A celebration of Jewish men's voices in prayer—to strengthen, to heal, to comfort, to inspire from the ancient world up to our own day.
"An extraordinary gathering of men—diverse in their ages, their lives, their convictions—have convened in this collection to offer contemporary, compelling and personal prayers. The words published here are not the recitation of established liturgies, but the direct address of today's Jewish men to ha-Shomea Tefilla, the Ancient One who has always heard, and who remains eager to receive, the prayers of our hearts."
—from the Foreword by Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson, DHL
This collection of prayers celebrates the variety of ways Jewish men engage in personal dialogue with God—with words of praise, petition, joy, gratitude, wonder and even anger—from the ancient world up to our own day.
Drawn from mystical, traditional, biblical, Talmudic, Hasidic and modern sources, these prayers will help you deepen your relationship with God and help guide your journey of self-discovery, healing and spiritual awareness. Together they provide a powerful and creative expression of Jewish men's inner lives, and the always revealing, sometimes painful, sometimes joyous—and often even practical—practice that prayer can be.
Jewish Men Pray will challenge your preconceived ideas about prayer. It will inspire you to explore new ways of prayerful expression, new paths for finding the sacred in the ordinary and new possibilities for understanding the Jewish relationship with the Divine. This is a book to treasure and to share.
Israel Abrahams • Aharon of Karlin • Daniel S. Alexander • Alexandri (third century CE) • Bezalel Aloni • Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson, DHL • Rabbi Samuel Barth • Hillel Bavli (1893–1961) • Shye Ben-Tzur • Chaim Nachman Bialik (1873–1934) • Sheldon H. Blank (1896–1989) • Ben Zion Bokser (1907–1984) • Harold Braunstein • Daniel S. Brenner • Eliezer Bugatin • Shlomo Carlebach • (1925–1994) • Avraham Chalfi (1904–1980) • Rabbi Howard Cooper • Rabbi Menachem Creditor • Abraham Danziger (1748–1820) • Harry K. Danziger • Elazar (end of first century CE) • Elimelech of Lizhensk (1717–1787) • Dov Peretz Elkins • Abraham ibn Ezra (1089–1164) • Morley T. Feinstein • Edward Feld • Adam D. Fisher • Ira Flax • Solomon ibn Gabirol (1021–1058) • Elihu Gevirtz • Jeffrey Goldwasser • James Stone Goodman • Rabbi Arthur Green • Sidney Greenberg (1917–2003) • Judah HaLevi (1075–1141) • Rabbi Jules Harlow • Rabbi Shai Held • Rabbi Hayim Herring • Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907–1972) • Lawrence A. Hoffman • Rabbi David A. Ingber • Rabbi Ben Kamin • Yehuda Karni (1884–1949) • Rabbi Paul J. Kipnes • Eliahu J. Klein • Cantor Jeffrey Klepper • Rabbi Michael Knopf • Harold Kohn • Abraham Isaac Kook (1865–1935) • Rabbi Andy Koren • Rabbi Cary Kozberg • Rabbi Elliot Kukla • Rabbi Irwin Kula • Harold S. Kushner • Rabbi Lawrence Kushner • Rabbi Robert N. Levine • Rabbi Stan Levy • Immanuel Lubliner (1923–1997) • Moses Maimonides (1135–1204) • Mar the son of Rabina (fourth century) • Rabbi Craig Marantz • Danny Maseng • Daniel C. Matt • Hershel Jonah Matt (1922–1987) • Rabbi Ralph D. Mecklenburger • Andrew Meit • Rabbi Joseph B. Meszler • Jay Michaelson • Rabbi James L. Mirel • Nachman of Breslov (1772–1810) • Louis Newman • Dan Nichols • Reb Noson (1780–1844) • Rabbi Avi S. Olitzky • Rabbi Jesse Olitzky • Rabbi Kerry M. Olitzky • Natan Ophir (Offenbacher) • Bachya ibn Pakuda (eleventh century) • Daniel F. Polish • Andrew Ramer • Avrom Reyzen (1876–1953) • Haim O. Rechnitzer • Rabbi Jack Riemer • Rabbi Albert Ringer • Rabbi Brant Rosen • James B. Rosenberg • Joel Rosenberg • Robert Saks • Jeffrey Salkin • Rabbi Neil Sandler • Zalman Schachter-Shalomi • Rabbi Robert Scheinberg • Harold M. Schulweis • Rabbi Arthur Segal • Rabbi Rami M. Shapiro • Rabbi Rick Sherwin • Shneur Zalman of Liadi (1745–1812) • Yaakov David Shulman • Danny Siegel • Rifat Sonsino • Rabbi Elie Kaplan Spitz • Chaim Stern (1930–2001) • Rabbi Arnold Stiebel • Rabbi Warren Stone • Rabbi Neil A. Tow • Roy A. Walter • Simkha Y. Weintraub • Rabbi David Wolpe • Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev (1740–1809) • Hillel Zeitlin (1871–1942) • Rabbi Reuben Zellman • Rabbi Daniel G. Zemel • Rabbi Shawn Zevit • Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman • Rabbi Mishael Zion • Rabbi Raymond A. Zwerin
A celebration of Jewish men's voices in prayer—to strengthen, to heal, to comfort, to inspire from the ancient world up to our own day.
"An extraordinary gathering of men—diverse in their ages, their lives, their convictions—have convened in this collection to offer contemporary, compelling and personal prayers. The words published here are not the recitation of established liturgies, but the direct address of today's Jewish men to ha-Shomea Tefilla, the Ancient One who has always heard, and who remains eager to receive, the prayers of our hearts."
—from the Foreword by Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson, DHL
This collection of prayers celebrates the variety of ways Jewish men engage in personal dialogue with God—with words of praise, petition, joy, gratitude, wonder and even anger—from the ancient world up to our own day.
Drawn from mystical, traditional, biblical, Talmudic, Hasidic and modern sources, these prayers will help you deepen your relationship with God and help guide your journey of self-discovery, healing and spiritual awareness. Together they provide a powerful and creative expression of Jewish men's inner lives, and the always revealing, sometimes painful, sometimes joyous—and often even practical—practice that prayer can be.
Jewish Men Pray will challenge your preconceived ideas about prayer. It will inspire you to explore new ways of prayerful expression, new paths for finding the sacred in the ordinary and new possibilities for understanding the Jewish relationship with the Divine. This is a book to treasure and to share.
