This four-volume work provides a comprehensive selection of the most important articles and papers in psychology and the behavioural sciences, central to gender studies. Each volume is designed to offer a definitive coverage of the literature and includes a new introductory essay by the editor, surveying the field and providing an integrative link between the articles and papers that are included. Comprehensive in coverage, these volumes should prove an essential reference source for both psychologists, sociologists and anthropologists concerned with gender studies in the behavioural sciences.
This four-volume work provides a comprehensive selection of the most important articles and papers in psychology and the behavioural sciences, central to gender studies. Each volume is designed to offer a definitive coverage of the literature and includes a new introductory essay by the editor, surveying the field and providing an integrative link between the articles and papers that are included. Comprehensive in coverage, these volumes should prove an essential reference source for both psychologists, sociologists and anthropologists concerned with gender studies in the behavioural sciences.
Volume I
1. Leta Stetter Hollingworth (1914), ‘Variability as Related to Sex
Differences in Achievement: A Critique.’
2. Leta Stetter Hollingworth (19160, ’Sex Differences in Mental
3. Leta Stetter Hollingworth (1918), ‘Comparison of the Sexes in
Mental Traits.’
4. Helen Thompson Woolley (1910), ‘A Review of Recent Literature on
the Psychology of Sex.’
5. Helen Thompson Woolley (1914), ‘The Psychology of Sex.’
6. Anne Anastasi (1981), ‘Sex Differences: Historical Perspectives
and Methodological Implications.’
7. Janice Haaken (1988), ‘Field Dependence Research: A Historical
Analysis of a Psychological Construct.’
8. Elizabeth J. Aries and Rose R. Olver (1985), ‘Sex Differences in
the Development of a Separate Sense of Self During Infancy:
Directions for Future Research.’
9. Thomas Gualtieri and Robert E. Hicks (1985), ‘An Immunoreactive
Theory of Selective Male Affliction.’
10. Open Peer Commentary on T Gualtieri and R E Hicks (1985), ‘An
Immunoreactive Theory of Selective Male Affliction.’
11. Carol Nagy Jacklin and Eleanor M. Maccoby (1982), ‘Length of
Labor and Sex of Offspring.’
12. Anneliese F. Korner (1969),‘Neonatal Startles, Smiles,
Erections and Reflex Sucks as Related to State, Sex and
13. Anneliese F. Korner, Byron W. Brown, Elaine P. Reade, David K.
Stevenson, Stephen A. Fernbach and Valerie A. Thoma (1988), ‘State
Behavior of Preterm Infants as a Function of Development,
Individual and Sex Differences.’
14. Helen C. Kraemer, Anneliese F. Korner, Thomas Anders, Carol
Nagy Jacklin and Sue Dimiceli (1985), ‘Obstetric Drugs and Infant
Behavior: A Revaluation.’
15. Marilyn M. McMillen (1979), ‘Differential Mortality by Sex in
Fetal and Neonatal Deaths.’
16. William Kerr Hahn (1987), ‘Cerebral Lateralization of Function:
From Infancy Through Childhood.’
17. Andrew Kertesz and Thomas Benke (1989), ‘Sex Equality in
Intrahemispheric Language Organization.’
18. Doreen Kimura (1987), ‘Are Men's and Women's Brains Really
19. Richard S. Lewis and Lois Christiansen (1989),
‘Intrahemispheric Sex Differences in the Functional Representation
of Language and Praxic Functions in Normal Individuals.’
20. Jeannette McGlone (1980), ‘Sex Differences in Human Brain
Asymmetry: A Critical Survey.’
21. Parley W. Newman, Karin Bunderson and Robert H. Brey (1985),
‘Brain Stem Electrical Responses of Stutterers and Normals by Sex,
Ears and Recovery.’
22. L. Pizzamiglio, A. Mammucari and C. Razzano (1985), ‘Evidence
for Sex Differences in Brain Organization in Recovery in
23. Martha Taylor Sarno, Antonio Buonaguro and Eric Levita (1985),
‘Gender and Recovery from Aphasia after Stroke.’
24. Mirna I. Vrbancic and James L. Mosley (1988), ‘Sex-related
Differences in Hemispheric Lateralization: A Function of Physical
25. Peter H. Buschang, Robert M. Baume, G. Gisela Nass (1983), ‘A
Craniofacial Growth Maturity Gradient for Males and Females Between
4 and 16 years of Age.’
26. Rachel K. Clifton, Jane Gwiazda, Joseph A. Bauer, Marsha G.
Clarkson and Richard M. Held (1988), ‘Growth in Head Size During
Infancy: Implications for Sound Localization.’
