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Electrophoresis '83
Advanced methods, biochemical and clinical applications. Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrophoresis, Tokyo, Japan, May 9-12, 1983

Hardback, 807 pages
Germany, 1 January 1984

Frontmatter -- Preface -- Contents -- List Of Chairmen -- Opening Speech -- Electrophoresis - Its Present and Future Role in Biological and Biomedical Research / Allen, R.C. -- Plenary Lecture -- High Resolution Isoelectric Focusing: New Approaches to Analytical and Preparative Separations of Proteins and Enzymes / Radola, Bertold J. -- A Serum Enzyme Anomaly: Binding of Enzymes with Immunoglobulins / Kitamura, Motoshi -- General -- High Performance Electrophoresis (HPE) / Hjertén, Stellan -- Some Recent Conceptual Advances in Moving Boundary Electrophoresis and Their Practical Implications / Chrambach, Andreas / Hjelmeland, Leonard M. -- Isoelectric Focusing in Stable Preformed Buffer pH Gradients / Bier, M. / Mosher, R. A. / Thormann, W. / Graham, A. -- Determination of Transient and Steady States in Electrophoresis / Thormann, W. / Arn, D. / Schumacher, E. -- Isotachophoresis and Separation of Proteins Using Carrier-Free Electrophoresis Apparatus / Yasukawa, Kaoru / Kojima, Kiyotsugu / Manabe, Takashi / Okuyama, Tsuneo -- Application of a Rule to Illustration of Electrophoretic Results and Standardization of Electrophoresis Apparatus / Inoue, Tsutomu -- Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis -- Electrophoretic Methods in Horizontal Ultrathin-Layer Polyacrylamide Gels - A Versatile Time and Cost Saving System / Westermeier, Reiner / Postel, Wilhelm / Görg, Angelika -- Microcomputer-Aided Two-Dimensional Densitometry / Toda, Tosifusa / Fujita, Toshiko / Ohashi, Mochihiko -- Micro Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis of Soluble Proteins of Albumen Gland / Suda, Yoko / Fujishiro, Masatoshi / Inoue, Tsutomu -- High Performance Horizontal Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis of Serum Proteins / Yoshida, M. / Okano, K. / Itoh, M. -- Age-Related Changes of Two-Dimensional Electrophoretic Protein Pattern of Rat Liver / Fujita, Toshiko / Toda, Tosifusa / Ohashi, Mochihiko -- Slab Gel Electrophoresis at any Thickness with Effective Sample Movement and Gradient Flattening of SDS and IEF Gels / Yamada, Yasuyuki -- Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis of Cerebrospinal Fluid Proteins in the Absence of Denaturing Agent and Immunochemical Identification After Parallel Nitrocellulose Blotting / Manabe, T. / Takahashi, Y. / Okuyama, T. / Hiraoka, A. / Miura, I. / Murao, O. -- Mouse Liver Protein Variants Detected by Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis / Baier, Leslie J. / Hanash, Samir M. / Erickson, Robert P. -- Two-Dimensional Gel Analysis of Proteins in Mature Erythroid Bursts / Rosenblum, Barnett B. / Hanash, Samir M. -- Polypeptide Differences Between T-Lymphocytes and T-Lymphoblasts Detected by Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis / Hanash, S. / Schwartz, S. / Baier, L. / Rosenblum, B. / Springstead, K. -- Genetic Analysis of Ovary Specific Proteins in Drosophila melanogaster / Sakoyama, Yasuhiko / Nakai, Sumiko -- Electrophoretic Analysis of Pancreatic Proteases and Zymogen-Activating Factors in Mice / Isobe, Masaharu / Ogita, Zen-ichi -- Identification of Fetal Polypeptides in Amniotic Fluid Using Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis / Kronquist, Kathryn E. / Crandall, Barbara F. / Cosico, Lina G. -- Characterization of Serum Proteins Induced by Partial Hepatectomy / Kadofuku, Tsuyoki / Iijima, Takeru / Sato, Tsuneo -- Automatic Evaluation of Electropherograms at High Resolution / Kronberg, Harald / Zimmer, Hans-Georg / Neuhoff, Volker -- Analysis of Cultured Fibroblasts from Patients with Trisomy 18 Using Electrophoretic Techniques / Singh, Surjit / Willers, Ingrid / Goedde, H. Werner -- Difference in Androgen-Dependent Changes of Subcellular Proteins Between Ventral and Dorsolateral Lobes of Rat Prostate as Detected by Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoreses / Matuo, Yuhsi / Nishi, Nozomu / Tanaka, Yukio / Muguruma, Yasuyoshi / Wada, Fumio -- Electrostaining of