About This Resource xi
Acknowledgements xviii
Understanding cognitive verbs 1
History 2
1 History concepts and skills 4
1.1 Overview 5
1.2 Concepts in History 6
1.3 Skills in History 17
1.4 SkillBuilder: Sequencing events in chronological order
1.5 SkillBuilder: Interpreting medieval art as sources
1.6 SkillBuilder: Evaluating historical Significance
1.7 SkillBuilder: Analysing different Perspectives
1.8 SkillBuilder: Evaluating Ottoman Empire sources
1.9 SkillBuilder: Interpreting sources on the Vikings
1.10 SkillBuilder: Evaluating roles and achievements
1.11 SkillBuilder: Explaining different historical interpretations
1.12 SkillBuilder: Making your own notes to analyse relevant sources
1.13 SkillBuilder: Analysing cause and effect
1.14 SkillBuilder: Making your own notes from sources
1.15 Review 22
2 Medieval Europe 26
2.1 Overview 27
2.2 How do we know about medieval Europe? 29
2.3 What are the key features of the feudal system? 34
2.4 How was life for people in the feudal system? 38
2.5 What impact did medieval people have on their environment? 42
2.6 What were the defence features of the medieval castle? 46
2.7 How was warfare conducted in the Middle Ages? 50
2.8 Why did towns begin to grow in this period? 54
2.9 How were people punished for committing crimes in medieval times? 58
2.10 What was the power and authority of the Church in medieval times? 63
2.11 What was the power of the written word? 67
2.12 INQUIRY: Was King Arthur real? 71
2.13 INQUIRY: The Magna Carta 72
2.14 What were the changing relations between Islam, Christianity and Judaism in the Middle Ages? 74
2.15 What was the Black Death? 77
2.16 How did the disease spread? 80
2.17 How did people respond to the Black Death? 86
2.18 How did the Black Death change society? 91
2.19 INQUIRY: Tackling a problem from different angles 94
2.20 Review 96
3 Renaissance Italy (c. 1400–1600)
3.1 Overview
3.2 How do we know about Renaissance Italy?
3.3 What were the origins of the Renaissance?
3.4 Why is Florence called the cradle of the Renaissance?
3.5 How did Venice contribute to the Renaissance?
3.6 What was it like to live during the Renaissance?
3.7 How did art, architecture and sculpture change during the Renaissance?
3.8 Who contributed to the scientific revolution?
3.9 How did the Renaissance spread?
3.10 What were the Reformation and Counter-Reformation?
3.11 What were the legacies of the Renaissance?
3.12 INQUIRY: Significant women of the Renaissance
3.13 Review
4 The emergence of the modern world (c. 1500–1650) 106
4.1 Overview 107
4.2 How do we know about the emergence of the modern world? 109
4.3 What caused economic and social change in Early Modern times? 112
4.4 How did the Protestant Reformation bring change? 116
4.5 How did the power of rulers change in Early Modern Europe? 120
4.6 What were the achievements of the Scientific Revolution? 125
4.7 INQUIRY: Historians’ different interpretations of issues in pre-Modern Europe 128
4.8 Review 130
5 Mongol expansion (c. 1206–1368)
5.1 Overview
5.2 How do we know about the Mongol expansion?
5.3 What was China like before Mongol conquest?
5.4 Who were the Mongols?
5.5 How did Temujin come to power?
5.6 How did the Mongols conquer the world?
5.7 What was China like under Mongol rule?
5.8 What was the Yuan court like?
5.9 Was there peace under Mongol rule?
5.10 How did the empire end?
5.11 INQUIRY: Conquering and controlling
5.12 Review
6 The Ottoman Empire
6.1 Overview
6.2 What are the origins of the Ottoman Empire?
6.3 What was the Golden Age of Islam?
6.4 How did the Ottoman Empire expand?
6.5 What caused the fall of Constantinople?
6.6 Who was Suleiman the Magnificent?
6.7 What was life like in the Ottoman Empire?
6.8 What was the Ottoman contribution to art, architecture and literature?
6.9 INQUIRY: Collaborative research
6.10 Review
7 The Vikings (c. 790–1066) 138
7.1 Overview 139
7.2 How do we know about the Vikings? 141
7.3 How did the geography and climate of Scandinavia influence the Viking way of life? 145
7.4 Who were the Vikings and how did they live? 149
7.5 What was the early Viking religion and how did it change? 155
7.6 What was the impact of the developments in longboat technology? 161
7.7 How did Viking craftwork protect the warriors in battle? 165
7.8 Who did the Vikings attack and raid? 169
7.9 Where did the Vikings begin to settle beyond their homelands? 172
7.10 Where did the Vikings develop trade routes? 175
7.11 What are some of the extraordinary achievements of the Vikings? 178
