From trusted primary education expert Andrew Brodie, the Let's Do... series is the ideal home learning resource for children. Expertly designed to meet all the demands of the National Curriculum, the workbooks provide all the practice children need to build their confidence and boost their ability. _______________ From one of the most trusted education authors, and matched to the National Curriculum, this book offers all the practice and tips your child needs to boost their times tables! With 35 practice pages and 7 progress tests, each book includes over 300 questions accompanied by useful tips and extra advice from Olly the wise old owl. Further challenges, requiring children to apply problem-solving skills, are featured in Brodie's Brain Boosters. And because motivation and encouragement are key to a child's success, each book includes over 100 full colour reward stickers!
From trusted primary education expert Andrew Brodie, the Let's Do... series is the ideal home learning resource for children. Expertly designed to meet all the demands of the National Curriculum, the workbooks provide all the practice children need to build their confidence and boost their ability. _______________ From one of the most trusted education authors, and matched to the National Curriculum, this book offers all the practice and tips your child needs to boost their times tables! With 35 practice pages and 7 progress tests, each book includes over 300 questions accompanied by useful tips and extra advice from Olly the wise old owl. Further challenges, requiring children to apply problem-solving skills, are featured in Brodie's Brain Boosters. And because motivation and encouragement are key to a child's success, each book includes over 100 full colour reward stickers!
Matched to the demands of the National Curriculum to provide all the practice your child needs to build their confidence and boost their ability with the all-important times tables!
Andrew Brodie was a head teacher for twelve years after many successful years in the classroom. He began writing his best-selling educational workbooks in 1992 and since then has established himself as an author that parents and teachers have come to trust.
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