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Image and Signal Processing
4th International Conference, ICISP 2010, Quebec, Canada, June 30 - July 2, 2010. Proceedings (Image Processing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics)
By Abderrahim Elmoataz (Volume editor), Olivier Lezoray (Volume editor), Fathallah Nouboud (Volume editor), Driss Mammass (Volume editor)

Paperback, 603 pages
Germany, 9 June 2010

ICISP 2010, the International Conference on Image and Signal Processing, was the fourth ICISP conference, and was held in Trois-Rivi` eres, Qü ebec, Canada. Historically, ICISP is a conference resulting from the actions of researchers of Canada,FranceandMorocco.PreviouseditionsofICISPwereheldinCherbourg- Octeville (France), Agadir (Morocco), and Agadir (Morocco) in 2008, 2003 and 2001, respectively. ICISP 2010 was sponsored by EURASIP (European Assoc- tion for Image and Signal Processing) and IAPR (International Association for Pattern Recognition). The response to the call for papers for ICISP 2010 was encouraging. From 165 full papers submitted, 69 were ?nally accepted (54 oral presentations, and 15 posters). The review process was carried out by the Program Committee members; all are experts in various image and signal processing areas. Each paper was reviewed by atleast two reviewers,and also checkedby the conference Co-chairs. The quality of the papers in these proceedings is attributed ?rst to the authors, and second to the quality of the reviews provided by the experts. We would like to thank the authors for responding to our call, and we thank the reviewers for their excellent work. We wereverypleasedto be ableto include inthe conferenceprogramkeynote talks by three world-renowned experts: Yann Lecun, Silver Professor of C- puter Science and Neural Science, The Courant Institute of Mathematical S- ences and Center for Neural Science, New York University (USA); Theo Gevers, Associate Professor, Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam (The Neth- lands);andLeoGrady,SeniorMemberofTechnicalSta?withSiemensCorporate Research in Princeton, New Jersey (USA).

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Product Description

ICISP 2010, the International Conference on Image and Signal Processing, was the fourth ICISP conference, and was held in Trois-Rivi` eres, Qü ebec, Canada. Historically, ICISP is a conference resulting from the actions of researchers of Canada,FranceandMorocco.PreviouseditionsofICISPwereheldinCherbourg- Octeville (France), Agadir (Morocco), and Agadir (Morocco) in 2008, 2003 and 2001, respectively. ICISP 2010 was sponsored by EURASIP (European Assoc- tion for Image and Signal Processing) and IAPR (International Association for Pattern Recognition). The response to the call for papers for ICISP 2010 was encouraging. From 165 full papers submitted, 69 were ?nally accepted (54 oral presentations, and 15 posters). The review process was carried out by the Program Committee members; all are experts in various image and signal processing areas. Each paper was reviewed by atleast two reviewers,and also checkedby the conference Co-chairs. The quality of the papers in these proceedings is attributed ?rst to the authors, and second to the quality of the reviews provided by the experts. We would like to thank the authors for responding to our call, and we thank the reviewers for their excellent work. We wereverypleasedto be ableto include inthe conferenceprogramkeynote talks by three world-renowned experts: Yann Lecun, Silver Professor of C- puter Science and Neural Science, The Courant Institute of Mathematical S- ences and Center for Neural Science, New York University (USA); Theo Gevers, Associate Professor, Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam (The Neth- lands);andLeoGrady,SeniorMemberofTechnicalSta?withSiemensCorporate Research in Princeton, New Jersey (USA).

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23.4 x 15.2 x 3.3 centimeters (1.02 kg)

