Dieser Klassiker zur Behandlung von Katzen bietet wichtige Informationen zu Krankheiten, Verhalten, klinischen Verfahren u.v.m. Die vollständig aktualisierte neue Auflage von The Feline Patient enthält mehr als 300 Kapitel zu sämtlichen Aspekten der Behandlung von Katzen in der tierärztlichen Praxis. Die Themen sind in den Kapitel alphabetisch geordnet. Informationen zu Diagnose und Behandlungsoptionen bei Katzen lassen sich so schnell finden. Das Buch ist für den klinischen Einsatz gedacht. Statt auf langen Abhandlungen zur Pathophysiologie liegt der Fokus auf die für Diagnose, Behandlung und Prognose klinisch-relevanten Informationen. Die 5. Auflage von The Feline Patient wurde um 30 Kapitel erweitert, darunter auch neue klinische Aspekte, die Dr. Norsworthy in seiner über 45-jährigen Tätigkeit in der klinischen Praxis gesammelt hat. Diese Auflage bietet Bilder aus dem Klinikalltag. Einige Abschnitte wurden neu strukturiert, um die Vielzahl an wichtigen Informationen besser zu präsentieren. - Bietet Kapitel, die von internationalen Experten geschrieben wurden. - Enthält neue klinische Aspekte und damit nützliche Handreichungen für die Praxis. - Einfaches Auffinden von Informationen durch ein verbessertes Layout und einen übersichtlicheren Seitenaufbau. - Begleitende Website mit Hunderten zusätzlicher Bilder sowie Videosequenzen zu klinischen Fällen und Verfahren. Die 5. Auflage von The Feline Patient ist ein wichtiges Referenzwerk für Veterinärmediziner, die Katzen behandeln, und für Studenten der Veterinärmedizin.
The Editor Gary D. Norsworthy, DVM, DABVP (Feline), is a Charter Diplomate of the Feline Practice Category of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners; a Clinical Associate Faculty at Western University of Health Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine in Pomona, California, USA; an Adjunct Professor at Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine in Mississippi State, Mississippi, USA; and the owner of Alamo Feline Health Center in San Antonio, Texas, USA
Contributors xiii Preface xvi Norsworthy's Notes xvii About the Companion Website xviii Section 1: Diseaases and Conditions 1 Acetaminophen Toxicosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 3 2 Acne Jason B. Pieper 5 3 Acromegaly Sharon Fooshee Grace 7 4 Actinomycosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 9 5 Adenocarcinoma and Carcinoma John Metcalfe Thomason 12 6 Amyloidosis Andrew Sparkes 14 7 Anal Sac Disease Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 16 8 Anaplasmosis (Ehrlichiosis) Sharon Fooshee Grace 18 9 Anemia Sharon Fooshee Grace 20 10 Anorexia Elaine Wexler-Mitchell 23 11 Aortic Stenosis Larry P. Tilley 25 12 Arrhythmias Michael S. Miller and Larry P. Tilley 27 13 Ascites Larry P. Tilley 30 14 Aspergillosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 32 15 Aspirin Toxicosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 35 16 Atopic Dermatitis Sarah O'Neill 37 17 Bartonellosis John Metcalfe Thomason 40 18 Basal Cell Tumors Bradley R. Schmidt 42 19 Biliary Cysts Miche`le Fradin-Ferme¿ 44 20 Bite Wounds by Canines Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 47 21 Bite Wounds by Felines Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 49 22 Blastomycosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 52 23 Blindness Karen R. Brantman 55 24 Bordetella Infection Teija Kaarina Viita-aho 57 25 Brachial Plexus Neuropathy Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 59 26 Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome Ryan Butler, Mac Maxwell, and Gary D. Norsworthy 60 27 Bronchial Disease, Chronic Elaine Wexler-Mitchell 63 28 Calicivirus Infection Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 68 29 Carcinomatosis Bradley R. Schmidt 71 30 Cataracts Charles H. Bonney 74 31 Ceruminous Gland Disease Elaine Wexler-Mitchell 77 32 Cervical Ventroflexion Elizabeth J. Colleran 80 33 Chlamydophila Infection Teija Kaarina Viita-aho 82 34 Chylothorax Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 85 35 Cobalamin Deficiency Jörg M. Steiner 89 36 Coccidioidomycosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 91 37 Coccidiosis, Enteric Elizabeth J. Colleran 93 38 Constipation Obstipation Sharon Fooshee Grace 95 39 Corneal Ulcers Gwen H. Sila and Casey C. Robinson 97 40 Coughing Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 102 41 Cryptococcosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 104 42 Cryptosporidiosis Jennifer Lavallee 107 43 Cutaneous Markers of Systemic Disease Jason B. Pieper 109 44 Cuterebriasis Sharon Fooshee Grace 112 45 Cystitis, Idiopathic Tatiana Weissova and Gary D. Norsworthy 114 46 Cytauxzoonosis Jennifer Lavallee and Gary D. Norsworthy 120 47 Dermatophytosis SarahO'Neill 122 48 Diabetes Insipidus Andrew Sparkes 127 49 Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Complications Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 129 50 Diabetes Mellitus, Loose Control Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 131 51 Diabetes Mellitus, Tight Control and Remission Audrey K. Cook 133 52 Diabetes Mellitus, Traditional Control Audrey K. Cook 136 53 Diabetic Ketoacidosis Audrey K. Cook 139 54 Diaphragmatic Hernia Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 142 55 Diarrhea John Metcalfe Thomason 146 56 Digital Diseases Elizabeth Colleran 149 57 Dilated Cardiomyopathy Larry P. Tilley 152 58 Draining Tracts and Nodules Sarah O'Neill 158 59 Dysautonomia Karen Lovelace Tofte 164 60 Dyspnea Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 166 61 Dystocia Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 168 62 Dysuria, Pollakiuria, and Stranguria Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 171 63 Ear Mites Sharon Fooshee Grace 173 64 Envenomization:Arachnids Tatiana Weissova 175 65 Envenomization: Insects Tatiana Weissova 179 66 Envenomization: Snakes Tatiana Weissova 182 67 Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex Sarah O'Neill 186 68 Eosinophilic Keratoconjunctivitis Lindsey N. Pelych and Gwen H. Sila 190 69 Esophageal Disease Andrew Sparkes 193 70 Ethylene Glycol Toxicity Tatiana Weissova and Gary D. Norsworthy 198 71 Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency Jörg M. Steiner 202 72 Eyelid Diseases and Surgery Lindsey N. Pelych and Gwen H. Sila 204 73 Feline Enteric Coronavirus Infection Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 208 74 Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Sharon Fooshee Grace 210 75 Feline Infectious Peritonitis Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 212 76 Feline Leukemia Virus Diseases Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa and Gary D. Norsworthy 215 77 Femoral Neck Osteopathy Justin Harper 220 78 Fever Jennifer Lavallee 223 79 Flea Allergy Dermatitis Jason B. Pieper 225 80 Fleas Sharon Fooshee Grace 228 81 Flukes: Liver, Biliary, and Pancreatic Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 230 82 Food Reactions Jason B. Pieper 233 83 Giardiasis Jennifer Lavallee 235 84 Glaucoma Charles H. Bonney 237 85 Glomerulonephritis Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 240 86 Granulosa-theca Cell Tumor Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa and Heloisa Justen Moreira de Souza 242 87 Heartworm Disease and Heartworm-associated Respiratory Disease Jane E. Brunt 244 88 Heinz Body Hemolytic Anemia and Methemoglobinemia Sharon Fooshee Grace 248 89 Helicobacter Infection Courtney North 250 90 Hemangiosarcoma Bradley R. Schmidt 252 91 Hemoplasmosis Sharon Fooshee Grace and Gary D. Norsworthy 255 92 Hepatic Lipidosis Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 258 93 Hepatitis, Inflammatory Sharon Fooshee Grace 262 94 Herpesvirus Infection Sharon Fooshee Grace 267 95 High-rise Syndrome Elizabeth Colleran 270 96 Histoplasmosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 272 97 Hookworms Jennifer Lavallee 276 98 Horner's Syndrome Sharon