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Escaping Gravity


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An Expert on the US Space Program: As a leading figure in the US space program, Lori Garver is a well-regarded expert in the field. She has worked with President Obama, the US Senate, and NASA to initiate major progress in the US space program.
Published Opinion-Editorials in Major Journals: Garver has been published in major journals such as the Washington Post and Scientific American.
Print and e-ARC distribution to trade and consumer media, both traditional and online.
- Targeted outreach to space, science, technology, and women in business organizations, websites, and publications.
- Social media marketing on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads giveaways.
- PR campaign with print, radio, and digital interview targets.

About the Author

Lori Garver is a leading figure in the US space program who pioneered innovations that are transforming NASA. She was the principal advisor on aerospace issues to three presidential candidates and led the NASA transition team for President Obama. Garver served as the Deputy Administrator of the Space Agency from 2009 to 2013 and is known as the architect of the new era of commercial partnerships that allow SpaceX to carry astronauts to and from the International Space Station.


Former NASA official Lori Garver offers a front-row seat to the decades-long struggles within and among space bureaucrats and space billionaires. Bring popcorn, as you bear witness to an untold slice of space history.
—Neil deGrasse Tyson, Astrophysicist and author of Space Chronicles: Facing the Ultimate Frontier
Lori made a real difference to the future of spaceflight. Most people put their career first, so they play politics and pander to the vested interests. But there are some who truly care about humanity's future in space and will do the right thing in the face of immense opposition. We are fortunate to have several such people in NASA senior leadership and Lori was one of them...Lori did a lot of good.
—Elon Musk
The recent progress of commercial space travel is the result of decades of work by many determined individuals and organizations. Lori's compelling memoir, Escaping Gravity, captures what it means to use space exploration to transform and benefit humanity right here on Earth. The book gives us a behind-the-scenes look at how a band of dreamers defied gravity and the status quo to launch a new space age.
—Richard Branson
Transformative change in government is often sought, but rarely achieved. In this revealing and personal book, Garver tells the fascinating story of how she helped a band of dreamers, rogue bureaucrats and billionaires usher in a new space age.
—From the foreword by Walter Isaacson
In this personal, take-no-prisoners account, Lori Garver pulls back the curtain on the new space race, where political science joins rocket science to create today's critical mass. Buckle up for a revealing and fascinating ride!
—Lynn Sherr, author of Sally Ride: America's First Woman in Space
We are living at the most exciting time in space exploration since the Apollo era, in part because the world's largest space agency, NASA, got around to trying something new, the funding of commercial crews. Lori Garver tells it like it is...or was for a woman effecting change at NASA despite men of the military industrial complex—and their cost-plus contracts. It wasn't rocket science, it was much harder than that. Don't take my word(s) for it; read this book.
—Bill Nye, CEO, The Planetary Society
Lori Garver is a self-proclaimed 'space pirate,' who took on NASA, the aerospace industry and even members of Congress, as part of a tumultuous groundswell that helped launch the modern commercial space industry. Told without fear or favor, her compelling tale transcends the space industry and shows us, from the inside, how Washington works—who wins, who loses and who bears the scars.
—Christian Davenport Washington Post space reporter and author of The Space Barons: Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and the Quest to Colonize the Cosmos.
As much as anyone not named Elon Musk, Lori Garver has helped prod, push, and pull NASA to embrace commercial space and all of its promise. Now, as this industry has become the envy of the world, Garver tells how it was done over the last three decades. She names names, yanks skeletons from closets, and writes illuminatingly about the brilliant future ahead of us.
—Eric Berger, Senior Space Editor at Ars Technica and author of Liftoff: Elon Musk and the Desperate Early Days that Launched SpaceX