27. Jerry R. Thomas and Karen E. French (1985), ‘Gender Differences
Across Age in Motor Performance: A Meta-Analysis.’
28. Frank L. Smoll and Robert W. Schutz (1990), ‘Quantifying Gender
Differences in Physical Performance: A Developmental
29. Warren O. Eaton and Lesley Reid Enns (1986), ‘Sex Differences
in Human Motor Activity Level.’
30. Paula M. Duke, J. Merrill Carlsmith, Dennis Jennings, John A.
Martin, Sanford M. Dornbusch, Ruth T. Gross and Bryna
Siegel-Gorelick, ‘Educational Correlates of Early and Late Sexual
Maturation in Adolescence.’
31. Lloyd G. Humphreys, Timothy C. Davey and Randolph K. Park
(1985), ‘Longitudinal Corellation Analysis of Standing Height and
32. Paula Rantakillio, L. von Wendt and Helena Mäkinen (1985),
‘Influence of Social Background on Psychomotor Development in the
First Year of Life and its Correlation with Later Intellectual
Capacity: A Prospective Cohort Study.’
33. Deborah P. Waber, Madeline B. Mann, James Merola and Patricia
M. Moylan (1985), ‘Physical Maturation Rate and Cognitive
Performance in Early Adolescence: A Longitudinal Examination.’
34. Jo-Anne Finegan, Betty Bartleman and P.Y. Wong (1989), ‘A
Window for the Study of Prenatal Sex Hormone Influences on
Postnatal Development.’
35. Anke A. Ehrhardt (1985), ‘The Psychobiology of Gender.’
36. Carol Nagy Jacklin, Karen Thompson Wilcox and Eleanor E.
Maccoby (1988), ‘Neonatal Sex-Steroid Hormones and Cognitive
Abilities at six Years.’
37. Elizabeth J. Susman, Gale Inoff-Germain, Editha D. Nottelmann,
D. Lynn Loriaux, Gordon B. Cutler, Jr., and George P. Chrousos
(1987), ‘Hormones, Emotional Dispositions and Aggressive Attributes
in Young Adolescents.’
38. Elizabeth J. Susman, E.D. Nottlemann, G.E. Inoff-Germain, L.D.
Dorn, G.B. Cutler, D.L. Loriaux, G.P. Chrousos (1985), "The
Relation of Relative Hormonal Levels and Physical Development and
Social-Emotional Behavior in Young Adolescents"
39. J. Brooks-Gunn and Michelle P. Warren (1989), ‘Biological and
Social Contributions to Negative Affect in Young Adolescent
40. Michelle P. Warren and J. Brooks-Gunn (1989), ‘Mood and
Behavior at Adolescence: Evidence for Hormonal Factors.’
41. William R. Hazzard (1986), ‘Biological Basis of the Sex
Differential in Longevity.’
Name Index
Volume II
1. Earl R. Carlson and Rae Carlson (1960), ‘Male and Female
Subjects in Personality Research.’
2. Alice H. Eagly (1987), ‘Reporting Sex Differences.’
3. Alice H. Eagly (1990), ‘On the Advantages of Reporting Sex
4. Janet Shibley Hyde (1990), ‘Meta-Analysis and the Psychology of
Gender Differences.’
5. Nancy M. Henley (1985), ‘Psychology and Gender.’
6. Carol Nagy Jacklin (1981), ‘Methodological Issues in the Study
of Sex-Related Differences.’
7. Lorraine B. Code (1981), ‘Is the Sex of the Knower
Epistemologically Significant ?’
8. Rachel T. Hare-Mustin and Jeanne Marecek (1988), ‘The Meaning of
Difference: Gender Theory, Postmodernism and Psychology.’
9. Inge K. Broverman, Donald M. Broverman, Frank E. Clarkson, Paul
S. Rosenkrantz and Susan R. Vogel (1970), ‘Sex-Role Stereotypes and
Clinical Judgments of Mental Health.’
10. Inge K. Broverman, Susan Raymond Vogel, Donald M. Broverman,
Frank E. Clarkson and Paul S. Rosenkrantz (1972), ‘Sex-Role
Stereotypes: A Current Appraisal.’
11. Thomas A. Widiger and Shirley A. Settle, (1987), ‘Broverman et
al Revisited: An Artifactual Sex Bias.’