Fooshee Grace 278 99 Hydronephrosis Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 280 100 Hyperadrenocorticism Karen Lovelace Tofte 283 101 Hyperaldosteronism, Primary (Conn's Disease) Andrew Sparkes 286 102 Hypercalcemia Miche`le Fradin-Ferme¿ 289 103 Hypereosinophilic Syndrome Sharon Fooshee Grace 292 104 Hyperesthesia Syndrome Jennifer Lavallee 294 105 Hyperkalemia Miche`le Fradin-Ferme¿ 296 106 Hyperparathyroidism Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa 299 107 Hypertension, Systemic Beate Egner 303 108 Hypertensive Cardiomyopathy Beate Egner 308 109 Hyperthyroidism Jennifer Lavallee, James K. Olson, and Gary D. Norsworthy 311 110 Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Larry P. Tilley 316 111 Hypoadrenocorticism Karen Lovelace Tofte 324 112 Hypoalbuminemia Sharon Fooshee Grace 326 113 Hypocalcemia Karen Lovelace Tofte 329 114 Hypokalemia Audrey K. Cook 332 115 Hypomagnesemia Miche`le Fradin-Ferme¿ 334 116 Hypophosphatemia Stephanie Gandy Murphy 336 117 Icterus Sharon Fooshee Grace 338 118 Idiopathic Ulcerative Dermatitis Jason B. Pieper 341 119 Ileus Anthony P. Carr 344 120 Immune-mediated Hemolytic Anemia Anthony P. Carr 347 121 Inflammatory Bowel Disease Courtney North 349 122 Inflammatory Polyps and Masses Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 352 123 Intraocular Tumors Karen R. Brantman 355 124 Ischemic Encephalopathy Sharon Fooshee Grace 358 125 Keratitis and Conjunctivitis Charles H. Bonney 360 126 Kidneys, Abnormal Size Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 365 127 Laryngeal Disease Andrew Sparkes 367 128 Leprosy Syndrome Sharon Fooshee Grace 371 129 Linear Foreign Bodies Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 374 130 Lumbosacral Disease and Spondylosis Deformans Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 377 131 Lung Parasites Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 379 132 Lymphoma Bradley R. Schmidt 381 133 Malassezia Dermatitis Jason B. Pieper 384 134 Mammary Hyperplasia Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 385 135 Mammary Neoplasia Bradley R. Schmidt 387 136 Manx Syndrome Jennifer Lavallee 390 137 Mast Cell Tumors Bradley R. Schmidt 393 138 Megacolon Anthony P. Carr 396 139 Meningioma Sharon Fooshee Grace 401 140 Mesothelioma Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa 403 141 Metaldehyde Toxicosis Tatiana Weissova 405 142 Miliary Dermatitis Jason B. Pieper 407 143 Mitral Valve Dysplasia Larry P. Tilley 408 144 Mosquito Bite Hypersensitivity Jason B. Pieper 410 145 Murmurs Larry P. Tilley and Francis W.K. Smith, Jr. 412 146 Myasthenia Gravis Paula A. Schuerer and Sharon Fooshee Grace 414 147 Mycobacterial Diseases, Rapidly Growing Sharon Fooshee Grace 416 148 Myiasis Elizabeth Colleran 418 149 Nasal and Frontal Sinus Disease, Chronic Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 420 150 Nasopharyngeal Disease Arnold Plotnick 422 151 Neonatal Isoerythrolysis Sharon Fooshee Grace 424 152 Neurogenic Bladder Sharon Fooshee Grace 426 153 Nocardiosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 428 154 Obesity Christopher J. H. Simpson 430 155 Oral Neoplasia Bradley R. Schmidt 435 156 Organophosphate and Carbamate Toxicosis Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 438 157 Osteoarthritis and Degenerative Joint Disease Andrew Sparkes 440 158 Otitis Externa Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 443 159 Otitis Media and Interna Sharon Fooshee Grace 448 160 Ovarian Remnant Syndrome Erin O'Docharty Dresner 451 161 Palatine Arterial Bleeding Richard Malik 453 162 Pancreatitis, Acute Jörg M. Steiner 457 163 Pancreatitis, Chronic Jörg M. Steiner 460 164 Panleukopenia (Feline Parvovirus Infection) Sharon Fooshee Grace 462 165 Panniculitis and Steatitis Anthony P. Carr 465 166 Paraneoplastic Syndromes John Metcalfe Thomason 467 167 Patent Ductus Arteriosus Larry P. Tilley 469 168 Pectus Excavatum Sharon Fooshee Grace 472 169 Pemphigus Foliaceus Sarah O'Neill 474 170 Perinephric Pseudocysts Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa 477 171 Peritonitis, Septic Sharon Fooshee Grace 481 172 Plague Sharon Fooshee Grace 485 173 Plant Toxicities Karen Lovelace Tofte 487 174 Pleural Effusion Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 497 175 Pneumothorax Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 500 176 Pododermatitis, Plasmacytic Melanie J. Dobromylskyj, Richard Malik, and Gary D. Norsworthy 503 177 Polyarthritis, Immune-mediated Christopher J. H. Simpson 506 178 Polycystic Kidney Disease Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 509 179 Polyuria and Polydipsia John Metcalfe Thomason 512 180 Portosystemic Shunts Jonathan A. Lidbury 514 181 Pregnancy, Parturition, and Lactation Teija Kaarina Viita-aho 517 182 Pulmonary Fibrosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 520 183 Pulmonic Stenosis Larry P. Tilley 522 184 Pyelonephritis Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 524 185 Pyometra and Mucometra Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 527 186 Pyothorax Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 530 187 Pyrethrin and Pyrethroid Toxicosis Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 533 188 Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency in Somali and Abyssinian Cats Stella de Faria Valle 534 189 Rabies Elizabeth Colleran 536 190 Recreational Drug Toxicosis Tatiana Weissova 538 191 Rectal Disease Heloisa Justen Moreira de Souza and Katia Barão Corgozinho 542 192 Refeeding Syndrome Karen Lovelace Tofte 545 193 Renal Disease, Chronic Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 548 194 Renal Failure, Acute Sharon Fooshee Grace 551 195 Restrictive Cardiomyopathy Michael S. Miller and Larry P. Tilley 555 196 Retinal Disease Karen R. Brantman 558 197 Rodenticide Toxicosis Jennifer Lavallee 562 198 Roundworms Jennifer Lavallee 564 199 Salmonellosis John Metcalfe Thomason 566 200 Sarcomas, Injection Site Sharon Fooshee Grace 568 201 Sarcoma, Other John Metcalfe Thomason 571 202 Scottish Fold Osteochondrodysplasia Sharon Fooshee Grace 574 203 Seizures Sharon Fooshee Grace 576 204 Skin Parasites Jason B. Pieper 580 205 Small Bowel Disease, Chronic Gary D. Norsworthy 585 206 Sporotrichosis Jennifer Lavallee 588 207 Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Cutaneous Bradley R. Schmidt 590 208 Stomach Worms John Metcalfe Thomason 594 209 Stomatitis-Gingivitis Elaine Wexler-Mitchell 596 210 Stud Tail Jason B. Pieper 600 211 Tail-pull Injuries Sharon Fooshee Grace 601 212 Tapeworms Jennifer Lavallee 604 213 Temporomandibular Joint Disease Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 606 214 Tetanus Sharon Fooshee Grace 610 215 Tetralogy of Fallot Larry P. Tilley and Michael S. Miller 613 216 Thiamine Deficiency Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 616 217 Third Eyelid Diseases Michael C. West and Gwen H. Sila 618 218 Thromboembolic Disease Larry P. Tilley 621 219 Thymoma Bradley R. Schmidt 625 220 Tooth Resorption Jan Bellows 628 221 Toxoplasmosis Gary D. Norsworthy and Sharon Fooshee Grace 632 222 Tracheal Disease Andrew Sparkes 635 223 Triad Disease Anthony P. Carr 639 224 Trichobezoars Elaine Wexler-Mitchell 642 225 Tritrichomoniasis Jennifer Lavallee 645 226 Ureteral Obstruction Rhett Marshall and Marcus Gunew 648 227 Urethral Obstruction Rhett Marshall and Marcus Gunew 654 228 Urinary Bladder Tumors Bradley R. Schmidt 659 229 Urolithiasis Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 662 230 Uveitis Michael C. West and Gwen H. Sila 666 231 Ventricular Septal Defect Larry P. Tilley 670 232 Vestibular Syndrome Elaine Wexler-Mitchell 673 233 Viral Dermatitis Jason B. Pieper 675 234 Vitamin A Toxicosis Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 678 235 Vitamin D Toxicosis Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 680 236 Vomiting Jennifer Lavallee 682 237 Weight Loss Anthony P. Carr 685 238 Zoonotic Diseases