7.12 What are some factors that led to the decline and end of the Viking Age? 183
7.13 INQUIRY: How trustworthy are the sagas? 187
7.14 Review 188
8 The Spanish conquest of the Americas (c. 1492–1572) 194
8.1 Overview 195
8.2 How do we know about the Spanish conquest of the Americas? 197
8.3 Who were the Aztecs? 200
8.4 How did the arrival of the conquistadors change the Americas? 206
8.5 What were the effects of conquest and colonisation? 212
8.6 What were the long-term legacies of conquest and colonisation? 216
8.7 INQUIRY: Spanish conquest exhibition 222
8.8 Review 224
9 Angkor and the Khmer Empire (c. 802–1431)
9.1 Overview
9.2 How do we know about Angkor and the Khmer Empire?
9.3 How much did geography influence Khmer civilisation?
9.4 What was the historical setting?
9.5 How did the Khmer create an empire?
9.6 How did religions influence the Khmer Empire?
9.7 What was life like in the Khmer Empire?
9.8 Why are Angkor’s buildings famous?
9.9 Why did Angkor and the Khmer Empire decline?
9.10 What are the legacies of the Khmer Empire?
9.11 INQUIRY: Contested histories
9.12 Review
10 Japan under the shōguns (c. 794–1867) 230
10.1 Overview 231
10.2 How do we know about Japan under the shōguns? 233
10.3 What was life like in early Japan? 238
10.4 How did the shōguns take control? 243
10.5 How did Japanese society organise itself? 252
10.6 Who were the samurai? 259
10.7 How did people express themselves? 263
10.8 How did they use the land? 268
10.9 How did Japan re-join the world? 271
10.10 INQUIRY: Shintō and Buddhism guide 279
10.11 Review 281
11 Polynesian expansion across the Pacific (c. 700–1756) 286
11.1 Overview 287
11.2 How do we know about the Polynesian expansion across the Pacific? 289
11.3 What is the Polynesian Triangle? 293
11.4 What happened on Rapa Nui? 297
11.5 What was life like in Hawai’i? 302
11.6 Who were the people of Aotearoa? 306
11.7 Were customs and culture the same everywhere? 313
11.8 What happened when Polynesians settled and stayed? 317
11.9 INQUIRY: Religion in Polynesia 322
11.10 Review 324
Geography 328
12 Geography concepts and skills 330
12.1 Overview 331
12.2 Concepts in Geography 332
12.3 Skills used in Geography 340
12.4 SkillBuilder: Recognising land features
12.5 SkillBuilder: Reading contour lines on a map
12.6 SkillBuilder: Using latitude and longitude
12.7 SkillBuilder: Calculating distance using scale
12.8 SkillBuilder: Drawing simple cross-sections
12.9 SkillBuilder: Interpreting an aerial photo 12.10 SkillBuilder: Understanding thematic maps
12.11 SkillBuilder: Comparing population pyramids
12.12 SkillBuilder: Creating and reading compound bar graphs
12.13 SkillBuilder: Reading and describing basic choropleth maps
12.14 SkillBuilder: Drawing a line graph using Excel
12.15 SkillBuilder: Using positional language
12.16 SkillBuilder: Constructing a field sketch
12.17 SkillBuilder: Creating and describing complex overlay maps
12.18 SkillBuilder: Drawing a précis map
12.19 SkillBuilder: Creating and reading pictographs
12.20 SkillBuilder: Describing photographs
12.21 SkillBuilder: Constructing a basic sketch map
12.22 Review 352
13 Landforms and landscapes 354
13.1 Overview 355
13.2 Why do landscapes vary? 356
13.3 What processes shape landscapes? 362
13.4 What landscapes form underground? 368
13.5 What are the landforms and landform regions of Australia? 372
13.6 What are deserts like in Australia and China? 379
13.7 How do the savanna grasslands of Australia and Africa compare? 386
13.8 What makes a rainforest? 390
13.9 INQUIRY: The value of rainforests 396
13.10 Investigating topographic maps — Features of the Daintree rainforest 398
13.11 What cultural significance do landscapes have for First Nations Peoples of Australia? 401
13.12 Why do we preserve and manage landscapes? 406
13.13 Review 410
14 Landscapes formed by water 414
14.1 Overview 415
14.2 What landscapes are formed by water? 416
14.3 What is coastal erosion? 420
14.4 What is the role of deposition in coastal environments? 424
14.5 How are coasts managed? 428
14.6 How do First Nations Australians use coastal environments? 433
14.7 How do coastal landforms compare? 435
14.8 How does water influence river landscapes? 438
14.9 How do people manage river landscapes? 443
14.10 INQUIRY: Coastal environment case study 447
14.11 Investigating topographic maps — Water flows in the Haast River 448
14.12 Review 451
15 Geomorphic hazards 456
15.1 Overview 457
15.2 What are plate tectonics? 458
15.3 How do mountains form? 462