12. Alan Feingold (1988), ‘Cognitive Gender Differences are
13. Robert Rosenthal and Donald B. Rubin (1982), ‘Further
Meta-Analytic Procedures for Assessing Cognitive Gender
14. Janet Shibley Hyde and Marcia C. Linn (1988), ‘Gender
Differences in Verbal Ability: A Meta-Analysis.’
15. Marcia C. Linn and Anne C. Petersen (1985), ‘Emergence and
Characterization of Sex Differences in Spatial Ability: A
16. Janet Shibley Hyde, Elizabeth Fennema and Susan J. Lamon
(1990), ‘Gender Differences in Mathematics Performance: A
17. Meredith M. Kimball (1989), ‘A New Perspective on Women's Math
18. Camilla Persson Benbow and Julian C. Stanley (1980), ‘Sex
Differences in Mathematical Ability. Fact or Artifact?’
19. Camilla Persson Benbow and Julian C. Stanley (1982),
‘Consequences in High School and College of Sex Differences in
Mathematical Reasoning Ability: A Longitudinal Perspective.’
20. Camilla Persson Benbow and Julian C. Stanley (1983), ‘Sex
Differences in Mathematical Ability: More Facts.’
21. Jacquelynne E. Parsons, Terry F. Adler and Caroline M. Kaczala
(1982), ‘Socialization of Acheivement Attitudes and Beliefs:
Parental Influences.’
22. Jacquelynne E. Parsons, Caroline M. Kaczala and Judith L. Meece
(1982), ‘Socialization of Achievement Attitudes and Beliefs:
Classroom Influences.’
23. Jacquelynne S. Eccles and Janis E. Jacobs (1986), ‘Social
Forces Shape Math Attitudes and Performance.’
24. Hugh Lytton and David M. Romney (1991), ‘Parents' Differential
Socialization of Boys and Girls: A Meta-Analysis.’
25. David C. Bellinger and Jean Berko Gleason (1982), ‘Sex
Differences in Parental Directives to Young Children.’
26. Esther Blan Greif (1980), ‘Sex Differences in Parent-Child
27. Kay Bussey and Albert Bandura (1984), ‘Influence of Gender
Constancy and Social Power on Sex-Linked Modeling.’
28. David G. Perry and Kay Bussey (1979), ‘The Social Learning
Theory of Sex Differences: Imitation is Alive and Well.’
29. Beverly I. Fagot (1985), ‘Changes in Thinking about Early
Sex-Role Development.’
30. Sandra Lipsitz Bem (1981), ‘Gender Schema Theory: A Cognitive
Account of Sex-Typing.’
31. Sandra Lipsitz Bem (1983), ‘Gender Schema Theory and its
Implications for Child Development: Raising Gender-Aschematic
Children in a Gender Schematic Society.’
32. Nancy Eisenberg, Karlsson Roth, Karyl A. Bryniarski and Edward
Murray (1984), ‘Sex Differences in the Relationship of Height to
Children's Actual and Attributed Social and Cognitive
33. Lynn S. Liben and Margaret L. Signorella (1980),
‘Gender-Related Schemata and Constructive Memory in Children.’
34. Carol Lynn Martin and Charles F. Halverson, Jr. (1981), ‘A
Schematic Processing Model of Sex-Typing and Stereotyping in
35. Carol Lynn Martin and Charles F. Halverson, Jr. (1983), ‘The
Effects of Sex-Typing Schemas on Young Children's Memory.’
36. Carol Gilligan (1977), ‘In a Different Voice: Women's
Conceptions of Self and of Morality.’
37. Carol Gilligan and Jane Attanucci (1988), ‘Two Moral
Orientations: Gender Differences and Similarities.’
38. Micaela Di Leonardo (1987), ‘The Female World of Cards and
Holidays: Women, Families and the Work of Kinship.’
39. Stephen J. Thoma (1986), ‘Estimating Gender Differences in the
Comprehension and Preference of Moral Issues.’
40. Maureen Rose Ford and Carol Rotter Lowery (1986), ‘Gender
Differences in Moral Reasoning: A Comparison of the Sue of Justice
and Care Orientations.’
41. Janet P. Boldizar, Kenneth L. Wilson and Deborah Kay Deemer
(1989), ‘Gender, Life Experiences and Moral Judgment Development: A
Process-Oriented Approach.’
42. Linda K. Kerber, Catherine G. Greeno and Eleanor E. Maccoby,
Zella Luria, Carol B. Stack and Carol Gilligan (1986), ‘On In a
Different Voice: An Interdisciplinary Forum.’
