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Marine Technology and ­Engineering, Two Volume Set
Centec Anniversary Book
By Carlos Guedes Soares (Edited by), Y. Garbatov (Edited by), N. Fonseca (Edited by), A. P. Texeira (Edited by)

Mixed media product, 1480 pages
United Kingdom, 1 April 2012

Marine Technology and Engineering commemorates the 15th anniversary of the Centre for Marine Technology and Engineering (CENTEC), a research unit of the Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST), the Engineering Faculty of the Technical University of Lisbon, and is associated with the 100th anniversary of IST. CENTEC was initially set up under the name Unit of Marine Technology and Engineering (UETN), and is now organised in the following research groups: Marine Environment, Marine Dynamics and Hydrodynamics, Marine Structures, and Safety, Reliability and Maintenance. CENTEC members have participated in approximately 85 EU-funded projects and 50 nationally funded projects, and have edited about 40 books and published more than 400 journal papers and 800 book chapters or conference papers.

The two volumes of Marine Technology and Engineering bring together 84 review papers from specialists worldwide who have cooperated with CENTEC and from present CENTEC members. This publication is a valuable source of information for researchers and PhD students interested in Marine Environment, in Dynamics and Hydrodynamics, in Structures and in Safety and Reliability.

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Product Description

Marine Technology and Engineering commemorates the 15th anniversary of the Centre for Marine Technology and Engineering (CENTEC), a research unit of the Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST), the Engineering Faculty of the Technical University of Lisbon, and is associated with the 100th anniversary of IST. CENTEC was initially set up under the name Unit of Marine Technology and Engineering (UETN), and is now organised in the following research groups: Marine Environment, Marine Dynamics and Hydrodynamics, Marine Structures, and Safety, Reliability and Maintenance. CENTEC members have participated in approximately 85 EU-funded projects and 50 nationally funded projects, and have edited about 40 books and published more than 400 journal papers and 800 book chapters or conference papers.

The two volumes of Marine Technology and Engineering bring together 84 review papers from specialists worldwide who have cooperated with CENTEC and from present CENTEC members. This publication is a valuable source of information for researchers and PhD students interested in Marine Environment, in Dynamics and Hydrodynamics, in Structures and in Safety and Reliability.

Product Details
18.1 x 25.3 x 9 centimeters (2.94 kg)

Table of Contents


Marine Environment

Nonlinear ocean wave groups with high waves, F. Arena
Joint long term models of met-ocean parameters, E.M. Bitner-Gregersen
New generation of wind and wave climate handbooks—guide to naval architect and for offshore activity, A.V. Boukhanovsky, E.S. Chernyshyova, S.V. Ivanov & L.I. Lopatoukhin
Non-linear and non-stationary sea waves, Z. Cherneva & C. Guedes Soares
Metocean data and models for application in the offshore industry, K.C. Ewans
Large waves in sea states, C. Guedes Soares, Z. Cherneva, P.G. Petrova & E.M. Antao
Long term and extreme value models of wave data, C. Guedes Soares & M. Scotto
Analysis of ocean wave measurements—some recent studies, H.E. Krogstad
Application of navigation radar for estimating wave spectra, J.C. Nieto Borge & C. Guedes Soares
Nonlinear interactions and extreme waves: Envelope equations and experimental results, M. Onorato & D. Proment
Short-term wave statistics in sea states with two peaked spectrum, G. Rodriguez, P.G. Petrova & C. Guedes Soares
High resolution wave model simulations in the Portuguese nearshore, E. Rusu, M. Goncalves & C. Guedes Soares
Hindcast studies of the wave conditions on the Portuguese coast, L. Rusu, M. Bernardino, P. Pilar & C. Guedes Soares
Modelling of deep-water rogue waves: Different frameworks, A.V. Slunyaev, A.V. Sergeeva & E.N. Pelinovsky
On the use of Vector Autoregressive (VAR) and Regime Switching VAR models for the simulation of sea and wind state parameters, S. Solari & P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder
Analysis of random waves in ocean engineering, C.T. Stansberg
On the distribution of large wave heights: Nonlinear effects, M.A. Tayfun
Application of the Hilbert Huang Transform analysis to sea waves, A.D. Veltcheva & C. Guedes Soares
Wave hindcasting: Purpose and design, R. Weisse & H. Gunther

