Mark Hindmarsh is Professor of Theoretical Physics with joint appointments at the University of Sussex, UK and the University of Helsinki, Finland. His research is focused on the physics of the Big Bang, and he is a member of the LISA consortium with particular expertise in the cosmological production of gravitational waves. He has taught at all levels of the undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum. Andrew Liddle is a Principal Researcher at the University of Lisbon in Portugal. He researches the properties of our Universe and how these relate to fundamental physical laws, especially through understanding astronomical observations. He is involved in several international projects, including the Planck Satellite and the Dark Energy Survey.
Preface ix Constants and Symbols x 1 Introducing General Relativity 1 2 A Special Relativity Reminder 3 2.1 The need for Special Relativity 4 2.2 The Lorentz transformation 6 2.3 Time dilation 8 2.4 Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction 9 2.5 Addition of velocities 11 2.6 Simultaneity, colocality, and causality 12 2.7 Space-time diagrams 13 3 Tensors in Special Relativity 17 3.1 Coordinates 18 3.2 4-vectors 20 3.3 4-velocity, 4-momentum, and 4-acceleration 24 3.4 4-divergence and the wave operator 26 3.5 Tensors 28 3.6 Tensors in action: the Lorentz force 30 4 Towards General Relativity 37 4.1 Newtonian gravity 37 4.2 Special Relativity and gravity 39 4.3 Motivations for a General Theory of Relativity 41 4.3.1 Mach's Principle 42 4.3.2 Einstein's Equivalence Principle 42 4.4 Implications of the Equivalence Principle 44 4.4.1 Gravitational redshift 45 4.4.2 Gravitational time dilation 46 4.5 Principles of the General Theory of Relativity 47 4.6 Towards curved space-time 49 4.7 Curved space in two dimensions 50 5 Tensors and Curved Space-Time 57 5.1 General coordinate transformations 57 5.2 Tensor equations and the laws of physics 59 5.3 Partial differentiation of tensors 59 5.4 The covariant derivative and parallel transport 60 5.5 Christoffel symbols of a two-sphere 65 5.6 Parallel transport on a two-sphere 66 5.7 Curvature and the Riemann tensor 68 5.8 Riemann curvature of the two-sphere 71 5.9 More tensors describing curvature 72 5.10 Local inertial frames and local flatness 73 6 Describing Matter 79 6.1 The Correspondence Principle 79 6.2 The energy-momentum tensor 80 6.2.1 General properties 80 6.2.2 Conservation laws and 4-vector flux 81 6.2.3 Energy and momentum belong in a rank-2 tensor 83 6.2.4 Symmetry of the energy-momentum tensor 84 6.2.5 Energy-momentum of perfect fluids 84 6.2.6 The energy-momentum tensor in curved space-time 87 7 The Einstein Equation 91 7.1 The form of the Einstein equation 91 7.2 Properties of the Einstein equation 93 7.3 The Newtonian limit 93 7.4 The cosmological constant 95 7.5 The vacuum Einstein equation 96 8 The Schwarzschild Space-time 99 8.1 Christoffel symbols 100 8.2 Riemann tensor 101 8.3 Ricci tensor 102 8.4 The Schwarzschild solution 103 8.5 The Jebsen-Birkhoff theorem 104 9 Geodesics and Orbits 109 9.1 Geodesics 109 9.2 Non-relativistic limit of geodesic motion 112 9.3 Geodesic deviation 113 9.4 Newtonian theory of orbits 115 9.5 Orbits in the Schwarzschild space-time 117 9.5.1 Massive particles 117 9.5.2 Photon orbits 120 10 Tests of General Relativity 123 10.1 Precession of Mercury's perihelion 123 10.2 Gravitational light bending 125 10.3 Radar echo delays 127 10.4 Gravitational redshift 129 10.5 Binary pulsar PSR 1913+16 131 10.6 Direct detection of gravitational waves 135 11 Black Holes 139 11.1 The Schwarzschild radius 139 11.2 Singularities 140 11.3 Radial rays in the Schwarzschild space-time 141 11.4 Schwarzschild coordinate systems 143 11.5 The black hole space-time 145 11.6 Special orbits around black holes 147 11.7 Black holes in physics and in astrophysics 148 12 Cosmology 155 12.1 Constant-curvature spaces 156 12.2 The metric of the Universe 158 12.3 The matter content of the Universe 158 12.4 The Einstein equations 159 13 Cosmological Models 165 13.1 Simple solutions: matter and radiation 165 13.2 Light travel, distances, and horizons 169 13.2.1 Light travel in the cosmological metric 169 13.2.2 Cosmological redshift 170 13.2.3 The expansion rate 171 13.2.4 