Introduction : "trying to do school"
Paths diverged : student outcomes by college generational
Being a transitional generation and navigating schools
Middle and high school transitions and experiences on the path to
College transitions : five paths post high school
Smoothing pathways from middle school to college
The journey before us : first-generation college students and
college completion
Laura Nichols is an associate professor of sociology at Santa Clara University in California. She is the co-editor of Undocumented and In College: Students and Institutions in a Climate of National Hostility.
"This book should appeal to researchers in the fields of the
sociology of education, as it contributes to the literature on
Latinos and first-generation college students. This is an important
text, as it highlights the barriers FGC students confront, in spite
of institutional efforts to mitigate the effects of those
transitions."— Journal of Latinos and Education
The Chronicle of Higher Education 'Selected New Books on Higher
Education' round-up—
Chronicle of Higher Education
“In this approachable yet informative work, Laura Nichols explores
why first-generation students struggle to remain on the journey
toward college enrollment and completion. This
thoroughly-researched book is very impressive!”— Susan A. Dumais,
Lehman College and the Graduate Center, City University of New
"'The Journey Before Us' - Author describes her book on
first-generation students" by Scott Jaschik
— Inside Higher Education
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