Israel Abrahams • Aharon of Karlin • Daniel S. Alexander • Alexandri (third century CE) • Bezalel Aloni • Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson, DHL • Rabbi Samuel Barth • Hillel Bavli (1893–1961) • Shye Ben-Tzur • Chaim Nachman Bialik (1873–1934) • Sheldon H. Blank (1896–1989) • Ben Zion Bokser (1907–1984) • Harold Braunstein • Daniel S. Brenner • Eliezer Bugatin • Shlomo Carlebach • (1925–1994) • Avraham Chalfi (1904–1980) • Rabbi Howard Cooper • Rabbi Menachem Creditor • Abraham Danziger (1748–1820) • Harry K. Danziger • Elazar (end of first century CE) • Elimelech of Lizhensk (1717–1787) • Dov Peretz Elkins • Abraham ibn Ezra (1089–1164) • Morley T. Feinstein • Edward Feld • Adam D. Fisher • Ira Flax • Solomon ibn Gabirol (1021–1058) • Elihu Gevirtz • Jeffrey Goldwasser • James Stone Goodman • Rabbi Arthur Green • Sidney Greenberg (1917–2003) • Judah HaLevi (1075–1141) • Rabbi Jules Harlow • Rabbi Shai Held • Rabbi Hayim Herring • Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907–1972) • Lawrence A. Hoffman • Rabbi David A. Ingber • Rabbi Ben Kamin • Yehuda Karni (1884–1949) • Rabbi Paul J. Kipnes • Eliahu J. Klein • Cantor Jeffrey Klepper • Rabbi Michael Knopf • Harold Kohn • Abraham Isaac Kook (1865–1935) • Rabbi Andy Koren • Rabbi Cary Kozberg • Rabbi Elliot Kukla • Rabbi Irwin Kula • Harold S. Kushner • Rabbi Lawrence Kushner • Rabbi Robert N. Levine • Rabbi Stan Levy • Immanuel Lubliner (1923–1997) • Moses Maimonides (1135–1204) • Mar the son of Rabina (fourth century) • Rabbi Craig Marantz • Danny Maseng • Daniel C. Matt • Hershel Jonah Matt (1922–1987) • Rabbi Ralph D. Mecklenburger • Andrew Meit • Rabbi Joseph B. Meszler • Jay Michaelson • Rabbi James L. Mirel • Nachman of Breslov (1772–1810) • Louis Newman • Dan Nichols • Reb Noson (1780–1844) • Rabbi Avi S. Olitzky • Rabbi Jesse Olitzky • Rabbi Kerry M. Olitzky • Natan Ophir (Offenbacher) • Bachya ibn Pakuda (eleventh century) • Daniel F. Polish • Andrew Ramer • Avrom Reyzen (1876–1953) • Haim O. Rechnitzer • Rabbi Jack Riemer • Rabbi Albert Ringer • Rabbi Brant Rosen • James B. Rosenberg • Joel Rosenberg • Robert Saks • Jeffrey Salkin • Rabbi Neil Sandler • Zalman Schachter-Shalomi • Rabbi Robert Scheinberg • Harold M. Schulweis • Rabbi Arthur Segal • Rabbi Rami M. Shapiro • Rabbi Rick Sherwin • Shneur Zalman of Liadi (1745–1812) • Yaakov David Shulman • Danny Siegel • Rifat Sonsino • Rabbi Elie Kaplan Spitz • Chaim Stern (1930–2001) • Rabbi Arnold Stiebel • Rabbi Warren Stone • Rabbi Neil A. Tow • Roy A. Walter • Simkha Y. Weintraub • Rabbi David Wolpe • Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev (1740–1809) • Hillel Zeitlin (1871–1942) • Rabbi Reuben Zellman • Rabbi Daniel G. Zemel • Rabbi Shawn Zevit • Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman • Rabbi Mishael Zion • Rabbi Raymond A. Zwerin
How to Use This Book xiii
Foreword: Men at Prayer xv
Introduction xix
Part I
The Purpose of Prayer in Judaism and Its Structure: Praise,
Petition, and More 1
Becoming a Prayerful Person 4
Does God Hear Prayer? 6
Tefillah/Script 12
The Technology of Prayer 14
Prayer as Art 15
The Essence of Prayer in Jewish Tradition 17
Prayer 20
Who Can't Pray 26
Part II
Words from the Heart 29
Yearning for God 31
Guidance for How to Live 85
A Man's Role 141
Our Physical Lives 175
Grief 203
Protection 230
Gratitude 264
Legacy 297
Acknowledgments 329
About the Contributors 331
Credits 339
Index of Contributors 350
Index of First Lines 353
Stuart M. Matlins is founder, editor-in-chief and publisher of
Jewish Lights Publishing and SkyLight Paths Publishing. Both
imprints focus on religion and spirituality from a broad
non-denominational perspective. He is author or editor of several
books, including the best-selling How to Be a Perfect Stranger: The
Essential Religious Etiquette Handbook (SkyLight Paths); The Jewish
Lights Spirituality Handbook: A Guide to Understanding, Exploring &
Living a Spiritual Life (Jewish Lights); The Perfect Stranger's
Guide to Wedding Ceremonies: A Guide to Etiquette in Other People’s
Religious Ceremonies; and The Perfect Stranger’s Guide to Funerals
and Grieving Practices: A Guide to Etiquette in Other People’s
Religious Ceremonies (both SkyLight Paths).
Stuart was the 2014 recipient of the Abraham Geiger Medal, an award
recognizing outstanding service to religious pluralism, and the
2006 recipient of the American Jewish Distinguished Service Award,
an annual presentation of Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of
Religion. He was a member of the First Catholic/Jewish Lay
Conference at the Vatican in October 2007, an event under the
auspices of the Interreligious Information Center.
Among his many speaking appearances, Stuart has been the
scholar-in-residence or guest lecturer at the National Funeral
Director’s Association convention, Temple Isaiah (Palm Springs,
CA), The Jewish Center of the Hamptons (East Hampton, NY), Temple
Sholom (Plainfield, NJ), Israel Congregation (Manchester, NH) and
at the annual gatherings of the Jewish Community Centers
Association and the Jewish Outreach Institute. He also has been a
featured speaker or panel member at many Book Expo America
conventions, and at the biennial Festival of Faith and Writing at
Calvin College, as well as at churches and other conferences.
Before publishing took over his life, he was a management
consultant for over thirty years as a managing partner with Booz
Allen Hamilton, Inc. and then heading his own consulting firm.
He is the cofounder of an innovative synagogue in Woodstock,
Vermont, with his wife, Antoinette Matlins, and served as lay
spiritual leader for nineteen of its twenty-one years. He has
served for over twenty years on the Board of Governors of Hebrew
Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion, and was chair of the
Board of Overseers of its New York School. He is widely recognized
as a leader in the spiritual transformation of Judaism in our
Stuart is listed in Who’s Who in America.
