Volcanoes are unquestionably one of the most spectacular and awe-inspiring features of the physical world. Our paradoxical fascination with them stems from their majestic beauty and powerful, if sometimes deadly, destructiveness. Notwithstanding the tremendous advances in volcanology since ancient times, some of the mystery surrounding volcanic eruptions remains today. The Encyclopedia of Volcanoes summarizes our present knowledge of volcanoes. Through its thematic organization around the melting of the earth, it provides a comprehensive source of information on the multidisciplinary influences of volcanic eruptions--both the destructive as well as the beneficial aspects. The majority of the chapters focus on the geoscience-related aspects of volcanism (radioactive heat source, melting rock, ascent of magma, surface phenomena associated with exiting magma, extraterrestrial volcanism, etc.). In addition, complementary chapters discuss the multidisciplinary aspects of volcanism, including the history of volcanology, geothermal energy resources, interaction with the oceans and atmosphere, health aspects of volcanism, mitigation of volcanic disasters, post-eruption ecology, and the impact of eruptions on organismal biodiversity, among others.
Volcanoes are unquestionably one of the most spectacular and awe-inspiring features of the physical world. Our paradoxical fascination with them stems from their majestic beauty and powerful, if sometimes deadly, destructiveness. Notwithstanding the tremendous advances in volcanology since ancient times, some of the mystery surrounding volcanic eruptions remains today. The Encyclopedia of Volcanoes summarizes our present knowledge of volcanoes. Through its thematic organization around the melting of the earth, it provides a comprehensive source of information on the multidisciplinary influences of volcanic eruptions--both the destructive as well as the beneficial aspects. The majority of the chapters focus on the geoscience-related aspects of volcanism (radioactive heat source, melting rock, ascent of magma, surface phenomena associated with exiting magma, extraterrestrial volcanism, etc.). In addition, complementary chapters discuss the multidisciplinary aspects of volcanism, including the history of volcanology, geothermal energy resources, interaction with the oceans and atmosphere, health aspects of volcanism, mitigation of volcanic disasters, post-eruption ecology, and the impact of eruptions on organismal biodiversity, among others.
This 2nd fully revised and updated edition provides a comprehensive source of information on the multidisciplinary influences of volcanic eruptions--both destructive and beneficial.
Part I. Origin and Transport of Magma
1. Melting the Earth’s Upper Mantle
Timothy L. Grove and Christy B. Till
2. Migration of Melt
Martha J. Daines and Matej Pec
3. Plate Tectonics and Volcanism
Peter C. LaFemina
4. The Composition and Origin of Magmas
Nick Rogers
5. Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Silicate Melts and
Charles E. Lesher and Frank J. Spera
6. Chemical Thermodynamics and the Study of Magmas
Mark S. Ghiorso and Guilherme A.R. Gualda
7. Volatiles in Magmas
Paul J. Wallace, Terry Plank, Marie Edmonds and Erik H. Hauri
8. Magma Chambers
Bruce D. Marsh
9. Rates of Magma Ascent and Storage
Brandon Browne and Lindsay Szramek
10. Magma Transport in Dikes
Helge Gonnermann and Benoit Taisne
11. Magma Ascent and Degassing at Shallow Levels
Alain Burgisser and Wim Degruyter
Part II. Eruptions
12. Earth’s Volcanoes and Their Eruptions: An Overview
Lee Siebert, Elizabeth Cottrell, Edward Venzke and Benjamin
13. Sizes of Volcanic Eruptions
David M. Pyle
14. Global Rates of Volcanism and Volcanic Episodes
Natalia Irma Deligne and Haraldur Sigurdsson
15. Primary Volcanic Landforms
Shan de Silva and Jan M. Lindsay
16. Calderas
Michael Branney and Valerio Acocella
Part III. Effusive Volcanism
17. Lava Flows and Rheology
Andrew J.L. Harris and Scott K. Rowland
18. Lava Dome Eruptions
Eliza S. Calder, Yan Lavallée, Jackie E. Kendrick and Marc
19. Submarine Lavas and Hyaloclastite
James D.L. White, Jocelyn McPhie, and S. Adam Soule
20. Glaciovolcanism
Benjamin R. Edwards, Magnu´s T. Gudmundsson and James K.
21. Mid-Ocean Ridge Volcanism
S. Adam Soule
22. Seamounts and Island Building
Hubert Staudigel and Anthony A.P. Koppers
23. Basaltic Volcanic Fields
Greg A. Valentine and Charles B. Connor
24. Large Igneous Provinces and Flood Basalt Volcanism
Stephen Self, Millard F. Coffin, Michael R. Rampino and John A.
Part IV Explosive Volcanism
25. Magmatic Fragmentation
Katharine V. Cashman and Bettina Scheu
26. Magma—Water Interaction and Phreatomagmatic Fragmentation
Bernd Zimanowski, Ralf Büttner, Pierfrancesco Dellino, James D.L.