15.4 Where are the world’s mountain ranges? 469
15.5 How do people connect with mountains? 472
15.6 What are earthquakes? 477
15.7 What is a tsunami? 482
15.8 What are the impacts of earthquakes and tsunamis? 486
15.9 What are volcanoes and how are they formed? 491
15.10 Investigating topographic maps — Mount Taranaki, New Zealand 495
15.11 What are the types of volcanoes and how do they erupt? 498
15.12 How do volcanic eruptions affect people? 502
15.13 INQUIRY: Supervolcano report 507
15.14 Review 509
16 Urbanisation and migration 514
16.1 Overview 515
16.2 What is migration? 516
16.3 Why do people migrate between countries? 520
16.4 Why do people migrate within countries? 528
16.5 Why do people migrate from the country to the city? 535
16.6 How have urbanisation patterns changed over time? 540
16.7 What are the advantages and disadvantages of urbanisation? 546
16.8 How do we create sustainable cities? 551
16.9 INQUIRY: Big City Life 559
16.10 Investigating topographic maps — Jakarta 562
16.11 Review 565
17 Our changing urban world 570
17.1 Overview 571
17.2 What is urbanisation? 572
17.3 What are megacities? 577
17.4 What is the impact of urbanisation in Indonesia? 583
17.5 Are growing urban communities sustainable? 589
17.6 Is Australia an urbanised country? 593
17.7 How does urbanisation impact the economy? 598
17.8 INQUIRY: Planning Australia’s newest city 604
17.9 Investigating topographic maps — Liveability in Badu and Moa 606
17.10 Review 609
Civics and Citizenship 614
18 Civics and Citizenship concepts and skills 616
18.1 Overview 617
18.2 Concepts in Civics and Citizenship 618
18.3 Skills in Civics and Citizenship 620
18.4 SkillBuilder: Writing inquiry questions for research
18.5 SkillBuilder: Using the deconstruct–reconstruct method
18.6 SkillBuilder: Developing argument paragraphs
18.7 SkillBuilder: Delivering an oral presentation
18.8 SkillBuilder: Writing and conducting a survey
18.9 SkillBuilder: Writing a submission
18.10 Review 625
19 Australia’s government and democracy 626
19.1 Overview 627
19.2 How do Australians participate in our democracy? 628
19.3 How do we form a government? 632
19.4 How is opinion shaped? 638
19.5 INQUIRY: What is the role of digital media in Australian politics? 643
19.6 Review 646
20 Where do our laws come from? 650
20.1 Overview 651
20.2 Why do we need laws? 652
20.3 How do parliaments make laws? 656
20.4 How do courts make laws? 660
20.5 What is the relationship between parliament and courts in law-making? 666
20.6 What is the difference between civil and criminal law? 671
20.7 What is the role of the law in protecting our rights? 676
20.8 What is customary law in First Nations of Australia communities? 684
20.9 INQUIRY: Does Australia need a bill of rights? 691
20.10 Review 693
21 Citizenship, diversity and identity 698
21.1 Overview 699
21.2 What does national identity mean in a globalised world? 700
21.3 How has Australia’s identity been shaped? 706
21.4 What are the different perspectives on national identity in Australia? 711
21.5 INQUIRY: Change the Date — The future of Australia Day 715
21.6 Review 717
Economics and Business 722
22 Economics and Business concepts and skills 724
22.1 Overview 725
22.2 Concepts in Economics and Business 726
22.3 Skills in Economics and Business 733
22.4 SkillBuilder: Conducting research into prices and markets
22.5 SkillBuilder: Interpreting and explaining supply and demand graphs
22.6 SkillBuilder: Evaluating an opportunity with a cost–benefit analysis
22.7 SkillBuilder: Writing a pitch for a new product / business idea
22.8 Review 736
23 Markets: Consumers, businesses and government 738
23.1 Overview 739
23.2 Who are the participants in the market system? 740
23.3 How do markets operate? 744
23.4 What are key economic questions for businesses? 753
23.5 How is the government involved in the market? 759
23.6 How does Australia’s taxation system work? 766
23.7 INQUIRY: How would you tax the Australian public? 772
23.8 Review 774
24 Achieving economic goals 778
24.1 Overview 779
24.2 What are short-term personal financial goals? 780
24.3 What are long-term personal financial goals? 784
24.4 What is business finance? 790
24.5 How do First Nations Australian communities participate in markets? 796
24.6 What factors influence business opportunities? 800
24.7 How is the workplace changing? 807
24.8 INQUIRY: Financial and business decision-making 819
24.9 Review 821
Glossary 826
Index 840
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