Rabbi Kerry M. Olitzky, named one of the fifty leading rabbis in
North America by Newsweek, is well known for his inspiring books
that bring the Jewish wisdom tradition into everyday life. He is
executive director of Big Tent Judaism, formerly Jewish Outreach
Institute, and is author of many books on Jewish spirituality,
healing and Jewish religious practice, including Making a
Successful Jewish Interfaith Marriage: The Big Tent Judaism Guide
to Opportunities, Challenges and Resources; Introducing My Faith
and My Community: The Jewish Outreach Institute Guide for a
Christian in a Jewish Interfaith Relationship; Jewish Paths toward
Healing and Wholeness: A Personal Guide to Dealing with Suffering;
Grief in Our Seasons: A Mourner's Kaddish Companion; Twelve Jewish
Steps to Recovery: A Personal Guide to Turning from Alcoholism &
Other Addictions—Drugs, Food, Gambling, Sex...; Facing Cancer as a
Family; Life's Daily Blessings: Inspiring Reflections on Gratitude
for Every Day, Based on Jewish Wisdom; 100 Blessings Every Day:
Daily Twelve Step Recovery Affirmations, Exercises for Personal
Growth and Renewal Reflecting Seasons of the Jewish Year and
Recovery from Codependance: A Jewish Twelve Step Guide to Healing
Your Soul. He is also coauthor of Grandparenting Interfaith
Grandchildren; Jewish Holidays: A Brief Introduction for
Christians; Jewish Ritual: A Brief Introduction for Christians;
Renewed Each Day, Vol. One—Genesis and Exodus: Daily Twelve Step
Recovery Meditations; Renewed Each Day, Vol. Two—Leviticus, Numbers
and Deuteronomy: Daily Twelve Step Recovery Meditations Based on
the Bible and coeditor of The Rituals and Practices of a Jewish
Life: A Handbook for Personal Spiritual Renewal (all Jewish
Rabbi Kerry M. Olitzky is available to speak on the following
The Jewish Twelve Step Path to Healing and Recovery
Sparks Beneath the Surface: A Spiritual Read on the Torah
Welcoming the Stranger in Our Midst
How to Nurture Jewish Grandchildren Being Raised in an Interfaith
Optimism for a Jewish Future
Click here to contact the author.
Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson, DHL, (www.bradartson.com) an inspiring
speaker and educator, holds the Abner and Roslyn Goldstine Dean's
Chair of the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies and is vice
president of American Jewish University in Los Angeles. He is a
member of the philosophy department, supervises the Miller
Introduction to Judaism Program and mentors Camp Ramah in
California. He is also dean of Zacharias Frankel College in
Potsdam, Germany, ordaining rabbis for the European Union. A
regular columnist for the Huffington Post, he is author of many
articles and books, including Renewing the Process of Creation: A
Jewish Integration of Science and Spirit; God of Becoming and
Relationship: The Dynamic Nature of Process Theology and Passing
Life’s Tests: Spiritual Reflections on the Trial of Abraham, the
Binding of Isaac (all Jewish Lights).
Daniel S. Alexander is rabbi of Congregation Beth Israel in
Charlottesville, Virginia.
Alexandri (third century CE) was one of two Talmudic Rabbis
the Land of Israel of the same name.
Bezalel Aloni is managing director and producer of Piano Music
Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson, DHL (www.bradartson.com), an inspiring
speaker and educator, holds the Abner and Roslyn Goldstine Dean's
Chair of the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies and is vice
president of American Jewish University in Los Angeles. He is a
member of the philosophy department, supervises the Miller
Introduction to Judaism Program and mentors Camp Ramah in
California. He is also dean of Zecharias Frankel College in
Potsdam, Germany, ordaining rabbis for the European Union. A
regular columnist for the Huffington Post, he is author of many
articles and books, including God of Becoming and Relationship: The
Dynamic Nature of Process Theology and Passing Life's Tests:
Spiritual Reflections on the Trial of Abraham, the Binding of Isaac
(both Jewish Lights).
Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson, DHL, is available to speak on the
following topics:
• Almighty? No Way! Loving the God You Actually Believe in
• What I Learned Ordaining and Installing Uganda's First African
Rabbi (and Sailing up the Nile!)
• All God's Children: Sharing Life with My Autistic Son
• Embracing the World: Science and Religion
• Jewish Continuity: What's in It for Me?
Samuel Barth, rabbi, is senior lecturer in liturgy at The
Theological Seminary of America.
Hillel Bavli (1893–1961) was a Hebrew poet, author, and professor
Hebrew literature at The Jewish Theological Seminary of
Shye Ben-Tzur is an Israeli qawwali singer who composes
(Sufi devotional music popular in South Asia) in Hebrew.
Chaim Nachman Bialik (1873–1934) was a Russian-born Hebrew
poet and essayist.
Sheldon H. Blank (1896–1989), PhD, rabbi, was a professor of
at Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion,
Ben Zion Bokser (1907–1984) was a major figure in the
rabbinate and an advocate of social justice.
Harold Braunstein lives in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, New York.
Rabbi Daniel Silberman Brenner is a Senior Teaching Fellow at CLAL.
He received his M.A. in Hebrew Letters and his ordination from the
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College.
Eliezer Bugatin is a Hebrew poet.
Shlomo Carlebach (1925–1994) was a rabbi, musician, and founder
the House of Love and Peace in San Francisco, California.
Avraham Chalfi (1904–1980) was an Israeli actor and poet.
Rabbi Mike Comins, the founder of TorahTrek Spiritual Wilderness
Adventures (www.TorahTrek.com) and the Institute for Jewish
Wilderness Spirituality (www.ijws-online.org), is the author of A
Wild Faith: Jewish Ways into Wilderness, Wilderness Ways into
Judaism (Jewish Lights) and Making Prayer Real: Leading Jewish
Spiritual Voices on Why Prayer Is Difficult and What to Do about
It. He studied classical Jewish texts at the Pardes Institute,
earned his MA in Jewish education from Hebrew University and was
ordained in the Israeli rabbinical program of Hebrew Union College.
He was a founding member and the first director of education at
Kehilat Kol Haneshama in Jerusalem. He lives, teaches and writes in
Los Angeles, and serves as a scholar-in-residence for schools and
synagogues around the world.
Rabbi Mike Comins is available to speak on the following
Finding God in Nature: Buber, Heschel and the Kabbalah on the
Experience of Divinity in the Natural World
How the Jews Lost Nature and Why We Need to Get Her Back
Making Prayer Real: Why Prayer Is Difficult and What to Do about
Prayer, Teshuvah and Coping with Loss
The Spiritual Dynamics of Traditional Prayer
Howard Cooper is widely recognized as one of the most eloquent and
vital new voices of spirituality in the world today. He is a rabbi
in London.