White and Kenneth H. Wohletz
27. Hawaiian and Strombolian Eruptions
Jacopo Taddeucci, Marie Edmonds, Bruce Houghton, Michael R. James
and Sylvie Vergniolle
28. Vulcanian Eruptions
Amanda Bachtell Clarke, Tomaso Esposti Ongaro and Alexander
29. Plinian and Subplinian Eruptions
Raffaello Cioni, Marco Pistolesi and Mauro Rosi
30. Phreatomagmatic and Related Eruption Styles
Bruce Houghton, James D.L. White and Alexa R. Van Eaton
31. Submarine Explosive Eruptions
James D.L. White, C. Ian Schipper and Kazuhiko Kano
32. Volcanic Plumes
Steven Carey and Marcus Bursik
33. Tephra Dispersal and Sedimentation
Costanza Bonadonna, Antonio Costa, Arnau Folch and Takehiro
34. Pyroclastic Fall Deposits
Bruce F. Houghton and Rebecca J. Carey
35. Pyroclastic Density Currents: Processes and Models
Josef Dufek, Tomaso Esposti Ongaro and Olivier Roche
36. Deposits of Pyroclastic Density Currents
Richard J. Brown and Graham D.M. Andrews
37. Lahars and Their Deposits
James W. Vallance and Richard M. Iverson
38. Landslides, Debris Avalanches and Volcanic Gravitational
Benjamin van Wyk de Vries and Tim Davies
Part V Extraterrestrial Volcanism
39. Volcanism on the Moon
Paul D. Spudis
40. Volcanism on Mercury
James W. Head, III and Lionel Wilson
41. Volcanism on Mars
James R. Zimbelman, William Brent Garry,
Jacob Elvin Bleacher and David A. Crown
42. Volcanism on Venus
Mikhail A. Ivanov, Larry S. Crumpler, Jayne C. Aubele and James W.
Head, III
43. Volcanism on Io
Rosaly M.C. Lopes and David A. Williams
44. Cryovolcanism in the Outer Solar System
Paul Geissler
Part VI Volcanic Interactions
45. Volcanic, Magmatic and Hydrothermal Gases
Tobias P. Fischer and Giovanni Chiodini
46. Intrusion-Related Geothermal Systems
James Stimac, Fraser Goff and Cathy J. Goff
47. Seafloor Hydrothermal Venting at Volcanic Arcs and Backarcs
Cornel E.J. de Ronde and Valerie K. Stucker
48. Volcano-Related Lakes
Pierre Delmelle, Richard W. Henley and Alain Bernard
49. Volcanic Successions Associated with Ore Deposits: Facies
Characteristics and Ore—Host
Jocelyn McPhie and Ray Cas
50. Volcanic Influences on the Carbon, Sulfur, and Halogen
Biogeochemical Cycles
Pierre Delmelle, Elena Maters and Clive Oppenheimer
Part VII. Volcanic Hazards
51. Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment
Chuck Connor, Mark Bebbington and Warner Marzocchi
52. Volcanic Ash Hazards to Aviation
Fred Prata and Bill Rose
53. Climatic Impacts of Volcanic Eruptions
Alan Robock
54. Hazards from Pyroclastic Density Currents
Paul D. Cole, Augusto Neri and Peter J. Baxter
55. Lava Flow Hazards and Modeling
Christopher R.J. Kilburn
56. Hazards from Lahars and Jökulhlaups
Magnús T. Gudmundsson
57. Hazards of Volcanic Gases
Glyn Williams-Jones and Hazel Rymer
58. Volcanic Tsunamis
Simon J. Day
59. Volcanic Seismicity
Stephen R. McNutt and Diana C. Roman
60. Impacts of Eruptions on Human Health
Peter J. Baxter and Claire J. Horwell
61. Large Igneous Provinces and Biotic Extinctions
Michael R. Rampino and Stephen Self
62. Volcanic Lightning
Stephen R. McNutt and Ronald J. Thomas
Part VIII. Eruption Response and Mitigation
63. Seismic and Infrasonic Monitoring
Stephen R. McNutt, Glenn Thompson, Jeffrey Johnson, Silvio De
Angelis and David Fee
64. Ground Deformation, Gravity, and Magnetics
Jeffrey T. Freymueller, John B. Murray, Hazel Rymer and Corinne A.
