The Math Teacher's Book of Lists Second Edition, Grades 5– 12
This second edition of the bestselling resource for mathematics teachers is a time-saving reference with over 300 useful lists for developing instructional materials and planning lessons for middle school and secondary students. Some of the lists supply teacher background; others are to copy for student use, and many offer new twists on traditional classroom topics.
For quick access and easy use, the lists are numbered consecutively, organized into sections focusing on the different areas of math, and printed in a large 8-1/ 2" x 11" lay-flat format for easy photocopying. Here's an overview of the ready-to-use lists you'll find in each section: I. NUMBERS: THEORY AND OPERATIONS presents 40 lists including classification of real numbers, types of fractions, types of decimals, rules for various operations, big numbers, and mathematical signs and symbols. II. MEASUREMENT contains over 30 lists including things that measure, measurement abbreviations, the English and metric systems, and U.S. money— coins and bills. III. GEOMETRY offers more than 50 lists covering topics such as lines and planes, types of polygons, types of quadrilaterals, circles, Pythagorean triples, and formulas for finding area and volume. IV. ALGEBRA gives you over 40 lists including how to express operations algebraically, powers and roots, common factoring formulas, quadratic functions, and types of matrices. V. TRIGONOMETRY AND CALCULUS provides more than 30 lists including the quadrant signs of the functions, reduction formulas, integration rules, and natural logarithmic functions. VI. MATH IN OTHER AREAS offers more than 30 lists thattie math to other content areas, such as descriptive statistics, probability and odds, numbers in popular sports, and some mathematical facts about space. VII. POTPOURRI features 16 lists that explore the various aspects of math including famous mathematicians through history, world firsts, math and superstition, and the Greek alphabet. VIII. SPECIAL REFERENCE LISTS FOR STUDENTS provides 10 lists of interest to students such as overcoming math anxiety, steps for solving word problems, and math Web sites for students. IX. LISTS FOR TEACHERS' REFERENCE contains 25 lists such as how to manage a cooperative math class, sources of problems-of-the-day, how to have a parents' math night, and math Web sites for teachers. X. REPRODUCIBLE TEACHING AIDS contains an assortment of helpful reproducibles including number lines, fraction strips, algebra tiles, and various nets for making 3-D geometric shapes.
The Math Teacher's Book of Lists will save you time and help you instill in your students a genuine appreciation for the world of mathematics.
"Through its assortment of informative lists, this book provides a clear and concise approach to mathematics. A practical reference for teachers, it will enable students to master a variety of topics within the parameters of both course and national standards."
— Elizabeth Razzano, mathematics teacher, East Brunswick High School, East Brunswick, New Jersey
The Math Teacher's Book of Lists Second Edition, Grades 5– 12
This second edition of the bestselling resource for mathematics teachers is a time-saving reference with over 300 useful lists for developing instructional materials and planning lessons for middle school and secondary students. Some of the lists supply teacher background; others are to copy for student use, and many offer new twists on traditional classroom topics.
For quick access and easy use, the lists are numbered consecutively, organized into sections focusing on the different areas of math, and printed in a large 8-1/ 2" x 11" lay-flat format for easy photocopying. Here's an overview of the ready-to-use lists you'll find in each section: I. NUMBERS: THEORY AND OPERATIONS presents 40 lists including classification of real numbers, types of fractions, types of decimals, rules for various operations, big numbers, and mathematical signs and symbols. II. MEASUREMENT contains over 30 lists including things that measure, measurement abbreviations, the English and metric systems, and U.S. money— coins and bills. III. GEOMETRY offers more than 50 lists covering topics such as lines and planes, types of polygons, types of quadrilaterals, circles, Pythagorean triples, and formulas for finding area and volume. IV. ALGEBRA gives you over 40 lists including how to express operations algebraically, powers and roots, common factoring formulas, quadratic functions, and types of matrices. V. TRIGONOMETRY AND CALCULUS provides more than 30 lists including the quadrant signs of the functions, reduction formulas, integration rules, and natural logarithmic functions. VI. MATH IN OTHER AREAS offers more than 30 lists thattie math to other content areas, such as descriptive statistics, probability and odds, numbers in popular sports, and some mathematical facts about space. VII. POTPOURRI features 16 lists that explore the various aspects of math including famous mathematicians through history, world firsts, math and superstition, and the Greek alphabet. VIII. SPECIAL REFERENCE LISTS FOR STUDENTS provides 10 lists of interest to students such as overcoming math anxiety, steps for solving word problems, and math Web sites for students. IX. LISTS FOR TEACHERS' REFERENCE contains 25 lists such as how to manage a cooperative math class, sources of problems-of-the-day, how to have a parents' math night, and math Web sites for teachers. X. REPRODUCIBLE TEACHING AIDS contains an assortment of helpful reproducibles including number lines, fraction strips, algebra tiles, and various nets for making 3-D geometric shapes.
