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Jesus or Nothing


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"This book will challenge you to rethink how you view atheists and others who seriously question our faith, and it will leave you better equipped to point them toward the only One who can ultimately give meaning and hope." -Kevin Ezell, President, North American Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention "To be alive today is to be at the intersection of worldviews. Different worldviews compete for allegiance, but Dan DeWitt clearly demonstrates that there are really only two worldviews in constant conflict: theism versus nihilism. The superiority of the Christian worldview is demonstrated not only by its inherent truth claims, but also by the tragic inadequacy of nihilism. DeWitt sets the issue clearly in his title: it's Jesus or Nothing. Any thinking person will benefit from reading this important new book." -R. Albert Mohler Jr., President and Joseph Emerson Brown Professor of Christian Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary "Life really does boil down to Jesus or nothing. Without Christ, we are left with relative morals, meaningless lives, and no hope. Dan is a learned theologian, but never arrogant or judgmental. He has a genuine compassion for those in search of truth, no matter how big or 'dangerous' their questions are. Jesus or Nothing is a book that matters, because its proposition is the ultimate matter." -Josh Wilson, award-winning singer/songwriter "DeWitt courageously takes us to life's great intersection. There we find the atheist's theory of nothing and the Christian theory of everything. Decision and destiny hang in the balance for all." -Jack D. Eggar, President/CEO, Awana "Jesus or Nothing is a little book about a big God. If you are a skeptic or a minister to skeptics, you should read this book about the God who is conspicuously there and who aims to reconcile sinners to himself through Christ." -Denny Burk, author, What Is the Meaning of Sex? "The truthfulness of the claims of Scripture matter, and those questions have been-and will continue to be-defended often. But another, more basic question matters as well: What is the value, meaning, and purpose of life without God? Dan DeWitt brilliantly demonstrates that the choice truly is Jesus or Nothing." -Timothy Paul Jones, author, Misquoting Truth: A Guide to the Fallacies of Bart Ehrman's Misquoting Jesus "Dan DeWitt knows his stuff. It is apparent that he's familiar with everyone from Chesterton to Lewis to Schaeffer, not only in the ideas set forth in this book, but in his gentle, good-humored tone as well. In a culture where it can feel like Christianity is on the defensive, Dan reminds us that the gospel is beautiful beyond reason and completely reasonable." -Andrew Peterson, singer/songwriter; author, The Wingfeather Saga series "Citing everyone from Hawking to Chesterton, Dan shows not only the reasonableness but also the beauty of the gospel of Christ. Jesus or Nothing provides a concise and thoughtful resource for engaging secularists and academics in a city like Boston, where I live and minister." -Bland Mason, Pastor, City on a Hill Church, Boston, Massachusetts; chapel leader to the Boston Red Sox "Jesus or Nothing will take you on a journey through the hope of the gospel and cause you to engage those seeking answers to life's most important questions with grace and truth." -Andrae Robinson, Pastor, Cornerstone Church, South Los Angeles, California "Dan DeWitt artfully and accurately presents the big picture of one of the most important battles for hearts in our day. Atheism is often portrayed as the only intelligent worldview, but this book dispels the fog of that myth. I heartily recommend Jesus or Nothing to anyone struggling to sort through the shrill, confusing voices trying to tell us what matters most." -Ted Cabal, General Editor, The Apologetics Study Bible "Jesus or Nothing addresses the question that believers and nonbelievers alike are afraid to ask-'What if I'm wrong?' In an increasingly post-Christian context, Dan contrasts these two worldviews and guides the reader to the exclusive foundation for human flourishing found in the gospel." -Andy Frew, singer/songwriter; Worship Pastor, Crossridge Church, Surrey, British Columbia "The ultimate human question has always been that of meaning-the meaning of life, the meaning of death, the meaning of everything. Dan DeWitt reminds us again that meaning is always and necessarily grounded in God, and God is known only through Christ in the gospel. Apart from him, all pleasure, success, and happiness that may (or may not) come your way ultimately adds up to nothing. Biblically solid and culturally aware, DeWitt weaves together references to Pascal, Toy Story 3, Richard Dawkins, John Lennon, and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn to argue that there are only two roads: the gospel or emptiness, Jesus or nothing. Accessible and enjoyable works on apologetics that are also richly thought provoking are a rarity; Dan DeWitt manages the task beautifully. This book will encourage and challenge many." -Grant Horner, Associate Professor of Renaissance and Reformation, The Master's College; author, Meaning at the Movies "Dan DeWitt paints a beautiful portrait of Jesus with all the strokes of a fine painter. Jesus or Nothing shows us how to engage our skeptic friends in the grandeur of a story unique and true. DeWitt's personal enjoyment is etched throughout the painting, exploding with the reality of Jesus and the truth of the gospel. This is a recommended read for all who want to reveal the awesome beauty of Jesus to those who are choosing Nothing." -David Clifford, Events Manager, Desiring God

About the Author

Dan DeWitt (PhD, Southern Seminary) is the dean of Boyce College, the undergraduate school of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dan posts regularly on his blog Theolatte.com. Dan and his wife, April, live in Louisville, Kentucky, with their four children. Russell Moore (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is the eighth president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, the moral and public policy agency of the nation's largest Protestant denomination. A widely-sought commentator, Dr. Moore has been called "vigorous, cheerful, and fiercely articulate" by the Wall Street Journal. He is the author of several books, including Onward, The Kingdom of Christ, Adopted for Life, and Tempted and Tried, and he blogs regularly at RussellMoore.com and tweets at @drmoore. He and his wife, Maria, have five sons.

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