Dynamics & Hydrodynamics

Structural reliability including response to breaking wave loads and the assessment of cracks in connections, N.D.P. Barltrop & L. Xu
Dynamic simulation techniques for the evaluation of the propulsion system behavior, G.B. Benvenuto & M. Figari
Model tests and simulations on a wave energy converter based on inverse offshore engineering, B. Buchner
Response based design—limiting loads and motions of offshore structures in extreme sea states, G.F. Clauss
Hydroelasticity of marine structures, A. Ergin & B. Uğurlu
Slamming and green-water phenomena on ships, O.M. Faltinsen & M. Greco
Vertical bending moments on a turret moored FPSO platform induced by extreme waves, N. Fonseca & C. Guedes Soares
Nonlinear maneuvering theory and path-following control, T.I. Fossen
Contemporary approaches in the hydroelastic analysis of floating and submerged structures, D. Karmakar, J. Bhattacharjee & T. Sahoo
Second order wave induced loads on vertical bodies of revolution, S.A. Mavrakos & I.K. Chatjigeorgiou
Guidance and control of autonomous vehicles, L. Moreira & C. Guedes Soares
Dynamics and control of ocean systems, H.M. Morishita & E.A. Tannuri
Random wave-induced scour around marine structures using a stochastic method, D. Myrhaug & M.C. Ong
On the assessment of coupled parametric rolling of ships in head seas, M.A.S. Neves & C.A. Rodriguez
Roll damping of flat-bottom hulls: Critique of the quadratic reason, A.C. Oliveira & A.C. Fernandes
Rule related developments on wave-induced loads for ships and offshore structures, H. Rathje & T.E. Schellin
Development of a methodology for parametric rolling prediction, S. Ribeiro e Silva & C. Guedes Soares
Modelling wave induced ship motions and loads, D. Sen, R. Datta & S.P. Singh
A sophisticated beam model for hydroelastic analysis of Ultra Large Container Ships, I. Senjanović, N. Vladimir, M. Tomić & Š. Malenica
Comparative study of numerical simulation methods on the prediction of parametric roll of ships in waves, D.A. Spanos & A.D. Papanikolaou
Mathematical models for simulation of manoeuvring performance of ships, S. Sutulo & C. Guedes Soares
Hydroelasticity of ships: Taking stock and looking to the future, P. Temarel
Virtual Environments for simulation and study of maritime scenarios, J.M. Varela, A.J. Cacho & C. Guedes Soares
Modelling of green water loading and manoeuvring of ships, K.S. Varyani
Computational fluid mechanics and vortex induced vibrations, J.B.V. Wanderley, S.H. Sphaier & C.A. Levi
Geometrical and viscosity effects on the hydrodynamic properties of heaving cylinders, R.W. Yeung, W.Y. Toh & Y. Jiang

Author index


Marine Structures

Product lifecycle management in the shipbuilding and shipping industries, C. Cabos, W. Grafe & M. Grau
Optimal design and control of nonlinear structures and mechanical systems, J.B. Cardoso, A.J. Valido & P.P. Moita
Ultimate strength and reliability of composite material structures, N-Z. Chen & C. Guedes Soares
Collision strength of ship structures–a state of the art review, S. Ehlers, K. Tabri & P. Varsta
Fatigue strength assessment of welded ship structures based on experimental and numerical analyses, W. Fricke
Fatigue assessment of marine structures, Y. Garbatov, S. Rudan, B. Gaspar & C. Guedes Soares
Ultimate strength of ship structures, J.M. Gordo, A.P. Teixeira & C. Guedes Soares
A review on development of weld induced distortion analysis, N.R. Mandal & P. Biswas
Ultimate strength of ships and offshore structures, J.K. Paik
Optimization of ship structures, Ph. Rigo & J-D. Caprace
Buckling strength of thin-walled elements with initial geometric imperfections, Z. Sadovsky
Designing for protection against collision, M.S. Samuelides
Impact on marine composite laminated materials, L.S. Sutherland & C. Guedes Soares
Methods for analysis of the ultimate capacity and structural response of stiffened panels, M. Taczala
Corrosion protection of steel ships—localized high strain failures of protective coating, A. Ulfvarson
Geometric modelling and product data management in ship design, M. Ventura & C. Guedes Soares
Ship crashworthiness in risk based design, A.W. Vredeveldt

Safety, Reliability & Maintenance

Foundations of risk assessment, T. Aven
Simulation methods in structural reliability, C. Bucher
Use of particle swarm in the maintenance plan optimization, S. Carlos, S. Martorell, M. Villamizar & A. Sanchez
Structural reliability of intact and damaged ship hull girders, P.K. Das
Reliability based maintenance of marine structures, Y. Garbatov & C. Guedes Soares
Corrosion modeling in marine structures, Y. Garbatov, A. Zayed & C. Guedes Soares
On the use of imperfect monitoring information in condition-based maintenance decision making, A. Grall, A. Barros, M. Fouladirad & C. Berenguer
On some aspects of the reliability of ship’s hull girder structure, L.D. Ivanov
Occupational safety in several industrial sectors, C. Jacinto, T. Fialho, P. Antao & C. Guedes Soares
Some multivariate probability distributions for reliability assessment of marine structures, B.J. Leira & D. Myrhaug
Reliability of intact and damaged ships in the ultimate limit state: a review, T. Moan, Z. Shu & H. Jia
Queuing systems and quality management as part of “Stochastic Science & Engineering”, M.F. Ramalhoto
Reliability centered maintenance, M. Rausand
Deterministic and probabilistic methods applied to damage stability, T.A. Santos & C. Guedes Soares
Petri nets modelling and calculations for RAM and SIL analyses, J-P. Signoret
Formal safety assessments and risk based design in the maritime industry, R. Skjong
Reliability-based planning of inspection, operation and maintenance for offshore oil & gas structures and wind turbines J.D. Sorensen
Reliability assessment of plate elements with random properties, A.P. Teixeira & C. Guedes Soares
Assessment of ship structural reliability, A.P. Teixeira, J. Parunov & C. Guedes Soares
Time-variant structural reliability assessment, A. Zayed, Y. Garbatov & C. Guedes Soares
A snapshot on maintenance modeling and applications, E. Zio & M. Compare


The role of ports in Short Sea Shipping, H.N. Psaraftis

Author index

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