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Outgrow Middle Management


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Table of Contents

Middle Management Hell

Are You Stuck In Middle Management Hell?

1. Stress, Stress And More Stress

2. Lack Of Control

3. Gaps Between Career And Personal Aspirations

4. Career Plateau

5. Financial Constraints

6. Fear Of Layoffs

7. Work Overload

8. Outdated Competencies

9. Impersonal Workplace

10. Distracting Communication


Blueprint for Success

Inner Leadership

Outer Leadership

Part I: Inner leadership


Transform From Manager To Leader

Set Personal Goals

Achieve Your Goals

Visualize Your Game

Exchange Arrogance For Humility

Stay In Love

Dare To Change

Attract Success Effectively

New Thought And The Law Of Attraction


Lead Yourself Before You Lead Others

Expand Beyond Expertise

Lead With Adaptive Skills

Enhance Your Strengths

Engage The Whole Brain

Unleash Your Creative Power

Express Emotions

Stick To The Magic Number 3


Become More Effective

Focus On 2.5%

Reduce Emails

Boost Digital Effectiveness

Engage In Exponential Change

Become A Linchpin

Modify Your Dna

Embrace Abundance

Part II: Outer leadership


Master Communication

Discuss Before You Decide

Confront Colleagues

Acquire 7 Confrontation Rules

Be Ready For The Unexpected

Transform Individuals Into Teams

Promote Change

Engage To Get Commitment

Conduct Reality Checks

Navigate The Informal Organization

Step Away From The Power Point

Pay Attention


Decide How To Decide

Manage Your Perception

Develop Influential Competence

Take A Stand

Persuade In The Boardroom

Achieve Clarity

Consensus Of Commitment

Discern Before You Decide


Hire Your Replacement

Get Your Hands On

Execute To Turn Goals Into Results

Embrace Accountability

Stop Multi-Tasking

Be Successful In Uncertain World

Be An Intrapreneur

Establish Rituals

The Pinnacle



About the Author

About the Author

Dave Osh has made it his life's mission to help corporate executives speed up their rise to the corner office and multiply their income-all while living
healthy, fulfilling, and love-filled lives. He is the creator of the Corporate Entrepreneur Mastery, Dauntless Innovation programs and the author of Outgrow Middle Management: Accelerate Your Climb to the Top.

Dave has more than twenty years of corporate experience including serving as CFO, COO, and CEO of publicly traded multinational companies as well as
private corporations. His contributions allowed these corporations to develop products and markets worth billions of dollars. He is the inventor of a
patented product commercialized into a successful brand. He is also an entrepreneur who owns multiple brands.

Dave is a sought-after speaker on a wide range of topics including: leadership, strategy, marketing, and wellbeing. He has given keynote speeches on
international stages-from audiences of one hundred to eight thousand-in conventions such as eTail Asia, Management World Asia, Chief Strategy Officer
Summit, Asia Ecommerce Conference, and the Internet Show.

Having started his career as a CPA, Dave has a cross-functional expertise in marketing, operations and finance.

Dave holds an MBA from Southern Illinois University, USA and a bachelor's degree in economics from Ben Gurion University, Israel.

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