Jennifer Lavallee 688 Section 2: Behavior 239 Aggression, Human Directed Debra F. Horwitz and Amy L. Pike 699 240 Aggression, Intercat Debra F. Horwitz and Amy L. Pike 703 241 Behavioral Pharmaceuticals Debra F. Horwitz and Amy L. Pike 707 242 Environmental Enrichment in the Home Debra F. Horwitz and Amy L. Pike 711 243 Environmental Enrichment in the Hospital Gary D. Norsworthy and Linda Schmeltzer 716 244 Housesoiling Debra F. Horwitz and Amy L. Pike 719 245 Psychogenic Alopecia Debra F. Horwitz and Amy L. Pike 724 246 Urine Marking Debra F. Horwitz and Amy L. Pike 728 Section 3: Surgery 247 Bulla Osteotomy, Ventral Approach Don R. Waldron 733 248 Colectomy Don R. Waldron 739 249 Corneal Surgery Michael C. West and Gwen H. Sila 744 250 Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture Ryan Butler and Mac Maxwell 747 251 Cryptorchidism Surgery Ryan Butler and Mac Maxwell 749 252 Dental Extraction Techniques Jan Bellows 752 253 Esophagostomy Tube Placement Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 756 254 Frontal Sinus Obliteration Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 760 255 Gastrostomy Tube Placement Don R. Waldron 761 256 Hypothermia, Surgical Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 764 257 Jejunostomy Tube Placement Don R. Waldron 766 258 Laparotomy for Chronic Small Bowel Disease Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 770 259 Laser Surgery, CO2 John C. Godbold, Jr. 772 260 Lip Avulsion Reattachment Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 775 261 Luxating Patella Otto I. Lanz 777 262 Mandibular Symphyseal Separation Don R. Waldron 780 263 Mastectomy Don R. Waldron 782 264 Maxillomandibular Fixation Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 785 265 Nasopharyngeal Mass Removal Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 787 266 Nephrolith Removal Don R. Waldron 790 267 Onychectomy Don R. Waldron 793 268 Oronasal Fistula Repair Heloisa Justen Moreira de Souza and Katia Barão Corgozinho 796 269 Pain Management Sabine Tacke 803 270 Perivulvar Skin Fold Removal Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 807 271 Ranula Gary D. Norsworthy 810 272 Rhinotomy Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 812 273 Skin Flaps, Local Ryan Butler and Mac Maxwell 815 274 Thoracostomy Tube Placement Don R. Waldron 819 275 Thyroidectomy Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 822 276 Total Ear Canal Ablation and Lateral Bulla Osteotomy Don R. Waldron 826 277 Urethrostomy, Perineal Don R. Waldron 830 278 Urethrostomy, Perineal: Repair Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 834 279 Urethrostomy, Prepubic Don R. Waldron 838 280 Uretrotomy Don R. Waldron 840 281 Urinary Bladder Marsupialization Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 842 Section 4: Cytology 282 Adenocarcinoma Amy C. Valenciano and Rick L. Cowell 847 283 Ascites Kathryn Jacocks 849 284 Atypical Bacterial Infections Kathryn Jacocks, Amy C. Valenciano, and Rick L. Cowell 851 285 Hepatic Lipidosis Kathryn Jacocks, Amy C. Valenciano, and Rick L. Cowell 853 286 Inflammation versus Neoplasia Kathryn Jacocks, Amy C. Valenciano, and Rick L. Cowell 855 287 Lymph Node Disease Kathryn Jacocks, Amy C. Valenciano, and Rick L. Cowell 863 288 Lymphoma Amy C. Valenciano, Kathryn Jacocks, and Rick L. Cowell 866 289 Mast Cell Tumors Amy C. Valenciano, Kathryn Jacocks, and Rick L. Cowell 868 290 Plasma Cell Inflammation and Neoplasia Kathryn Jacocks, Amy C. Valenciano, and Rick L. Cowell 870 291 Pleural Effusions Amy C. Valenciano, Kathryn Jacocks, and Rick L. Cowell 872 292 Sample Staining Amy C. Valenciano, Kathryn Jacocks, and Rick L. Cowell 876 293 Sarcoma Amy C. Valenciano, Kathryn Jacocks, and Rick L. Cowell 879 294 Systemic Fungal Diseases Kathryn Jacocks, Amy C. Valenciano, and Rick L. Cowell 881 295 Transtracheal Wash Hemosiderosis Kathryn Jacocks, Amy C. Valenciano, and Rick L. Cowell 884 Section 5: Clinical Procedures 296 Blood Gas Analysis Eduardo Raposo Monteiro and Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa 889 297 Blood Transfusion Sharon Fooshee Grace 892 298 Bone Marrow Aspiration John Metcalfe Thomason 895 299 Cardiopulmonary Arrest Medora B. Pashmakova 898 300 Central Venous Catheter Placement Medora B. Pashmakova and James W. Barr 902 301 Cerebrospinal Fluid Collection (Atlanto-Occipital) Sharon Fooshee Grace 905 302 Endoscopic Applications Audrey K. Cook 907 303 Enteral Nutrition Anthony P. Carr 917 304 Euthanasia Elizabeth Colleran 920 305 Fine-needle Biopsy John Metcalfe Thomason 924 306 Fluid Therapy Sharon Fooshee Grace 926 307 Fluid Therapy for Shock Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa and Leandro Fadel 930 308 Jugular Blood Collection Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 933 309 Lymphoma, Chemotherapy Bradley R. Schmidt 935 310 Ophthalmic Examination Karen R. Brantman 940 311 Orogastric Tube Feeding Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 943 312 Radioiodine Therapy for Hyperthyroidism Jennifer Lavallee, James K. Olson, and Gary D. Norsworthy 945 313 Restraint Techniques and Devices Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 947 314 Testing Procedures Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 950 Section 6: Topics of Special Interest 315 Age Approximation Karen Lovelace Tofte 955 316 Aging Changes in Cats Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa 958 317 Body Surface Area Conversion Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 961 318 Calcitriol in Feline Patients Joao Felipe de Brito Galvao and Dennis J. Chew 962 319 Catnip Effects in Cats Sharon Fooshee Grace 967 320 Echocardiographic Tables Larry P. Tilley and Francis W.K. Smith, Jr. 968 321 Electrocardiographic Tables Larry P. Tilley and Francis W.K. Smith, Jr. 970 322 End of Life Issues William Ray Folger 971 323 Genetic Diseases Jerold S. Bell 974 324 History of Feline-only Practice and Feline Medicine in the United States Gary D. Norsworthy 977 325 Normal Laboratory Values Gary D. Norsworthy, Lisa M. Restine, and Anne Romeo 991 326 Nutrition Debra L. Zoran 993 327 Palliative and Hospice Care Alice E. Villalobos 997 328 Polydactylism Sharon Fooshee Grace 1000 329 Pulse Wave Analysis Beate Egner 1002 330 Purring Sharon Fooshee Grace 1006 331 Vibrissae Sharon Fooshee Grace 1008 332 Drug Formulary Gary D. Norsworthy, Lisa M. Restine, and Anne Romeo 1010 Index 1049
Show moreDieser Klassiker zur Behandlung von Katzen bietet wichtige Informationen zu Krankheiten, Verhalten, klinischen Verfahren u.v.m. Die vollständig aktualisierte neue Auflage von The Feline Patient enthält mehr als 300 Kapitel zu sämtlichen Aspekten der Behandlung von Katzen in der tierärztlichen Praxis. Die Themen sind in den Kapitel alphabetisch geordnet. Informationen zu Diagnose und Behandlungsoptionen bei Katzen lassen sich so schnell finden. Das Buch ist für den klinischen Einsatz gedacht. Statt auf langen Abhandlungen zur Pathophysiologie liegt der Fokus auf die für Diagnose, Behandlung und Prognose klinisch-relevanten Informationen. Die 5. Auflage von The Feline Patient wurde um 30 Kapitel erweitert, darunter auch neue klinische Aspekte, die Dr. Norsworthy in seiner über 45-jährigen Tätigkeit in der klinischen Praxis gesammelt hat. Diese Auflage bietet Bilder aus dem Klinikalltag. Einige Abschnitte wurden neu strukturiert, um die Vielzahl an wichtigen Informationen besser zu präsentieren. - Bietet Kapitel, die von internationalen Experten geschrieben wurden. - Enthält neue klinische Aspekte und damit nützliche Handreichungen für die Praxis. - Einfaches Auffinden von Informationen durch ein verbessertes Layout und einen übersichtlicheren Seitenaufbau. - Begleitende Website mit Hunderten zusätzlicher Bilder sowie Videosequenzen zu klinischen Fällen und Verfahren. Die 5. Auflage von The Feline Patient ist ein wichtiges Referenzwerk für Veterinärmediziner, die Katzen behandeln, und für Studenten der Veterinärmedizin.
