About the AuthorPatrick Drake is a presenter on Discovery Channel, National Geographicand Fox Network. He is also the the creator of The World's Fastest OnlineCooking Course, The 60 Second Chef and was named as one of the thousand mostinfluential people in London by The Evening Standard. Patrick and hisco-founders started HelloFresh in the UK from his living room in 2012. From tenbags of shopping it has grown to become the largest service of its kind in theworld, delivering 11 million meals each month across 10 countries. Patrick'smission is to teach cookery to those who've never been given the chance tolearn, with simple, wholesome and delicious recipes. About HelloFreshHelloFresh is the world's leading recipe kit service, deliveringfuss-free, delicious recipes and all the exact fresh ingredients needed to cookthem, straight to their customers' homes. Using a combination of customerfeedback and recipe innovation, they've created recipes that really are themost tested - and delicious - recipes in the world.
If you feel like you're in a cooking rut and want to try new
recipes or master new techniques, HelloFresh is a great option
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