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The Letters and Diaries of­ John Henry Newman: The ­Final Step
1 November 1843 - 6 October 1845: Volume 10 (Newman Letters & Diaries)

Hardback, 1058 pages
United Kingdom, 1 November 2006

John Henry Newman (1801-90) was brought up in the Church of England in the Evangelical tradition. An Oxford graduate and Fellow of Oriel College, he was appointed Vicar of St Mary's Oxford in 1828; from 1839 onwards he began to have doubts about the claims of the Anglican Church for

Catholicity and in 1845 he was received into the Roman Catholic Church. He was made a Cardinal in 1879. His influence on both the restoration of Roman Catholicism in England and the advance of Catholic ideas in the Church of England was profound.

This key volume covers the final twenty-three months of Newman's Anglican years from November 1843 to 6 October 1845. It begins with Francis Rivington's refusal to publish Lives of the English Saints because of their Roman Catholic bias, and Newman's withdrawal from the editorship after the first

two volumes of the series is published by another publishing house. The whole country is watching his every move. Rumours are rife and rampant. He is accused of being in the pay of the Pope. He is also accused of being a Jesuit or about to become one. But the attacks which really hit home are those

accusing him of being a liar, a sceptic, and a traitor.

In February 1845, the University of Oxford's Convocation deprives William George Ward of his BA and MA Oxford degrees; and the proposal to censure Newman's Tract 90 is vetoed by two University Proctors. Newman sets to work in earnest on his Essay on Development, the publication of which will be the

signal of his intentions to become a Roman Catholic. It goes to the printers in the third week of September. From this point on, events move swiftly. It is only a matter of days before Newman is received intothe Church of Rome by Father Dominic Barberi at Littlemore on 9 October 1845.

Appointed the editor of Newman's Letters and Diaries in January 2003, following the sudden death of the previous editor, Gerard Tracey, Francis McGrath is an Australian Marist Brother and was the first Australian to complete doctoral work in Newman studies at Oxford. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, he undertook postgraduate studies at Boston College, Massachusetts. Recent work in Australia has included writing and coordinating three nationwide distance theological education programmes.

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Product Description

John Henry Newman (1801-90) was brought up in the Church of England in the Evangelical tradition. An Oxford graduate and Fellow of Oriel College, he was appointed Vicar of St Mary's Oxford in 1828; from 1839 onwards he began to have doubts about the claims of the Anglican Church for

Catholicity and in 1845 he was received into the Roman Catholic Church. He was made a Cardinal in 1879. His influence on both the restoration of Roman Catholicism in England and the advance of Catholic ideas in the Church of England was profound.

This key volume covers the final twenty-three months of Newman's Anglican years from November 1843 to 6 October 1845. It begins with Francis Rivington's refusal to publish Lives of the English Saints because of their Roman Catholic bias, and Newman's withdrawal from the editorship after the first

two volumes of the series is published by another publishing house. The whole country is watching his every move. Rumours are rife and rampant. He is accused of being in the pay of the Pope. He is also accused of being a Jesuit or about to become one. But the attacks which really hit home are those

accusing him of being a liar, a sceptic, and a traitor.

In February 1845, the University of Oxford's Convocation deprives William George Ward of his BA and MA Oxford degrees; and the proposal to censure Newman's Tract 90 is vetoed by two University Proctors. Newman sets to work in earnest on his Essay on Development, the publication of which will be the

signal of his intentions to become a Roman Catholic. It goes to the printers in the third week of September. From this point on, events move swiftly. It is only a matter of days before Newman is received intothe Church of Rome by Father Dominic Barberi at Littlemore on 9 October 1845.

Appointed the editor of Newman's Letters and Diaries in January 2003, following the sudden death of the previous editor, Gerard Tracey, Francis McGrath is an Australian Marist Brother and was the first Australian to complete doctoral work in Newman studies at Oxford. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, he undertook postgraduate studies at Boston College, Massachusetts. Recent work in Australia has included writing and coordinating three nationwide distance theological education programmes.

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Product Details
23.5 x 16.2 x 5.8 centimeters (1.33 kg)

Table of Contents

Introductory Note
Summary of Events covered by this Volume
Appendix 1. Review of Sermons, bearing on Subjects of the Day in the Christian Remembrancer, January 1845
Appendix 2. 'The Littlemore Lives of the English Saints
Appendix 3. J. H. Newman's three contributions to the ILives of the English Saints
Appendix 4. James Bowling Mozley, 'Recent Proceedings at Oxford', Christian Remembrancer, April 1845
Appendix 5. Introduction to An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, first edition
Appendix 6. Five pamphlets against the formal censure of Tract 90 and one pamphlet for the measure
Appendix 7. Newspaper articles following Newman's conversion to the Roman Catholic Church 9 October 1845
Appendix 8. Editorial on Newman's conversion in The Tablet, Saturday 25 October 1845
Appendix 9. James Bowling Mozley, 'The recent Schism', Christian Remembrancer, January 1846
List of Letters by Correspondents
Index of Persons and Places

About the Author

Appointed the editor of Newman's Letters and Diaries in January 2003, following the sudden death of the previous editor, Gerard Tracey, Francis McGrath is an Australian Marist Brother and was the first Australian to complete doctoral work in Newman studies at Oxford. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, he undertook postgraduate studies at Boston College, Massachusetts. Recent work in Australia has included writing and coordinating three nationwide
distance theological education programmes.


This book is a scholarly tool, magnificently edited, and with a good introduction. Barry A. Orford, Church Times ...peerless, irreplaceable, the essential source Pluscarden Benedictines The power and stories these letters tell in enhanced by the high editorial standards we have come to expect from this series. It is to be hoped that such excellence will be displayed in other edited works, both by Newman and by the other members of the Tractarian circles. Robert H. Ellison, English Historical Review

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