The Editor Gary D. Norsworthy, DVM, DABVP (Feline), is a Charter Diplomate of the Feline Practice Category of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners; a Clinical Associate Faculty at Western University of Health Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine in Pomona, California, USA; an Adjunct Professor at Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine in Mississippi State, Mississippi, USA; and the owner of Alamo Feline Health Center in San Antonio, Texas, USA
Contributors xiii Preface xvi Norsworthy's Notes xvii About the Companion Website xviii Section 1: Diseaases and Conditions 1 Acetaminophen Toxicosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 3 2 Acne Jason B. Pieper 5 3 Acromegaly Sharon Fooshee Grace 7 4 Actinomycosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 9 5 Adenocarcinoma and Carcinoma John Metcalfe Thomason 12 6 Amyloidosis Andrew Sparkes 14 7 Anal Sac Disease Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 16 8 Anaplasmosis (Ehrlichiosis) Sharon Fooshee Grace 18 9 Anemia Sharon Fooshee Grace 20 10 Anorexia Elaine Wexler-Mitchell 23 11 Aortic Stenosis Larry P. Tilley 25 12 Arrhythmias Michael S. Miller and Larry P. Tilley 27 13 Ascites Larry P. Tilley 30 14 Aspergillosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 32 15 Aspirin Toxicosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 35 16 Atopic Dermatitis Sarah O'Neill 37 17 Bartonellosis John Metcalfe Thomason 40 18 Basal Cell Tumors Bradley R. Schmidt 42 19 Biliary Cysts Miche`le Fradin-Ferme¿ 44 20 Bite Wounds by Canines Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 47 21 Bite Wounds by Felines Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 49 22 Blastomycosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 52 23 Blindness Karen R. Brantman 55 24 Bordetella Infection Teija Kaarina Viita-aho 57 25 Brachial Plexus Neuropathy Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 59 26 Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome Ryan Butler, Mac Maxwell, and Gary D. Norsworthy 60 27 Bronchial Disease, Chronic Elaine Wexler-Mitchell 63 28 Calicivirus Infection Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 68 29 Carcinomatosis Bradley R. Schmidt 71 30 Cataracts Charles H. Bonney 74 31 Ceruminous Gland Disease Elaine Wexler-Mitchell 77 32 Cervical Ventroflexion Elizabeth J. Colleran 80 33 Chlamydophila Infection Teija Kaarina Viita-aho 82 34 Chylothorax Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 85 35 Cobalamin Deficiency Jörg M. Steiner 89 36 Coccidioidomycosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 91 37 Coccidiosis, Enteric Elizabeth J. Colleran 93 38 Constipation Obstipation Sharon Fooshee Grace 95 39 Corneal Ulcers Gwen H. Sila and Casey C. Robinson 97 40 Coughing Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 102 41 Cryptococcosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 104 42 Cryptosporidiosis Jennifer Lavallee 107 43 Cutaneous Markers of Systemic Disease Jason B. Pieper 109 44 Cuterebriasis Sharon Fooshee Grace 112 45 Cystitis, Idiopathic Tatiana Weissova and Gary D. Norsworthy 114 46 Cytauxzoonosis Jennifer Lavallee and Gary D. Norsworthy 120 47 Dermatophytosis SarahO'Neill 122 48 Diabetes Insipidus Andrew Sparkes 127 49 Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Complications Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 129 50 Diabetes Mellitus, Loose Control Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 131 51 Diabetes Mellitus, Tight Control and Remission Audrey K. Cook 133 52 Diabetes Mellitus, Traditional Control Audrey K. Cook 136 53 Diabetic Ketoacidosis Audrey K. Cook 139 54 Diaphragmatic Hernia Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 142 55 Diarrhea John Metcalfe Thomason 146 56 Digital Diseases Elizabeth Colleran 149 57 Dilated Cardiomyopathy Larry P. Tilley 152 58 Draining Tracts and Nodules Sarah O'Neill 158 59 Dysautonomia Karen Lovelace Tofte 164 60 Dyspnea Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 166 61 Dystocia Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 168 62 Dysuria, Pollakiuria, and Stranguria Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 171 63 Ear Mites Sharon Fooshee Grace 173 64 Envenomization:Arachnids Tatiana Weissova 175 65 Envenomization: Insects Tatiana Weissova 179 66 Envenomization: Snakes Tatiana Weissova 182 67 Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex Sarah O'Neill 186 68 Eosinophilic Keratoconjunctivitis Lindsey N. Pelych and Gwen H. Sila 190 69 Esophageal Disease Andrew Sparkes 193 70 Ethylene Glycol Toxicity Tatiana Weissova and Gary D. Norsworthy 198 71 Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency Jörg M. Steiner 202 72 Eyelid Diseases and Surgery Lindsey N. Pelych and Gwen H. Sila 204 73 Feline Enteric Coronavirus Infection Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 208 74 Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Sharon Fooshee Grace 210 75 Feline Infectious Peritonitis Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 212 76 Feline Leukemia Virus Diseases Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa and Gary D. Norsworthy 215 77 Femoral Neck Osteopathy Justin Harper 220 78 Fever Jennifer Lavallee 223 79 Flea Allergy Dermatitis Jason B. Pieper 225 80 Fleas Sharon Fooshee Grace 228 81 Flukes: Liver, Biliary, and Pancreatic Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 230 82 Food Reactions Jason B. Pieper 233 83 Giardiasis Jennifer Lavallee 235 84 Glaucoma Charles H. Bonney 237 85 Glomerulonephritis Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 240 86 Granulosa-theca Cell Tumor Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa and Heloisa Justen Moreira de Souza 242 87 Heartworm Disease and Heartworm-associated Respiratory Disease Jane E. Brunt 244 88 Heinz Body Hemolytic Anemia and Methemoglobinemia Sharon Fooshee Grace 248 89 Helicobacter Infection Courtney North 250 90 Hemangiosarcoma Bradley R. Schmidt 252 91 Hemoplasmosis Sharon Fooshee Grace and Gary D. Norsworthy 255 92 Hepatic Lipidosis Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 258 93 Hepatitis, Inflammatory Sharon Fooshee Grace 262 94 Herpesvirus Infection Sharon Fooshee Grace 267 95 High-rise Syndrome Elizabeth Colleran 270 96 Histoplasmosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 272 97 Hookworms Jennifer Lavallee 276 98 Horner's Syndrome Sharon Fooshee Grace 278 99 Hydronephrosis Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 280 100 Hyperadrenocorticism Karen Lovelace Tofte 283 101 Hyperaldosteronism, Primary (Conn's Disease) Andrew Sparkes 286 102 Hypercalcemia Miche`le Fradin-Ferme¿ 289 103 Hypereosinophilic Syndrome Sharon Fooshee Grace 292 104 Hyperesthesia Syndrome Jennifer Lavallee 294 105 Hyperkalemia Miche`le Fradin-Ferme¿ 296 106 Hyperparathyroidism Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa 299 107 Hypertension, Systemic Beate Egner 303 108 Hypertensive Cardiomyopathy Beate Egner 308 109 Hyperthyroidism Jennifer Lavallee, James K. Olson, and Gary D. Norsworthy 311 110 Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Larry P. Tilley 316 111 Hypoadrenocorticism Karen Lovelace Tofte 324 112 Hypoalbuminemia Sharon Fooshee Grace 326 113 Hypocalcemia Karen Lovelace Tofte 329 114 Hypokalemia Audrey K. Cook 332 115 Hypomagnesemia Miche`le Fradin-Ferme¿ 334 116 Hypophosphatemia Stephanie Gandy Murphy 336 117 Icterus Sharon Fooshee Grace 338 118 Idiopathic Ulcerative Dermatitis Jason B. Pieper 341 119 Ileus Anthony P. Carr 344 120 Immune-mediated Hemolytic Anemia Anthony P. Carr 347 121 Inflammatory Bowel Disease Courtney North 349 122 Inflammatory Polyps and Masses Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 352 123 Intraocular Tumors Karen R. Brantman 355 124 Ischemic Encephalopathy Sharon Fooshee Grace 358 125 Keratitis and Conjunctivitis Charles H. Bonney 360 126 Kidneys, Abnormal Size Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 365 127 Laryngeal Disease Andrew Sparkes 367 128 Leprosy Syndrome Sharon Fooshee Grace 371 129 Linear Foreign Bodies Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 374 130 Lumbosacral Disease and Spondylosis Deformans Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 377 131 Lung Parasites Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 