Menachem Creditor, rabbi, is the spiritual leader of
Netivot Shalom in Berkeley, CA; author of the poetry collection
Fissures and Love; and editor of Peace in Our Cities: Rabbi
Gun Violence. His latest musical recording is "Within." He blogs
Abraham Danziger (1748–1820), rabbi, was a contemporary of
Nachman and author of Chayei Adam.
Harry K. Danziger is rabbi emeritus of Temple Israel in
Elazar (end of first century CE), although mentioned by his first
was probably Elazar ben Azariah, teacher in the Talmud, whose
name is also mentioned in the Haggadah for Pesach.
Elimelech of Lizhensk (1717–1787) was one of the great founding
rabbis of the Hasidic movement, in Poland.
Rabbi Dov Peretz Elkins, award-winning anthologist, lecturer,
educator and author, is co-editor of the best-selling Chicken Soup
for the Jewish Soul. Widely published in the Jewish and general
press, he is author of The Wisdom of Judaism: An Introduction to
the Values of the Talmud (Jewish Lights), and is editor of Yom
Kippur Readings: Inspiration, Information and Contemplation; Rosh
Hashanah Readings: Inspiration, Information and Contemplation; and
Jewish Stories from Heaven and Earth: Inspiring Tales to Nourish
the Heart and Soul (all Jewish Lights). He is rabbi emeritus of The
Jewish Center of Princeton, New Jersey, and a former member of the
Committee on Jewish Law and Standards of the Rabbinical Assembly
and the Council for Jewish Education. Visit his
websites—www.wisdomofjudaism.org and www.eco-judaism.org—for more
Rabbi Dov Peretz Elkins is available to speak on the following
A Taste of Eco-Judaism
Chicken Soup for the Jewish Soul
Shabbat: A Day for the Rest of Your Life
Hasidic Wisdom and Modern Psychology
A Tale of Two Cities—Jerusalem and Washington DC: The Jewish
People's Love Affair with the Holy City
Abraham ibn Ezra (1089–1164) was a Spanish rabbi who is
as one of the most distinguished philosophers of the Middle
Morley T. Feinstein is rabbi of the University Synagogue in Los
Angeles, California.
Rabbi Edward Feld is currently rabbi-in-residence at The Jewish
Theological Seminary, where he mentors a new generation of student
rabbis. He has served as a college chaplain at Princeton
University, Smith and Amherst Colleges and the University of
Illinois. He is author of The Spirit of Renewal: Finding Faith
after the Holocaust. He has also served as rabbi to New York's
Society for the Advancement of Judaism. He is currently chair of
the new High Holiday Prayerbook Commission of the Rabbinical
Assembly and a member of the steering committee of Rabbis for Human
Rights, North America. Active as a teacher of spirituality to
university students, scholars and rabbis, he has also worked with
Catholic and Protestant spiritual leaders. He was a senior fellow
at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, and the organizer of
its theology seminar.
Sharing his unique and moving message with people around the world,
Rabbi Edward Feld has lectured at many institutions of learning,
including: The Jewish Theological Seminary; Mt. Saviour Monastery;
The Reconstructionist Rabbinical College; the University of
California; and the University of Chicago.
Rabbi Edward Feld is available to speak on the following
Why Words?
The Making of a Mahzor
Joy and Despair: Reading Psalms
A Taste of Talmud: How Do We Talk with Each Other?
A Taste of Talmud: Is Compromise Just?
Mordecai Finley is rabbi of Ohr Hatorah in Los Angeles,
Adam D. Fisher is rabbi emeritus at Temple Isaiah in Stony
New York.
Ira Flax is rabbi for youth and education at Temple Beth El in
Birmingham, Alabama.
Solomon ibn Gabirol (1021–1058) was a Spanish-Jewish
and Hebrew poet.
Elihu Gevirtz has worked as a professional biologist and
planner in Southern and Central California and subsequently
studied for the rabbinate at the Academy for Jewish Religion in
Angeles, California.
Jeffrey Goldwasser is rabbi of Temple Beit HaYam in Stuart,
James Stone Goodman, musician and poet, is rabbi of Neve Shalom in
St. Louis, Missouri and founder of S.L.I.C.H.A. (St. Louis
Information Committee and Hotline on Addiction).
Arthur Green, PhD, is recognized as one of the world's preeminent
authorities on Jewish thought and spirituality. He is the Irving
Brudnick professor of philosophy and religion at Hebrew College and
rector of the Rabbinical School, which he founded in 2004.
Professor emeritus at Brandeis University, he also taught at the
University of Pennsylvania and the Reconstructionist Rabbinical
College, where he served as dean and president.
Dr. Green is author of several books including Ehyeh: A Kabbalah
for Tomorrow; Seek My Face: A Jewish Mystical Theology; Your Word
Is Fire: The Hasidic Masters on Contemplative Prayer; and Tormented
Master: The Life and Spiritual Quest of Rabbi Nahman of Bratslav
(all Jewish Lights). He is also author of Radical Judaism (Yale
University Press) and co-editor of Speaking Torah: Spiritual
Teachings from around the Maggid's Table. He is long associated
with the Havurah movement and a neo-Hasidic approach to
Sidney Greenberg (1917–2003) was rabbi of Temple Sinai in
Pennsylvania, for over fifty years.
Judah HaLevi (1075–1141) was a Spanish liturgical poet and
of The Kuzari.
Jules Harlow, rabbi and liturgist, edited the prayer books for
Conservative movement, including the Sim Shalom series.
Rabbi Shai Held is cofounder, rosh ha-yeshiva, and chair in Jewish
thought at
Mechon Hadar in New York City. He is completing a doctoral
dissertation on the
religious thought of Abraham Joshua Heschel at Harvard University.
He contributed
to Jewish Mysticism and the Spiritual Life: Classical Texts,
Contemporary Reflections and Jewish Theology in Our Time: A New
Generation Explores the Foundations and
Future of Jewish Belief (both Jewish Lights).
Hayim Herring, rabbi, is CEO of Herring Consulting Network.
Abraham Joshua Heschel was born in Poland in 1907, received his
early education from a yeshiva (a school for Talmudic or rabbinical
study), and earned his doctorate from the University of Berlin. In
1939, six weeks before the Nazi invasion of Poland, he left for
London and then for the United States, where he taught at the
Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City from 1945 until his
death in 1972.An activist as well as a scholar and a teacher,
Heschel was deeply engaged in social movements for peace, civil
rights, and interfaith understanding.The following three selections
are excerpted from his 1965 work, Who Is Man?
Rabbi Lawrence A. Hoffman, PhD, has served for more than three
decades as professor of liturgy at Hebrew Union College–Jewish
Institute of Religion in New York. He is a world-renowned liturgist
and holder of the Stephen and Barbara Friedman Chair in Liturgy,
Worship and Ritual. His work combines research in Jewish ritual,
worship and spirituality with a passion for the spiritual renewal
of contemporary Judaism.
