngsters)
13: Immigration, Superstars, and Poverty (are the rich getting
richer and the poor getting poorer?)
14: The Underground World (how informal labor markets are raising
wealth around the globe)
Part Four: Market Structures
15: Patent Trolls and Seed Monopolies (do patents make us better
16: Contracts, Combinations, and Conspiracies (why the NCAA and
OPEC have more in common than four-letter names)
17: Coffee, Tea, or Tuition-Free? (who wins and who loses from
price discrimination)
18: Keeping the Competition Out (when the government steps in, the
competition steps out)
Part Five: Political Economy
19: Health Care Reform (big bucks make bad policy)
20: The Pension Crisis (our promises are coming home to roost)
21: Mortgage Meltdown (how Congress got us into the subprime
mortgage mess)
22: Raising Less Corn and More Hell (how your tax dollars end up in
farmers’ pockets)
23: The Graying of America (America is getting older, and you will
foot the bill)
Part Six: Property Rights and the Environment
24: Save that Species (saving a species is easy—with a little bit
of economics)
25: Greenhouse Economics (the economics of global climate
26: Ethanol Madness (environmental policy gone bad)
27: The Trashman Cometh (the costs and benefits of
Part Seven: Globalization and Economic Prosperity
28: Globalization and the Wealth of America (is globalization all
29: The $750,000 Steelworker (the economic consequences of
restricting international trade)
30: The Lion, the Dragon, and the Future (do China, India, and
other modernizing nations spell the demise of America?)
Roger LeRoy Miller received his PhD from the University of Chicago. He is currently Director of the Institute for University Studies in Arlington, Texas. Dr. Miller is a legal specialist and author of numerous books on law and the legal environment, including criminal procedure. In addition, Dr. Miller has authored books on the war on drugs, the economics of crime and criminal behavior, and on related topics.
Daniel K. Benjamin - Alumni Distinguished Professor, John E. Walker Department of Economics, Clemson University
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