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Partner Schools


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Table of Contents

1. Introduction: Understanding School-UniversityPartnerships(Russell T. Osguthorpe, R. Carl Harris, Sharon Black,Beverly R. Cutler, Melanie Fox Harris)
Part One: The Goals of Partner Schools
2. Improving Student Learning(Walter H. Kimball, Susan Swap,Patricia A. LaRosa, Thomas Howick)
3. Strengthening Teacher Education(Michael L. Barnhart, Donna J.Cole, Stevenson T. Hansell, Bonnie K. Mathies, William E. Smith,Sharon Black)
4. Promoting Professional Development(Robert A. Pines, Lourdes Z.Mitchel, Nicholas Michelli)
5. Supporting Collaborative Inquiry(Francis P. Hunkins, Donna L.Wiseman, Richard C. Williams)
Part Two: Developing and Implementing Partnerships
6. Launching and Sustaining a Partner School(R. Carl Harris,Melanie Fox Harris)
7. Initiating District-Wide Change(Monica M. Beglau, Kolene F.Granger)
8. Promoting Statewide Collaboration(Barbara Gottesman, PatriciaGraham, Carol Nogy)
9. Building Links with Families and Communities(Hal Lawson, RandyFlora, Sally Lloyd, Katherine Briar, James Ziegler, JanKettlewell)
10. Evaluating Partner Schools(Richard W. Clark)
11. Conclusion: The Promise of Partner Schools(Russell T.Osguthorpe, R. Carl Harris, Sharon Black, Melanie Fox Harris)

About the Author

RUSSELL T. OSGUTHORPE is a professor at Brigham Young University, which collaborates in the oldest functioning university-school partnership in the country. R. CARL HARRIS is a professor at Brigham Young University, which collaborates in the oldest functioning university-school partnership in the country. MELANIE FOX HARRIS is a teacher at a collaborating school in the local Nebo School District. The volume editors and contributors are all participants in the National Network of Educational Renewal, an organization that promotes school-university partnerships. SHARON BLACK is a professor at Brigham Young University, which collaborates in the oldest functioning university-school partnership in the country.


"Partner Schools is an optimistic book, packed full of rich examples of good things that can happen when universities and schools become full and equal partners in educational renewal. Written by educators experienced in and committed to collaboration--and drawing on work underway in diverse settings across the United States--each chapter presents useful suggestions for building and extending partnership programs." ----Robert V. Bullough, Jr., professor of educational studies, University of Utah

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