The age of the Universe 172 13.2.5 The distance-redshift relation and Hubble's law 172 13.2.6 Cosmic horizons 173 13.2.7 The luminosity and angular-diameter distances 174 13.3 Ingredients for a realistic cosmological model 175 13.4 Accelerating cosmologies 180 14 General Relativity: The Next 100 Years 183 14.1 Developing General Relativity 183 14.2 Beyond General Relativity 184 14.3 Into the future 187 Advanced Topic A1 Geodesics in the Schwarzschild Space-Time 191 A1.1 Geodesics and conservation laws 191 A1.2 Schwarzschild geodesics for massive particles 192 A1.3 Schwarzschild geodesics for massless particles 194 Advanced Topic A2 The Solar System Tests in Detail 197 A2.1 Newtonian orbits in detail 197 A2.2 Perihelion shift in General Relativity 201 A2.3 Light deflection 204 A2.4 Time delay 205 Advanced Topic A3 Weak Gravitational Fields and Gravitational Waves 209 A3.1 Nearly-flat space-times 209 A3.2 Gravitational waves 211 A3.3 Sources of gravitational waves 214 Advanced Topic A4 Gravitational Wave Sources and Detection 219 A4.1 Gravitational waves from compact binaries 220 A4.2 The energy in gravitational waves 223 A4.3 Binary inspiral 224 A4.4 Detecting gravitational waves 227 A4.4.1 Laser interferometers 227 A4.4.2 Pulsar timing 230 A4.4.3 Interferometers in space 231 Bibliography 233 Answers to Selected Problems 237 Index 263
Show moreMark Hindmarsh is Professor of Theoretical Physics with joint appointments at the University of Sussex, UK and the University of Helsinki, Finland. His research is focused on the physics of the Big Bang, and he is a member of the LISA consortium with particular expertise in the cosmological production of gravitational waves. He has taught at all levels of the undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum. Andrew Liddle is a Principal Researcher at the University of Lisbon in Portugal. He researches the properties of our Universe and how these relate to fundamental physical laws, especially through understanding astronomical observations. He is involved in several international projects, including the Planck Satellite and the Dark Energy Survey.
Preface ix Constants and Symbols x 1 Introducing General Relativity 1 2 A Special Relativity Reminder 3 2.1 The need for Special Relativity 4 2.2 The Lorentz transformation 6 2.3 Time dilation 8 2.4 Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction 9 2.5 Addition of velocities 11 2.6 Simultaneity, colocality, and causality 12 2.7 Space-time diagrams 13 3 Tensors in Special Relativity 17 3.1 Coordinates 18 3.2 4-vectors 20 3.3 4-velocity, 4-momentum, and 4-acceleration 24 3.4 4-divergence and the wave operator 26 3.5 Tensors 28 3.6 Tensors in action: the Lorentz force 30 4 Towards General Relativity 37 4.1 Newtonian gravity 37 4.2 Special Relativity and gravity 39 4.3 Motivations for a General Theory of Relativity 41 4.3.1 Mach's Principle 42 4.3.2 Einstein's Equivalence Principle 42 4.4 Implications of the Equivalence Principle 44 4.4.1 Gravitational redshift 45 4.4.2 Gravitational time dilation 46 4.5 Principles of the General Theory of Relativity 47 4.6 Towards curved space-time 49 4.7 Curved space in two dimensions 50 5 Tensors and Curved Space-Time 57 5.1 General coordinate transformations 57 5.2 Tensor equations and the laws of physics 59 5.3 Partial differentiation of tensors 59 5.4 The covariant derivative and parallel transport 60 5.5 Christoffel symbols of a two-sphere 65 5.6 Parallel transport on a two-sphere 66 5.7 Curvature and the Riemann tensor 68 5.8 Riemann curvature of the two-sphere 71 5.9 More tensors describing curvature 72 5.10 Local inertial frames and local flatness 73 6 Describing Matter 79 6.1 The Correspondence Principle 79 6.2 The energy-momentum tensor 80 6.2.1 General properties 80 6.2.2 Conservation laws and 4-vector flux 81 6.2.3 Energy and momentum belong in a rank-2 tensor 83 6.2.4 Symmetry of the energy-momentum tensor 84 6.2.5 Energy-momentum of perfect fluids 84 6.2.6 The energy-momentum tensor in curved space-time 87 7 The Einstein Equation 91 7.1 The form of the Einstein equation 91 7.2 Properties of the Einstein equation 93 7.3 The Newtonian limit 93 7.4 The cosmological constant 95 7.5 The vacuum Einstein equation 96 8 The Schwarzschild Space-time 99 