65. Gas, Plume, and Thermal Monitoring
Simon A. Carn
66. Synthesis of Volcano Monitoring
John Pallister and Stephen R. McNutt
67. Volcano Warning Systems
Chris E. Gregg, Bruce Houghton and John W. Ewert
68. Volcanic Crisis Management
Gill Jolly and Servando de la Cruz
69. Social Processes and Volcanic Risk Reduction
Jenni Barclay, Katharine Haynes, Bruce Houghton and David
70. Volcanic Risk Assessment
Willy Aspinall and Russell Blong
Part IX. Economic Benefits and Cultural Aspects of Volcanism
71. Utilization of Geothermal Resources
Stefán Arnórsson, Sverrir Thórhallsson and Andri Stefánsson
72. Volcanic Soils
Pierre Delmelle, Sophie Opfergelt, Jean-Thomas Cornelis and
Chien-Lu Ping
73. Volcano Ecology: Disturbance Characteristics and Assembly of
Biological Communities
Charles M. Crisafulli, Frederick J. Swanson, Jonathan J. Halvorson
and Bruce D. Clarkson
74. Volcanic Materials in Commerce and Industry 1285
Jonathan Dehn and Stephen R. McNutt
75. Volcanoes and Tourism
Patricia Erfurt-Cooper, Haraldur Sigurdsson and Rosaly M.C.
76. Volcanoes, Ancient People, and Their Societies
Payson Sheets
77. Volcanoes in Art
Haraldur Sigurdsson
78. Volcanoes in Literature and Film
Haraldur Sigurdsson and Rosaly M.C. Lopes
Appendix 1: Common Units and Conversion Factors
Appendix 2: Catalog of Earth’s Documented Holocene Eruptions
Haraldur Sigurdsson is emeritus professor at the Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island in the United States of America. He has worked on volcanic processes and the geochemistry of volcanic rocks for over fifty years. His studies have in part been focused on the impact of volcanic activity on human populations, especially his work on Vesuvius in Italy, Tambora in Indonesia, El Chichon in Mexico and studies of deadly gas bursts from Cameroon crater lakes. He has also studied the global environmental effects of meteorite impacts, such as the one that marks the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. His books include Melting the Earth, accounting for the evolution of ideas about formation of magmas and the origin of volcanic eruptions. Haraldur is currently director of the Volcano Museum in Stykkisholmur, Iceland. Bruce Houghton is the Gordon MacDonald Professor in Volcanology at University of Hawaii at Manoa and Hawaiian State Volcanologist and a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand. He is also Science Director at the National Disaster Preparedness Training Center at University of Hawaii. Previously he had a career of twenty five years as a volcanologist in New Zealand, culminating in leading the scientific response to the 1995-96 eruption of Ruapehu volcano. Bruce has published over 220 research papers in international journals and has worked in Alaska, Chile, El Salvador, Greece, Hawaii, Iceland, Italy, Germany, Nicaragua, Thailand and New Zealand. Steve McNutt is a Professor in the School of Geosciences at the University of South Florida (USF). He has worked on volcanic processes using seismology, infrasound, and lightning instruments for over 35 years. He worked half time for the Alaska Volcano Observatory from 1991-2012 and was closely involved in monitoring efforts for eruptions at Spurr, Pavlof, Shishaldin, Augustine, Okmok, Kasatochi, and Redoubt volcanoes. He coordinates seismology research at USF, and presently supervises 3 graduate students and a Post-Doc. His research interests include: 1) studies of source and propagation effects for volcanic tremor, low-frequency events, and explosion earthquakes; 2) volcanic hazards assessments in Alaska, California, and Central America; 3) the mechanical behavior of volcanoes, including periodicity of eruptions, and the effects of earth tides, sea level variations, and tectonic stresses on triggering eruptive activity; 4) volcano infrasound; and 5) volcanic lightning. From July 1999 to July 2007 he served as Secretary-General for the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior. Hazel Rymer is presently the Dean and Director of Studies in the Faculty of Science and Profesor of Environmental Volcanology.Hazel has developed and championed the use of microgravity as a tool for monitoring active volcanoes. She has used this method to identify sub-surface processes at calderas in a state of unrest and at persistently active volcanoes and this has given geoscientists considerable insight into the range of mechanisms responsible for initiating and sustaining volcanic activity. The technique Hazel pioneered is now the standard method for gravity monitoring on volcanoes; it remains the only way to quantify the sub-surface mass changes that occur before, during and after eruptions. John Stix has studied active volcanoes for 26 years, specializing in volcanic gases, eruption mechanisms, and the impact of volcanic activity. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in volcanology, natural hazards, and environmental geology. He also is involved in field courses, where he exposes students to hands-on observations of natural processes such as volcanic eruptions and floods. He has been involved in many training courses and workshops in Canada, the US, and Latin America to teach volcanology. He has collaborated extensively with colleagues in Colombia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Ecuador in volcano studies and volcanic hazards. From 2003 to 2010 he was the Editor-in-Chief of the Bulletin of Volcanology, the leading international journal related to the study of volcanoes and volcanism. He is currently part of an international team to drill into an active silicic magma body beneath Krafla volcano in Iceland.
"There are many figures, tables, photographs, and charts, many of
them in color in this well-produced second edition...I would
recommend this volume to anyone interested in volcanoes and their
activity." --The Leading Edge
"...provides an in-depth and scientific overview of volcanoes
including how they are formed and monitored, but it also examines
such unique topics as volcanoes in art and volcano tourism...the
most comprehensive referenced book on volcanism that I've ever come
across." --Tundraco
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