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Introduction to Recreation ­and Leisure 3rd Edition ­With Web Study Guide
By Tyler Tapps (Edited by), Mary Sara Wells (Edited by)

Paperback, 496 pages
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Paperback : HK$1,077.00

United States, 1 February 2018

Introduction to Recreation and Leisure, Third Edition, gives students a broad view of the field, offering them a solid foundation for understanding the industry they plan to enter upon graduation.

Students learn from the perspectives of 52 leading professors, professionals, and emerging scholars from the United States, Canada, Brazil, China, and around the globe. Led by new editors, Tyler Tapps and Mary Sara Wells, these experts introduce recreation and leisure foundational concepts, delivery systems, and programming services. Students benefit from the diversity of perspectives and viewpoints from around the world as they learn about the similarities and differences in the industry from an international perspective.

The following are new to this edition:

* New editors and contributors from around the world, including emerging scholars

* Updated data throughout the book

* New chapter sections

* An expanded chapter on international perspectives on sustainability and ecotourism

* Real-world connections to recreation and leisure theories that help students consider career options

* A web study guide with On the Job learning activities, a glossary, chapter overviews, article summaries, and recommendations of websites to explore

A Strong Foundational Overview

Introduction to Recreation and Leisure grounds students in the historical, philosophical, and social aspects of the industry. The authors offer fresh insights into community parks and recreation departments, nonprofit organizations, and commercial recreation and ecotourism enterprises. Students learn about various enriching educational programs and services for people of all ages.

"The text encompasses a variety of services, including recreational sport management, outdoor and adventure recreation, health and wellness, and arts and culture," says Tapps. "It also exposes students to career options and supports them as they explore their interests and prepare for challenging careers in the industry."

Text Contents

The book is organized into three parts. In part I, students learn about the foundations of recreation and leisure, including the historical, philosophical, and social issues that have shaped the field. Part II explores various sectors of the field, including leisure service delivery systems, public recreation, the nonprofit sector, the for-profit sector (such as event and ecotourism enterprises), and therapeutic recreation, among others. Part III focuses on the programming of recreation and leisure services, including program delivery systems, recreational sport management, outdoor and adventure recreation, the nature of recreation and leisure as a profession, and more.

Each chapter includes learning objectives that highlight the chapter's important concepts, as well as an Outstanding Graduates feature that introduces former students who have gone on to successful careers in the field. A glossary of important terms is included in the web study guide and instructor guide, which are part of the ancillary package.


The text is supported by an instructor guide, a test package, a PowerPoint presentation package, and a web study guide that contains chapter summaries and learning experiences. These resources make it easier for instructors to prepare for and manage their courses, and they help students retain what they learn from the text.

Guidance for Students Making Career Choices

This fully updated text, with its insights and perspectives from top professionals and professors from around the globe, opens up the world of recreation and leisure for students, offering them vital information that will help them make informed choices as they move forward in pursuit of careers in this growing field. With its cutting-edge view of recreation and leisure services, Introduction to Recreation and Leisure prepares students for success in the field of recreation and leisure.

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Product Description

Introduction to Recreation and Leisure, Third Edition, gives students a broad view of the field, offering them a solid foundation for understanding the industry they plan to enter upon graduation.

Students learn from the perspectives of 52 leading professors, professionals, and emerging scholars from the United States, Canada, Brazil, China, and around the globe. Led by new editors, Tyler Tapps and Mary Sara Wells, these experts introduce recreation and leisure foundational concepts, delivery systems, and programming services. Students benefit from the diversity of perspectives and viewpoints from around the world as they learn about the similarities and differences in the industry from an international perspective.

The following are new to this edition:

* New editors and contributors from around the world, including emerging scholars

* Updated data throughout the book

* New chapter sections

* An expanded chapter on international perspectives on sustainability and ecotourism

* Real-world connections to recreation and leisure theories that help students consider career options

* A web study guide with On the Job learning activities, a glossary, chapter overviews, article summaries, and recommendations of websites to explore

A Strong Foundational Overview

Introduction to Recreation and Leisure grounds students in the historical, philosophical, and social aspects of the industry. The authors offer fresh insights into community parks and recreation departments, nonprofit organizations, and commercial recreation and ecotourism enterprises. Students learn about various enriching educational programs and services for people of all ages.

"The text encompasses a variety of services, including recreational sport management, outdoor and adventure recreation, health and wellness, and arts and culture," says Tapps. "It also exposes students to career options and supports them as they explore their interests and prepare for challenging careers in the industry."

Text Contents

The book is organized into three parts. In part I, students learn about the foundations of recreation and leisure, including the historical, philosophical, and social issues that have shaped the field. Part II explores various sectors of the field, including leisure service delivery systems, public recreation, the nonprofit sector, the for-profit sector (such as event and ecotourism enterprises), and therapeutic recreation, among others. Part III focuses on the programming of recreation and leisure services, including program delivery systems, recreational sport management, outdoor and adventure recreation, the nature of recreation and leisure as a profession, and more.