The Math Teacher's Book of Lists will save you time and help you instill in your students a genuine appreciation for the world of mathematics.
"Through its assortment of informative lists, this book provides a clear and concise approach to mathematics. A practical reference for teachers, it will enable students to master a variety of topics within the parameters of both course and national standards."
— Elizabeth Razzano, mathematics teacher, East Brunswick High School, East Brunswick, New Jersey
Section One: Numbers: Theory and Operation
List 1, The Real Numbers 2
List 2, Classification of Real Numbers 3
List 3, Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers 4
List 4, Prime Numbers 5
List 5, Types of Prime Numbers 6
List 6, Composite Numbers 8
List 7, Perfect Squares and Cubes 9
List 8, Abundant, Deficient, and Perfect Numbers 10
List 9, Amicable Numbers 12
List 10, Some Lesser-Known Types of Numbers 13
List 11, Multiplication Table 15
List 12, Rules for Finding Divisibility 16
List 13, Rules for Finding the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) 17
List 14, Rules for Finding the Least Common Multiple (LCM) 18
List 15, Types of Fractions 19
List 16, Rules for Simplifying Fractions 20
List 17, Rules for Operations with Fractions 21
List 18, Rules for Operations with Mixed Numbers 23
List 19, Place Value Chart 25
List 20, Types of Decimals 26
List 21, Rules for Operations with Decimals 27
List 22, Rules for Changing Decimals to Fractions 29
List 23, Rules for Changing Fractions to Decimals 31
List 24, Rules for Changing Decimals to Percents 32
List 25, Rules for Changing Percents to Decimals 33
List 26, Rules for Changing Fractions to Percents 34
List 27, Rules for Changing Percents to Fractions 35
List 28, Percent Equivalents 36
List 29, Rules for Solving Proportions 37
List 30, Rules for Finding Percents of Numbers 38
List 31, Rules for Finding Percent and the Base 39
List 32, Rules for Operations with Integers 40
List 33, Properties of Integers 42
List 34, Rules for Finding the Average (Mean) 43
List 35, Rules for Rounding Numbers 44
List 36, Rules for Finding Prime Factorizations 45
List 37, Scientific Notation 46
List 38, Bases 47
List 39, Big Numbers 48
List 40, Mathematical Signs and Symbols 49
Section Two: Measurement
List 41, Things That Measure 52
List 42, The Origin of Measurements 54
List 43, Obsolete Units of Measure 55
List 44, Measurement Abbreviations 56
List 45, The English System of Weights and Measures 58
List 46, Rules for Converting Units in the English System 62
List 47, U.S. and British Units of Measurement 63
List 48, Units of the Metric System 64
List 49, Metric Standards 65
List 50, Metric Prefixes 67
List 51, Weights and Measures in the Metric System 68
List 52, Converting One Unit to Another in the Metric System 69
List 53, Rules for Adding Units of Measurement 70
List 54, Rules for Subtracting Units of Measurement 70
List 55, Rules for Multiplying Units of Measurement 71
List 56, Rules for Dividing Units of Measurement 71
List 57, English–Metric Equivalents 72
List 58, Metric–English Equivalents 74
List 59, Conversion Factors for Length 75
List 60, Conversion Factors for Area 76
List 61, Conversion Factors for Volume 76
List 62, Conversion Factors for Liquid Capacity 77
List 63, Conversion Factors for Dry Capacity 77
List 64, Conversion Factors for Mass (Weight) 78
List 65, Measures of Force and Pressure 79
List 66, Measurement of Time 80
List 67, Temperature Formulas 81
List 68, Getting a Feel for Temperature 82
List 69, The Richter Scale 83
List 70, Wind Speed 84
List 71, The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale 85
List 72, The Fujita Scale of Tornado Intensity 86
List 73, Computer Memory 87
List 74, Paper Measures or Paper Weights 88
List 75, U.S. Money: Coins and Bills 89
Section Three: Geometry
List 76, Undefined Terms of Geometry 91
List 77, Euclid’s Axioms and Postulates 92
List 78, Lines and Planes 93
List 79, Steps for Naming an Angle 94
