Existentialism, 2/e, offers an exceptional and accessible introduction to the richness and diversity of existentialist thought. Retaining the focus of the highly successful first edition, the second edition provides extensive material on the "big four" existentialists--Kierkegaard, Nietzsche,
Heidegger, and Sartre--while also including selections from twenty-four other authors. Giving readers a sense of the variety of existentialist thought around the world, this edition also adds new readings by such figures as Luis Borges, Viktor Frankl, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Keiji Nishitani, and
Rainer Maria Rilke.
Existentialism, 2/e, also features:
* New translations of Kierkegaard, Heidegger, and Buber
* More extensive selections from Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Sartre
* New selections by Hazel E. Barnes, Miguel de Unamuno, Joseph Heller, Philip Roth, and Colin Wilson
* The Grand Inquisitor (from Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov)
Ideal for undergraduate courses in existentialism and Continental philosophy, Existentialism, 2/e, is fascinating reading for anyone interested in the subject.
Existentialism, 2/e, offers an exceptional and accessible introduction to the richness and diversity of existentialist thought. Retaining the focus of the highly successful first edition, the second edition provides extensive material on the "big four" existentialists--Kierkegaard, Nietzsche,
Heidegger, and Sartre--while also including selections from twenty-four other authors. Giving readers a sense of the variety of existentialist thought around the world, this edition also adds new readings by such figures as Luis Borges, Viktor Frankl, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Keiji Nishitani, and
Rainer Maria Rilke.
Existentialism, 2/e, also features:
* New translations of Kierkegaard, Heidegger, and Buber
* More extensive selections from Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Sartre
* New selections by Hazel E. Barnes, Miguel de Unamuno, Joseph Heller, Philip Roth, and Colin Wilson
* The Grand Inquisitor (from Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov)
Ideal for undergraduate courses in existentialism and Continental philosophy, Existentialism, 2/e, is fascinating reading for anyone interested in the subject.
Introduction Soren Kierkegaard From The Present Age From The Journals The Rotation Method (from Either/Or) Is There Such a Thing as a Teleological Suspension of the Ethical? (from Fear and Trembling and The Sickness Unto Death) Truth Is Subjectivity (from Concluding Unscientific Postscript) On Becoming a Christian * From The Concept of Anxiety * Concerning the Dedication to "The Individual" (from The Point of View for My Work as An Author) * What Do I Want? (from Kierkegaard's letters) Ivan Turgenev From Fathers and Sons Feodor Dostoevsky From Notes from Underground * The Grand Inquisitor (from The Brothers Karamazov) Friedrich Nietzsche * From The Gay Science From Thus Spoke Zarathustra From Beyond Good and Evil From On the Genealogy of Morality From Twilight of the Idols On Truth On The Will to Power On Eternal Recurrence Hermann Hesse From Steppenwolf Martin Heidegger From Being and Time The Fundamental Question of Metaphysics (from An Introduction to Metaphysics) From Discourse on Thinking Rainer Maria Rilke * From The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge Miguel de Unamuno * From The Tragic Sense of Life Karl Jaspers Existenz (from Philosophy) Franz Kafka Couriers (from Parables and Paradoxes) Before the Law (from The Penal Colony) Gabriel Marcel What Is a Free Man? (from Man Against Mass Society) Albert Camus From The Stranger From The Myth of Sisyphus From The Fall From "Albert Camus" by Jean-Paul Sartre Jean-Paul Sartre From Existentialism Is a Humanism From Nausea * The Origin of Nothingness (from Being and Nothingness) Patterns of Bad Faith (from Being and Nothingness) * Freedom and Facticity: The Situation (from Being and Nothingness) Being-for-Others (from Being and Nothingness) From No Exit Freedom and Responsibility (from Being and Nothingness) From The Flies From The Age of Reason From St. Genet: Actor and Martyr Marxism and Existentialism (from Search for a Method) * Sartre on Angst (from a series of interviews with Jean-Paul Sartre, conducted by Benny Levy) Maurice Merleau-Ponty From "Merleau-Ponty" by Jean-Paul Sartre Prospectus (A Report to the College de France) Freedom (from The Phenomenology of Perception) Simone de Beauvoir From The Ethics of Ambiguity From The Second Sex Hazel E. Barnes * Sartre and Feminism: Aside from The Second Sex and All That (from "Sartre and Feminism") Martin Buber From I and Thou Paul Tillich From The Courage to Be Keiji Nishitani * From "What Is Religion?" Colin Wilson * From Anti-Sartre Viktor E. Frankl * Man's Search for Meaning * Logotherapy * Tragic Optimism Gabriel Garcia Marquez * From Love in the Time of Cholera Samuel Beckett Act Without Words Luis Borges * Borges and I (from A Personal Anthology) Harold Pinter From The Dwarfs Joseph Heller * From Catch-22 Philip Roth * From The Human Stain Arthur Miller From Death of a Salesman
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