Name Index
Volume III
1. Alice H. Eagly and Maureen Crowley (1986), ‘Gender and Helping
Behavior: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Social Psychological
2. Alice H. Eagly and Blair T. Johnson (1990), ‘Gender and
Leadership Style: A Meta-Analysis.’
3. Nancy Eisenberg and Randy Lennon (1983), ‘Sex Differences in
Empathy and Related Capacities.’
4. Eleanor Maccoby (1990), ‘Gender and Relationships: A
Developmental Account.’
5. Tomi-Ann Roberts and Susan Nolen-Hoeksema (1989), ‘Sex
Differences in Reactions to Evaluative Feedback.’
6. Irene Hanson Frieze, Bernard E. Whitely, Jr., Barbara Hartman
Hanusa and Maureen C. McHugh (1982), ‘Assessing the Theoretical
Models for Sex Differences in Causal Attributions for Success and
7. Hannah Lerman (1986), ‘From Freud to Feminist Personality
Theory: Getting Here from There.’
8. Janet T. Spence and Robert L. Helmreich (1979), ‘Comparison of
Masculine and Feminine Personality Attributes and Sex-Role
Attitudes Across Age Groups.’
9. Marylee C. Taylor and Judith A. Hall (1982), ‘Psychological
Androgyny: Theories, Methods and Conclusions.’
10. Susan Nolen-Hoeksema (1987), ‘Sex Differences in Unipolar
Depression: Evidence and Theory.’
11. Denise B. Kandel and Mark Davies (1982), ‘Epidemiology of
Depressive Mood in Adolescents: An Empirical Study.’
12. Janice C. Stapley and Jeannette M. Haviland (1989), ‘Beyond
Depression: Gender Differences in Normal Adolescents' Emotional
13. Rena L. Repetti and Faye Crosby (1984), ‘Gender and Depression:
Exploring the Adult Role Explanation.’
14. Rena L. Repetti, Karen A. Matthews and Ingrid Waldron (1989),
‘Employment and Women's Health: Effects of Paid Employment on
Women's Mental and Physical Health.’
15. Jill M. Goldstein and Bruce G. Link (1988), ‘Gender and the
Expression of Schizophrenia.’
16. A. James and E. Taylor (1990), ‘Sex Differences in the
Hyperkinetic Syndrome of Childhood.’
17. Janet Shibley Hyde (1984), ‘How Large are Gender Differences in
Aggression? A Developmental Meta-Analysis.’
18. Alice H. Eagly and Valerie J. Steffen (1986), ‘Gender and
Aggressive Behavior: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Social
Psychological Literature.’
19. John Hagan, John Simpson and A.R. Gillis (1987), ‘Class in the
Household: A Power-Control Theory of Gender and Delinquency.’
20. Belle Rose Ragins and Eric Sundstrom (1989), ‘Gender and Power
in Organizations: A Longitudinal Perspective.’
21. Linda D. Molm (1985), ‘Gender and Power Use: An Experimental
Analysis of Behavior and Perceptions.’
22. John F. Dovidio, Clifford E. Brown, Karen Heltman, Steve L.
Ellyson and Caroline F. Keating (1988), ‘Power Displays Between
Women and Men in Discussions of Gender-Linked Tasks: A Multichannel
23. Gloria Cowan, Joan Drinkard and Laurie MacGavin (1984), ‘The
Effects of Target, Age and Gender on use of Power Strategies.’
24. Beverly I. Fagot, Mary D. Leinbach and Richard Hagan (1986),
‘Gender Labeling and the Adoption of Sex-Typed Behaviors.’
25. David G. Winter (1988), ‘The Power Motive in Women – and
26. David Lisak (1991), ‘Sexual Aggression, Masculinity, and
Name Index
Volume IV
1. Nancy M. Henley (1973), ‘Status and Sex: Some Troubling
2. Nancy M. Henley (1974), ‘Power, Sex and Nonverbal
3. Shirley Weitz (1976), ‘Sex Differences in Nonverbal
4. Carol W. Kennedy and Carl Camden (1983), ‘Interruptions and
Nonverbal Gender Differences.’
5. Bella M. DePaulo, Julie I. Stone and G. Daniel Lassiter (1985),
‘Telling Ingratiating Lies: Effects of Target Sex and Target
Attractiveness on Verbal and Nonverbal Deceptive Success.’