List 80, Measuring Angles 95
List 81, Drawing Angles 96
List 82, Types of Angles and the Facts 97
List 83, Facts About Pairs of Angles 98
List 84, Angles Formed by a Transversal 99
List 85, Principles of Parallel Lines 100
List 86, Principles of Perpendicular Lines 101
List 87, Types of Polygons 101
List 88, Regular Polygons: Terms and Formulas 102
List 89, Principles of Regular Polygons 103
List 90, Shapes of Numbers 104
List 91, Figurate Number Formulas 106
List 92, Polyominoes 106
List 93, Pentominoes and Hexominoes 107
List 94, Basic Figures in Geometry 108
List 95, Tangram Facts and Figures 110
List 96, Triangle Terms 112
List 97, Classifying Triangles 113
List 98, Principles of Triangles 114
List 99, Concurrent Segments of Triangles 115
List 100, Special Right Triangles 116
List 101, Pythagorean Triples 117
List 102, Proving Triangles Congruent 118
List 103, Properties of Similar Triangles 118
List 104, Proving Triangles Similar 119
List 105, Ratio and Proportion 120
List 106, Deriving Proportions 121
List 107, Principles Relating to Parallel and Proportional Lines 122
List 108, Pascal’s Triangle 123
List 109, The Harmonic Triangle 124
List 110, Types of Quadrilaterals 125
List 111, Properties of Special Quadrilaterals 126
List 112, Classification of Quadrilaterals 127
List 113, Proofs for Quadrilaterals 128
List 114, Tessellations 129
List 115, Circles 130
List 116, Special Circles 131
List 117, Circles: Line and Segment Principles 132
List 118, Circles: Arcs and Angles 134
List 119, Principles of Arcs and Angles 135
List 120, Solids 137
List 121, Platonic Solids 139
List 122, Classifications of Solids 140
List 123, Patterns of a Painted Cube 141
List 124, Scale Factors for Similar and Plane Figures and Solids 142
List 125, Types of Symmetry 143
List 126, Types of Transformations 144
List 127, Transformation Matrices 145
List 128, Fractal Facts 146
List 129, Formulas for Perimeter and Circumference 147
List 130, Area Formulas for Basic Figures 148
List 131, More Formulas for Area 149
List 132, Formulas for Surface Area 151
List 133, Formulas for Finding Volume 152
Section Four: Algebra
List 134, How to Express Operations Algebraically 154
List 135, Algebraic Grouping Symbols 154
List 136, Properties of Real Numbers 155
List 137, Summary of Properties of Sets of Numbers 156
List 138, Relating Operations on the Real Numbers 157
List 139, Axioms of Equality 158
List 140, Axioms of Order 158
List 141, Properties of Equality 159
List 142, Properties of Inequalities 160
List 143, Powers of Real Numbers 161
List 144, Rules for Exponents 162
List 145, Order of Operations 162
List 146, How to Construct a Number Line 163
List 147, Steps for Graphing on a Number Line 164
List 148, The Absolute Facts on Absolute Value 165
List 149, Steps to Solve an Equation in One Variable 166
List 150, Steps to Solve an Inequality in One Variable 167
List 151, Polynomials 168
List 152, Multiplication with Monomials and Polynomials 169
List 153, Guidelines for Factoring Polynomials of Degree 2 170
List 154, Common Factoring Formulas 171
List 155, Characteristics of the Coordinate Plane 172
List 156, Plotting Points on the Coordinate Plane 173
List 157, Common Forms of Linear Equations 174
List 158, Formulas and the Coordinate Plane 175
List 159, Graphing Linear Equations in Two Variables on the Coordinate Plane 176
List 160, Graphing a Linear Inequality in Two Variables on the Coordinate Plane 177
List 161, Steps to Solve a System of Linear Equations in Two Variables 178
List 162, Types of Functions 180
List 163, Direct Facts on Variation 182
List 164, Functional Facts About Functions 183
List 165, Square Roots 184
List 166, Nth Roots 185
List 167, Powers and Roots 186
List 168, Conditions for Simplifying Radical Expressions 187
List 169, Steps for Solving a Quadratic Equation 188
List 170, Imaginary Numbers and Their Powers 190
List 171, Discriminant and Coefficients 191
List 172, Quadratic Functions 191
List 173, Graph of a Circle 192