8.1 Christoffel symbols 100 8.2 Riemann tensor 101 8.3 Ricci tensor 102 8.4 The Schwarzschild solution 103 8.5 The Jebsen-Birkhoff theorem 104 9 Geodesics and Orbits 109 9.1 Geodesics 109 9.2 Non-relativistic limit of geodesic motion 112 9.3 Geodesic deviation 113 9.4 Newtonian theory of orbits 115 9.5 Orbits in the Schwarzschild space-time 117 9.5.1 Massive particles 117 9.5.2 Photon orbits 120 10 Tests of General Relativity 123 10.1 Precession of Mercury's perihelion 123 10.2 Gravitational light bending 125 10.3 Radar echo delays 127 10.4 Gravitational redshift 129 10.5 Binary pulsar PSR 1913+16 131 10.6 Direct detection of gravitational waves 135 11 Black Holes 139 11.1 The Schwarzschild radius 139 11.2 Singularities 140 11.3 Radial rays in the Schwarzschild space-time 141 11.4 Schwarzschild coordinate systems 143 11.5 The black hole space-time 145 11.6 Special orbits around black holes 147 11.7 Black holes in physics and in astrophysics 148 12 Cosmology 155 12.1 Constant-curvature spaces 156 12.2 The metric of the Universe 158 12.3 The matter content of the Universe 158 12.4 The Einstein equations 159 13 Cosmological Models 165 13.1 Simple solutions: matter and radiation 165 13.2 Light travel, distances, and horizons 169 13.2.1 Light travel in the cosmological metric 169 13.2.2 Cosmological redshift 170 13.2.3 The expansion rate 171 13.2.4 The age of the Universe 172 13.2.5 The distance-redshift relation and Hubble's law 172 13.2.6 Cosmic horizons 173 13.2.7 The luminosity and angular-diameter distances 174 13.3 Ingredients for a realistic cosmological model 175 13.4 Accelerating cosmologies 180 14 General Relativity: The Next 100 Years 183 14.1 Developing General Relativity 183 14.2 Beyond General Relativity 184 14.3 Into the future 187 Advanced Topic A1 Geodesics in the Schwarzschild Space-Time 191 A1.1 Geodesics and conservation laws 191 A1.2 Schwarzschild geodesics for massive particles 192 A1.3 Schwarzschild geodesics for massless particles 194 Advanced Topic A2 The Solar System Tests in Detail 197 A2.1 Newtonian orbits in detail 197 A2.2 Perihelion shift in General Relativity 201 A2.3 Light deflection 204 A2.4 Time delay 205 Advanced Topic A3 Weak Gravitational Fields and Gravitational Waves 209 A3.1 Nearly-flat space-times 209 A3.2 Gravitational waves 211 A3.3 Sources of gravitational waves 214 Advanced Topic A4 Gravitational Wave Sources and Detection 219 A4.1 Gravitational waves from compact binaries 220 A4.2 The energy in gravitational waves 223 A4.3 Binary inspiral 224 A4.4 Detecting gravitational waves 227 A4.4.1 Laser interferometers 227 A4.4.2 Pulsar timing 230 A4.4.3 Interferometers in space 231 Bibliography 233 Answers to Selected Problems 237 Index 263
Show morePreface ix
Constants and Symbols x
About the Companion Website xiii
1 Introducing General Relativity 1
2 A Special Relativity Reminder 3
2.1 The need for Special Relativity 4
2.2 The Lorentz transformation 6
2.3 Time dilation 8
2.4 Lorentz–Fitzgerald contraction 9
2.5 Addition of velocities 11
2.6 Simultaneity, colocality, and causality 12
2.7 Space–time diagrams 13
3 Tensors in Special Relativity 17
3.1 Coordinates 18
3.2 4-vectors 20
3.3 4-velocity, 4-momentum, and 4-acceleration 24
3.4 4-divergence and the wave operator 26
3.5 Tensors 28
3.6 Tensors in action: the Lorentz force 30
4 Towards General Relativity 37
4.1 Newtonian gravity 37
4.2 Special Relativity and gravity 39
4.3 Motivations for a General Theory of Relativity 41
4.3.1 Mach’s Principle 42
4.3.2 Einstein’s Equivalence Principle 42
4.4 Implications of the Equivalence Principle 44
4.4.1 Gravitational redshift 45
4.4.2 Gravitational time dilation 46
4.5 Principles of the General Theory of Relativity 47
4.6 Towards curved space–time 49
4.7 Curved space in two dimensions 50
5 Tensors and Curved Space–Time 57
5.1 General coordinate transformations 57
5.2 Tensor equations and the laws of physics 59
5.3 Partial differentiation of tensors 59
5.4 The covariant derivative and parallel transport 60
5.5 Christoffel symbols of a two-sphere 65
5.6 Parallel transport on a two-sphere 66
5.7 Curvature and the Riemann tensor 68
5.8 Riemann curvature of the two-sphere 71
5.9 More tensors describing curvature 72
5.10 Local inertial frames and local flatness 73