6. Janis F. Andersen, Peter A. Andersen and Myron W. Lustig (1987),
‘Opposite Sex Touch Avoidance: A National Replication and
7. Judith A. Hall (1978), ‘Gender Effects in Decoding Nonverbal
8. Patricia Noller and Cynthia Gallois (1986), ‘Sending Emotional
Messages in Marriage: Non-Verbal Behavior, Sex and Communication
9. Cecilia L. Ridgeway, Joseph Berger and LeRoy Smith (1985),
‘Nonverbal Cues and Status: An Expectation States Approach.’
10. James P. Grigsby and Donald Weatherley (1983), ‘Gender and
Sex-Role Differences in Intimacy of Self-Disclosure.’
11. Linda Olshina Lavine and John P. Lombardo (1984),
‘Self-Disclosure: Intimate and Nonintimate Disclosures to Parents
and Best Friends as a Function of Bem Sex-Role Category.’
12. Ellen T. Lewis and Patricia R. McCarthy (1988), ‘Perceptions of
Self-Disclosure as a Function of Gender-Linked Variables.’
13. Jeanne M. Tschann (1988), ‘Self-Disclosure in Adult Friendship:
Gender and Marital Status Differences.’
14. Sandra Petronio and Judith N. Martin (1986), ‘Ramifications of
Revealing Private Information: A Gender Gap.’
15. David R. Shaffer and J. Kirby Ogden (1986), ‘On Sex Differences
in Self-Disclosure During the Acquaintance Process: The Role of
Anticipated Future Interaction.’
16. Sandra Petronio, Judith Martin and Robert Littlefield (1984),
‘Prerequisite Conditions for Self-Disclosing: A Gender Issue.’
17. Dalmas A. Taylor and Melissa Hinds (1985), ‘Disclosure
Reciprocity and Liking as a Function of Gender and
18. Rebecca J. Welch Cline (1989), ‘The Politics of Intimacy: Costs
and Benefits Determining Disclosure Intimacy in Male-Female
19. Janice Moulton, George M. Robinson and Cherin Elias (1978),
‘Sex Bias in Language Use: "Neutral" Pronouns that Aren't.’
20. Wendy Martyna (1980), ‘Beyond the "He/Man" Approach: The Case
for Nonsexist Language.’
21. John Briere and Cheryl Lanktree (1983), ‘Sex-Role Related
Effects of Sex Bias in Language.’
22. Mykol C. Hamilton (1988), ‘Using Masculine Generics: Does
Generic He Increase Male Bias in the User's Imagery?’
23. Erica Wise and Janet Rafferty (1982), ‘Sex Bias and
24. Janet Shibley Hyde (1984), ‘Children's Understanding of Sexist
25. Frances Fuchs Schachter, Ellen Shore, Robert Hodapp, Susan
Chalfin and Carole Bundy (1978), ‘Do Girls Talk Earlier?: Mean
Length of Utterance in Toddlers.’
26. Alicia Skinner Cook, Janet J. Fritz, Barbara L. McCornack and
Cris Visperas (1985), ‘Early Gender Differences in the Functional
Usage of Language.’
27. Michael D. Miller, Rodney A. Reynolds and Ronald E. Cambra
(1987), ‘The Influence of Gender and Culture on Language
28. Robin Lakoff (1973), ‘Language and Woman's Place.’
29. Anthony Mulac, John M. Wiemann, Sally J. Widenmann and Toni W.
Gibson (1988), ‘Male/Female Language Differences and Effects in
Same-Sex and Mixed-Sex Dyads: the Gender-Linked Language
30. Kathryn Quina, Joseph A. Wingard and Henry G. Bates (1987),
‘Language Style and Gender Stereotypes in Person Perception.’
31. Christopher J. Zahn (1989), ‘The Bases for Differing
Evaluations of Male and Female Speech: Evidence from Ratings of
Transcribed Conversation.’
32. Cynthia S. Burggraf and Alan L. Sillars (1987), ‘A Critical
Examination of Sex Differences in Marital Communication.’
33. Cynthia Fuchs Epstein (1986), ‘Symbolic Segregation:
Similarities and Differences in the Language and Non-Verbal
Communication of Women and Men.’
34. Rhoda Kesler Unger (1979), ‘Toward a Redefinition of Sex and
35. Kay Deaux (1984), ‘From Individual Differences to Social
Categories: Analysis of a Decades Research on Gender.’
36. Kay Deaux and Brenda Major (1987), ‘Putting Gender into
Context: An Interactive Model of Gender-Related Behavior.’
37. Candace West and Don H. Zimmerman (1987), ‘Doing Gender.’
Name Index
Edited by Carol Nagy Jacklin, Professor of Psychology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, US
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