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Introducing Ecofeminist ­Theologies
Introductions in Feminist Theology

Paperback, 154 pages
United Kingdom, 10 February 2010

Ecofeminism represents ways of discerning associations between the oppression and domination of both women and the earth. It refers to critical analyses, political actions, historical research, intuitions and ideals. Ecofeminist efforts are directed towards reducing further ecological and social devastation, and awakening consciousness to the immense beauty and elegance of all life on this fragile yet awesome blue-green planet. This book introduces and explores ecofeminism and its encounter with theology, predominantly Christian theology in Eurowestern contexts. Its main goals are to understand the significance and implications of ecofeminism and its contribution and challenge to theology, and to assist ecofeminist theology, or theologies, to be more effective in preventing ecological ruin, assisting women's struggles for freedom and supporting the flourishing of all life on earth.

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Product Description

Ecofeminism represents ways of discerning associations between the oppression and domination of both women and the earth. It refers to critical analyses, political actions, historical research, intuitions and ideals. Ecofeminist efforts are directed towards reducing further ecological and social devastation, and awakening consciousness to the immense beauty and elegance of all life on this fragile yet awesome blue-green planet. This book introduces and explores ecofeminism and its encounter with theology, predominantly Christian theology in Eurowestern contexts. Its main goals are to understand the significance and implications of ecofeminism and its contribution and challenge to theology, and to assist ecofeminist theology, or theologies, to be more effective in preventing ecological ruin, assisting women's struggles for freedom and supporting the flourishing of all life on earth.

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black & white illustrations
23.2 x 15.9 x 1.2 centimeters (0.23 kg)

Table of Contents

Introduction; Chapter 1 - Ecological-Feminism: Overview And Evolution; Ecofeminism: A Definition; A Busy Intersection; Ecofeminism: History And Development; Activism, Social Movements and Conferences Academia The Road of Religion Religion and Spirituality Global Ecofeminism Summary; Ecofeminism: Contributions And Congestion; Ecofeminist Analyses: Empirical and Cultural-Symbolic; Approaches Empirical Approaches Cultural-Symbolic; Approaches Combined Analyses Feminism(s) in; Ecofeminism Ecology in Ecofeminism; Commentary: Which Ecofeminism And Going In What Direction?; Conclusion: A Way Out; Chapter 2 - The Question For Origins: In The Beginning...; Women And Nature: An Overview; The Domination Of Women; Beliefs About the World: Hierarchical Dualisms The Quest for Origins The Emergence of Patriarchy Matriarchy and the Goddess The Origins of Domination; The Domination Of Nature; What is Nature? The Domestication of the Natural World The Emergence of the Human Aggressive Plundering: Domination Humans and other Animals Nature as Female; Women, Nature, And The Natural World: The Theoretical Cluster; Questions about Origins The Force of Ideas; Conclusion; Chapter 3 - The Ecological Crisis: Religion, Ecofeminism And Theology; Christianity; Christianity: Women, Nature And Patriarchal Problems; The Women/Nature Nexus; Christianity And The Ecological Crisis; The Ecological Challenge To Theology; Theology, Truth Claims and Transparency Ecotheology and Questions about Method Ecofeminist Theology and Methods ; Ecofeminist Theology; The Whole and the Parts: The Whole of Theology The Whole and the Parts: The Parts of Theology; a) Doctrinal Reinterpretations: God; b) Anthropology, Creation, Sin, Grace and More; c) Scriptural Motifs and Biblical Studies; Liberation Theology and Ethics Multicultural and Multi-Religious Perspectives Ecofeminist Spiritualities Summary Critique and Commentary; a) The Challenge; b) Content; c) Method: The Parts and the Whole; Conclusion; Chapter 4 - From The Cosmos To The City: Evolution And Politics; The Role Of Science In Ecofeminist Theologies; Evolution and Theology Cosmology and Evolution Cosmology and the Ecological Crisis Christianity, Evolutionary Cosmology and the Ecological Crisis Ecofeminism, Evolution and Cosmology Cosmology and Ecofeminist Justice; Ecofeminist Liberation Theologies; Ecofeminism Everywhere?; Conclusion; Chapter 5 - At The Intersection Of Ecofeminism And Religion: Directions For Consideration; The breadth and depth of ecofeminist analysis The logic and practices of domination The destructive and liberating elements of religion Religion, science and evolution The ecological; crisis Many religion traditions Political engagement New spiritual insights Conclusion

About the Author

Professor Heather Eaton teaches at Saint Paul University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.


"...the strongest section of [Eaton's] book is the first chapter in which she lays out the groundwork for ecofeminism. She defines ecofeminist terminology clearly and well. And certainly people of all faiths must reconsider, or continue to consider, their relationships to the Earth. They should, as Eaton urges, encourage ‘the exchange between science and religion' and understand the extent of the ecological crisis." - The Catholic Register, December 11, 2005
*The Catholic Register*

'...Heather Eaton offers an introduction to ecofeminist theologies which is both scholarly and accessible.'   'It offers insights into areas of theological thinking which have hitherto been neglected/ignored by male-stream academic theology.' Epworth Review 
*Natalie K Watson*

-Mention. Theology Digest/ Vol. 52 No. 3/ Fall 2005
*Theology Digest*

Reviewed in Theolgical Book Review vol.19 no.2 2007

"Ecofeminism has quickly become a multidisciplinary and increasingly international insight. It is an intersection point, where those with deep concerns for the world can find comrades and allies, and indeed challenges. Its history and development is one way to appreciate the scope of this lively phenomenon called "ecofeminism"."- Catholic New Times, January 29, 2006
*Catholic New Times*

Piece by Heather Eaton (double page spread).   Volum e30, Number 02
*Catholic New Times*

'...contains thought-provoking and inspiring passages.'

"Heather Eaton has written an accessible overview of the history, development and variety of ecofeminist theologies.... a comprehensive and accessible introduction to ecofeminist theology for laity and for theology students. She explains in plain language the basic issues and debated within ecofeminist theology, and gives a helpful introduction to its historical development and diverse approaches. Her pragmatic and passionate emphasis upon ecological activism highlights the importance of engaged ecofeminist theology. Eaton leaves the reader with hermeneutical questions that can be used to evaluate not only ecofeminist theology, but all approaches to theology as she encourages us to seriously consider our impact on this earth."- Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd, Touchstone, September 2006
*Touchstone: Journal of Mere Christianity*

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