Two-Dimensional Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis / Jitsukawa, S. / Sakurai, H. / Hoshino, T. -- Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis of Bovine Brain Proteins - Soluble and Insoluble Fractions / Takahashi, Yuko / Manabe, Takashi / Kadoya, Toshihiko / Ishioka, Noriaki / Isobe, Toshiaki / Okuyama, Tsuneo -- Analysis of Genetic Variation in Amerindian Sera by 2-D Page / Asakawa, Jun-ichi / Takahashi, Norio / Rosenblum, Barnett B. / Neel, James V. -- An Iso-Dalt Electrophoresis System with Reduced Buffer and Current Requirements / Cho, N. / Tollaksen, S.L. / Anderson, N.G. / Anderson, N.L. -- Cell Electrophoresis -- Preparative Free-Flow Electrophoresis of Proteins, Peptides and Related Compounds / Wagner, H. / Mang, V. / Kessler, R. / Heydt, A. / Manzoni, R. -- Scale-Up of the Free Flow Electrophoresis Device / Ivory, Cornelius F. / Gobie, William / Turk, Richard -- An Evaluation of a Video Image Correlation Technique for the Estimation of Electrophoretic Mobilities of Human Blood Cells / Bater, A.J. / Deeley, J.O.T. / Pritchard, J.A.V. -- Applications of an Automated Cell Electrophoresis Equipment with High Resolution - An Overview / Schütt, Wolfgang / Thomaneck, Uwe / Knippel, Eberhard / Rychly, Joachim -- Analysis of Lymphocyte Mobility in Tumor Bearer by a Fully Automated Analytical Instrument / Iwaguchi, Takao / Shimizu, Motomu / Mori, Takeo / Nakajima, Toshifusa -- The Application of Cell Electrophoresis to Renal Transplantation / Shenton, Brian / Veitch, Peter / Francis, David / Donnelly, Peter / Alomran, Ala / Proud, George / Taylor, R.M.R. -- The Role of Surface Negative Charge on Platelet Function / Tanoue, Kenjiro / Jung, Stephanie May / Yamamoto, Naomasa / Yamazaki, Hiroh -- Cell Electrophoretic Analysis of Polymorphonuclear Cells in Collagen Diseases / Hashimoto, Nobuya / Horita, Masakazu / Nose, Shunichi / Matsumoto, Naomi / Kobayashi, Toshiko / Ageshio, Masaki / Abe, Masakazu -- Electrophoretic Mobility Test for Gynecological Malignancy / Yamada, Masaoki / Ohkawa, Ryoki / Ohkawa, Kimiyasu -- Relation Between Agglutination and Electrophoretic Mobility of Sheep Erythrocytes / Hashimoto, Nobuya / Horita, Masakazu / Nose, Shunichi / Matsumoto, Naomi / Kobayashi, Toshiko / Ageshio, Masaki / Abe, Masakazu -- A Function Test of Chorionic Villi / Yoshida, Y. / Yamada, M. / Hatano, H. / Shimizu, Y. / Ohkawa, R. / Ohkawa, K. -- Different Distribution of the Electrophoretic Mobility of Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes in 3 Babies with Di George Syndrome / Wioland, Michel -- Measurement of Mixed Cell Populations by an Automated Cell Electrophoretic Instrument / Hayashi, Haruhisa / Toyama, Naomi / Oguchi, Yoshiharu / Matsunaga, Kenichi / Fujii, Masahiko / Hirose, Humio / Yoshikumi, Chikao / Hotta, Tetsuya / Yanagisawa, Masaaki -- Separation of Rat Liver Cell Organelles Responsible for Hemoglobin-Haptoglobin Metabolism by Means of Carrier-Free Electrophoresis / Oshiro, Satoru / Takami, Masao / Nakajima, Hiroshi -- A Rapid in Vitro Assay of Lymphocyte Dose Response to Immunodepressant Agents / Shenton, Brian / Donnelly, Peter / Parker, Craig / Friedman, Peter / Alomran, Ala / Francis, David / Lennard, Tom / Proud, George / Taylor, R.M.R. -- Isolation and Characterization of Suppressive Peptide from Interaction / Alomran, Ala / Shenton, Brian / Donnelly, Peter / Francis, David / Proud, George / Taylor, R.M.R. -- Isoenzyme -- Characterization of High Km Alcohol Dehydrogenase from Mouse Liver / Haseba, Takeshi / Hirakawa, Keiko / Tomita, Yukari / Watanabe, Tokinori -- Isoelectrophoretic Acidic Isoenzyme of Human Ribonuclease / Hishiki, Shuji / Kanno, Takashi / Sudo, Kayoko / Sakaguchi, Shukichi -- Incidence of Enzyme-Linked Immunoglobulin in Human Serum / Shibata, Hiroshi / Tozawa, Tatsuo / Taishi, Kaoru / Hayashi, Keiko / Morita, Sachiyo / Satoh, Hitomi / Okasaka, Rumi -- Mitochondrial Creatine Kinase in Human Tissue / Yasui, Tatsuo / Uzawa, Ryuichi / Ishizawa, Shuji / Takagi, Yasushi / Hayama, Tadayoshi / Gomi, Kunihide / Ishii, Toru -- Separation of Molecular Forms of Rat Brain Soluble Acetyl-Cholinesterase (AChE) by Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis for the Study of the Modifications During Intoxication