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The Longman Anthology of ­British Literature, Volume ­2b
The Victorian Age

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Paperback, 1056 pages
United Kingdom, 31 August 2002

"Volume 2B: The Victorian Age of The Longman Anthology of British Literature" is a comprehensive and thoughtfully arranged anthology that offers a rich selection of major British authors throughout the Victorian age. The anthology includes Perspectives and Companion Readings which show how major literary writings interrelate with and respond to various social, historical, and cultural events of Great Britain in the Victorian period. With a generous representation of fiction, drama, and poetry, the second edition includes major additions of important works and an expanded illustration program. Fresh and up-to-date introductions and notes are written by an editorial team whose members are all actively engaged in teaching and in current scholarship, and illustrations show both artistic and cultural developments of the period. For those interested in British Literature of the Victorian Period.

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Product Description

"Volume 2B: The Victorian Age of The Longman Anthology of British Literature" is a comprehensive and thoughtfully arranged anthology that offers a rich selection of major British authors throughout the Victorian age. The anthology includes Perspectives and Companion Readings which show how major literary writings interrelate with and respond to various social, historical, and cultural events of Great Britain in the Victorian period. With a generous representation of fiction, drama, and poetry, the second edition includes major additions of important works and an expanded illustration program. Fresh and up-to-date introductions and notes are written by an editorial team whose members are all actively engaged in teaching and in current scholarship, and illustrations show both artistic and cultural developments of the period. For those interested in British Literature of the Victorian Period.

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23.6 x 16.4 x 2.2 centimeters (0.73 kg)

