Maurice Fernandez is a professional astrology author, teacher, and counselor. His Evolutionary Astrology approach has forged him a worldwide reputation of depth and excellence spanning decades of practice. He serves as the President of the Organization for Professional Astrology (O.P.A), focused on making astrology accessible and elevating standards of practice (2014 - ). You can find out more about Maurice Fernandez at
"Maurice s scarily correct in the descriptions of 12th house
placements. You recognize yourself and your friends and family and
feel that Maurice is talking to YOU.
This book takes a place among the classics of astrological
literature. It belongs on your bookshelf.
It is a 5 Star, A+ book!
- Arlan WIse - Editor, Career Astrologer magazine.
"Maurice Fernandez has accomplished a rare feat: he invites us to
add fundamentally new perspectives to our understanding of some
elemental astrological building blocks, and he does so without
crossing the borderline separating ungrounded, fanciful speculation
from the realities of the counseling room."
Steven Forrest, author of The Inner SkyReviews of original edition:
"A combination of intuition and observation has given Fernandez a
truly original perspective on the planet Neptune" - The Mountain
Astrologer Magazine (2005)"Many astrologers and students will find
much value in Neptune, the 12th house, and Pisces. Fernandez breaks
through the mainstream tendency to list keywords and catchy
cookbook descriptions of the planets, houses, and signs" - Dell
Horoscope Magazine (2005)
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