Each chapter includes learning objectives that highlight the chapter's important concepts, as well as an Outstanding Graduates feature that introduces former students who have gone on to successful careers in the field. A glossary of important terms is included in the web study guide and instructor guide, which are part of the ancillary package.


The text is supported by an instructor guide, a test package, a PowerPoint presentation package, and a web study guide that contains chapter summaries and learning experiences. These resources make it easier for instructors to prepare for and manage their courses, and they help students retain what they learn from the text.

Guidance for Students Making Career Choices

This fully updated text, with its insights and perspectives from top professionals and professors from around the globe, opens up the world of recreation and leisure for students, offering them vital information that will help them make informed choices as they move forward in pursuit of careers in this growing field. With its cutting-edge view of recreation and leisure services, Introduction to Recreation and Leisure prepares students for success in the field of recreation and leisure.

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Product Details
Other Information
170 Halftones, black and white; 16 Illustrations, black and white
27.7 x 21.3 x 2.3 centimeters (1.13 kg)

Table of Contents

Part I. Foundations of Recreation and Leisure

Chapter 1. Power, Promise, Potential, and Possibilities of Recreation and Leisure

Ellen O’Sullivan

What If?

Welcome to the World of Recreation and Leisure

Definitions of Play, Recreation, Leisure, and Flow

Recreation and Leisure: Everywhere, Everyone, All the Time

Values and Benefits of Recreation and Leisure

Recreation and Leisure: The Less Desirable Side

Trends in Recreation and Leisure

Recreation and Leisure: A Passion, a Pursuit, a Profession

Moving On

Chapter 2. History of Recreation

M. Rebecca Genoe, Douglas Kennedy, Jerome F. Singleton, Tristan Hopper, and Jill Sturts

Tracing the Roots of Leisure

Development of Recreation in the United States and Canada

Current Trends Affecting Recreation and Leisure

Similarities Between Canada and the United States


Chapter 3. Philosophy and Leisure

Donald J. McLean

Why Does Philosophy Matter?

Metaphysics and Leisure

Epistemology and Leisure

Logic and Leisure

Aesthetics and Leisure

Ethics and Leisure

Contemporary Philosophy of Leisure

Solving Ethical Dilemmas in Leisure Services


Chapter 4. Leisure and Recreation for Individuals in Society

Juan Tortosa MartÌnez and Daniel G. Yoder

Leisure as a Complex Social Phenomenon

Similarity and Diversity in Recreation and Leisure

Leisure, Recreation, and Gender

Leisure, Recreation, and Sexual Orientation

Leisure, Recreation, and Ethnicity and Race

Leisure, Recreation, and Religion

Leisure, Recreation, and Socioeconomic Status

Benefits and Constraints of Leisure

Good and Bad Leisure and Recreation

Implications for Professionals


Part II. Leisure and Recreation as a Multifaceted Delivery System

Chapter 5. Leisure Service Delivery Systems

David N. Emanuelson

Private Sector

Private-Sector Leisure Service Delivery Systems

Nonprofit Sector

Nonprofit-Sector Leisure Service Delivery Systems

Public Sector

Municipal Public-Sector Leisure Service Delivery Systems

Professional Preparation for Leisure Service Delivery

Professional Accreditation


Chapter 6. Parks and Protected Areas in Canada and the United States

Paul F.J. Eagles and Jeffrey C. Hallo

History of Parks in Canada

Park Systems of Canada

History of Parks in the United States

Park Systems of the United States

International Treaties and Protected Area Designations and Parks

Comparing Canada and the United States

Career Opportunities

Challenges and Trends for the 21st Century


Chapter 7. Public Recreation

Public Parks and Recreation in the United States and Canada

Susan Markham-Starr and Mary Sara Wells

Historical Overview of Public Recreation in the United States

Historical Overview of Public Recreation in Canada

Delivery Systems in Public Recreation

Partnerships: Connections to the Community

Faces of Public Recreation

Chameleon Profession: Ever Changing Societal Issues and Needs

Political Realities: No Pain, No Gain

Benefits of Recreation


Inclusive Recreation

Terry Long

Building Blocks of Inclusion

Defining Inclusion

Specialized Programs

Chapter 8. Nonprofit Sector

Robert F. Ashcraft

Nonprofit Sector in the United States and Canada

Types of National and Community-Based Nonprofit Recreation Organizations

Professionals in Nonprofit Organizations

Challenges and Opportunities for the Future


Chapter 9. For-Profit Sector: Recreation, Event, and Tourism Enterprises

Robert E. Pfister and Patrick T. Tierney

Attributes of For-Profit Services

RET Industry Model

Considering an RET Career

Trends and Challenges


Chapter 10. Therapeutic Recreation

Frances Stavola Daly and Robin Kunstler

Defining Therapeutic Recreation

History of Therapeutic Recreation

Therapeutic Recreation Settings and Services

Therapeutic Recreation Practice Models

Therapeutic Recreation Process


Your Future in Therapeutic Recreation

Trends for the 21st Century


Chapter 11. Unique Groups

Campus Recreation

Amanda Deml and Tiffany Lundy

History of Campus Recreation

Organizational Structure


Career Opportunities

Trends in Campus Recreation


Correctional Recreation

Timothy Baghurst and Tyler Tapps

Introduction to the Correctional System

Types of Correction

Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Correctional Recreation

Recreation Programming

Correctional Recreation Professionals

Trends and Issues


Faith-Based Recreation

John Byl and David Kahan

Differences Within Faith Traditions

Differences Among Faith Traditions

Judaism and Christianity and the National Recreation and Park Association Three Pillars Employment in Faith-Based Recreation