Table of Contents


Thomas Carlyle.
Past and Present. Perspectives: The Industrial Landscape.
The Steam Loom Weaver.Fanny Kemble.From Record of a Girlhood. Thomas Babington Macaulay.From A Review of Southey's Colloquies. Parliamentary Papers (“Blue Books”).Testimony of Hannah Goode, a Child Textile Worker. Testimony of Ann and Elizabeth Eggley, Child Mineworkers. Charles Dickens.From Dombey and Son. From Hard Times. Benjamin Disraeli.From Sybil. Friedrich Engels.From The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844. Henry Mayhew.From London Labour and the London Poor. John Stuart Mill.On Liberty. The Subjection of Women. Statement Repudiating the Rights of Husbands. Autobiography. Elizabeth Barrett Browning.To George Sand: A Desire. To George Sand: A Recognition. A Year's Spinning. Sonnets from the Portuguese. Aurora Leigh. From A Curse for a Nation. A Musical Instrument. The Best Thing in the World. Alfred, Lord Tennyson.The Kraken. Mariana. The Lady of Shalott. The Lotos-Eaters. Ulysses. Tithonus. Break, Break, Break. The Epic [Morte d'Arthur]. The Eagle: A Fragment. Locksley Hall. The Princess.Sweet and Low. The Splendour Falls. Tears, Idle Tears. Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal. Come Down, O Maid. [The Woman's Cause is Man's]. From In Memoriam A. H. H. The Charge of the Light Brigade. Idylls of the King. The Higher Pantheism. Flower in the Crannied Wall. Crossing the Bar. Edward Fitzgerald.The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayy“m. Charles Darwin.The Voyage of the Beagle. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. The Descent of Man. From Autobiography. Perspectives: Religion and Science.
Thomas Babington Macaulay.From Lord Bacon. Charles Dickens.From Sunday Under Three Heads. David Friedrich Strauss.From The Life of Jesus Critically Examined. Charlotte Brontë.From Jane Eyre. Arthur Hugh Clough.Epi-strauss-ium. The Latest Decalogue. From Dipsychus. John William Colenso.From The Pentateuch and Book of Joshua Critically Examined. John Henry Cardinal Newman.From Apologia Pro Vita Sua. Thomas Henry Huxley.From Evolution and Ethics. Sir Edmund Gosse.From Father and Son. Robert Browning.Porphyria's Lover. Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister. My Last Duchess. How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix. Home-Thoughts, from Abroad. Home-Thoughts, from the Sea. The Bishop Orders His Tomb at Saint Praxed's Church. Meeting at Night. Parting at Morning. A Toccata of Galuppi's. Memorabilia. Love Among the Ruins. “Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came.” Fra Lippo Lippi. The Last Ride Together. Andrea del Sarto. Two in the Campagna. A Woman's Last Word. Caliban upon Setebos. Epilogue to Asolando. Charles Dickens.A Christmas Carol. From A Walk in a Workhouse. Companion Readings.Recollections by His Children and Friends, Dickens at Work.Dickens Giving a Reading of A Christmas Carol, Kate Field.Popular Short Fiction.
Elizabeth Gaskell.Our Society at Cranford. Thomas Hardy.The Withered Arm. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.A Scandal in Bohemia. Edith Nesbit.Fortunatus Rex & Co. John Ruskin.Modern Painters. The Stones of Venice. From Modern Manufacture and Design. Praeterita. Florence Nightingale.Cassandra. Perspectives: Victorian Ladies and Gentlemen.
Francis Power Cobbe.From Life of Frances Power Cobbe As Told by Herself. Sarah Stickney Ellis.From The Women of England: Their Social Duties and Domestic Habits. Charlotte Brontë.From Letter to Emily Brontë. Anne Brontë.From Agnes Grey. John Henry Cardinal Newman.From The Idea of a University. Caroline Norton.From A Letter to the Queen. George Eliot.Margaret Fuller and Mary Wollstonecraft. Thomas Hughes.From Tom Brown's School Days. Isabella Beeton.From The Book of Household Management. Queen Victoria.Letters and Journal Entries on the Position of Women. Charles Kingsley.From Letters and Memories. Sir Henry Newbolt.Vitaï Lampada. Matthew Arnold.Isolation. To Marguerite. To Marguerite-Continued. Dover Beach. Lines Written in Kensington Gardens. The Buried Life. Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse. The Scholar Gipsy. East London. West London. Thyrsis. The Function of Criticism at the Present Time. Culture and Anarchy. From The Study of Poetry. Dante Gabriel Rossetti.The Blessed Damozel. The Woodspurge. The House of Life. The Burden of Nineveh. Christina Rossetti.Song (“She sat and sang always”).Song (“When I am dead, my dearest”).Remember. After Death. A Pause. Echo. Dead Before Death. Cobwebs. A Triad. In an Artist's Studio. A Birthday. An Apple-Gathering. Winter: My Secret. Up-Hill. Goblin Market. “No, thank you, John.” Promises Like Pie-Crust. In Progress. What Would I Give? A Life's Parallels. Later Life. Sleeping at Last. William Morris.The Defence of Guenevere. The Haystack in the Floods. From The Beauty of Life. Algernon Charles Swinburne.The Leper. The Triumph of Time. Itylus. Hymn to Proserpine. A Forsaken Garden. The Higher Pantheism in a Nutshell. Walter Pater.The Renaissance. From The Child in the House. Gerard Manley Hopkins.God's Grandeur. The Starlight Night. Spring. The Windhover. Pied Beauty. Hurrahing in Harvest. Binsey Poplars. Duns Scotus's Oxford. Felix Randal. Spring and Fall: to a young child. As Kingfishers Catch Fire. [Carrion Comfort]. No Worst, There Is None. I Wake and Feel the Fell of Dark, Not Day. That Nature Is a Heraclitean Fire and of the Comfort of the Ressurection. Thou Art Indeed Just, Lord. From Journal [On “Inscape” and “Instress”]. From Letter to R. W. Dixon [On Sprung Rhythm]. Lewis Carroll.Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Through the Looking Glass. Perspectives: The Invention of Childhood.
Charles Darwin.From A Biographical Sketch of an Infant. Moral Verses.Table Rules for Little Folks. The Mouse and the Cake, Eliza Cook.The Story of Augustus who would Not have any Soup, Heinrich Hoffmann.The Watercress Seller, Thomas Miller.Willie Winkie, William Miller.Edward Lear.[Selected Limericks]. The Owl and the Pussy-Cat. The Jumblies. How Pleasant to Know Mr. Lear! Christina Rossetti.From Sing-Song: A Nursery Rhyme Book. Robert Louis Stevenson.From A Child's Garden of Verses. Hilaire Belloc.From The Bad Child's Book of Beasts. From Cautionary Tales for Children. Beatrix Potter.The Tale of Peter Rabbit. Daisy Ashford.From The Young Visiters; or, Mr. Salteena's Plan. Henry James.From What Maisie Knew. Rudyard Kipling.Without Benefit of Clergy. Just So Stories.How the Whale Got His Throat. How the Camel Got His Hump. Gunga Din. The Widow at Windsor. Recessional. Perspectives: Travel and Empire.
Frances Trollope.From Domestic Manners of the Americans. Thomas Babington Macaulay.From The Minute on Indian Education. Alexander Kinglake.From Eothen . Sir Richard Francis Burton.From A Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah. Isabella Bird.From A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains. Sir Henry Morton Stanley.From Through the Dark Continent. Mary Kingsley.From Travels in West Africa. Rudyard Kipling.The White Man's Burden. If—. Robert Louis Stevenson.The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Oscar Wilde.Impression du Matin. The Harlot's House. Symphony in Yellow. From The Decay of Lying. From The Soul of Man Under Socialism. Peface to The Picture of Dorian Gray. The Importance of Being Earnest. Aphorisms. From De Profundis. Companion Reading.From The Trials of Oscar Wilde, H. Montgomery Hyde.Perspectives: Aestheticism, Decadence, and the Fin de Siècle.
W. S. Gilbert.If You're Anxious for to Shine in the High Aesthetic Line. James McNeill Whistler.From from Mr. Whistler's “Ten O'Clock.” “Michael Field” (Katharine Bradley and Edith Cooper).La Gioconda. A Pen-Drawing of Leda. “A Girl”. Ada Leverson.Suggestion. Arthur Symons.Pastel. White Heliotrope. From The Decadent Movement in Literature. From Preface to Silhouettes. Richard Le Gallienne.A Ballad of London. Lionel Johnson.The Destroyer of a Soul. The Dark Angel. A Decadent's Lyric. Lord Alfred Douglas.In Praise of Shame. Two Loves. Impression de nuit: London. Olive Custance (Lady Alfred Douglas).The Masquerade. Statues. The White Witch. Max Beerbohm.Enoch Soames.