6 Describing Matter 79
6.1 The Correspondence Principle 79
6.2 The energy–momentum tensor 80
6.2.1 General properties 80
6.2.2 Conservation laws and 4-vector flux 81
6.2.3 Energy and momentum belong in a rank-2 tensor 83
6.2.4 Symmetry of the energy–momentum tensor 84
6.2.5 Energy–momentum of perfect fluids 84
6.2.6 The energy–momentum tensor in curved space–time 87
7 The Einstein Equation 91
7.1 The form of the Einstein equation 91
7.2 Properties of the Einstein equation 93
7.3 The Newtonian limit 93
7.4 The cosmological constant 95
7.5 The vacuum Einstein equation 96
8 The Schwarzschild Space–time 99
8.1 Christoffel symbols 100
8.2 Riemann tensor 101
8.3 Ricci tensor 102
8.4 The Schwarzschild solution 103
8.5 The Jebsen–Birkhoff theorem 104
9 Geodesics and Orbits 109
9.1 Geodesics 109
9.2 Non-relativistic limit of geodesic motion 112
9.3 Geodesic deviation 113
9.4 Newtonian theory of orbits 115
9.5 Orbits in the Schwarzschild space–time 117
9.5.1 Massive particles 117
9.5.2 Photon orbits 120
10 Tests of General Relativity 123
10.1 Precession of Mercury’s perihelion 123
10.2 Gravitational light bending 125
10.3 Radar echo delays 127
10.4 Gravitational redshift 129
10.5 Binary pulsar PSR 1913+16 131
10.6 Direct detection of gravitational waves 135
11 Black Holes 139
11.1 The Schwarzschild radius 139
11.2 Singularities 140
11.3 Radial rays in the Schwarzschild space–time 141
11.4 Schwarzschild coordinate systems 143
11.5 The black hole space–time 145
11.6 Special orbits around black holes 147
11.7 Black holes in physics and in astrophysics 148
12 Cosmology 155
12.1 Constant-curvature spaces 156
12.2 The metric of the Universe 158
12.3 The matter content of the Universe 158
12.4 The Einstein equations 159
13 Cosmological Models 165
13.1 Simple solutions: matter and radiation 165
13.2 Light travel, distances, and horizons 169
13.2.1 Light travel in the cosmological metric 169
13.2.2 Cosmological redshift 170
13.2.3 The expansion rate 171
13.2.4 The age of the Universe 172
13.2.5 The distance–redshift relation and Hubble’s law 172
13.2.6 Cosmic horizons 173
13.2.7 The luminosity and angular-diameter distances 174
13.3 Ingredients for a realistic cosmological model 175
13.4 Accelerating cosmologies 180
14 General Relativity: The Next 100 Years 183
14.1 Developing General Relativity 183
14.2 Beyond General Relativity 184
14.3 Into the future 187
Advanced Topic A1 Geodesics in the Schwarzschild Space–Time 191
A1.1 Geodesics and conservation laws 191
A1.2 Schwarzschild geodesics for massive particles 192
A1.3 Schwarzschild geodesics for massless particles 194
Advanced Topic A2 The Solar System Tests in Detail 197
A2.1 Newtonian orbits in detail 197
A2.2 Perihelion shift in General Relativity 201
A2.3 Light deflection 204
A2.4 Time delay 205
Advanced Topic A3 Weak Gravitational Fields and Gravitational Waves 209
A3.1 Nearly-flat space–times 209
A3.2 Gravitational waves 211
A3.3 Sources of gravitational waves 214
Advanced Topic A4 Gravitational Wave Sources and Detection 219
A4.1 Gravitational waves from compact binaries 220
A4.2 The energy in gravitational waves 223
A4.3 Binary inspiral 224
A4.4 Detecting gravitational waves 227
A4.4.1 Laser interferometers 227
A4.4.2 Pulsar timing 230
A4.4.3 Interferometers in space 231
Bibliography 233
Answers to Selected Problems 237
Index 263
Mark Hindmarsh is Professor of Theoretical Physics with joint appointments at the University of Sussex, UK and the University of Helsinki, Finland. His research is focused on the physics of the Big Bang, and he is a member of the LISA consortium with particular expertise in the cosmological production of gravitational waves. He has taught at all levels of the undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum.
Andrew Liddle is a Principal Researcher at the University of Lisbon in Portugal, with joint affiliations at the University of Edinburgh, UK, and the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Canada. He researches the properties of our Universe and how these relate to fundamental physical laws, especially through understanding astronomical observations. He is involved in several international projects, including the Planck Satellite and the Dark Energy Survey.
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