by DFP / Bisso, Guillermo Mario / Marcacci, Gianni / Michalek, Hanna -- Detection of Alkaline Phosphatase-Linked Immunoglobulin A in Human Serum / Fujiwara, Yaeko / Tozawa, Tatsuo / Kuwahara, Junko -- Electrophoretic Analysis of a-Glycerophosphate Dehydrogenase and its Role in Metabolic Regulation / Sudo, Kayoko / Hishiki, Shuji / Kanno, Takashi -- Electrophoretic Separation of Tripeptide Aminopeptidase and its Distribution in Human Tissues / Kanda, Shinji / Sudo, Kayoko / Kanno, Takashi / Hishiki, Shuji -- Liver Mitochondrial Species of Creatine Kinase / Kanemitsu, Fusae / Kawanishi, Isarai / Mizushima, Jun / Okigaki, Tohru -- LDH Isoenzyme of Rabbit Granulocytes / Imaizumi, Tadayoshi / Horiguchi, Masaharu -- Properties of Newly Discovered LDH-X 5 Subfractions of Human Semen Using Isoelectric Focusing / Yoshida, M. / Imai, T. / Hara, M. / Isurugi, K. / Kinoshita, T. / Higashi, Y. -- Studies of a Shiet of LDH-Isozyme During Hypoxia / Hayashi, Taizo / Tanaka, Takao -- Changes of Protease Inhibitors in Patients with Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation / Kageyama, Takashi / Oyabu, Hiroshi / Tsumoto, Seiji -- Electrophoretic Analysis of Esterase Isoenzymes in Organophosphate Resistant Mosquitoes, Culex pipiens / Maruyama, Yukiko / Kamimura, Kiyoshi -- Isoelectric Focusing And Isotachophoresis -- Twenty Years of Scientific Work and Development of Isoelectric Focusing / Vesterberg, Olof -- Isoelectric Focusing (IEF) on Supported Cellulosic Membranes / Janik, Borek / Ambler, Jeffrey -- A Test for Binding During Isoelectric Focusing: Buffers Versus Synthetic Carrier Ampholytes / Cuono, C.B. / Chapo, G.A. / Chrambach, A. / Hjelmeland, L. -- Photoacoustic Mapping of Electropherograms / Köst, Hans-Peter / Möller, Ulrich / Schneider, Siegfried / Coufal, Hans -- Isotachophoresis of Serum Proteins Using Amino Acids as Spacer Ion / Yagi, Takao / Kojima, Kayoko / Yagi, M. / Kajita, Y. -- Isotachophoresis and Isoelectric Focusing of Human Serum Proteins / Kojima, Kiyotsugu / Manabe, Takashi / Okuyama, Tsuneo -- Isoelectric Focusing of Circulating Immune Complexes / Schmidt, Bruno L. / Steinmetz, Gertrude -- Increasing Resolution and Improving Reproducibility of Isoelectric Focusing and 2D-Electrophoresis by Performing IEF in Immobilized pH Gradients / Görg, Angelika / Postel, Wilhelm / Weser, Johann / Westermeier, Reiner -- Generation of Highly-Reproducible, Extended pH Intervals in Immobiline Gels / Righetti, Pier Giorgio / Gianazza, Elisabetta / Dossi, Giulio / Celentano, Fabrizio / Bjellqvist, Bengt / Ek, Kristina / Sahlin, Bengt / Eklund, Conny -- Study of Isotachophoresis Conditions for Serum Protein Analysis / Hine, Takashi -- A New Preparative Isoelectric Focusing Apparatus / Egen, N. B. / Thormann, W. / Twitty, G. E. / Bier, M. -- Improvements in Preparative Isoelectric Focusing in Agarose Gels / McLachlan, R. -- Isoelectric Focusing Without Carrier Ampholytes / Shimao, Kazuo -- Isoelectric Focusing with Immobilized pH Gradients for the Analysis of Human Genetic Serum Protein Polymorphisms / Cleve, H. / Patutschnick, W. / Weidinger, S. / Postel, W. / Weser, J. / Westermeier, R. / Gorg, A. -- Preparative Isoelectric Focusing in Immobilized pH Gradients / Ek, Kristina / Bjellqvist, Bengt / Righetti, Pier Giorgio -- An Integrated Approach to the Analysis of Human Hemoglobin Variants by Combining IEF, FPLC and Electrophoretic Titration Curve Analysis / Wahlström, L. / Nylund, V. / Burdett, P.E. / Englund, H. -- Isoelectric Focusing of Plasma Lipoproteins in the Diagnosis and Prognosis of Liver Disease / Stathakos, D. / Rekoumis, G. / Avgerinos, A. / Kanaghinis, T. -- Determination of Cystathionine and its Derivatives / Kodama, Hiroyuki / Mikasa, Hiroaki / Ageta, Tomiko -- Agarose Isoelectrofocusing: A Preparative Technique for Studying the Immosuppressive Property of a2 Microglobulin / Alomran, Ala / Shenton, Brian / Francis, David / Veitch, Peter / Proud, George / Taylor, R.M.R. -- Affinity Electrophoresis -- Affinity Electrophoresis With Evaluation Of Glycoprotein Microheterogeneity And Screening For Lectins / Bøg-Hansen, T.C. / Grudzinskas, J.G. -- Electrophoretic Properties Of Rca-2 Binding Glycoproteins In Human Sera And Ascitic Fluid With Hepatocellular