379 132 Lymphoma Bradley R. Schmidt 381 133 Malassezia Dermatitis Jason B. Pieper 384 134 Mammary Hyperplasia Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 385 135 Mammary Neoplasia Bradley R. Schmidt 387 136 Manx Syndrome Jennifer Lavallee 390 137 Mast Cell Tumors Bradley R. Schmidt 393 138 Megacolon Anthony P. Carr 396 139 Meningioma Sharon Fooshee Grace 401 140 Mesothelioma Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa 403 141 Metaldehyde Toxicosis Tatiana Weissova 405 142 Miliary Dermatitis Jason B. Pieper 407 143 Mitral Valve Dysplasia Larry P. Tilley 408 144 Mosquito Bite Hypersensitivity Jason B. Pieper 410 145 Murmurs Larry P. Tilley and Francis W.K. Smith, Jr. 412 146 Myasthenia Gravis Paula A. Schuerer and Sharon Fooshee Grace 414 147 Mycobacterial Diseases, Rapidly Growing Sharon Fooshee Grace 416 148 Myiasis Elizabeth Colleran 418 149 Nasal and Frontal Sinus Disease, Chronic Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 420 150 Nasopharyngeal Disease Arnold Plotnick 422 151 Neonatal Isoerythrolysis Sharon Fooshee Grace 424 152 Neurogenic Bladder Sharon Fooshee Grace 426 153 Nocardiosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 428 154 Obesity Christopher J. H. Simpson 430 155 Oral Neoplasia Bradley R. Schmidt 435 156 Organophosphate and Carbamate Toxicosis Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 438 157 Osteoarthritis and Degenerative Joint Disease Andrew Sparkes 440 158 Otitis Externa Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 443 159 Otitis Media and Interna Sharon Fooshee Grace 448 160 Ovarian Remnant Syndrome Erin O'Docharty Dresner 451 161 Palatine Arterial Bleeding Richard Malik 453 162 Pancreatitis, Acute Jörg M. Steiner 457 163 Pancreatitis, Chronic Jörg M. Steiner 460 164 Panleukopenia (Feline Parvovirus Infection) Sharon Fooshee Grace 462 165 Panniculitis and Steatitis Anthony P. Carr 465 166 Paraneoplastic Syndromes John Metcalfe Thomason 467 167 Patent Ductus Arteriosus Larry P. Tilley 469 168 Pectus Excavatum Sharon Fooshee Grace 472 169 Pemphigus Foliaceus Sarah O'Neill 474 170 Perinephric Pseudocysts Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa 477 171 Peritonitis, Septic Sharon Fooshee Grace 481 172 Plague Sharon Fooshee Grace 485 173 Plant Toxicities Karen Lovelace Tofte 487 174 Pleural Effusion Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 497 175 Pneumothorax Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 500 176 Pododermatitis, Plasmacytic Melanie J. Dobromylskyj, Richard Malik, and Gary D. Norsworthy 503 177 Polyarthritis, Immune-mediated Christopher J. H. Simpson 506 178 Polycystic Kidney Disease Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 509 179 Polyuria and Polydipsia John Metcalfe Thomason 512 180 Portosystemic Shunts Jonathan A. Lidbury 514 181 Pregnancy, Parturition, and Lactation Teija Kaarina Viita-aho 517 182 Pulmonary Fibrosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 520 183 Pulmonic Stenosis Larry P. Tilley 522 184 Pyelonephritis Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 524 185 Pyometra and Mucometra Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 527 186 Pyothorax Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 530 187 Pyrethrin and Pyrethroid Toxicosis Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 533 188 Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency in Somali and Abyssinian Cats Stella de Faria Valle 534 189 Rabies Elizabeth Colleran 536 190 Recreational Drug Toxicosis Tatiana Weissova 538 191 Rectal Disease Heloisa Justen Moreira de Souza and Katia Barão Corgozinho 542 192 Refeeding Syndrome Karen Lovelace Tofte 545 193 Renal Disease, Chronic Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 548 194 Renal Failure, Acute Sharon Fooshee Grace 551 195 Restrictive Cardiomyopathy Michael S. Miller and Larry P. Tilley 555 196 Retinal Disease Karen R. Brantman 558 197 Rodenticide Toxicosis Jennifer Lavallee 562 198 Roundworms Jennifer Lavallee 564 199 Salmonellosis John Metcalfe Thomason 566 200 Sarcomas, Injection Site Sharon Fooshee Grace 568 201 Sarcoma, Other John Metcalfe Thomason 571 202 Scottish Fold Osteochondrodysplasia Sharon Fooshee Grace 574 203 Seizures Sharon Fooshee Grace 576 204 Skin Parasites Jason B. Pieper 580 205 Small Bowel Disease, Chronic Gary D. Norsworthy 585 206 Sporotrichosis Jennifer Lavallee 588 207 Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Cutaneous Bradley R. Schmidt 590 208 Stomach Worms John Metcalfe Thomason 594 209 Stomatitis-Gingivitis Elaine Wexler-Mitchell 596 210 Stud Tail Jason B. Pieper 600 211 Tail-pull Injuries Sharon Fooshee Grace 601 212 Tapeworms Jennifer Lavallee 604 213 Temporomandibular Joint Disease Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 606 214 Tetanus Sharon Fooshee Grace 610 215 Tetralogy of Fallot Larry P. Tilley and Michael S. Miller 613 216 Thiamine Deficiency Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 616 217 Third Eyelid Diseases Michael C. West and Gwen H. Sila 618 218 Thromboembolic Disease Larry P. Tilley 621 219 Thymoma Bradley R. Schmidt 625 220 Tooth Resorption Jan Bellows 628 221 Toxoplasmosis Gary D. Norsworthy and Sharon Fooshee Grace 632 222 Tracheal Disease Andrew Sparkes 635 223 Triad Disease Anthony P. Carr 639 224 Trichobezoars Elaine Wexler-Mitchell 642 225 Tritrichomoniasis Jennifer Lavallee 645 226 Ureteral Obstruction Rhett Marshall and Marcus Gunew 648 227 Urethral Obstruction Rhett Marshall and Marcus Gunew 654 228 Urinary Bladder Tumors Bradley R. Schmidt 659 229 Urolithiasis Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 662 230 Uveitis Michael C. West and Gwen H. Sila 666 231 Ventricular Septal Defect Larry P. Tilley 670 232 Vestibular Syndrome Elaine Wexler-Mitchell 673 233 Viral Dermatitis Jason B. Pieper 675 234 Vitamin A Toxicosis Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 678 235 Vitamin D Toxicosis Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 680 236 Vomiting Jennifer Lavallee 682 237 Weight Loss Anthony P. Carr 685 238 Zoonotic Diseases Jennifer Lavallee 688 Section 2: Behavior 239 Aggression, Human Directed Debra F. Horwitz and Amy L. Pike 699 240 Aggression, Intercat Debra F. Horwitz and Amy L. Pike 703 241 Behavioral Pharmaceuticals Debra F. Horwitz and Amy L. Pike 707 242 Environmental Enrichment in the Home Debra F. Horwitz and Amy L. Pike 711 243 Environmental Enrichment in the Hospital Gary D. Norsworthy and Linda Schmeltzer 716 244 Housesoiling Debra F. Horwitz and Amy L. Pike 719 245 Psychogenic Alopecia Debra F. Horwitz and Amy L. Pike 724 246 Urine Marking Debra F. Horwitz and Amy L. Pike 728 Section 3: Surgery 247 Bulla Osteotomy, Ventral Approach Don R. Waldron 733 248 Colectomy Don R. Waldron 739 249 Corneal Surgery Michael C. West and Gwen H. Sila 744 250 Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture Ryan Butler and Mac Maxwell 747 251 Cryptorchidism Surgery Ryan Butler and Mac Maxwell 749 252 Dental Extraction Techniques Jan Bellows 752 253 Esophagostomy Tube Placement Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 756 254 Frontal Sinus Obliteration Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 760 255 Gastrostomy Tube Placement Don R. Waldron 761 256 Hypothermia, Surgical Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 764 257 Jejunostomy Tube Placement Don R. Waldron 766 258 Laparotomy for Chronic Small Bowel Disease Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 770 259 Laser Surgery, CO2 John C. Godbold, Jr. 772 260 Lip Avulsion Reattachment Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 775 261 Luxating Patella Otto I. Lanz 777 262 Mandibular Symphyseal Separation Don R. Waldron 780 263 Mastectomy Don R. Waldron 782 264 Maxillomandibular Fixation Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 785 265 Nasopharyngeal Mass Removal Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 787 266 Nephrolith Removal Don R. Waldron 790 267 Onychectomy Don R. Waldron 793 268 Oronasal Fistula Repair Heloisa Justen Moreira de Souza and Katia Barão Corgozinho 796 269 Pain Management Sabine Tacke 803 270 Perivulvar Skin Fold Removal Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 807 271 Ranula Gary D. Norsworthy 810 272 Rhinotomy Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 812 273 Skin Flaps, Local