He has written and edited many books, including All the World:
Universalism, Particularism and the High Holy Days; May God
Remember: Memory and Memorializing in Judaism—Yizkor, We Have
Sinned: Sin and Confession in Judaism—Ashamnu and Al Chet, Who by
Fire, Who by Water—Un'taneh Tokef and All These Vows—Kol Nidre, the
first five volumes in the Prayers of Awe series; the My People's
Prayer Book: Traditional Prayers, Modern Commentaries series,
winner of the National Jewish Book Award; and he is coeditor of My
People's Passover Haggadah: Traditional Texts, Modern Commentaries
(all Jewish Lights), a finalist for the National Jewish Book
Rabbi Hoffman is a developer of Synagogue 3000, a
transdenominational project designed to envision and implement the
ideal synagogue of the spirit for the twenty-first century.
Rabbi Lawrence A. Hoffman, PhD, is available to speak on the
following topics:
A Day of Wine and Moses: The Passover Haggadah and the Seder You
Have Always Wanted
Preparing for the High Holy Days: How to Appreciate the Liturgy of
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
The Essence of Jewish Prayer: The Prayer Book in Context and
Worship in Our Time
Beyond Ethnicity: The Coming Project for North American Jewish
Synagogue Change: Transforming Synagogues as Spiritual and Moral
Centers for the Twenty-First Century
Click here to contact the author.
David A. Ingber is rabbi of Romemu in New York, New York.
Ben Kamin is a rabbi and author who formerly led The Temple–
Tifereth Israel in Cleveland, Ohio.
Yehuda Karni (1884–1949) was a Hebrew poet from Minsk who
eventually settled in Israel and was on the editorial board of
until his death.
Rabbi Paul Kipnes is spiritual leader of Congregation Or Ami in
Calabasas, California. A former camp director, North American
Federation of Temple Youth regional advisor and national
award-winning Jewish educator, he lectures regularly on raising
ethical, resilient Jewish children.
Eliahu J. Klein is a Jewish chaplain for the State of
Jeffrey Klepper serves as cantor of Temple Sinai in Sharon,
Michael Knopf is a rabbi at Har Zion Temple in Philadelphia,
Harold Kohn is a member of the faculty of the University of
Carolina School of Pharmacy.
Abraham Isaac Kook (1865–1935), mystic and kabbalist, served as
first chief rabbi of Israel.
Andy Koren is rabbi at Temple Emanuel in Greensboro, North
Cary Kozberg is director of rabbinical and pastoral services for
Wexner Heritage Village in Columbus, Ohio, where he lives with his
wife, Ellen, and their four children.
Rabbi Elliot Rose Kukla received his ordination at Hebrew Union
College in 2006. Currently a fellow in clinical pastoral education
at the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) Medical
Center, he previously served as the rabbi of Danforth Jewish
Circle. Kukla is the author of a number of articles on the
intersections between Judaism and justice.
Rabbi Irwin Kula is president of CLAL—The National Jewish Center
for Learning and Leadership, a leading voice for religious
pluralism in the Jewish community. A sought-after speaker, he was
named by the PBS program Religion & Ethics Newsweekly as one of the
"10 People to Watch" helping to shape the American spiritual
landscape. Fast Company magazine listed him as one of the seventeen
new economy leaders, and Forward newspaper named him one of the top
fifty Jewish leaders in America. He received his rabbinic
ordination from The Jewish Theological Seminary of America.
Harold S. Kushner is author of the best-selling books When Bad
Things Happen to Good People and Living a Life That Matters.
Rabbi Lawrence Kushner is one of the most widely read authors by
people of all faiths on Jewish spiritual life. He is the
best-selling author of such books as Invisible Lines of Connection:
Sacred Stories of the Ordinary; God Was in This Place & I, i Did
Not Know: Finding Self, Spirituality and Ultimate Meaning; Honey
from the Rock: An Introduction to Jewish Mysticism; The Book of
Letters: A Mystical Hebrew Alphabet; The Book of Miracles: A Young
Person's Guide to Jewish Spiritual Awareness; The Book of Words:
Talking Spiritual Life, Living Spiritual Talk; Eyes Remade for
Wonder: A Lawrence Kushner Reader; I'm God, You're Not:
Observations on Organized Religion and other Disguises of the Ego;
Jewish Spirituality: A Brief Introduction for Christians; The River
of Light: Jewish Mystical Awareness; The Way Into Jewish Mystical
Tradition; and co-author of Because Nothing Looks Like God; How
Does God Make Things Happen?; Where Is God?; What Does God Look
Like?; and In God's Hands. He is the Emanu-El Scholar at San
Francisco's Congregation Emanu-El and an adjunct professor of
Jewish mysticism and spirituality at Hebrew Union College–Jewish
Institute of Religion.
Rabbi Lawrence Kushner is available to speak on the following
• Jewish Mystical Imagination
• Rymanover's Silent Aleph: What Really Happened on Sinai
• Zohar on Romance and Revelation
• What Makes Kabbalah Kabbalah
• Sacred Stories of the Ordinary: When God Makes a Surprise
Appearance in Everyday Life
Click here to contact the author.
Rabbi Robert N. Levine is widely recognized as one of the most
inspiring spiritual teachers of his generation. He is senior rabbi
of the largest synagogue on Manhattan's Upper West Side, Temple
Rodeph Sholom. A sought-after speaker and media guest, and an
active participant in interfaith dialogue and teaching, he is also
the author of Where Are You When I Need You?
Stan Levy is founder, rabbi, and spiritual leader of B'nai
Children of Freedom in Los Angeles, California.
Immanuel Lubliner (1923–1997) served as rabbi of Greenburgh
Jewish Center in Dobbs Ferry, New York.
Moses Maimonides (1135–1204) was a rabbi, theologian, and
physician, in Moorish Spain and then in Egypt, and is
by many as the greatest medieval Jewish philosopher.
Mar the son of Rabina (fourth century) was a Talmudic Rabbi.
Craig Marantz is rabbi of Congregation Kol Haverim in
Danny Maseng is a singer songwriter, and chazzan of Temple Israel
Hollywood, California.
Daniel C. Matt is a leading authority on the Zohar and Kabbalah. He
is the author of the best-selling The Essential Kabbalah
(HarperSanFrancisco, translated into seven languages); Zohar: The
Book of Enlightenment (Paulist Press); God and the Big Bang:
Discovering Harmony Between Science and Spirituality; and Zohar:
Annotated and Explained (Jewish Lights). He is also the author of
the annotated translation The Zohar: Pritzker Edition (Stanford
University Press). He has so far completed six volumes of this
immense project, which has been hailed as "a monumental
contribution to the history of Jewish thought." Formerly professor
of Jewish spirituality at the Graduate Theological Union in
Berkeley, Daniel C. Matt now resides in Berkeley.