Carcinoma / Fukushima, Masaki / Arima, Terukatsu / Suwa, Fumiaki / Watanabe, Junichi / Koide, Norio / Nagashima, Hideo -- Separation And Identification Of Different Molecular Species Of Human a-Fetoprotein By Double Affinity Electrophoresis With Concanavalin A And Lens Culinaris Hemagglutinin A / Taketa, Kazuhisa / Izumi, Masaki / Nakabayasni, Hidekazu / Sato, Jiro -- Affinophoresis of Trypsins / Shimura, Kiyohito / Kasai, Ken-ichi -- Heterogeneity of Rabbit Anti-DNP Antibody Studied by Two-Dimensional Affinity Electrophoresis / Takeo, Kazusuke / Suzuno, Ryosuke / Tanaka, Tatehiko / Fujimoto, Masanori / Kuwahara, Akira / Nakamura, Kazuyuki -- Measurement of Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HBA1) on Cellulose Acetate Membranes in a Mobile Affinity Electrophoresis System / Janik, Borek / Ambler, Jeffrey -- Immunochemical Investigations of Rh0(D) Activity Detected in Band 3 of Red Cell Membrane / Yokoi, Tsuyoshi / Iwasa, Mineo / Sagisaka, Kaoru -- Seminal Acid Phosphatase / Iwasa, Mineo / Yokoi, Tsuyoshi / Sagisaka, Kaoru -- Effect of Metal Ions on the Interaction Between Concanavalin A and Carbohydrate Studied by Affinity Electrophoresis / Kuwahara, Akira / Fujimoto, Masanori / Suzuno, Ryosuke / Takeo, Kazusuke -- Application -- Binding Specificity of Transferrin Receptors on Cultured Tumor Cells / Urushizaki, Yoichi / Kohgo, Yutaka / Niitzu, Yoshiro / Urushizaki, Ichiro -- Existence of Myoglobin in Chicken Gizzard Muscle and Comparison of Myoglobin in Dystrophic and Normal Chickens / Kawai, Hisaomi / Imai, Kozo / Masuda, Kenjiro / Nishino, Hiroshi / Inui, Toshio / Yoshida, Yasunori / Kusaka, Kanae -- Characterization of Ferritin Monomer and Dimer / Makino, Yoshiaki / Kanamaru, Ikue / Tei, Ichiyo / Konno, Kunio -- Electrophoretic Analysis of Liver Specific Lipoprotein (LSP) / Zeniya, Mikio / Arashiyama, Atsushi / Ando, Hideki / Nishiyama, Masaki / Fujita, Yumiko / Takahashi, Hiroshi / Deura, Masamichi / Shimizu, Yoshikazu / Aizawa, Yoshio / Akiba, Mariko / Asukata, Ichiro / Kameda, Haruo -- Optimizing Electrophoretic Methods for Analysis of Genetic Origins in Grain and Food Samples / Wrigley, Colin / Campbell, William / Cros, Diana du / Margolis, Joel -- Apoprotein A-I, A-II, and High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in Diabetes Mellitus / Nakano, Eiji / Ozawa, Kenji / Kumasaka, Kazunari / Kawano, Kinya / Tsuchiya, Toshio / Watanabe, Kooichi -- Purification and Properties of Apolipoprotein A-I and A-II from Human Serum High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) / Nomata, Yasuhiro / Matsukawa, Akira / Hiraoka, Kenichi / Sakurabayashi, Ikunosuke / Iimura, Yasuo / Kawai, Tadashi -- The Denaturation by Linoleic Acid Hydroperoxide and an Auto-Denaturation in Human Lipoproteins / Ageta, Masato / Nakayama, Jiro / Yamasaki, Seiichiro -- Studies of IgM-K/IgG Mixed Cryoglobulin / Hashimoto, Sumiko / Hashimoto, Masakatsu / Kumasaka, Kazunari / Kawano, Kinya -- Monoclonal Gammopathy Associated with Antibody Activity to Hetrologous Alpha-2 Macroglobulins / Minowa, Toshikazu / Kawano, Kinya / Kumasaka, Kazunari / Hashimoto, Masakatsu / Tsuchiya, Tatsuyuki / Hinami, Taeko / Mutoh, Yukiro -- Rapid and Simple Purification of Human Mitochondrial DNA Using Agarose Gel Electrophoresis / Harada, Shoji -- Immuno-Electrophoretic Analysis of Activation of Complement by Chorionic Villi / Ohkawa, Ryoki / Ohkawa, Kimiyasu / Hatano, H. / Nakagawa, M. -- Sensitive and Simple Identification of Monoclonal Proteins in Serum and Urine by Immunofixation Electrophoresis (IFE) / Janik, B. / Ambler, J. / Whicher, J.T. / Urquhart, N. -- Functional Heterogeneity of Rat Liver Isoferritin Following on a Single Dose of Iron / Inagaki, Chieko / Shinjo, Setsuko / Yoshino, Yoshio -- Hb F Determination by the Agar Gel Electrophoresis / Kim, Chang-Se / Cho, Man-Hee -- Electrophoretic Analysis of Holstein Beef Cattle Sera Affected with Liver Abcess / Muramatsu, U. / Ikemoto, S. / Tanaka, K. -- Latex Aggulutination Test for Immunoglobulin- Analysis in CSF / Ikawa, Sachio / Ikeda, Kiyoko -- Unique Properties of Bovine Ubiquitin / Matsumoto, H. / Taniguchi, N. -- Speech of Thanks to the Organizers / Vesterberg, O. -- Abstracts Of Papers Not Received -- Author Index -- Subject Index -- Backmatter