List 174, Graph of an Ellipse 193
List 175, Graph of a Parabola 194
List 176, Graph of a Hyperbola 196
List 177, Properties of Complex Numbers 198
List 178, Operations with Complex Numbers 199
List 179, Conjugate Complex Numbers 199
List 180, Vectors 200
List 181, Matrices 202
List 182, Types of Matrices 204
Section Five: Trigonometry and Calculus
List 183, Right Triangle Definitions of Trigonometric Functions 206
List 184, Trigonometric Functions of Complementary Angles 207
List 185, How to Express Angles in Circular Measure 208
List 186, Circular Function Definition of Trigonometric Functions 209
List 187, Trigonometric Functions of Quadrantal Angles 210
List 188, The Quadrant Signs of the Functions 211
List 189, Variations of Trigonometric Functions 212
List 190, Trigonometric Functions of Some Special Angles 213
List 191, Fundamental Periods of Trigonometric Functions 214
List 192, Trigonometric Functions: Their Domains, Ranges, and Periods 215
List 193, Graphs of the Trigonometric Functions 216
List 194, General Trigonometric Functions: Their Periods and Amplitudes 217
List 195, Basic Trigonometric Identities 218
List 196, Angle-Sum and Angle-Difference Formulas 219
List 197, Double-Angle Formulas and Half-Angle Formulas 220
List 198, Multiple-Angle Formulas, Product Formulas, and Sum and Difference Formulas 221
List 199, Reduction Formulas 222
List 200, General Guidelines for Proving Identities 223
List 201, The Trigonometric Functions in Terms of One Another 224
List 202, Trigonometric Identities and Oblique Triangles 225
List 203, Inverse Trigonometric Functions 227
List 204, Vertical and Horizontal Line Tests 227
List 205, Relations Between Inverse Trigonometric Functions 228
List 206, Graphs of the Inverse Trigonometric Functions 229
List 207, Limits 230
List 208, Operations with Limits 231
List 209, Continuity 232
List 210, Properties of Continuous Functions 232
List 211, Differential Rules 233
List 212, Higher-Order Derivatives 234
List 213, Curve Drawing: Application of Higher-Order Derivatives 235
List 214, Notation for Antiderivatives 236
List 215, Integration Rules 236
List 216, Definite Integrals 237
List 217, Derivatives and Integrals of Trigonometric Functions 238
List 218, Exponential Functions 239
List 219, Natural Logarithmic Functions 240
Section Six: Math in Other Areas
List 220, Descriptive Statistics 242
List 221, Types of Graphs, Displays, and Tables 243
List 222, Topics in Discrete Math 244
List 223, Permutations 245
List 224, Combinations 247
List 225, Probability and Odds 248
List 226, Odds in Poker 250
List 227, Odds in Dice 251
List 228, The Chances Are 252
List 229, Ways People Are Paid 253
List 230, Deductions 254
List 231, How to Write and Endorse a Check 255
List 232, How to Complete a Check Register 257
List 233, How to Balance a Checkbook 259
List 234, Loans and Interest 261
List 235, Steps to Making a Budget 262
List 236, Items on Sale 263
List 237, How Much to Tip 265
List 238, Stock Market Words 266
List 239, Reading a Financial Page 269
List 240, How to Read a Food Label 271
List 241, Cholesterol Content of Popular Foods 273
List 242, A Basic Low-Fat Meal Plan 277
List 243, Fat and Food 278
List 244, Physical Activities and Burning Calories 280
List 245, Finding Your Exercise Heart Rate 281
List 246, The Numbers in Popular Sports 282
List 247, Finding Statistics in Baseball 287
List 248, Geometry and Nature 290
List 249, Your Weight on Other Planets 291
List 250, Some Mathematical Facts About Space 292
List 251, Conservation Facts 294
List 252, Some Helpful Formulas 295
Section Seven: Potpourri
List 253, The History of Mathematics 299
List 254, Famous Mathematicians Through History 301
List 255, Mathematical Quotations 307
List 256, Careers in Math 308
List 257, World Firsts 309
List 258, Tricky Math Problems 311
List 259, Mathematical Palindromes 313
List 260, Roman Numerals 314
List 261, Numbers and Symbolism 316
List 262, A Number of Coincidences 318
