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Part I Theoretical Perspectives
1. Internal and External Perspectives: On the New Private Law
Andrew S. Gold
2. Natural Rights and Natural Law
Dennis Klimchuk
3. Corrective Justice: Sovereign or Subordinate?
Gregory C. Keating
4. Civil Recourse Theory
Benjamin C. Zipursky
5. Kantian Perspectives on Private Law
Arthur Ripstein
6. Law and Economics
Daniel B. Kelly
7. New Institutional Economics
Barak Richman
8. Psychology and the New Private Law
Tess Wilkinson-Ryan
9. Systems Theory: Emergent Private Law
Henry E. Smith
10. Private Law and Local Custom
Nathan B. Oman
11. Autonomy and Pluralism in Private Law
Hanoch Dagan
12. A Feminist Perspective: Private Law as Unjust Enrichment
Anita Bernstein
13. Historical Perspectives
Joshua Getzler
14. Civil and Common Law
Lionel Smith
Part II Core Fields of Private Law
15. Function and Form in Contract Law
Alan Schwartz and Daniel Markovits
16. Torts
John C. P. Goldberg
17. Property
J. E. Penner
18. Unjust Enrichment and Restitution
Andrew Burrows
19. Fiduciary Law
W. Bradley Wendel
20. Trust Law: Private Ordering and the Branching of American Trust
John D. Morley and Robert H. Sitkoff
21. Corporate Law
Paul B. Miller
22. The Employment Relationship as an Object of Employment Law
Aditi Bagchi
23. New Private Law and the Family
Margaret F. Brinig
24. False Advertising Law
Gregory Klass
25. The New Private Law and Intellectual Property: Calibrating
Copyright on the Common Law Continuum
Molly Van Houweling
26. Traditional Knowledge and Private Law
Ruth L. Okediji
27. Insurance
Kenneth S. Abraham
Part III Core Principles of Private Law
28. Formalism and Realism in Private Law
Emily Sherwin
29. Privity
Mark P. Gergen
30. Good Faith in Contractual Exchanges
Richard R.W. Brooks
31. The Rule of Law
Lisa M. Austin
32. Defenses
Robert Stevens
33. Equity
Ben McFarlane
34. Remedies
Samuel L. Bray
35. Private and Public Law
Thomas W. Merrill
Andrew S. Gold is professor of law at Brooklyn Law School and is
associate director of the Center for the Study of Business Law and
Regulation. Professor Gold's primary research interests address
private law theory, fiduciary law, and the law of corporations. He
is a co-editor of multiple books on fiduciary theory, including
Fiduciary Government (Cambridge University Press, 2018) ; Contract,
Status, and Fiduciary Law (Oxford
University Press, 2017); and Philosophical Foundations of Fiduciary
Law (Oxford University Press 2014). He is also currently writing a
monograph, "The Right of Redress," to be published with Oxford
University Press. Professor Gold
previously was the Bruce W. Nichols Visiting Professor at Harvard
Law School; an HLA Hart Visiting Fellow at the University of
Oxford; and a Fulbright Visiting Research Chair at McGill
John C.P. Goldberg is Deputy Dean and Carter Professor of General
Jurisprudence at Harvard Law School. An expert in tort law, tort
theory, and political philosophy, he previously taught at
Vanderbilt Law School, where he served as Associate Dean for
Research (2006-08). He is co-author of Recognizing Wrongs (Harvard
University Press, 2020) (with Benjamin Zipursky), as well as Tort
Law: Responsibilities and Redress (4th ed. 2016) (with Anthony
Sebok and Benjamin Zipursky), and
The Oxford Introductions to U.S. Law: Torts (2010) (with Zipursky).
He has also published dozens of articles and essays in scholarly
journals. Goldberg has taught an array of first-year and
upper-level courses, and has
received multiple teaching prizes. An Associate Reporter for the
American Law Institute's Fourth Restatement of Property, he serves
as an advisor to the Third Restatement of Torts, and is a member of
the editorial boards of the Journal of Tort Law and Legal Theory.
In 2009, he was Chair of the Torts and Compensation Systems Section
of the Association of American Law Schools.
Daniel B. Kelly is Professor of Law, Director of the Program in Law
and Economics, and Director of the Fitzgerald Institute for Real
Estate at the University of Notre Dame. He has been a Visiting
Professor of Law at the University of Chicago Law School and
Harvard Law School. His primary research and teaching areas include
property and trusts and estates.
Emily Sherwin is Frank B. Ingersol Professor of Law at Cornell Law
School. She has taught at the University of Kentucky Law School and
University of San Diego Law School, and has visited at the Boston
University School of Law and University of Pennsylvania Law School.
She writes on various aspects of legal theory and remedies.
Henry E. Smith is Fessenden Professor of Law and the Director of
the Project on the Foundations of Private Law at Harvard Law
School. Previously, he taught at the Northwestern University School
of Law and was the Fred A. Johnston Professor of Property and
Environmental Law at Yale Law School. He has written extensively on
property, equity, remedies, and private law theory. In 2014, the
American Law Institute named him Reporter for the Restatement
(Fourth) of Property. With
Professor Thomas Merrill of Columbia Law
School, he is the co-author of The Oxford Introductions to U.S.
Law: Property (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010) and Property:
Principles and Policies (Foundation Press, 2nd
ed., 2012). He is co-editor of The Research Handbook on the
Economics of Property Law (with Kenneth Ayotte, Elgar, 2011),
Philosophical Foundations of Property Law (with James
Penner, OUP 2013), and Perspectives on Property Law (with Robert C.
Ellickson and Carol M. Rose, Aspen 2014).
The Oxford Handbook of the New Private Law reflects exciting
developments in scholarship dedicated to reinvigorating the study
of the broad field of private law
*H. W. Micklitz, Journal of Consumer Policy*
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