Ryan Butler and Mac Maxwell 815 274 Thoracostomy Tube Placement Don R. Waldron 819 275 Thyroidectomy Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 822 276 Total Ear Canal Ablation and Lateral Bulla Osteotomy Don R. Waldron 826 277 Urethrostomy, Perineal Don R. Waldron 830 278 Urethrostomy, Perineal: Repair Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 834 279 Urethrostomy, Prepubic Don R. Waldron 838 280 Uretrotomy Don R. Waldron 840 281 Urinary Bladder Marsupialization Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 842 Section 4: Cytology 282 Adenocarcinoma Amy C. Valenciano and Rick L. Cowell 847 283 Ascites Kathryn Jacocks 849 284 Atypical Bacterial Infections Kathryn Jacocks, Amy C. Valenciano, and Rick L. Cowell 851 285 Hepatic Lipidosis Kathryn Jacocks, Amy C. Valenciano, and Rick L. Cowell 853 286 Inflammation versus Neoplasia Kathryn Jacocks, Amy C. Valenciano, and Rick L. Cowell 855 287 Lymph Node Disease Kathryn Jacocks, Amy C. Valenciano, and Rick L. Cowell 863 288 Lymphoma Amy C. Valenciano, Kathryn Jacocks, and Rick L. Cowell 866 289 Mast Cell Tumors Amy C. Valenciano, Kathryn Jacocks, and Rick L. Cowell 868 290 Plasma Cell Inflammation and Neoplasia Kathryn Jacocks, Amy C. Valenciano, and Rick L. Cowell 870 291 Pleural Effusions Amy C. Valenciano, Kathryn Jacocks, and Rick L. Cowell 872 292 Sample Staining Amy C. Valenciano, Kathryn Jacocks, and Rick L. Cowell 876 293 Sarcoma Amy C. Valenciano, Kathryn Jacocks, and Rick L. Cowell 879 294 Systemic Fungal Diseases Kathryn Jacocks, Amy C. Valenciano, and Rick L. Cowell 881 295 Transtracheal Wash Hemosiderosis Kathryn Jacocks, Amy C. Valenciano, and Rick L. Cowell 884 Section 5: Clinical Procedures 296 Blood Gas Analysis Eduardo Raposo Monteiro and Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa 889 297 Blood Transfusion Sharon Fooshee Grace 892 298 Bone Marrow Aspiration John Metcalfe Thomason 895 299 Cardiopulmonary Arrest Medora B. Pashmakova 898 300 Central Venous Catheter Placement Medora B. Pashmakova and James W. Barr 902 301 Cerebrospinal Fluid Collection (Atlanto-Occipital) Sharon Fooshee Grace 905 302 Endoscopic Applications Audrey K. Cook 907 303 Enteral Nutrition Anthony P. Carr 917 304 Euthanasia Elizabeth Colleran 920 305 Fine-needle Biopsy John Metcalfe Thomason 924 306 Fluid Therapy Sharon Fooshee Grace 926 307 Fluid Therapy for Shock Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa and Leandro Fadel 930 308 Jugular Blood Collection Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 933 309 Lymphoma, Chemotherapy Bradley R. Schmidt 935 310 Ophthalmic Examination Karen R. Brantman 940 311 Orogastric Tube Feeding Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 943 312 Radioiodine Therapy for Hyperthyroidism Jennifer Lavallee, James K. Olson, and Gary D. Norsworthy 945 313 Restraint Techniques and Devices Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 947 314 Testing Procedures Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 950 Section 6: Topics of Special Interest 315 Age Approximation Karen Lovelace Tofte 955 316 Aging Changes in Cats Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa 958 317 Body Surface Area Conversion Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 961 318 Calcitriol in Feline Patients Joao Felipe de Brito Galvao and Dennis J. Chew 962 319 Catnip Effects in Cats Sharon Fooshee Grace 967 320 Echocardiographic Tables Larry P. Tilley and Francis W.K. Smith, Jr. 968 321 Electrocardiographic Tables Larry P. Tilley and Francis W.K. Smith, Jr. 970 322 End of Life Issues William Ray Folger 971 323 Genetic Diseases Jerold S. Bell 974 324 History of Feline-only Practice and Feline Medicine in the United States Gary D. Norsworthy 977 325 Normal Laboratory Values Gary D. Norsworthy, Lisa M. Restine, and Anne Romeo 991 326 Nutrition Debra L. Zoran 993 327 Palliative and Hospice Care Alice E. Villalobos 997 328 Polydactylism Sharon Fooshee Grace 1000 329 Pulse Wave Analysis Beate Egner 1002 330 Purring Sharon Fooshee Grace 1006 331 Vibrissae Sharon Fooshee Grace 1008 332 Drug Formulary Gary D. Norsworthy, Lisa M. Restine, and Anne Romeo 1010 Index 1049
Show moreContributors xiii
Preface xvi
Norsworthy’s Notes xvii
About the Companion Website xviii
Section 1: Diseaases and Conditions
1 Acetaminophen Toxicosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 3
2 Acne Jason B. Pieper 5
3 Acromegaly Sharon Fooshee Grace 7
4 Actinomycosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 9
5 Adenocarcinoma and Carcinoma John Metcalfe Thomason 12
6 Amyloidosis Andrew Sparkes 14
7 Anal Sac Disease Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 16
8 Anaplasmosis (Ehrlichiosis) Sharon Fooshee Grace 18
9 Anemia Sharon Fooshee Grace 20
10 Anorexia Elaine Wexler-Mitchell 23
11 Aortic Stenosis Larry P. Tilley 25
12 Arrhythmias Michael S. Miller and Larry P. Tilley 27
13 Ascites Larry P. Tilley 30
14 Aspergillosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 32
15 Aspirin Toxicosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 35
16 Atopic Dermatitis Sarah O’Neill 37
17 Bartonellosis John Metcalfe Thomason 40
18 Basal Cell Tumors Bradley R. Schmidt 42
19 Biliary Cysts Miche`le Fradin-Ferme´ 44
20 Bite Wounds by Canines Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 47
21 Bite Wounds by Felines Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 49
22 Blastomycosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 52
23 Blindness Karen R. Brantman 55
24 Bordetella Infection Teija Kaarina Viita-aho 57
25 Brachial Plexus Neuropathy Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 59
26 Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome Ryan Butler, Mac Maxwell, and Gary D. Norsworthy 60
27 Bronchial Disease, Chronic Elaine Wexler-Mitchell 63
28 Calicivirus Infection Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 68
29 Carcinomatosis Bradley R. Schmidt 71
30 Cataracts Charles H. Bonney 74
31 Ceruminous Gland Disease Elaine Wexler-Mitchell 77
32 Cervical Ventroflexion Elizabeth J. Colleran 80
33 Chlamydophila Infection Teija Kaarina Viita-aho 82
34 Chylothorax Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 85
35 Cobalamin Deficiency Jo¨rg M. Steiner 89
36 Coccidioidomycosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 91
37 Coccidiosis, Enteric Elizabeth J. Colleran 93
38 Constipation Obstipation Sharon Fooshee Grace 95
39 Corneal Ulcers Gwen H. Sila and Casey C. Robinson 97
40 Coughing Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 102
41 Cryptococcosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 104
42 Cryptosporidiosis Jennifer Lavallee 107
43 Cutaneous Markers of Systemic Disease Jason B. Pieper 109
44 Cuterebriasis Sharon Fooshee Grace 112
45 Cystitis, Idiopathic Tatiana Weissova and Gary D. Norsworthy 114
46 Cytauxzoonosis Jennifer Lavallee and Gary D. Norsworthy 120
47 Dermatophytosis SarahO’Neill 122
48 Diabetes Insipidus Andrew Sparkes 127
49 Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Complications Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 129
50 Diabetes Mellitus, Loose Control Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 131
51 Diabetes Mellitus, Tight Control and Remission Audrey K. Cook 133
52 Diabetes Mellitus, Traditional Control Audrey K. Cook 136
53 Diabetic Ketoacidosis Audrey K. Cook 139
54 Diaphragmatic Hernia Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 142
55 Diarrhea John Metcalfe Thomason 146
56 Digital Diseases Elizabeth Colleran 149
57 Dilated Cardiomyopathy Larry P. Tilley 152
58 Draining Tracts and Nodules Sarah O’Neill 158
59 Dysautonomia Karen Lovelace Tofte 164
60 Dyspnea Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 166
61 Dystocia Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 168
62 Dysuria, Pollakiuria, and Stranguria Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 171
63 Ear Mites Sharon Fooshee Grace 173
64 Envenomization:Arachnids Tatiana Weissova 175
65 Envenomization: Insects Tatiana Weissova 179
66 Envenomization: Snakes Tatiana Weissova 182
67 Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex Sarah O’Neill 186
68 Eosinophilic Keratoconjunctivitis Lindsey N. Pelych and Gwen H. Sila 190
69 Esophageal Disease Andrew Sparkes 193
70 Ethylene Glycol Toxicity Tatiana Weissova and Gary D. Norsworthy 198