Joseph Conrad.
Preface to The Nigger of the “Narcissus”. Heart of Darkness. Companion Readings.From The Congo Diary, Joseph Conrad.From Address to the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, Sir Henry Morton Stanley.We Live As We Dream, Alone, Gang of Four.Bernard Shaw.
Pygmalion. Letters.To Francis Collison (20 August 1903). To The Times (30 October 1906). Thomas Hardy.
Hap. Neutral Tones. Wessex Heights. The Darkling Thrush. On the Departure Platform. The Convergence of the Twain. At Castle Boterel. Channel Firing. In Time of “The Breaking of Nations”. I Looked Up from My Writing. “And There Was a Great Calm”. Logs on the Hearth. The Photograph. The Fallow Deer at the Lonely House. Afterwards. Epitaph. Perspectives: The Great War: Confronting the Modern.
Blast.Vorticist Manifesto. Rupert Brooke.The Great Lover. The Soldier. Sigfried Sassoon.Glory of Women. They. The Rear Guard. Everyone Sang. Wilfred Owen.Anthem for Doomed Youth. Disabled. Strange Meeting. Dulce et Decorum Est. Isaac Rosenberg.Break of Day in the Trenches. Dead Man's Dump. David Jones.From In Parenthesis. Robert Graves.From Goodbye to All That. Speeches on Irish Independence.
Charles Stuart Parnell.Proclamation of the Irish Republic. Padraic Perse.Michael Collins.William Butler Yeats.The Lake Isle of Innisfree. Who Goes with Fergus? No Second Troy. The Fascination of What's Difficult. September 1913. The Wild Swans at Coole. An Irish Airman Foresees His Death. Easter 1916. The Second Coming. Prayer for My Daughter. Sailing to Byzantium. Meditations in Time of Civil War. Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen. Leda and the Swan. Among School Children. Byzantium. Crazy Jane Talks with the Bishop. Lapis Lazuli. The Circus Animals' Desertion. Under Ben Bulben. James Joyce.Dubliners.Araby. Eveline. Clay. The Dead. Ulysses. Finnegans Wake, and a First Draft Version of Finnegan's Wake. T. S. Eliot.The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. Companion Readings.[Cleverness and the New Poetry], Arthur Waugh.Drunken Helots and Mr. Eliot, Ezra Pound.Gerontion. The Waste Land. Journey of the Magi. Four Quartets. Tradition and the Individual Talent. Virginia Woolf.Lady in the Looking-Glass: A Reflection. From A Room of One's Own. From Three Guineas. From The Diaries. From Letter to Gerald Brenan (25 December 1922). Mrs. Dalloway. Perspectives: Regendering Modernism.
Virginia Woolf.From Orlando. Vita Sackville-West.Seducers in Ecuador. E. M. Forster.The Life to Come. Rebecca West.Indissoluble Matrimony. Katherine Mansfield.The Daughters of the Late Colonel. Jean Rhys.Mannequin. Angela Carter.Penetrating to the Heart of the Forest. D. H. Lawrence.Piano. Song of a Man Who Has Come Through. Tortoise Shout. Snake. Bavarian Gentians. Cypresses. The Horse Dealer's Daughter. Odor of Chrysanthemums. Surgery for the Novel—or a Bomb. Graham Greene.A Chance for Mr. Lever. Perspectives: World War II and the End of Empire.
Sir Winston Churchill.Two Speeches Before the House of Commons. Stephen Spender.Icarus. What I Expected. The Express. The Pylons. Elizabeth Bowen.Mysterious Kôr. Evelyn Waugh.The Man Who Liked Dickens. Cruise. Companion Reading.Travel Agent, Monty Python.George Orwell.Politics and the English Language. Shooting an Elephant. Salman Rushdie.Christopher Columbus and Queen Isabella of Spain Consummate Their Relationship. Dylan Thomas.The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower. Fern Hill. Poem in October. Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night. Return Journey. Samuel Beckett.Krapp's Last Tape. Texts for Nothing. The Expelled. Post-War Poets: English Voices.
W. H. Auden.Musée des Beaux Arts. In Memory of W. B. Yeats. Spain 1937. Lullaby. September 1, 1939. In Praise of Limestone. Stevie Smith.Not Waving But Drowning. Pretty. How Cruel Is the Story of Eve. The New Age. Philip Larkin.Church Going. High Windows. Talking in Bed. MCMXIV. Sylvia Plath.The Colossus. Daddy. Lady Lazarus. Child. Ted Hughes.Wind. Relic. Theology. Dust as We Are. Leaf Mould. Telegraph Wires. Thom Gunn.Lines from a Book. Elvis Presley. A Map of the City. Black Jackets. From the Wave. The Hug. Patch Work. The Missing. V. S. Naipaul.In a Free State. Caryl Churchill.Cloud 9. Perspectives: Whose Language?
Seamus Heaney.The Toome Road. A Postcard from North Antrium. The Singer's House. Punishment. The Skunk. Station Island. In Memoriam Francis Ledwidge. Postscript. Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill.Feeding a Child. Parthenogenesis. Labasheedy (The Silken Bed). As for the Quince. Why I Choose to Write in Irish, the Corpse That Sits Up and Talks Back. Ngugi Wa Thiongo.The Language of African Literature. Nadine Gordimer.What Were you Dreaming? James Kelman.Home for a Couple of Days. Eavan Boland.Anorexic. The Journey. The Pomegranate. A Woman Painted on a Leaf. Mise Eire. Paul Muldoon.Cuba. Aisling. Meeting the British. Sleeve Notes. Derek Walcott.A Far Cry from Africa. Wales. The Fortunate Traveller. Midsummer. Political and Religious Orders.Money, Weights, and Measures.Literary and Cultural Terms.Bibliographies.Credits.Index.

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