List 263, Math and Superstition 320
List 264, Mathematical Idioms 321
List 265, Numbers in Names and Events 323
List 266, Math Words Used Every Day 326
List 267, Numbers and Language 327
List 268, The Greek Alphabet 328
Section Eight: Special Reference Lists for Students
List 269, The Math Student’s Responsibilities 330
List 270, Overcoming Math Anxiety 331
List 271, Strategies for Taking Math Tests 332
List 272, Steps for Solving Word Problems 334
List 273, Problem-Solving Strategies for Middle School Students 335
List 274, Problem-Solving Strategies for the Upper Grades 336
List 275, Characteristics of Good Problem Solvers 337
List 276, Steps for Writing Word Problems 338
List 277, Math Journal Guidelines for Students 340
List 278, Math Web Sites for Students 341
Section Nine: Lists for Teachers’ Reference
List 279, The Math Teacher’s Responsibilities 343
List 280, Upgrading Your Mathematics Curriculum 344
List 281, Materials Every Math Classroom Should Have 346
List 282, Expanding the Horizons of Your Math Classes 347
List 283, The Math Teacher’s Management Strategies 348
List 284, Managing a Successful Math Class: Student Problems and Solutions 349
List 285, How to Manage a Cooperative Math Class 351
List 286, Student Guidelines for Working in Groups 352
List 287, Steps for Conducting Effective Conferences with Students 353
List 288, Steps to Help Students Develop Problem-Solving Skills 354
List 289, A Teacher’s Plan for Writing Word Problems 355
List 290, Sources of Problems-of-the-Day 356
List 291, The Use of Portfolios in Your Classes 357
List 292, Helping Students Prepare for Math Tests 358
List 293, Math Bulletin Board Ideas 359
List 294, Topics for Possible Math Projects 360
List 295, How to Start a Math Magazine 362
List 296, How to Start a Math Club 363
List 297, Ideas for Math Field Trips 364
List 298, Possible Guest Speakers for Your Math Classes 365
List 299, Steps for Maintaining Positive Relations with Parents 366
List 300, How Parents Can Help Their Children Learn Math 367
List 301, Back-to-School-Night Checklist 368
List 302, Steps for Conducting Effective Parent-Teacher Conferences 370
List 303, How to Have a Parents’ Math Night 371
List 304, Professional Math Organizations 373
List 305, Math Web Sites for Teachers 375
List 306, A Self-Appraisal for Math Teachers 376
Section Ten: Reproducible Teaching Aids
Number Lines 378
Rulers I 379
Rulers II 380
Protractors 381
Squares 382
Graphs for Trigonometric Functions 383
1-Inch Grid 384
1⁄2-Inch Grid 385
1-cm Grid 386
Isometric Dot Paper 387
Square Grid Dot Paper 388
Decimal Squares 389
Fraction Strips 390
Fraction Circles 391
Algebra Tiles 392
Tangram 393
Patterns for Pattern Blocks 394
Patterns for Cuisenaire ® Rods 395
Net for Rectangular Prism 396
Net for Pyramid 397
Net for Cone 398
Net for Tetrahedron 399
Net for Hexahedron (Cube) 400
Net for Octahedron 401
Net for Dodecahedron 402
Net for Icosahedron 403
Blank Checks 404
Blank Check Register 405
Judith A. Muschla has taught mathematics in South River, New Jersey, for over twenty-five years.
Gary Robert Muschla, prolific author and classroom teacher, has taught reading and writing for more than twenty-five years in Spotswood, New Jersey. This is the eighth math resource coauthored by Judith Muschla and Gary Muschla. Their earlier books include The Math Teacher's Book of Lists, First Edition; Hands-On Math Projects with Real-Life Applications; Math Starters; The Geometry Teacher's Activities Kit; Math Smart; Algebra Teacher's Activities Kit; and Math Games all published by Jossey-Bass Publishers.
?Through its assortment of informative lists, this book provides a clear and concise approach to mathematics. A practical reference for teachers, it will enable students to master a variety of topics within the parameters of both course and national standards.?--Elizabeth Razzano, mathematics teacher, East Brunswick High School, East Brunswick, New Jersey
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