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Foundations of EU Food Law and Policy


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Table of Contents

Foundations of EU Food Law and Policy, AlbertoAlemanno; Part I EFSA From Within; The Genesis; Chapter 1 The Genesis of EFSA and the First 10 Years of EU Food Law, DavidByrne; Scientific Advice; Chapter 2 EFSA’s Science Strategy, VittorioSilano; Chapter 3 A Taxanomy of EFSA’s Scientific Outputs, CitlaliPintado; Chapter 4 The Scientific Governance of the European Food Safety Authority, SimoneGabbi; Chapter 5 Scientific Regulatory Cooperation within the EU, Gabriele AbelsAlexander Kobusch, JenniferTräsch; Chapter 6 EFSA under Pressure, JamesLawless; Chapter 7 Scientific Advice in the GMO Area, SaraPoli; Chapter 8 From BSE to Obesity, MarineFriant-Perrot, AmandineGarde; Scientific Communication; Chapter 9 EFSA’s Communication Strategy, RaymondO’Rourke; Chapter 10 EFSA Stakeholder and Public Involvement Policy and Practice, MarionDreyer, OrtwinRenn; Part II EFSA From Outside; The Institutional Perspective; Chapter 11 The European Food Safety Authority, Paola TestoriCoggi, PatrickDeboyser; Chapter 12 Scientific Expertise and Open Government in the Digital Era, AlessandroSpina; Chapter 13 EFSA the Respondent, CaoimhinMacMaoláin; Chapter 14 A View of EFSA from the European Parliament, DagmarRoth-Behrendt; Chapter 15 A View of EFSA from the Member States, IsidoraMaleti?; The Stakeholders’ Perspective; Chapter 16 Ten Years of EU Food Law, RobertoCiati; Chapter 17 The Consumers’ Perspective of EFSA, SueDavies; Chapter 18 A Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, Luis GonzálezVaqué, SebastiánRomero Melchor; Chapter 19 Rule of Science, Berndvan der Meulen, RozitaSpirovska Vaskoska; The International Perspective; Chapter 20 The European Food Safety Authority, StephanieTai; Chapter 21 EFSA in the International Arena, MartijnGroenleer, SimoneGabbi; Chapter 22 The European Food Safety Authority in Global Food Safety Governance, Ching-FuLin;

About the Author

Alberto Alemanno is Associate Professor of Law, HEC Paris, and Adjunct Professor of Law, Georgetown University. He was formerly Legal Secretary at the European Court of Justice. He has published widely in the areas of Risk, Regulation, and Food policy and Law. Simone Gabbi is Legal Officer at the European Food Safety Authority and holds a PhD in European Food Law from Parma University. Catherine Geslain-Laneelle, Alberto Alemanno, David Byrne, Vittorio Silano, Citlali Pintado, Simone Gabbi, Gabriele Abels, Alexander Kobusch, Jennifer Trasch, James Lawless, Sara Poli, Marine Friant-Perrot, Amandine Garde, Raymond O'Rourke, Marion Dreyer, Ortwin Renn, Paola Testori Coggi, Patrick Deboyser, Alessandro Spina, Caoimhin MacMaolain, Dagmar Roth-Behrendt, Isidora Maletic, Roberto Ciati, Sue Davies, Luis Gonzalez Vaque, Sebastian Romero Melchor, Bernd van der Meule, Rozita Spirovska Vaskoska, Stephanie Tai, Martijn Groenleer, Ching-Fu Lin.


'This book offers not only a fresh perspective on the 'internal' workings of the EFSA, but also a comprehensive view of the institution as seen from the perspective of other European agencies interacting with EFSA. An excellent book on the law, policy, and polity of the EFSA, it is a very timely publication, and one which will remain relevant for many years to come.' Petros C. Mavroidis, European University Institute, Italy and University of Neuchatel, Switzerland 'This book presents a comprehensive review and analysis of the origin, history, and accomplishments of the first decade of the European Food Safety Authority, by an impressive group of experts. It is an essential volume for anyone interested in Food Law.' Peter Barton Hutt, Harvard Law School, USA 'This book is a fascinating read for anyone dealing with food law and policy. Its topic represents at the same time a valuable case-study of regulatory and administrative law in action. An impressive team of authors sketches law, procedure, science and multi-level politics surrounding the past decade of food regulation in the EU. The book focuses on national, European and international regulatory cooperation, as well as dealing with topics on the fault line of law, scientific-based risk regulation and political sensitivities. This combination raises a host of questions which will be relevant well beyond the next decade of food regulation and modern public law.' Herwig C.H. Hofmann, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg 'This comprehensive edited volume makes an important contribution to the study and understanding of EU food law and the shaping of food policy with a central focus on the European Food Safety Authority. It contains a unique mixture of in-depth study, practical insights and critical analysis and gives food for thought on future challenges. I strongly recommend this impressive book to all academics and practitioners who study, and work with, EU food law and policy.' Ellen Vos, Maastricht University, The Netherlands

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