How do you move a mountain? How do you change an industry with entrenched corporations making billions from and intent on keeping the status quo? Fiercely vilified and opposed, Lori Garver remained undaunted in her quest and ultimate success in leading the transformation from bureaucracy, resistance, and risk aversion into the dynamic commercial space era we know today. Watching the transformation unfold since first working with her in the late 1990s to garner private investment in space has been rewarding even beyond my two spaceflights. Escaping Gravity is a personal and compelling story about those who recognized what widely-accessible space could mean, and the force of a team dedicated to breaking the status quo. It is among the most important stories in the history of space and offers extraordinary lessons in leadership, tenacity, and political maneuvering.
—Mary Ellen Weber, NASA Astronaut (ret.)
Lori Garver is an unsung hero of a new space age. As NASA's deputy administrator, she took on the old space aristocracy, made a lot of enemies, but won enough friends and battles to preserve the important dream of easier, cheaper access to space. Certainly, we would not see Elon Musk where he is now if Lori Garver hadn't been in that job.
—Miles O'Brien, broadcast news journalist, PBS NewsHour, CNN, Discovery Channel
Lori Garver was the catalyst that helped bring NASA into the new Space Age. No one has done more than Lori to stand up to parochial (and patriarchal) interests in this industry and usher in a more meaningful and sustainable space program. Escaping Gravity is an enduring story of how a woman with a different background and perspective can make a difference—and become a force to be reckoned with.
—Emily Calandrelli, award-winning science communicator and host of FOX's Xploration Outer Space and Netflix's Emily's Lab
Escaping Gravity delivers the inside story of today's commercial spaceflight revolution. Before SpaceX, Blue Origin, Virgin and XPRIZE, the space industry was an old boys club, with a handful of military defense companies. It was ultra-expensive and risk averse. Lori Garver led the charge to topple the old school, and engage the entrepreneurial engine we now see today. If it weren't for Lori Garver's passion and vision, we would not be on our way to the Moon and Mars today.
—Peter H. Diamandis, MD, Founder/Chairman of XPRIZE and Singularity University and author of Abundance, BOLD and The Future is Faster Than You Think
If you're interested in the story of a pioneering woman revolutionizing the male-dominated space industry, read this book. If you're interested in the key early turning points of Elon Musk's and Richard Branson's space efforts, read this book. If you're interested in how to effect substantive change within government, industry, and the nonprofit sector, read this book! Lori's life story is filled with incredible adventures and she has had a profound impact on humanity's future in space and on Earth.
—George Whitesides, former CEO of Virgin Galactic
Lori Garver's Escaping Gravity is a must read to understand the 21st century remaking of the US space industry. Her clear-eyed view from inside NASA and the halls of American power reveals the why and how behind the new Space Age that's now underway. Lori artfully gives personal introductions to dozens of influential people—from the billionaires who are now household names, to the politicians, officials, celebrities, entrepreneurs, executives, and more involved. Her story is gripping and personal, interwoven with never-before-told conversations, historical facts, and battles of will.
—Michael Sheetz, CNBC space reporter
Not a week goes by without a new headline about yet another commercial space mission. NASA is now among the loudest cheerleaders, but that was not always the case. In Escaping Gravity, former NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver documents the long internal and external struggles that often went on behind the scenes wherein the agency slowly warmed to commercial space. She was there in the trenches pushing the agency to transform. If you want to truly understand the origins of the current revolution in commercial space, this book is a must-read.
—Keith Cowing, Editor at NASAWatch.com
Change is not easy–especially in fields that push the edges of our capabilities, come with high stakes and offer untold rewards. But evolution demands embracing change whether in government or in the private sector. Lori Garver's gripping story reveals how a woman with a different background and perspective broke traditional barriers at NASA and within the space industry to beat both gravity and the status quo.
–Dr. Mae Jemison, NASA Astronaut (ret.)
In a hard-hitting text, Garver names names, gives details of the backroom deals she fought against, and generally portrays NASA as an egregious example of the military-industrial complex. . . . A scathing memoir that shows the ugly side of NASA while offering hope for a better future for the space agency.

—Kirkus Reviews

In fast-paced, lay-friendly prose, Garver makes a solid case that recent advances by private space exploration companies SpaceX and Blue Origin vindicate her belief in the importance of commercial space flight. This passionate insider look offers plenty to consider.

—Publishers Weekly

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