Daniel C. Matt is available to speak on the following topics:
Shekhinah: The Feminine Half of God
Raising the Sparks: Finding God in the Material World
The Mystical Meaning of Torah
The Zohar: Masterpiece of Kabbalah
God and the Big Bang: Discovering Harmony between Science and
Click here to contact the author.
Hershel Jonah Matt (1922–1987) served as rabbi of several
congregations, the last of which was the Princeton Jewish
in New Jersey.
Ralph D. Mecklenburger speaks nationally on topics related to
science and religion, Judaism and Jewish-Christian dialogue. He is
rabbi at Beth-El Congregation in Fort Worth, Texas, an adjunct
faculty member at Brite Divinity School, and has served as the
Jewish co-chair of the Texas Conference of Churches'
Jewish-Christian Forum.
Andrew Meit is a graphic artist and programmer.
Rabbi Joseph B. Meszler is a noted spiritual leader and educator,
recognized for his ability to connect the importance of Jewish
tradition with everyday life. He is coauthor of The JGuy's Guide:
The GPS for Jewish Teen Guys and author of A Man's Responsibility:
A Jewish Guide to Being a Son, a Partner in Marriage, a Father and
a Community Leader; Witnesses to the One: The Spiritual History of
the Sh'ma and Facing Illness, Finding God: How Judaism Can Help You
and Caregivers Cope When Body or Spirit Fails (all Jewish Lights).
He is the rabbi at Temple Sinai in Sharon, Massachusetts, and an
instructor at the Kehillah Schechter Academy.
Rabbi Joseph B. Meszler is available to speak on the following
The Spiritual History of the Sh'ma: What "God Is One" Might
Not Your Father's Brotherhood: What Being a Jewish Man Meant Then
and Now
How Judaism Can Help You Cope with Illness
Click here to contact the author.
Jay Michaelson has taught Kabbalah, mindfulness, and embodied
spiritual practice at Yale University, City College, Elat Chayyim,
the Skirball Center, and the Wexner Summer Institute, among other
institutions. Chief editor of Zeek: A Jewish Journal of Thought and
Culture, he is a regular contributor to the Forward, the Jerusalem
Post, Slate and other publications. He holds a JD from Yale and an
MA in religious studies from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
where he is currently a doctoral candidate.
Rabbi James L. Mirel has served as spiritual leader of Temple B'nai
Torah in Bellevue, Washington, for more than a decade. He is one of
the most respected congregational rabbis in the United States, and
has received awards and recognition for his work in Jewish and
communal services. He has served as a religion columnist for the
Seattle Post-Intelligencer and as a radio talk show host on the
award-winning God Talk.
Nachman of Breslov (1772–1810) was founder of the Breslov
movement, known for its spiritual approach to Judaism.
Dr. Louis E. Newman is the John M. and Elizabeth W. Musser
Professor of Religious Studies at Carleton College in Northfield,
Minnesota. He is author of Past Imperatives: Studies in the History
and Theory of Jewish Ethics; An Introduction to Jewish Ethics; and
the LifeLights™ pastoral care booklet Doing Teshuvah: Undoing
Mistakes, Repairing Relationships and Finding Inner Peace (Jewish
Lights). Dr. Newman is available for scholar-in-residence weekends
and repentance workshops.
Dr. Louis Newman is available to speak on the following topics:
Repentance: It's Easier Than You Think, It's Harder Than You
Curses and Stumbling-blocks: How to Relate to the Vulnerable among
Judaism and Politics: Is Torah Liberal or Conservative?
Whistle-blowing: Am I My Brother's (and Sister's) Keeper?
The Narrative and the Normative: The Value of Stories for Jewish
Dan Nichols is a singer and songwriter.
Reb Noson (1780–1844) was the primary disciple and scribe of
Nachman of Breslov.
Rabbi Avi S. Olitzky is spiritual leader at Beth El Synagogue, St.
Louis Park, Minnesota.
Jesse Olitzky is a rabbi at the Jacksonville Jewish Center in
Rabbi Kerry M. Olitzky, named one of the fifty leading rabbis in
North America by Newsweek, is well known for his inspiring books
that bring the Jewish wisdom tradition into everyday life. He is
executive director of the Jewish Outreach Institute, and is author
of many books on Jewish spirituality, healing and Jewish religious
practice, including Making a Successful Jewish Interfaith Marriage:
The Jewish Outreach Institute Guide to Opportunities, Challenges
and Resources; Introducing My Faith and My Community: The Jewish
Outreach Institute Guide; Jewish Paths toward Healing and
Wholeness: A Personal Guide to Dealing with Suffering; Grief in Our
Seasons: A Mourner's Kaddish Companion; Twelve Jewish Steps to
Recovery: A Personal Guide to Turning from Alcoholism & Other
Addictions—Drugs, Food, Gambling, Sex...; Facing Cancer as a
Family; Life's Daily Blessings: Inspiring Reflections on Gratitude
for Every Day, Based on Jewish Wisdom; 100 Blessings Every Day:
Daily Twelve Step Recovery Affirmations, Exercises for Personal
Growth and Renewal Reflecting Seasons of the Jewish Year; and
Recovery from Codependance: A Jewish Twelve Step Guide to Healing
Your Soul. He is also co-author of Grandparenting Interfaith
Grandchildren; Jewish Holidays: A Brief Introduction for
Christians; Jewish Ritual: A Brief Introduction for Christians;
Renewed Each Day, Vol. One—Genesis and Exodus: Daily Twelve Step
Recovery Meditations; Renewed Each Day, Vol. Two—Leviticus, Numbers
and Deuteronomy: Daily Twelve Step Recovery Meditations Based on
the Bible and co-editor of The Rituals and Practices of a Jewish
Life: A Handbook for Personal Spiritual Renewal(all Jewish
Rabbi Kerry M. Olitzky is available to speak on the following
The Jewish Twelve Step Path to Healing and Recovery
Sparks Beneath the Surface: A Spiritual Read on the Torah
Welcoming the Stranger in Our Midst
How to Nurture Jewish Grandchildren Being Raised in an Interfaith
Optimism for a Jewish Future
Natan Ophir (Offenbacher) teaches Jewish thought at the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem.
Bachya ibn Pakuda (eleventh century) was a Spanish philosopher
and rabbi.
