These twelve science-fiction short stories follow twelve individuals in a distant, or maybe not so distant, future. Each character is facing a challenge or choice that will change the course of their life, and might also affect the fate of humanity itself. Inspired by past and present science fiction masters like Ray Bradbury, Ursula K Le Guin, Arthur C. Clarke and Isaac Asimov, these short stories explore the human mind and the human condition in a future where space travel, cloning, genetic manipulation and other technological advancements affect the world and every human being in it. With evocative language, and a sharp focus on human strengths and frailties in the face of change, disaster, love, and loneliness, Odin's Eye explores both outer space, and the inner workings of the human mind.
These twelve science-fiction short stories follow twelve individuals in a distant, or maybe not so distant, future. Each character is facing a challenge or choice that will change the course of their life, and might also affect the fate of humanity itself. Inspired by past and present science fiction masters like Ray Bradbury, Ursula K Le Guin, Arthur C. Clarke and Isaac Asimov, these short stories explore the human mind and the human condition in a future where space travel, cloning, genetic manipulation and other technological advancements affect the world and every human being in it. With evocative language, and a sharp focus on human strengths and frailties in the face of change, disaster, love, and loneliness, Odin's Eye explores both outer space, and the inner workings of the human mind.
Maria Haskins is a writer and translator with a life-long interest in, and passion for science fiction and fantasy. She was born and grew up in Sweden, but since the early 1990s she lives just outside Vancouver on Canada's west coast. She has had several books published in Sweden, including books of poetry, a novel, and short stories. "Odin's Eye", a collection of science fiction short-stories, is her English language debut.
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