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The Mutilated Hand

Hardback, 640 pages
United Kingdom, 1 October 2002

"This book is a treasure for those who seek a comprehensive text dealing with the traumatized or mutilated hand." (Doody's Review) The Mutilated Hand is a comprehensive reference covering all facets of the management and treatment of mutilating injuries of the hand. It is the definitive book on the subject - both as a reference text as well as a practical tool. Each comprehensive chapter contains a review of the literature as well as historical perspectives; history of the technique; evolution of the treatment strategies over the years; postoperative care; current state-of-the-art management; complications and sequelae with the various techniques; and comparison of functional results using the various techniques.

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Product Description

"This book is a treasure for those who seek a comprehensive text dealing with the traumatized or mutilated hand." (Doody's Review) The Mutilated Hand is a comprehensive reference covering all facets of the management and treatment of mutilating injuries of the hand. It is the definitive book on the subject - both as a reference text as well as a practical tool. Each comprehensive chapter contains a review of the literature as well as historical perspectives; history of the technique; evolution of the treatment strategies over the years; postoperative care; current state-of-the-art management; complications and sequelae with the various techniques; and comparison of functional results using the various techniques.

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28.5 x 22.4 x 3.4 centimeters (2.09 kg)

Table of Contents

I. Mutilating Injuries of the Hand: Picking Up the Pieces 1. An Historical Odyssey of the Mutilated Hand 2. Initial Management and Reconstructive Goals 3. Classification Systems for Mutilating Injuries II. Dorsal and Palmar Mutilating Injuries 4. Management of the Dorsal Mutilating Injury 5. Management of the Palmar Mutilating Injury III. Ulnar Mutilating Injuries 6. Management of the Ulnar Mutilating Injury IV. Radial Mutilating Injuries 7. On Making a Thumb: More Than a Century of Surgical Effort 8. Prehension in the Normal Hand and in the Mutilated Hand 9. Distraction-Lengthening for Thumb Reconstruction 10. Digital Pollicization for Traumatic Thumb Loss 11. Great Toe-to-Thumb Transfer 12. Second Toe Transfer for Post-traumatic Thumb Reconstruction 13. Modified Great Toe Wrap-Around Flap for Thumb Reconstruction V. Replantation and Revascularization 14. Principles of Replantation and Revascularization 15. Multiple Digit Replantations 16. Microsurgical Joint Transfer 17. Transmetacarpal Replantation and Revascularization 18. Secondary Surgery Following Replantation VI. Reconstruction of Transverse Mutilating Injuries 19. The Phalangeal Hand 20. Microsurgical Reconstruction of the Metacarpal Hand 21. The Mutilated Wrist 22. Krukenberg's Operation VII. Soft Tissue Reconstruction of the Mutilated Hand 23. Management of the Degloved Hand 24. The Severely Burned Hand 25. Emergency Free Flaps 26. Secondary Soft Tissue Reconstruction VIII. Bony Reconstruction of the Mutilated Hand 27. Basic Principles of Bony Reconstruction 28. Principles of Internal Fixation 29. Principles of External Fixation 30. Distraction-Lengthening for Reconstruction of the Hand IX. Spare Parts Surgery 31. Spare Parts in Upper Extremity Reconstruction 32. Microsurgical Cross-Finger Transfer 33. Microsurgical Cross-Hand Transfer X. Reconstruction of the Mutilated Hand in Children 34. Replantation and Revascularization in Children 35. Reconstruction of the Pediatric Mutilated Hand XI. Postoperative Management and Complications 36. Psychological Aspects of Mutilating Hand Injuries 37. Rehabilitation of the Mutilated Hand 38. Painful Digits and Amputation Stumps of the Hand 39. Revision Amputations of the Hand and Digits 40. Prostheses for Mutilated Hands XII. Limb Allotransplantation: A New Era 41. Limb Allotransplantaion: Experimental 42. Hand and Composite Tissue Allotransplantation: Past, Present, and Future

About the Author

Dr Jeff Weinzweig serves as Clinical Professor in the Division of Plastic Surgery and The Craniofacial Center at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and Chief of Craniofacial Surgery at Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center. As the editor of 5 textbooks and the author of over 200 journal articles and book chapters, Dr. Weinzweig has developed an international reputation as a prolific contributor in the field.


"This text is a systematic review intended for any individual treating these conditions. The information is highly organized, and the accompanying photographs, x-rays, and illustrations complete the presentation." -Journal of Hand Therapy, Volume 18, Issue 4, October-December 2005, Pages 450-454
Doody's Rating: * * * *
This book is a treasure for those who seek a comprehensive text dealing with the traumatized or mutilated hand. There are 42 seamlessly strung together chapters that span the gamut from inception of injury to functional recovery. An attention grabbing historical prologue depicts the summary biblical amputation of limbs, in a not so distant past, which highlights the importance of the hand or digits, then and today, in our daily lives. The ensuing chapters cover all facets of management of the traumatized hand, definition of, etiologies of, and means to restore maximal function through replantation, soft tissue and bone reconstruction, pediatric hand reconstruction, psychological and physical rehabilitation, and experimental machinations. A perusal of the amazing hand prosthetics warrants kudos; this is but one of the
rewards that await the hand aficionado.
Weighted Numerical Score: 93

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