Daniel F. Polish, frequently teaches interfaith audiences at the
Center for Religious Inquiry at St. Bartholomew's Church in New
York City. He is author of Talking about God: Exploring the Meaning
of Religious Life with Kierkegaard, Buber, Tillich and Heschel
(SkyLight Paths), Bringing the Psalms to Life: How to Understand
and Use the Book of Psalms and Keeping Faith with the Psalms:
Deepen Your Relationship with God Using the Book of Psalms (both
Jewish Lights), and has been a congregational rabbi for over thirty
Daniel F. Polish is available to speak on the following topics:
Jewish-Christian Relations: Accomplishments and Challenge
How to Make the Psalms Work for You
What Can Four Great Modern Theologians Tell Us about Our Religious
Jewish Religion and the Traditions of the East
Abraham, the Father of Three Faiths
Click here to contact the author.
Andrew Ramer is author of several books, including Ask Your
Haim O. Rechnitzer teaches modern Jewish thought at Hebrew Union
College–Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Avrom Reyzen (1876–1953) was a Yiddish writer, poet, and
Rabbi Jack Riemer, a well-known author and speaker, has conducted
many workshops and seminars to help people learn about the
inspiring tradition of ethical wills and to prepare their own. As
head of the National Rabbinic Network, a support system for rabbis
across all denominational lines, he gives sermon seminars to rabbis
throughout the United States. He is editor of The World of the High
Holy Days (Bernie Books) and Wrestling with the Angel (Schocken),
coeditor of So That Your Values Live On: Ethical Wills and How to
Prepare Them, and contributed to May God Remember: Memory and
Memorializing in Judaism—Yizkor (both Jewish Lights).
Albert Ringer is rabbi of the Reform community of Rotterdam, the
Netherlands and chaplain in the Dutch army.
Brant Rosen is rabbi of Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation in
Evanston, Illinois.
James B. Rosenberg is rabbi emeritus of Temple Habonim in Cranston,
Rhode Island.
Joel Rosenberg teaches Judaic Studies and World Literature at Tufts
University. His commentary on Genesis was published recently as
part of The HarperCollins Study Bible, and he also translated Kol
Haneshamah: The Reconstructionist Sabbath and Festival Prayer Book.
He is writing a book of essays about the Jewish experience on
Robert Saks is rabbi emeritus of Congregation Bet Mishpachah in
Washington, D.C.
Rabbi Jeffrey K. Salkin is recognized as one of the most thoughtful
Jewish writers and teachers of his generation. He has helped people
of all ages find spiritual meaning in both the great and small
moments in life.
A noted author whose work has appeared in many publications,
including the Wall Street Journal, Reader's Digest, and the
Congressional Record, Rabbi Salkin is editor of The Modern Men's
Torah Commentary: New Insights from Jewish Men on the 54 Weekly
Torah Portions; and author of Being God's Partner: How to Find the
Hidden Link Between Spirituality and Your Work, with an
introduction by Norman Lear; the bestseller Putting God on the
Guest List: How to Reclaim the Spiritual Meaning of Your Child's
Bar or Bat Mitzvah; For Kids—Putting God on Your Guest List: How to
Claim the Spiritual Meaning of Your Bar or Bat Mitzvah; and
Righteous Gentiles in the Hebrew Bible: Ancient Role Models for
Sacred Relationships (all Jewish Lights), among other books.
Rabbi Jeffrey K. Salkin is available to speak on the following
• Is God on Your Guest List?
• Where Are the Men?
• While You Were Out, God Called
• The Secret War Against Israel (or, Why John Lennon Was Wrong)
• Outside the Red Tent
Neil Sandler is senior rabbi at Ahavath Achim Synagogue in Atlanta,
Rabbi Zalman M. Schachter-Shalomi, the inspiration of the Jewish
Renewal movement, is widely recognized as one of the most important
Jewish spiritual teachers of our time. Professor emeritus at Temple
University, he has contributed to Jewish Mysticism and the
Spiritual Life: Classical Texts, Contemporary Reflections, and is
the author of Jewish with Feeling: A Guide to Meaningful Jewish
Practice, Davening: A Guide to Meaningful Jewish Prayer, winner of
the National Jewish Book Award; First Steps to a New Jewish Spirit:
Reb Zalman's Guide to Recapturing the Intimacy & Ecstasy in Your
Relationship with God, (all Jewish Lights); From Age-ing to
Sage-ing; and Wrapped in a Holy Flame, among other books.
Robert Scheinberg is rabbi of the United Synagogue in Hoboken, New
Rabbi Harold M. Schulweis, one of the most respected spiritual
leaders and teachers of his generation, has been a rabbi at Valley
Beth Shalom in Encino, California, for close to forty years. He is
the founding chairman of the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous,
an organization that identifies and offers grants to those non-Jews
who risked their lives to save Jews threatened by the agents of
Nazi savagery. He is also the founder of Jewish World Watch, which
aims to raise moral consciousness within the Jewish community.
Synagogues and other religious institutions are now supporting this
effort across the country.
Rabbi Schulweis is the author of many books, including: Conscience:
The Duty to Obey and the Duty to Disobey (Jewish Lights),
Approaches to the Philosophy of Religion, For Those Who Can't
Believe, Finding Each Other in Judaism, In God's Mirror, and two
books of original religious poetry and meditation—From Birth to
Immortality and Passages in Poetry. His Evil and the Morality of
God is regarded as a classic.
Arthur Segal is a rabbi who specializes in Jewish spiritual
Allen Selis is headmaster of South Peninsula Hebrew Day School in
Palo Alto, California.
Rami Shapiro, a renowned teacher of spirituality across faith
traditions and a noted theologian, is a popular speaker on the
topics of religion, theology and spirituality. He is author of the
award-winning The Sacred Art of Lovingkindness: Preparing to
Practice; Recovery—The Sacred Art: The Twelve Steps as Spiritual
Practice and Hasidic Tales: Annotated and Explained; among other
Rami Shapiro is available to speak on the following topics:
Writing—The Sacred Art: Beyond the Page to Spiritual Practice
Stop Playing God: 12 Steps as Spiritual Practice
Biblical Wisdom for Post-biblical Times: An Exploration of
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Job
The Sacred Art of Lovingkindness: Cultivating Compassion in Daily
Hasidic Wisdom: An Exploration of Hasidic Storytelling, Theology
and Contemplative Practice
Saints and Sages: Biblical Prophets, Ancient Rabbis and the
Building of a Just World
Andrew Shaw is executive director of Tribe and community
development rabbi of Stanmore United Synagogue in the United
Rick Sherwin is rabbi of Congregation Beth Am in Longwood,
Shneur Zalman of Liadi (1745–1812) was the founder of Chabad
Hasidism and author of the Tanya.
Yaakov David Shulman is a writer, translator, and editor.
