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Transversal lines to lines and intervals, Jorge L. Arocha, Javier Bracho, and Luis Montejano; on a shortest path problem of G. Fejes, Toth Donald R. Baggett and Andras Bezdek; a short survey of (r,q)-structures, Vojtech Balint; lattice points on the boundary of the integer hull, Imre Barany and Karoly Boroczky, Jr; the Erdos-Szekeres problem for planar points in arbitrary position, Tibor Bisztriczky and Gabor Fejes Toth, separation in totally-sewn 4-polytopes, Tibor Bisztriczky and Deborah Oliveros, on a class of equifacetted polytopes, Gerd Blind and Roswitha Blind; chessboard Ramsey numbers, Jens-P. Bode, Heiko Harborth, and Stefan Krause; maximal primitive fixing systems for convex figures, Vladimir Boltyanski and Hernan Gonzalez-Aguilar; the Newton-Gregory problem revisited, Karoly Boroczky, arrangements of 13 points on a sphere Karoly Boroczky and Laszlo Szabo; on point sets without k collinear points, Peter Brass; the Beckman-Quarles theorem for rational d-spaces, d even and d> 6, Robert Connelly and Joseph Zaks; edge-antipodal convex polytopes - a proof of Talata's conjecture, Balazs Csikos; single-split tilings of the sphere with right triangles, Robert J. MacG. Dawson; vertex-unfoldings of simplicial manifolds, Erik D. Demaine, David Eppstein, Jeff Erickson, George W. Hart, and Joseph O'Rourke; view-obstruction through trajectories of co-dimension three Vishwa C. Dumir and Rajinder J. Hans-Gill; fat 4-polytopes and fatter 3-spheres, David Eppstein, Greg Kuperberg, and Gunter M. Ziegler; arbitrarily large neighbourly families of congruent symmetric convex 3-polytopes, Jeff Erickson and Scott Kim; on the non-solidity of some packings and coverings with circles, August Florian and Aladar Heppes; on the mth Petty numbers of normed spaces Karoly Bezdek, Marton Naszodi and Balazs Visy; cubic polyhedra, Chaim Goodman-Strauss and John M. Sullivan; new uniform polyhedra, Branko Grunbaum; on the existence of a convex polygon with a specified number of interior points, Kiyoshi Hosono, Gyula Karolyi and Masatsugu Urabe; on-line 2-adic covering of the unit square by boxes, Janusz Januszewski and Marek Lassak; an example of a stable, even order quadrangle which is determined by its angle function, Janos Kincses; sets with a unique extension to a set of constant width, Marton Naszodi and Balazs Visy; the number of simplices embracing the origin, Janos Pach and Mario Szegedy; Helly-type theorems on definite supporting lines for k-disjoint families of convex bodies in the plane, Sorin Revenko and Valeriu Soltan; combinatorial aperiodicity of polyhedral prototiles, Egon Schulte; sequences of smoothed polygons, G.C. Shephard; on a packing inequality, Graham, Witsenhausen and Zassenhaus, Jorg M. Wills; covering a triangle with homothetic copies, Zoltan Furedi; open problems, Andras Bezdek.

About the Author

Philip Tovey, Gary Easthope, Jon Adams

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