The distinctive feature of this book is that it provides a unified framework for the analysis of short- and medium-run macroeconomics. This gives students a model that they can use themselves to understand a wide range of real-world macroeconomic behaviour and policy issues. The authors introduce a new graphical model (IS/PC/MR) based on the 3-equation New Keynesian model used in modern macroeconomics. The three equations are BL the IS
curve BL the Phillips curve and BL an interest rate-based monetary policy rule. The use of a common framework throughout for closed and open economies helps readers develop the
economic intuition with which to address a diversity of macroeconomic problems. Applied chapters show how the models can be used to analyse performance in OECD economies over the past twenty-five years. The chapters on growth present an in-depth coverage of the Solow-Swan, endogenous and Schumpeterian models that allow the reader to understand how these approaches can be used to answer the big questions of growth: why some countries are rich and others, poor; why some catch up and others do
not. Since the book is based on the mainstream 3-equation model used at the research frontier, the book gives students the economics background necessary for accessing advanced
macroeconomics. It is also designed to appeal to graduate students, non-specialists in macroeconomics, professional economists and those from related disciplines who want a guide to the complexities of modern macroeconomics and to understand contemporary policy debates. Online Resource Centre For lecturers: password-protected solutions and diagrams from the text. For students: exercises and
checklist questions.
The distinctive feature of this book is that it provides a unified framework for the analysis of short- and medium-run macroeconomics. This gives students a model that they can use themselves to understand a wide range of real-world macroeconomic behaviour and policy issues. The authors introduce a new graphical model (IS/PC/MR) based on the 3-equation New Keynesian model used in modern macroeconomics. The three equations are BL the IS
curve BL the Phillips curve and BL an interest rate-based monetary policy rule. The use of a common framework throughout for closed and open economies helps readers develop the
economic intuition with which to address a diversity of macroeconomic problems. Applied chapters show how the models can be used to analyse performance in OECD economies over the past twenty-five years. The chapters on growth present an in-depth coverage of the Solow-Swan, endogenous and Schumpeterian models that allow the reader to understand how these approaches can be used to answer the big questions of growth: why some countries are rich and others, poor; why some catch up and others do
not. Since the book is based on the mainstream 3-equation model used at the research frontier, the book gives students the economics background necessary for accessing advanced
macroeconomics. It is also designed to appeal to graduate students, non-specialists in macroeconomics, professional economists and those from related disciplines who want a guide to the complexities of modern macroeconomics and to understand contemporary policy debates. Online Resource Centre For lecturers: password-protected solutions and diagrams from the text. For students: exercises and
checklist questions.
1: Motivation for Macroeconomic Models
2: Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply and Business Cycles
3: Inflation, Unemployment and Monetary Rules
4: Labour Markets and Supply-Side Policies
5: Monetary Policy
6: Fiscal Policy
7: Consumption and Investment
8: Money and Finance
9: The open economy in the short run
10: Inflation and Unemployment in the Open Economy
11: Shocks and Policy Responses in the Open Economy
12: Interdependent Economies
13: Exogenous Growth Theory
14: Endogenous and Schumpeterian Growth
15: New Keynesian Micro-foundations
16: Political Economy
17: Performance and Policy in Europe, the USA and Japan
18: Unemployment: institutions, shocks and policies
Wendy Carlin is Professor of Economics at University College London
and is a Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy
Research. She is managing editor of the Economics of Transition and
has published widely on macroeconomics, institutions, and
David Soskice is Research Professor at Duke University and at the
Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin. He is Centennial Professor in the
European Institute at the London School of Economics. He is
Emeritus Fellow in Economics at University College, Oxford and has
held visiting positions at the Australian National University and
the universities of Berkeley, Johns Hopkins Bologna, Cornell, Pisa,
Trento and Yale. He has published widely in economics, industrial
relations, and political science.
When teaching intermediate macroeconomics in Harvard, I deeply felt
that existing textbooks were all lacking: 1) proper microeconomic
foundations linking important notions such as the Keynesian
consumption function, the investment accelerator, the Phillips
curve, the possibility of persistent (involuntary) unemployment, to
precise sources of imperfections in the product, labor, or
financial markets; 2) a suitable treatment of growth theory that
can shed light on observed convergence and divergence patterns
across countries and also on how growth policies should be designed
in various countries at different stages of development. Being the
first comprehensive attempt at filling these gaps, the
Carlin-Soskice textbook should be used by any instructor who wants
to bring her students to the frontier of modern macroeconomics
while at the same time remaining fully accessible to a broad
undergraduate audience. Philippe Aghion, Robert C. Waggoner
Professor of Economics, Harvard University
At last, an advanced undergraduate book which maps theory to facts.
The theory, from the new Keynesian model of fluctuations to
Schumpeterian models of growth, is sound. The applications, from
European unemployment to the Japanese slump, highly revealing. You
will enjoy every chapter, and become a good macroeconomist in the
process. Olivier Blanchard, Class of 1941 Professor, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
The best way to learn economics is to have a textbook which
develops a theoretical framework interactively with practical
questions. Macroeconomics: Imperfections, Institutions and Policies
does just this. The book is based on the mainstream monetary macro
model which is now widely used by both academics and policy-makers.
In a straightforward manner, it shows how this model can be used to
address an enormous variety of practical questions without heavy
use of mathematical technique. Stephen Nickell, School Professor of
Economics, LSE; Member of the Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of
Imperfect competition, knowledge-based growth, inflation-targeting
central banks and many other central features of modern economic
systems have recently been integrated into the heart of
macroeconomic theory. Carlin and Soskice do the profession a great
service by writing a textbook that makes these developments
accessible to undergraduates. The book presents macroeconomics at
its best - as a useful framework for analyzing important questions.
Peter Howitt, Lyn Crost Professor of Social Sciences, Brown
What makes Carlin and Soskice invaluable is both their clarity and
their commitment to helping the reader understand the intuitions
that lie behind the models. Furthermore, there is constantly an
attempt to make the work relevant to practical questions of public
policy. They tackle the impact of German Reunification, EMU,
British economic performance, the 1990s US boom, and the
long-standing Japanese recession. There is a major final chapter
addressing the issues of unemployment, especially among the larger
nations of Continental Europe. The authors approach these questions
through the penetrating analytical lens of their framework,
critically address the empirical evidence and come up with
sometimes novel conclusions to the conventional wisdom. Professor
John Van Reenen Director, Centre for Economic Performance, London
School of Economics
If, like me, you've been waiting a long time for the successor to
Macroeconomics and the Wage Bargain, you will not be
Macroeconomics needs to be exciting and contemporary. Too often it
becomes an area of difficulty and confusion for students. This book
is to be welcomed for its very clear vision of what contemporary
macroeconomics is about and its careful exposition leading the
student to this. Dr Mary Gregory, Oxford University
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