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Confessions of the Killer

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UK, 22 October 2007

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14 x 1.8 x 21.3 centimeters (0.28 kg)


With an audacity that vilifies Simpson more than any other author could, Simpson himself provides a "fictional" tell-all account of the murders of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown. But Simpson seems more concerned about how the press poorly portrayed the facts, not about his murderous acts but of his personal life and relationship with Nicole. When he's not lamenting about how he is misunderstood, he's playing armchair therapist for Nicole (claiming she was involved with drugs, constantly erratic and still hopelessly longing for him). Simpson insists it was Nicole's actions that ultimately forced him to murder her. With an exclusive commentary read by Kim Goldman, an account of writing the book with Simpson by ghostwriter Pablo F. Fenjves and an afterword by Dominick Dunne, listeners get an interesting balancing act of interests and motives for the publication of this book. G. Valmont Thomas eerily embraces Simpson's sound and speech patterns, making the audiobook more disturbing than the book. Particularly when listeners hear Simpson at his most enraged, they will be impressed and possibly frightened with how well Thomas delivers this first-person narrative. A Beaufort Books hardcover. (Nov.) Copyright 2007 Reed Business Information.

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