71 Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency Jo¨rg M. Steiner 202
72 Eyelid Diseases and Surgery Lindsey N. Pelych and Gwen H. Sila 204
73 Feline Enteric Coronavirus Infection Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 208
74 Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Sharon Fooshee Grace 210
75 Feline Infectious Peritonitis Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 212
76 Feline Leukemia Virus Diseases Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa and Gary D. Norsworthy 215
77 Femoral Neck Osteopathy Justin Harper 220
78 Fever Jennifer Lavallee 223
79 Flea Allergy Dermatitis Jason B. Pieper 225
80 Fleas Sharon Fooshee Grace 228
81 Flukes: Liver, Biliary, and Pancreatic Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 230
82 Food Reactions Jason B. Pieper 233
83 Giardiasis Jennifer Lavallee 235
84 Glaucoma Charles H. Bonney 237
85 Glomerulonephritis Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 240
86 Granulosa-theca Cell Tumor Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa and Heloisa Justen Moreira de Souza 242
87 Heartworm Disease and Heartworm-associated Respiratory Disease Jane E. Brunt 244
88 Heinz Body Hemolytic Anemia and Methemoglobinemia Sharon Fooshee Grace 248
89 Helicobacter Infection Courtney North 250
90 Hemangiosarcoma Bradley R. Schmidt 252
91 Hemoplasmosis Sharon Fooshee Grace and Gary D. Norsworthy 255
92 Hepatic Lipidosis Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 258
93 Hepatitis, Inflammatory Sharon Fooshee Grace 262
94 Herpesvirus Infection Sharon Fooshee Grace 267
95 High-rise Syndrome Elizabeth Colleran 270
96 Histoplasmosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 272
97 Hookworms Jennifer Lavallee 276
98 Horner’s Syndrome Sharon Fooshee Grace 278
99 Hydronephrosis Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 280
100 Hyperadrenocorticism Karen Lovelace Tofte 283
101 Hyperaldosteronism, Primary (Conn’s Disease) Andrew Sparkes 286
102 Hypercalcemia Miche`le Fradin-Ferme´ 289
103 Hypereosinophilic Syndrome Sharon Fooshee Grace 292
104 Hyperesthesia Syndrome Jennifer Lavallee 294
105 Hyperkalemia Miche`le Fradin-Ferme´ 296
106 Hyperparathyroidism Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa 299
107 Hypertension, Systemic Beate Egner 303
108 Hypertensive Cardiomyopathy Beate Egner 308
109 Hyperthyroidism Jennifer Lavallee, James K. Olson, and Gary D. Norsworthy 311
110 Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Larry P. Tilley 316
111 Hypoadrenocorticism Karen Lovelace Tofte 324
112 Hypoalbuminemia Sharon Fooshee Grace 326
113 Hypocalcemia Karen Lovelace Tofte 329
114 Hypokalemia Audrey K. Cook 332
115 Hypomagnesemia Miche`le Fradin-Ferme´ 334
116 Hypophosphatemia Stephanie Gandy Murphy 336
117 Icterus Sharon Fooshee Grace 338
118 Idiopathic Ulcerative Dermatitis Jason B. Pieper 341
119 Ileus Anthony P. Carr 344
120 Immune-mediated Hemolytic Anemia Anthony P. Carr 347
121 Inflammatory Bowel Disease Courtney North 349
122 Inflammatory Polyps and Masses Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 352
123 Intraocular Tumors Karen R. Brantman 355
124 Ischemic Encephalopathy Sharon Fooshee Grace 358
125 Keratitis and Conjunctivitis Charles H. Bonney 360
126 Kidneys, Abnormal Size Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 365
127 Laryngeal Disease Andrew Sparkes 367
128 Leprosy Syndrome Sharon Fooshee Grace 371
129 Linear Foreign Bodies Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 374
130 Lumbosacral Disease and Spondylosis Deformans Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 377
131 Lung Parasites Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 379
132 Lymphoma Bradley R. Schmidt 381
133 Malassezia Dermatitis Jason B. Pieper 384
134 Mammary Hyperplasia Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 385
135 Mammary Neoplasia Bradley R. Schmidt 387
136 Manx Syndrome Jennifer Lavallee 390
137 Mast Cell Tumors Bradley R. Schmidt 393
138 Megacolon Anthony P. Carr 396
139 Meningioma Sharon Fooshee Grace 401
140 Mesothelioma Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa 403
141 Metaldehyde Toxicosis Tatiana Weissova 405
142 Miliary Dermatitis Jason B. Pieper 407
143 Mitral Valve Dysplasia Larry P. Tilley 408
144 Mosquito Bite Hypersensitivity Jason B. Pieper 410
145 Murmurs Larry P. Tilley and Francis W.K. Smith, Jr. 412
146 Myasthenia Gravis Paula A. Schuerer and Sharon Fooshee Grace 414
147 Mycobacterial Diseases, Rapidly Growing Sharon Fooshee Grace 416
148 Myiasis Elizabeth Colleran 418
149 Nasal and Frontal Sinus Disease, Chronic Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 420
150 Nasopharyngeal Disease Arnold Plotnick 422
151 Neonatal Isoerythrolysis Sharon Fooshee Grace 424
152 Neurogenic Bladder Sharon Fooshee Grace 426
153 Nocardiosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 428
154 Obesity Christopher J. H. Simpson 430
155 Oral Neoplasia Bradley R. Schmidt 435
156 Organophosphate and Carbamate Toxicosis Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 438
157 Osteoarthritis and Degenerative Joint Disease Andrew Sparkes 440
158 Otitis Externa Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 443
159 Otitis Media and Interna Sharon Fooshee Grace 448
160 Ovarian Remnant Syndrome Erin O’Docharty Dresner 451
161 Palatine Arterial Bleeding Richard Malik 453
162 Pancreatitis, Acute Jo¨rg M. Steiner 457
163 Pancreatitis, Chronic Jo¨rg M. Steiner 460
164 Panleukopenia (Feline Parvovirus Infection) Sharon Fooshee Grace 462
165 Panniculitis and Steatitis Anthony P. Carr 465
166 Paraneoplastic Syndromes John Metcalfe Thomason 467
167 Patent Ductus Arteriosus Larry P. Tilley 469
168 Pectus Excavatum Sharon Fooshee Grace 472
169 Pemphigus Foliaceus Sarah O’Neill 474
170 Perinephric Pseudocysts Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa 477
171 Peritonitis, Septic Sharon Fooshee Grace 481
172 Plague Sharon Fooshee Grace 485
173 Plant Toxicities Karen Lovelace Tofte 487
174 Pleural Effusion Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 497
175 Pneumothorax Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 500
176 Pododermatitis, Plasmacytic Melanie J. Dobromylskyj, Richard Malik, and Gary D. Norsworthy 503
177 Polyarthritis, Immune-mediated Christopher J. H. Simpson 506
178 Polycystic Kidney Disease Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 509
179 Polyuria and Polydipsia John Metcalfe Thomason 512
180 Portosystemic Shunts Jonathan A. Lidbury 514
181 Pregnancy, Parturition, and Lactation Teija Kaarina Viita-aho 517
182 Pulmonary Fibrosis Sharon Fooshee Grace 520
183 Pulmonic Stenosis Larry P. Tilley 522
184 Pyelonephritis Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 524
185 Pyometra and Mucometra Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 527
186 Pyothorax Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 530
187 Pyrethrin and Pyrethroid Toxicosis Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 533
188 Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency in Somali and Abyssinian Cats Stella de Faria Valle 534
189 Rabies Elizabeth Colleran 536
190 Recreational Drug Toxicosis Tatiana Weissova 538
191 Rectal Disease Heloisa Justen Moreira de Souza and Katia Barão Corgozinho 542
192 Refeeding Syndrome Karen Lovelace Tofte 545
193 Renal Disease, Chronic Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 548
194 Renal Failure, Acute Sharon Fooshee Grace 551
195 Restrictive Cardiomyopathy Michael S. Miller and Larry P. Tilley 555
196 Retinal Disease Karen R. Brantman 558
197 Rodenticide Toxicosis Jennifer Lavallee 562
198 Roundworms Jennifer Lavallee 564
199 Salmonellosis John Metcalfe Thomason 566
200 Sarcomas, Injection Site Sharon Fooshee Grace 568
201 Sarcoma, Other John Metcalfe Thomason 571
202 Scottish Fold Osteochondrodysplasia Sharon Fooshee Grace 574
203 Seizures Sharon Fooshee Grace 576
204 Skin Parasites Jason B. Pieper 580
205 Small Bowel Disease, Chronic Gary D. Norsworthy 585
206 Sporotrichosis Jennifer Lavallee 588
207 Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Cutaneous Bradley R. Schmidt 590
208 Stomach Worms John Metcalfe Thomason 594
209 Stomatitis-Gingivitis Elaine Wexler-Mitchell 596
210 Stud Tail Jason B. Pieper 600
211 Tail-pull Injuries Sharon Fooshee Grace 601
212 Tapeworms Jennifer Lavallee 604
