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Language Learning Beyond the Classroom


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Table of Contents



Part I. Involving the learner in out-of-class learning1. Richard Day and Thomas Robb Extensive Reading2. Betsy Gilliland Listening Logs for Extensive Listening Practice3. JoDee Walters Carrying vocabulary learning outside the classroom4. Erika Kerekes Using songs and lyrics in out-of-class learning5. Nana Long and Jing Huang Out-of-class pronunciation learning: Are EFL learners ready in China?6. David L. Chiesa and Kathleen M. Bailey Dialogue Journals: Learning for a Lifetime

Part II: Using technology and the internet7. Averil Coxhead and Julie Bytheway Learning vocabulary using two massive online resources: You will not blink8. Alice Chik "I don't know how to talk basketball before playing NBA 2K10": Using digital games for out-of-class language learning9. Maria do Carmo Righini The use of social media resources in advanced level classes10. Ken Beatty Essentially Social: online language learning with social networks11. Olga Kozar Language Exchange websites for independent learning12. Akihiko Sasaki E-mail tandem language learning

Part III: Learning through television13. Andy Curtis Learning English through the language of the Pokémon: “Just watchin’ TV, Ma”
14. Anthony Hanf Resourcing Authentic Language in television series15. Phoebe M. S. Lin and Anna Siyanova-Chanturia Internet television for L2 learning16. Stuart Webb Extensive viewing: Language learning through watching television

Part IV: Out-of-class projects17. Jennifer Grode and Adrienne Stacy Authentic materials and project-based learning: In pursuit of accuracy18. Catarina Pontes and Marilisa Shimazumi Learning-to-learn with ourselves and with our peers through technology 19. Leonardo A. Mercado Integrating classroom learning and autonomous learning20. Kelley Calvert The Ecology of English: Real world experiences in sustainability and language learning 21. Lindsay Miller and Christoph A. Hafner Taking Control: A digital video project for English for Science students

Part V: Interacting with native-speakers22. Jane Arnold and Carmen Fonseca-Mora Language and cultural encounters: Opportunities for interaction with native speakers23. John Macalister Study Abroad Programme Design and Goal Fulfillment: “I’d like to talk like a Kiwi”24. Phiona Stanley Talking to strangers: Learning Spanish by using it25. Marc Cadd Increasing the linguistic and cultural benefits of study abroad26. Maike Grau and Michael Legutke Linking language learning inside and outside the classroom: Perspectives from teacher education 27. Chihiro Kinoshita Thomson and Tamami Mori Japanese Communities of Practice: Creating opportunities for out-of-class learning28. Gary Barkhuizen Learning English with a home tutor: Meeting the needs of migrant learners

List of Contributors

About the Author

David Nunan is a language teacher, teacher educator, researcher, consultant and author. He has published over 30 academic books on second language curriculum design, development and evaluation, teacher education, and research.

Jack C. Richards is an applied linguist, teacher educator, and textbook author, a specialist in the teaching of English as a second language (TESOL) who has had an active career in the Asia Pacific region (Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Hawaii) for many years. He is an honorary professor at the University of Sydney.


"I am happy to see this innovative collection…. I do not know of another volume with this focus. So, this is a very exciting venture, and I am very pleased to see it." MaryAnn Christison, University of Utah, Department of Linguistics/Urban Institute for Teacher Education, USA "This is a very original idea and an innovative publication, certainly in keeping with the times with its attention to autonomy, digital learning, and language learner strategies."Paul Nation, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand "Language Learning Beyond the Classroom offers a new perspective on autonomouslearning by showing how out-of-class learning can complement classroom-based learning. This shift of perspective is especially timely in an era in which rapidly developing internet-based technologies and opportunities for travel have dramatically expanded affordances for foreign language learning and use beyond the classroom."Phil Benson, Macquarie University

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