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Product Description

Frontmatter -- Preface -- Contents -- List Of Chairmen -- Opening Speech -- Electrophoresis - Its Present and Future Role in Biological and Biomedical Research / Allen, R.C. -- Plenary Lecture -- High Resolution Isoelectric Focusing: New Approaches to Analytical and Preparative Separations of Proteins and Enzymes / Radola, Bertold J. -- A Serum Enzyme Anomaly: Binding of Enzymes with Immunoglobulins / Kitamura, Motoshi -- General -- High Performance Electrophoresis (HPE) / Hjertén, Stellan -- Some Recent Conceptual Advances in Moving Boundary Electrophoresis and Their Practical Implications / Chrambach, Andreas / Hjelmeland, Leonard M. -- Isoelectric Focusing in Stable Preformed Buffer pH Gradients / Bier, M. / Mosher, R. A. / Thormann, W. / Graham, A. -- Determination of Transient and Steady States in Electrophoresis / Thormann, W. / Arn, D. / Schumacher, E. -- Isotachophoresis and Separation of Proteins Using Carrier-Free Electrophoresis Apparatus / Yasukawa, Kaoru / Kojima, Kiyotsugu / Manabe, Takashi / Okuyama, Tsuneo -- Application of a Rule to Illustration of Electrophoretic Results and Standardization of Electrophoresis Apparatus / Inoue, Tsutomu -- Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis -- Electrophoretic Methods in Horizontal Ultrathin-Layer Polyacrylamide Gels - A Versatile Time and Cost Saving System / Westermeier, Reiner / Postel, Wilhelm / Görg, Angelika -- Microcomputer-Aided Two-Dimensional Densitometry / Toda, Tosifusa / Fujita, Toshiko / Ohashi, Mochihiko -- Micro Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis of Soluble Proteins of Albumen Gland / Suda, Yoko / Fujishiro, Masatoshi / Inoue, Tsutomu -- High Performance Horizontal Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis of Serum Proteins / Yoshida, M. / Okano, K. / Itoh, M. -- Age-Related Changes of Two-Dimensional Electrophoretic Protein Pattern of Rat Liver / Fujita, Toshiko / Toda, Tosifusa / Ohashi, Mochihiko -- Slab Gel Electrophoresis at any Thickness with Effective Sample Movement and Gradient Flattening of SDS and IEF Gels / Yamada, Yasuyuki -- Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis of Cerebrospinal Fluid Proteins in the Absence of Denaturing Agent and Immunochemical Identification After Parallel Nitrocellulose Blotting / Manabe, T. / Takahashi, Y. / Okuyama, T. / Hiraoka, A. / Miura, I. / Murao, O. -- Mouse Liver Protein Variants Detected by Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis / Baier, Leslie J. / Hanash, Samir M. / Erickson, Robert P. -- Two-Dimensional Gel Analysis of Proteins in Mature Erythroid Bursts / Rosenblum, Barnett B. / Hanash, Samir M. -- Polypeptide Differences Between T-Lymphocytes and T-Lymphoblasts Detected by Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis / Hanash, S. / Schwartz, S. / Baier, L. / Rosenblum, B. / Springstead, K. -- Genetic Analysis of Ovary Specific Proteins in Drosophila melanogaster / Sakoyama, Yasuhiko / Nakai, Sumiko -- Electrophoretic Analysis of Pancreatic Proteases and Zymogen-Activating Factors in Mice / Isobe, Masaharu / Ogita, Zen-ichi -- Identification of Fetal Polypeptides in Amniotic Fluid Using Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis / Kronquist, Kathryn E. / Crandall, Barbara F. / Cosico, Lina G. -- Characterization of Serum Proteins Induced by Partial Hepatectomy / Kadofuku, Tsuyoki / Iijima, Takeru / Sato, Tsuneo -- Automatic Evaluation of Electropherograms at High Resolution / Kronberg, Harald / Zimmer, Hans-Georg / Neuhoff, Volker -- Analysis of Cultured Fibroblasts from Patients with Trisomy 18 Using Electrophoretic Techniques / Singh, Surjit / Willers, Ingrid / Goedde, H. Werner -- Difference in Androgen-Dependent Changes of Subcellular Proteins Between Ventral and Dorsolateral Lobes of Rat Prostate as Detected by Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoreses / Matuo, Yuhsi / Nishi, Nozomu / Tanaka, Yukio / Muguruma, Yasuyoshi / Wada, Fumio -- Electrostaining of Two-Dimensional Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis / Jitsukawa, S. / Sakurai, H. / Hoshino, T. -- Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis of Bovine Brain Proteins - Soluble and Insoluble Fractions / Takahashi, Yuko / Manabe, Takashi / Kadoya, Toshihiko / Ishioka, Noriaki / Isobe, Toshiaki / Okuyama, Tsuneo -- Analysis of Genetic Variation in Amerindian Sera by 2-D Page / Asakawa, Jun-ichi / Takahashi, Norio / Rosenblum, Barnett B. / Neel, James V. -- An Iso-Dalt Electrophoresis System with Reduced Buffer and Current Requirements / Cho, N. / Tollaksen, S.L. / Anderson, N.G. / Anderson, N.L. -- Cell Electrophoresis -- Preparative Free-Flow Electrophoresis of Proteins, Peptides and Related Compounds / Wagner, H. / Mang, V. / Kessler, R. / Heydt, A. / Manzoni, R. -- Scale-Up of the Free Flow Electrophoresis Device / Ivory, Cornelius F. / Gobie, William / Turk, Richard -- An Evaluation of a Video Image Correlation Technique for the Estimation of Electrophoretic Mobilities of Human Blood Cells / Bater, A.J. / Deeley, J.O.T. / Pritchard, J.A.V. -- Applications of an Automated Cell Electrophoresis Equipment with High Resolution - An Overview / Schütt, Wolfgang / Thomaneck, Uwe / Knippel, Eberhard / Rychly, Joachim -- Analysis of Lymphocyte Mobility in Tumor Bearer by a Fully Automated Analytical Instrument / Iwaguchi, Takao / Shimizu, Motomu / Mori, Takeo / Nakajima, Toshifusa -- The Application of Cell Electrophoresis to Renal Transplantation / Shenton, Brian / Veitch, Peter / Francis, David / Donnelly, Peter / Alomran, Ala / Proud, George / Taylor, R.M.R. -- The Role of Surface Negative Charge on Platelet Function / Tanoue, Kenjiro / Jung, Stephanie May / Yamamoto, Naomasa / Yamazaki, Hiroh -- Cell Electrophoretic Analysis of Polymorphonuclear Cells in Collagen Diseases / Hashimoto, Nobuya / Horita, Masakazu / Nose, Shunichi / Matsumoto, Naomi / Kobayashi, Toshiko / Ageshio, Masaki / Abe, Masakazu -- Electrophoretic Mobility Test for Gynecological Malignancy / Yamada, Masaoki / Ohkawa, Ryoki / Ohkawa, Kimiyasu -- Relation Between Agglutination and Electrophoretic Mobility of Sheep Erythrocytes / Hashimoto, Nobuya / Horita, Masakazu / Nose, Shunichi / Matsumoto, Naomi / Kobayashi, Toshiko / Ageshio, Masaki / Abe, Masakazu -- A Function Test of Chorionic Villi / Yoshida, Y. / Yamada, M. / Hatano, H. / Shimizu, Y. / Ohkawa, R. / Ohkawa, K. -- Different Distribution of the Electrophoretic Mobility of Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes in 3 Babies with Di George Syndrome / Wioland, Michel -- Measurement of Mixed Cell Populations by an Automated Cell Electrophoretic Instrument / Hayashi, Haruhisa / Toyama, Naomi / Oguchi, Yoshiharu / Matsunaga, Kenichi / Fujii, Masahiko / Hirose, Humio / Yoshikumi, Chikao / Hotta, Tetsuya / Yanagisawa, Masaaki -- Separation of Rat Liver Cell Organelles Responsible for Hemoglobin-Haptoglobin Metabolism by Means of Carrier-Free Electrophoresis / Oshiro, Satoru / Takami, Masao / Nakajima, Hiroshi -- A Rapid in Vitro Assay of Lymphocyte Dose Response to Immunodepressant Agents / Shenton, Brian / Donnelly, Peter / Parker, Craig / Friedman, Peter / Alomran, Ala / Francis, David / Lennard, Tom / Proud, George / Taylor, R.M.R. -- Isolation and Characterization of Suppressive Peptide from Interaction / Alomran, Ala / Shenton, Brian / Donnelly, Peter / Francis, David / Proud, George / Taylor, R.M.R. -- Isoenzyme -- Characterization of High Km Alcohol Dehydrogenase from Mouse Liver / Haseba, Takeshi / Hirakawa, Keiko / Tomita, Yukari / Watanabe, Tokinori -- Isoelectrophoretic Acidic Isoenzyme of Human Ribonuclease / Hishiki, Shuji / Kanno, Takashi / Sudo, Kayoko / Sakaguchi, Shukichi -- Incidence of Enzyme-Linked Immunoglobulin in Human Serum / Shibata, Hiroshi / Tozawa, Tatsuo / Taishi, Kaoru / Hayashi, Keiko / Morita, Sachiyo / Satoh, Hitomi / Okasaka, Rumi -- Mitochondrial Creatine Kinase in Human Tissue / Yasui, Tatsuo / Uzawa, Ryuichi / Ishizawa, Shuji / Takagi, Yasushi / Hayama, Tadayoshi / Gomi, Kunihide / Ishii, Toru -- Separation of Molecular Forms of Rat Brain Soluble Acetyl-Cholinesterase (AChE) by Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis for the Study of the Modifications During Intoxication by DFP / Bisso, Guillermo Mario / Marcacci, Gianni / Michalek, Hanna -- Detection of Alkaline Phosphatase-Linked Immunoglobulin A in Human Serum / Fujiwara, Yaeko / Tozawa, Tatsuo / Kuwahara, Junko -- Electrophoretic Analysis of a-Glycerophosphate Dehydrogenase and its Role in Metabolic Regulation / Sudo, Kayoko / Hishiki, Shuji / Kanno, Takashi -- Electrophoretic Separation of Tripeptide Aminopeptidase and its Distribution in Human Tissues / Kanda, Shinji / Sudo, Kayoko / Kanno, Takashi / Hishiki, Shuji -- Liver Mitochondrial Species of Creatine Kinase / Kanemitsu, Fusae / Kawanishi, Isarai / Mizushima, Jun / Okigaki, Tohru -- LDH Isoenzyme of Rabbit Granulocytes / Imaizumi, Tadayoshi / Horiguchi, Masaharu -- Properties of Newly Discovered LDH-X 5 Subfractions of Human Semen Using Isoelectric Focusing / Yoshida, M. / Imai, T. / Hara, M. / Isurugi, K. / Kinoshita, T. / Higashi, Y. -- Studies of a Shiet of LDH-Isozyme During Hypoxia / Hayashi, Taizo / Tanaka, Takao -- Changes of Protease Inhibitors in Patients with Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation / Kageyama, Takashi / Oyabu, Hiroshi / Tsumoto, Seiji -- Electrophoretic Analysis of Esterase Isoenzymes in Organophosphate Resistant Mosquitoes, Culex pipiens / Maruyama, Yukiko / Kamimura, Kiyoshi -- Isoelectric Focusing And Isotachophoresis -- Twenty Years of Scientific Work and Development of Isoelectric Focusing / Vesterberg, Olof -- Isoelectric Focusing (IEF) on Supported Cellulosic Membranes / Janik, Borek / Ambler, Jeffrey -- A Test for Binding During Isoelectric Focusing: Buffers Versus Synthetic Carrier Ampholytes / Cuono, C.B. / Chapo, G.A. / Chrambach, A. / Hjelmeland, L. -- Photoacoustic Mapping of Electropherograms / Köst, Hans-Peter / Möller, Ulrich / Schneider, Siegfried / Coufal, Hans -- Isotachophoresis of Serum Proteins Using Amino Acids as Spacer Ion / Yagi, Takao / Kojima, Kayoko / Yagi, M. / Kajita, Y. -- Isotachophoresis and Isoelectric Focusing of Human Serum Proteins / Kojima, Kiyotsugu / Manabe, Takashi / Okuyama, Tsuneo -- Isoelectric Focusing of Circulating Immune Complexes / Schmidt, Bruno L. / Steinmetz, Gertrude -- Increasing Resolution and Improving Reproducibility of Isoelectric Focusing and 2D-Electrophoresis by Performing IEF in Immobilized pH Gradients / Görg, Angelika / Postel, Wilhelm / Weser, Johann / Westermeier, Reiner -- Generation of Highly-Reproducible, Extended pH Intervals in Immobiline Gels / Righetti, Pier Giorgio / Gianazza, Elisabetta / Dossi, Giulio / Celentano, Fabrizio / Bjellqvist, Bengt / Ek, Kristina / Sahlin, Bengt / Eklund, Conny -- Study of Isotachophoresis Conditions for Serum Protein Analysis / Hine, Takashi -- A New Preparative Isoelectric Focusing Apparatus / Egen, N. B. / Thormann, W. / Twitty, G. E. / Bier, M. -- Improvements in Preparative Isoelectric Focusing in Agarose Gels / McLachlan, R. -- Isoelectric Focusing Without Carrier Ampholytes / Shimao, Kazuo -- Isoelectric Focusing with Immobilized pH Gradients for the Analysis of Human Genetic Serum Protein Polymorphisms / Cleve, H. / Patutschnick, W. / Weidinger, S. / Postel, W. / Weser, J. / Westermeier, R. / Gorg, A. -- Preparative Isoelectric Focusing in Immobilized pH Gradients / Ek, Kristina / Bjellqvist, Bengt / Righetti, Pier Giorgio -- An Integrated Approach to the Analysis of Human Hemoglobin Variants by Combining IEF, FPLC and Electrophoretic Titration Curve Analysis / Wahlström, L. / Nylund, V. / Burdett, P.E. / Englund, H. -- Isoelectric Focusing of Plasma Lipoproteins in the Diagnosis and Prognosis of Liver Disease / Stathakos, D. / Rekoumis, G. / Avgerinos, A. / Kanaghinis, T. -- Determination of Cystathionine and its Derivatives / Kodama, Hiroyuki / Mikasa, Hiroaki / Ageta, Tomiko -- Agarose Isoelectrofocusing: A Preparative Technique for Studying the Immosuppressive Property of a2 Microglobulin / Alomran, Ala / Shenton, Brian / Francis, David / Veitch, Peter / Proud, George / Taylor, R.M.R. -- Affinity Electrophoresis -- Affinity Electrophoresis With Evaluation Of Glycoprotein Microheterogeneity And Screening For Lectins / Bøg-Hansen, T.C. / Grudzinskas, J.G. -- Electrophoretic Properties Of Rca-2 Binding Glycoproteins In Human Sera And Ascitic Fluid With Hepatocellular Carcinoma / Fukushima, Masaki / Arima, Terukatsu / Suwa, Fumiaki / Watanabe, Junichi / Koide, Norio / Nagashima, Hideo -- Separation And Identification Of Different