Worksite Recreation and Health Promotion

Janet M. Bartnik and Jeffrey Ferguson

Corporate Wellness and Health Promotion

History of Worksite Wellness

Community Health, Population Health, and Individual Health

Benefits of Corporate Wellness and Health Promotion Programs

Wellness and Health Promotion Program Planning and Operation

Wellness and Health Promotion: Other Program Types


Career Preparation


Recreation in the Armed Forces

Ryan Cane and Diane Blankenship


Military Versus Civilian Recreation

U.S. Armed Forces

Canadian Armed Forces

Military Recreation Program Areas

Employment Opportunities


Chapter 12. Leisure and Recreation Across the Life Span

Tyler Tapps and Timothy Baghurst

Leisure Functions Across the Life Span





Generation Effect


Part III. Delivering Recreation and Leisure Services

Chapter 13. Program Delivery System

Diane C. Blankenship

Program Delivery History

Mission and Outcomes

Leadership Within the Program Delivery System

Program Classification

Program Formats


Chapter 14. Recreational Sport Management

H. Joey Gray and Robert J. Barcelona

Examining Sport Management From a Recreational Perspective

Defining Recreational Sport

Five Programming Areas of Recreational Sport Management

Scope of Participation in Recreational Sport

Trends in Recreational Sport Management

International Participation in Recreational Sport

Career Opportunities


Chapter 15. Health, Wellness, and Quality of Life

Matthew Symonds, Rhonda Cross Beemer, and Terrance Robertson

Personal Health

The Wellness Perspective

Quality of Life, Health, and Healthy Communities

History in the Making: Healthy Communities

Career Opportunities


Chapter 16. Outdoor and Adventure Recreation

Bruce Martin, Garrett Hutson, and Marni Goldenberg

Definitions of Outdoor and Adventure Recreation Terms

History of Outdoor and Adventure Recreation in Canada and the United States

Settings and Delivery Systems

Contemporary Trends and Issues in Outdoor and Adventure Recreation


Chapter 17. Arts and Culture

Julie Voelker-Morris

Types of Arts and Cultural Experiences in Recreation and Leisure

Overview of Types of Organizations and Roles Available

Participation in Arts and Culture Activities

Benefits of Arts and Cultural Recreation Opportunities

Contemporary Trends for Recreation Professionals Who Implement Arts and Culture Activities


Chapter 18. The Nature of Recreation and Leisure as a Profession

Denise M. Anderson and Tracy L. Mainieri

Value of the Profession and Benefits to the Professional

Characteristics of the Recreation and Leisure Services Profession

Nature of the Profession

Career Planning

Career Positioning: A Nine-Step Process

Changes in the Field: Taste the Excitement


Chapter 19. International Perspectives on Recreation and Leisure

International Perspectives: Sustainability and Ecotourism

Richard R. Jurin and Diane Gaede


International Overview

International Organizations

Ecotourism and Nature Travel

Recreation, Tourism, and Leisure Development and Advocacy


Recreation and Leisure in Brazil

Arianne C. Reis and Alcyane Marinho

Historical Development of Recreation and Leisure in Brazil

Types of Sectors, Segments, and Services

Demand and Future Growth

Trends and Issues


Recreation and Leisure in China

Jinyang Deng and Huimei Liu

A Brief History of China’s Leisure Development

Recreation Opportunities in China

Challenges and Trends for the Future


Recreation in Nigeria

Franz U. Atare and Felicia S. Ekpu

Historical Development of Recreation and Leisure in Nigeria

Settings, Organization, and Structures

Diverse Populations and Their Interests

Challenges, Issues, and Future Trends


About the Author

Tyler Tapps, PhD, is an assistant professor at Northwest Missouri State University. He received his PhD in health, leisure, and human performance from Oklahoma State University in 2009. In 2015, he was certified as a park and recreation professional by the National Recreation and Park Association, from which he also received the Robert W. Crawford Young Professional Award. He also was awarded the Charles Adam Esslinger Outdoor Recreation Fellowship. Tapps is a military veteran with recreation programming experience in the military. He is a member of the Academy of Leisure Sciences board and is the president of the Leisure Educators section of Missouri Park and Recreation Association. He is also the chair of the Academy of Leisure Science’s Future Scholars program. Tapps enjoys running, working out, boating, and spending time with his wife and two sons.

Mary Sara Wells, PhD, is an associate professor in the University of Utah’s department of parks, recreation, and tourism. She teaches courses in youth development, community recreation, and sport management.

Since 2004, Wells has researched sportsmanship issues in youth sport. She has published her research in numerous journals, presented at several national and international conferences, and conducted trainings and evaluations for multiple municipal youth sport agencies across the country.

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