Table of Contents

Image Filtering and Coding.- Facial Parts-Based Face Hallucination Method.- Geometric Image Registration under Locally Variant Illuminations Using Huber M-estimator.- Morphological Sharpening and Denoising Using a Novel Shock Filter Model.- Resolution Scalable Image Coding with Dyadic Complementary Rational Wavelet Transforms.- LMMSE-Based Image Denoising in Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform Domain.- Wavelet-Based Multi-Channel Image Denoising Using Fuzzy Logic.- An Adaptive Multiresolution-Based Multispectral Image Compression Method.- Zoom Based Super-Resolution: A Fast Approach Using Particle Swarm Optimization.- Real Time Human Visual System Based Framework for Image Fusion.- Color VQ-Based Image Compression by Manifold Learning.- Total Variation Minimization with Separable Sensing Operator.- Pattern Recognition.- Circle Location by Moments.- Remote Sensing Image Registration Techniques: A Survey.- Assessment of the Artificial Habitat in Shrimp Aquaculture Using Environmental Pattern Classification.- Speech Recognition System of Arabic Alphabet Based on a Telephony Arabic Corpus.- Statistical and Neural Classifiers: Application for Singer and Music Discrimination in Polyphonic Music Context.- An Adaptive Method Using Genetic Fuzzy System to Evaluate Suspended Particulates Matters SPM from Landsat and Modis Data.- An Efficient Combination of Texture and Color Information for Watershed Segmentation.- New Approach Based on Texture and Geometric Features for Text Detection.- Segmentation of Images of Lead Free Solder.- Grassland Species Characterization for Plant Family Discrimination by Image Processing.- Biometry.- Efficient Person Identification by Fusion of Multiple Palmprint Representations.- A Cry-Based Babies Identification System.- Comparative Testing of Face Detection Algorithms.- On Supporting Identification in a Hand-Based Biometric Framework.- Selecting Optimal Orientations of Gabor Wavelet Filters for Facial Image Analysis.- Human Detection with a Multi-sensors Stereovision System.- Signal Processing.- Efficient Time and Frequency Methods for Sampling Filter Functions.- The Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test and the Sparse Representations Approach.- Frequency Tracking with Spline Based Chirp Atoms.- Improving Performance of a Noise Reduction Algorithm by Switching the Analysis Filter Bank.- On the Choice of Filter Bank Parameters for Wavelet-Packet Identification of Dynamic Systems.- A Signal Processing Algorithm Based on Parametric Dynamic Programming.- Determining Dominant Frequency with Data-Adaptive Windows.- Non-linear EEG Analysis of Idiopathic Hypersomnia.- Classification of Similar Impact Sounds.- Video Coding and Processing.- High Dimensional versus Low Dimensional Chaos in MPEG-7 Feature Binding for Object Classification.- Compensating for Motion Estimation Inaccuracies in DVC.- Multi-sensor Fire Detection by Fusing Visual and Non-visual Flame Features.- Turbo Code Using Adaptive Puncturing for Pixel Domain Distributed Video Coding.- Error-Resilient and Error Concealment 3-D SPIHT Video Coding with Added Redundancy.- Video Quality Prediction Using a 3D Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Structural Similarity Index.- An Efficient 3d Head Pose Inference from Videos.- Fall Detection Using Body Volume Recontruction and Vertical Repartition Analysis.- Watermarking and Document Processing.- A Subsampling and Interpolation Technique for Reversible Histogram Shift Data Hiding.- Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Optimization for Image Watermarking Based on Singular Value Decomposition and Lifting Wavelet Transform.- Image Hiding by Using Genetic Algorithm and LSB Substitution.- Tone Recognition of Isolated Mandarin Syllables.- A Semantic Proximity Based System of Arabic Text Indexation.- Classification of Multi-structured Documents: A Comparison Based on Media Image.- Computer Vision.- Human Action Recognition Using Key Points Displacement.- Shape Skeleton Classification Using Graph and Multi-scale Fractal Dimension.- Leaves Shape Classification Using Curvature and Fractal Dimension.- Plant Leaf Identification Using Color and Multi-scale Fractal Dimension.- A Novel Polychromatic Model for Light Dispersion.- Content Based Thermal Images Retrieval.- People Reacquisition across Multiple Cameras with Disjoint Views.- Performance Evaluation of Multiresolution Methods in Disparity Estimation.- 3D Head Trajectory Using a Single Camera.- Biomedical Applications.- Artificial Neural Network and Fuzzy Clustering Methods in Segmenting Sputum Color Images for Lung Cancer Diagnosis.- A Multi-stage Approach for 3D Teeth Segmentation from Dentition Surfaces.- Global versus Hybrid Thresholding for Border Detection in Dermoscopy Images.- Unsupervised Segmentation for Inflammation Detection in Histopathology Images.- Scale-Space Representation of Lung HRCT Images for Diffuse Lung Disease Classification.- Correction of Left Ventricle Strain Signals Estimated from Tagged MR Images.- Texture Analysis of Brain CT Scans for ICP Prediction.- Mass Description for Breast Cancer Recognition.- A New Preprocessing Filter for Digital Mammograms.- Classification of High-Resolution NMR Spectra Based on Complex Wavelet Domain Feature Selection and Kernel-Induced Random Forest.

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