Molecular Species Of Human a-Fetoprotein By Double Affinity Electrophoresis With Concanavalin A And Lens Culinaris Hemagglutinin A / Taketa, Kazuhisa / Izumi, Masaki / Nakabayasni, Hidekazu / Sato, Jiro -- Affinophoresis of Trypsins / Shimura, Kiyohito / Kasai, Ken-ichi -- Heterogeneity of Rabbit Anti-DNP Antibody Studied by Two-Dimensional Affinity Electrophoresis / Takeo, Kazusuke / Suzuno, Ryosuke / Tanaka, Tatehiko / Fujimoto, Masanori / Kuwahara, Akira / Nakamura, Kazuyuki -- Measurement of Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HBA1) on Cellulose Acetate Membranes in a Mobile Affinity Electrophoresis System / Janik, Borek / Ambler, Jeffrey -- Immunochemical Investigations of Rh0(D) Activity Detected in Band 3 of Red Cell Membrane / Yokoi, Tsuyoshi / Iwasa, Mineo / Sagisaka, Kaoru -- Seminal Acid Phosphatase / Iwasa, Mineo / Yokoi, Tsuyoshi / Sagisaka, Kaoru -- Effect of Metal Ions on the Interaction Between Concanavalin A and Carbohydrate Studied by Affinity Electrophoresis / Kuwahara, Akira / Fujimoto, Masanori / Suzuno, Ryosuke / Takeo, Kazusuke -- Application -- Binding Specificity of Transferrin Receptors on Cultured Tumor Cells / Urushizaki, Yoichi / Kohgo, Yutaka / Niitzu, Yoshiro / Urushizaki, Ichiro -- Existence of Myoglobin in Chicken Gizzard Muscle and Comparison of Myoglobin in Dystrophic and Normal Chickens / Kawai, Hisaomi / Imai, Kozo / Masuda, Kenjiro / Nishino, Hiroshi / Inui, Toshio / Yoshida, Yasunori / Kusaka, Kanae -- Characterization of Ferritin Monomer and Dimer / Makino, Yoshiaki / Kanamaru, Ikue / Tei, Ichiyo / Konno, Kunio -- Electrophoretic Analysis of Liver Specific Lipoprotein (LSP) / Zeniya, Mikio / Arashiyama, Atsushi / Ando, Hideki / Nishiyama, Masaki / Fujita, Yumiko / Takahashi, Hiroshi / Deura, Masamichi / Shimizu, Yoshikazu / Aizawa, Yoshio / Akiba, Mariko / Asukata, Ichiro / Kameda, Haruo -- Optimizing Electrophoretic Methods for Analysis of Genetic Origins in Grain and Food Samples / Wrigley, Colin / Campbell, William / Cros, Diana du / Margolis, Joel -- Apoprotein A-I, A-II, and High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in Diabetes Mellitus / Nakano, Eiji / Ozawa, Kenji / Kumasaka, Kazunari / Kawano, Kinya / Tsuchiya, Toshio / Watanabe, Kooichi -- Purification and Properties of Apolipoprotein A-I and A-II from Human Serum High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) / Nomata, Yasuhiro / Matsukawa, Akira / Hiraoka, Kenichi / Sakurabayashi, Ikunosuke / Iimura, Yasuo / Kawai, Tadashi -- The Denaturation by Linoleic Acid Hydroperoxide and an Auto-Denaturation in Human Lipoproteins / Ageta, Masato / Nakayama, Jiro / Yamasaki, Seiichiro -- Studies of IgM-K/IgG Mixed Cryoglobulin / Hashimoto, Sumiko / Hashimoto, Masakatsu / Kumasaka, Kazunari / Kawano, Kinya -- Monoclonal Gammopathy Associated with Antibody Activity to Hetrologous Alpha-2 Macroglobulins / Minowa, Toshikazu / Kawano, Kinya / Kumasaka, Kazunari / Hashimoto, Masakatsu / Tsuchiya, Tatsuyuki / Hinami, Taeko / Mutoh, Yukiro -- Rapid and Simple Purification of Human Mitochondrial DNA Using Agarose Gel Electrophoresis / Harada, Shoji -- Immuno-Electrophoretic Analysis of Activation of Complement by Chorionic Villi / Ohkawa, Ryoki / Ohkawa, Kimiyasu / Hatano, H. / Nakagawa, M. -- Sensitive and Simple Identification of Monoclonal Proteins in Serum and Urine by Immunofixation Electrophoresis (IFE) / Janik, B. / Ambler, J. / Whicher, J.T. / Urquhart, N. -- Functional Heterogeneity of Rat Liver Isoferritin Following on a Single Dose of Iron / Inagaki, Chieko / Shinjo, Setsuko / Yoshino, Yoshio -- Hb F Determination by the Agar Gel Electrophoresis / Kim, Chang-Se / Cho, Man-Hee -- Electrophoretic Analysis of Holstein Beef Cattle Sera Affected with Liver Abcess / Muramatsu, U. / Ikemoto, S. / Tanaka, K. -- Latex Aggulutination Test for Immunoglobulin- Analysis in CSF / Ikawa, Sachio / Ikeda, Kiyoko -- Unique Properties of Bovine Ubiquitin / Matsumoto, H. / Taniguchi, N. -- Speech of Thanks to the Organizers / Vesterberg, O. -- Abstracts Of Papers Not Received -- Author Index -- Subject Index -- Backmatter

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4.8 x 17 x 17 centimeters (1.00 kg)
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