Danny Siegel is an inspiring poet and writer who is also recognized
for his creative tzedakah work in North America and in Israel. He
is the author of books of poetry and inspirational essays,
including the works Where Heaven and Earth Touch (Jason Aronson,
1989) and The Lord is a Whisper at Midnight: Psalms and Prayers
(Town House Press, 1985). Danny Siegel is also the recipient of the
1993 Covenant Award for Exceptional Jewish Educators.
Rifat Sonsino, scholar and rabbi, is spiritual leader of Temple
Beth Shalom in Needham, Massachusetts. Ordained at Hebrew Union
College–Jewish Institute of Religion, he holds a degree in law and
a Ph.D. in Bible and ancient Near Eastern studies. He has served as
editor of the Central Conference of American Rabbis Journal and is
the co-author of Finding God—Ten Jewish Responses and What Happens
after I Die? Jewish Views of Life after Death. He and his wife,
Ines, have two children—Daniel and Deborah—and are the proud
grandparents of Ariella.
Wally "Velvel" Spiegler lives in Massachusetts.
Rabbi Elie Kaplan Spitz is the author of Healing from Despair:
Choosing Wholeness in a Broken World and Does the Soul Survive? A
Jewish Journey to Belief in Afterlife, Past Lives & Living with
Purpose (both Jewish Lights). A spiritual leader and scholar
specializing in topics of spirituality and Judaism, he teaches,
writes, and speaks to a wide range of audiences. He has served as
the rabbi of Congregation B'nai Israel in Tustin, California, for
more than a decade and is a member of the Rabbinical Assembly
Committee of Law and Standards.
Chaim Stern (1930–2001) served as rabbi of Temple Beth El in
Chappaqua, New York.
Arnold Stiebel, rabbi, is a family and pastoral counselor at
Meditation Matters in Woodland Hills, California.
Warren Stone is rabbi of Temple Emanuel in Kensington,
Neil A. Tow is rabbi of the Glen Rock Jewish Center in Glen Rock,
New Jersey.
Roy A. Walter is rabbi emeritus of Temple Emanuel in Houston,
Rabbi Simkha Y. Weintraub, LCSW, is the rabbinic director of the
New York Jewish Healing Center and the National Center for Jewish
Healing at the Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services in
New York City. He is the author of Healing of Soul, Healing of
Body: Spiritual Leaders
Unfold the Strength and Solace in Psalms (Jewish Lights Publishing)
and Guide Me Along the Way: A Jewish Spiritual Companion for
Surgery (National Center for Jewish Healing).
Rabbi David J. Wolpe is rabbi of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, and
author of Why Faith Matters, among other books.
Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev (1740–1809), rabbi, was well known for
his posture called chutzpah k'lappei malah (chutzpah in the face of
heaven), which challenged God.
Hillel Zeitlin (1871–1942) was a Yiddish and Hebrew writer who
edited the Yiddish newspaper Moment.
Reuben Zellman is rabbi and music director at Congregation Beth El
in Berkeley, California.
Rabbi Daniel G. Zemel is the senior rabbi of Temple Micah in
Washington, D.C. He contributed to Jewish Men Pray: Words of
Yearning, Praise, Petition, Gratitude and Wonder from Traditional
and Contemporary Sources, May God Remember: Memory and
Memorializing in Judaism—Yizkor, Who by Fire, Who by Water—Un'taneh
Tokef, All These Vows—Kol Nidre, and We Have Sinned: Sin and
Confession in Judaism—Ashamnu and Al Chet (all Jewish Lights).
Shawn Zevit is a Reconstructionist rabbi, singer, and songwriter
whose work has focused on outreach to congregations and the men's
movement in Judaism.
Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman founded the Task Force on Alcoholism of the
Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York. While he was rabbi
of Central Synagogue in New York City, his congregation sponsored
the first Alcoholics Anonymous group to meet in a synagogue.
Formerly president of Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of
Religion, he is now rabbi of the Jewish Center of the Hamptons
Mishael Zion, rabbi, is codirector of Bronfman Youth
Raymond A. Zwerin is founding rabbi of Temple Sinai in Denver,
"[A] rare book whose execution is as skillful as the need is deep.
We need to learn how to pray as men and here is the guidance that
will help us along this sacred path."
—Rabbi David Wolpe, Sinai Temple, Los Angeles, California; author,
Why Faith Matters
“This is not a book about how Jewish men pray; on the contrary, it
is a meaningful, thoughtful, spiritually uplifting book of prayers
composed by men ... for anyone and everyone who seeks to be
inspired at any moment of the day.”
—Rabbi Charles Simon, executive director, Federation of Jewish
Men's Clubs; author, Building a Successful Volunteer Culture:
Finding Meaning in Service in the Jewish Community
“Beautifully done. I hope it will be used extensively by
individuals and organized Jewish men’s groups.”
—Doug Barden, executive director, Men of Reform Judaism
“Gives you the most sensitive, poignant and powerful words of men
at prayer. It will shatter your stereotypes and lift your soul.
You’ll want to bring it with you to synagogue!”
—Rabbi Jeffrey K. Salkin, editor, The Modern Men’s Torah
Commentary: New Insights from Jewish Men on the 54 Weekly Torah
“What? Me, pray? Open this book and see if you connect. Here is
help finding your voice.”
—Rabbi Joseph B. Meszler, author, A Man’s Responsibility: A Jewish
Guide to Being a Son, a Partner in Marriage, a Father and a
Community Leader
“Beautiful, heartfelt, uplifting ... will provide inspiration and
guidance to anyone seeking a more intimate relationship with the
Divine. I hope this spiritually elegant book is read by people of
all faiths.”
—Larry Dossey, MD, author, Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and
the Practice of Medicine; executive editor, Explore: The Journal of
Science and Healing
“Offers graceful interpretations of formal prayers and creative
writing of soulful 'rebbes’ who transform prayer into what it is
intended to be—a service of the heart.”
—Rabbi Avi Weiss, senior rabbi, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale;
author, Spiritual Activism: A Jewish Guide to Leadership and
Repairing the World
“A rich collection…. Many men will find themselves resonating
deeply with these meditations, which are certainly not for men
—Harry Brod, professor of philosophy and world religions,
University of Northern Iowa; editor, A Mensch Among Men
“Remarkable—a book of prayers to live by and turn to in good times
and in challenging times.”
—Rabbi Naomi Levy, author, Talking to God; spiritual leader,
“Heartfelt, enlightening, irresistible. Part siddur, part
encyclopedia, there’s something here to nourish the soul of every
Jewish man. I can’t put it down.”
—Jeff Levin, PhD, MPH, university professor of epidemiology and
population health, Baylor University; coeditor, Judaism and Health:
A Handbook of Practical, Professional and Scholarly Resources
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