213 Temporomandibular Joint Disease Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 606
214 Tetanus Sharon Fooshee Grace 610
215 Tetralogy of Fallot Larry P. Tilley and Michael S. Miller 613
216 Thiamine Deficiency Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 616
217 Third Eyelid Diseases Michael C. West and Gwen H. Sila 618
218 Thromboembolic Disease Larry P. Tilley 621
219 Thymoma Bradley R. Schmidt 625
220 Tooth Resorption Jan Bellows 628
221 Toxoplasmosis Gary D. Norsworthy and Sharon Fooshee Grace 632
222 Tracheal Disease Andrew Sparkes 635
223 Triad Disease Anthony P. Carr 639
224 Trichobezoars Elaine Wexler-Mitchell 642
225 Tritrichomoniasis Jennifer Lavallee 645
226 Ureteral Obstruction Rhett Marshall and Marcus Gunew 648
227 Urethral Obstruction Rhett Marshall and Marcus Gunew 654
228 Urinary Bladder Tumors Bradley R. Schmidt 659
229 Urolithiasis Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 662
230 Uveitis Michael C. West and Gwen H. Sila 666
231 Ventricular Septal Defect Larry P. Tilley 670
232 Vestibular Syndrome Elaine Wexler-Mitchell 673
233 Viral Dermatitis Jason B. Pieper 675
234 Vitamin A Toxicosis Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 678
235 Vitamin D Toxicosis Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 680
236 Vomiting Jennifer Lavallee 682
237 Weight Loss Anthony P. Carr 685
238 Zoonotic Diseases Jennifer Lavallee 688
Section 2: Behavior
239 Aggression, Human Directed Debra F. Horwitz and Amy L. Pike 699
240 Aggression, Intercat Debra F. Horwitz and Amy L. Pike 703
241 Behavioral Pharmaceuticals Debra F. Horwitz and Amy L. Pike 707
242 Environmental Enrichment in the Home Debra F. Horwitz and Amy L. Pike 711
243 Environmental Enrichment in the Hospital Gary D. Norsworthy and Linda Schmeltzer 716
244 Housesoiling Debra F. Horwitz and Amy L. Pike 719
245 Psychogenic Alopecia Debra F. Horwitz and Amy L. Pike 724
246 Urine Marking Debra F. Horwitz and Amy L. Pike 728
Section 3: Surgery
247 Bulla Osteotomy, Ventral Approach Don R. Waldron 733
248 Colectomy Don R. Waldron 739
249 Corneal Surgery Michael C. West and Gwen H. Sila 744
250 Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture Ryan Butler and Mac Maxwell 747
251 Cryptorchidism Surgery Ryan Butler and Mac Maxwell 749
252 Dental Extraction Techniques Jan Bellows 752
253 Esophagostomy Tube Placement Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 756
254 Frontal Sinus Obliteration Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 760
255 Gastrostomy Tube Placement Don R. Waldron 761
256 Hypothermia, Surgical Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 764
257 Jejunostomy Tube Placement Don R. Waldron 766
258 Laparotomy for Chronic Small Bowel Disease Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 770
259 Laser Surgery, CO2 John C. Godbold, Jr. 772
260 Lip Avulsion Reattachment Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 775
261 Luxating Patella Otto I. Lanz 777
262 Mandibular Symphyseal Separation Don R. Waldron 780
263 Mastectomy Don R. Waldron 782
264 Maxillomandibular Fixation Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 785
265 Nasopharyngeal Mass Removal Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 787
266 Nephrolith Removal Don R. Waldron 790
267 Onychectomy Don R. Waldron 793
268 Oronasal Fistula Repair Heloisa Justen Moreira de Souza and Katia Barão Corgozinho 796
269 Pain Management Sabine Tacke 803
270 Perivulvar Skin Fold Removal Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 807
271 Ranula Gary D. Norsworthy 810
272 Rhinotomy Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 812
273 Skin Flaps, Local Ryan Butler and Mac Maxwell 815
274 Thoracostomy Tube Placement Don R. Waldron 819
275 Thyroidectomy Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 822
276 Total Ear Canal Ablation and Lateral Bulla Osteotomy Don R. Waldron 826
277 Urethrostomy, Perineal Don R. Waldron 830
278 Urethrostomy, Perineal: Repair Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 834
279 Urethrostomy, Prepubic Don R. Waldron 838
280 Uretrotomy Don R. Waldron 840
281 Urinary Bladder Marsupialization Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 842
Section 4: Cytology
282 Adenocarcinoma Amy C. Valenciano and Rick L. Cowell 847
283 Ascites Kathryn Jacocks 849
284 Atypical Bacterial Infections Kathryn Jacocks, Amy C. Valenciano, and Rick L. Cowell 851
285 Hepatic Lipidosis Kathryn Jacocks, Amy C. Valenciano, and Rick L. Cowell 853
286 Inflammation versus Neoplasia Kathryn Jacocks, Amy C. Valenciano, and Rick L. Cowell 855
287 Lymph Node Disease Kathryn Jacocks, Amy C. Valenciano, and Rick L. Cowell 863
288 Lymphoma Amy C. Valenciano, Kathryn Jacocks, and Rick L. Cowell 866
289 Mast Cell Tumors Amy C. Valenciano, Kathryn Jacocks, and Rick L. Cowell 868
290 Plasma Cell Inflammation and Neoplasia Kathryn Jacocks, Amy C. Valenciano, and Rick L. Cowell 870
291 Pleural Effusions Amy C. Valenciano, Kathryn Jacocks, and Rick L. Cowell 872
292 Sample Staining Amy C. Valenciano, Kathryn Jacocks, and Rick L. Cowell 876
293 Sarcoma Amy C. Valenciano, Kathryn Jacocks, and Rick L. Cowell 879
294 Systemic Fungal Diseases Kathryn Jacocks, Amy C. Valenciano, and Rick L. Cowell 881
295 Transtracheal Wash Hemosiderosis Kathryn Jacocks, Amy C. Valenciano, and Rick L. Cowell 884
Section 5: Clinical Procedures
296 Blood Gas Analysis Eduardo Raposo Monteiro and Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa 889
297 Blood Transfusion Sharon Fooshee Grace 892
298 Bone Marrow Aspiration John Metcalfe Thomason 895
299 Cardiopulmonary Arrest Medora B. Pashmakova 898
300 Central Venous Catheter Placement Medora B. Pashmakova and James W. Barr 902
301 Cerebrospinal Fluid Collection (Atlanto-Occipital) Sharon Fooshee Grace 905
302 Endoscopic Applications Audrey K. Cook 907
303 Enteral Nutrition Anthony P. Carr 917
304 Euthanasia Elizabeth Colleran 920
305 Fine-needle Biopsy John Metcalfe Thomason 924
306 Fluid Therapy Sharon Fooshee Grace 926
307 Fluid Therapy for Shock Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa and Leandro Fadel 930
308 Jugular Blood Collection Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 933
309 Lymphoma, Chemotherapy Bradley R. Schmidt 935
310 Ophthalmic Examination Karen R. Brantman 940
311 Orogastric Tube Feeding Gary D. Norsworthy and Anne Romeo 943
312 Radioiodine Therapy for Hyperthyroidism Jennifer Lavallee, James K. Olson, and Gary D. Norsworthy 945
313 Restraint Techniques and Devices Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 947
314 Testing Procedures Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 950
Section 6: Topics of Special Interest
315 Age Approximation Karen Lovelace Tofte 955
316 Aging Changes in Cats Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa 958
317 Body Surface Area Conversion Gary D. Norsworthy and Lisa M. Restine 961
318 Calcitriol in Feline Patients Joao Felipe de Brito Galvao and Dennis J. Chew 962
319 Catnip Effects in Cats Sharon Fooshee Grace 967
320 Echocardiographic Tables Larry P. Tilley and Francis W.K. Smith, Jr. 968
321 Electrocardiographic Tables Larry P. Tilley and Francis W.K. Smith, Jr. 970
322 End of Life Issues William Ray Folger 971
323 Genetic Diseases Jerold S. Bell 974
324 History of Feline-only Practice and Feline Medicine in the United States Gary D. Norsworthy 977
325 Normal Laboratory Values Gary D. Norsworthy, Lisa M. Restine, and Anne Romeo 991
326 Nutrition Debra L. Zoran 993
327 Palliative and Hospice Care Alice E. Villalobos 997
328 Polydactylism Sharon Fooshee Grace 1000
329 Pulse Wave Analysis Beate Egner 1002
330 Purring Sharon Fooshee Grace 1006
331 Vibrissae Sharon Fooshee Grace 1008
332 Drug Formulary Gary D. Norsworthy, Lisa M. Restine, and Anne Romeo 1010
Index 1049
The Editor
GARY D. NORSWORTHY, DVM, DABVP (Feline), is a Charter Diplomate of the Feline Practice Category of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners; a Clinical Associate Faculty at Western University of Health Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine in Pomona, California, USA; an Adjunct Professor at Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine in Mississippi State, Mississippi, USA; and the owner of Alamo Feline Health Center in San Antonio, Texas, USA.
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