Fully updated to meet the demands of the 21st-century surgeon, Craniofacial, Head and Neck Surgery and Pediatric Plastic Surgery, Volume 3 of Plastic Surgery, 3rd Edition, provides you with the most current knowledge and techniques across your entire field, allowing you to offer every patient the best possible outcome. Access all the state-of-the-art know-how you need to overcome any challenge you may face and exceed your patients' expectations.
Apply the very latest advances in craniofacial, head, neck, and pediatric plastic surgery and ensure optimal outcomes with evidence-based advice from a diverse collection of world-leading authorities.
Purchase this volume individually or own the entire set, with the ability to search across all six volumes online!
Master the newest procedures in pediatric plastic surgery, including conjoined twinning.
Apply the latest clinical evidence and surgical techniques to facilitate the decision-making process for craniofacial patients, and optimize outcomes in the correction of congenital, oncologic, traumatic, and acquired deformities.
Know what to look for and what results you can expect with over 2,000 photographs and illustrations.
See how to perform key techniques with 28 surgical videos online.
Access the complete, fully searchable contents online, download all the tables and figures, and take advantage of additional content and images at www.expertconsult.com!
Fully updated to meet the demands of the 21st-century surgeon, Craniofacial, Head and Neck Surgery and Pediatric Plastic Surgery, Volume 3 of Plastic Surgery, 3rd Edition, provides you with the most current knowledge and techniques across your entire field, allowing you to offer every patient the best possible outcome. Access all the state-of-the-art know-how you need to overcome any challenge you may face and exceed your patients' expectations.
Apply the very latest advances in craniofacial, head, neck, and pediatric plastic surgery and ensure optimal outcomes with evidence-based advice from a diverse collection of world-leading authorities.
Purchase this volume individually or own the entire set, with the ability to search across all six volumes online!
Master the newest procedures in pediatric plastic surgery, including conjoined twinning.
Apply the latest clinical evidence and surgical techniques to facilitate the decision-making process for craniofacial patients, and optimize outcomes in the correction of congenital, oncologic, traumatic, and acquired deformities.
Know what to look for and what results you can expect with over 2,000 photographs and illustrations.
See how to perform key techniques with 28 surgical videos online.
Access the complete, fully searchable contents online, download all the tables and figures, and take advantage of additional content and images at www.expertconsult.com!
Foreword by Joseph G. McCarthy XXX
Preface to the Third Edition XXX
List of Contributors XXX
Acknowledgments XXX
Dedication XXX
Volume One: Principles
Geoffrey C. Gurtner
1 Plastic surgery and innovation in medicine XXXPeter C.
2 History of reconstructive and aesthetic surgery XXXRiccardo F.
Mazzola and Isabella C. Mazzola
3 Psychological aspects of plastic surgery XXXLaurie A. Stevens and
Mary H. McGrath
4 The role of ethics in plastic surgery XXXPhillip C. Haeck
5 Business principles for plastic surgeons XXXC. Scott Hultman
6 Medico-legal issues in plastic surgery XXXNeal R. Reisman
7 Photography in plastic surgery XXX
Brian M. Kinney
8 Patient safety in plastic surgery XXX
Bruce Halperin
9 Local anesthetics in plastic surgery XXX
A. Aldo Mottura
10 Evidence-based medicine and health services research in plastic
surgery XXX
Carolyn L. Kerrigan, E. Dale Collins Vidal, Andrea L. Pusic, Amy K.
Alderman, and Valerie Lemaine
11 Genetics and prenatal diagnosis XXX
Daniel Nowinski, Elizabeth Kiwanuka, Florian Hackl, Bohdan Pomahac,
and Elof Eriksson
12 Principles of cancer management XXX
Tomer Avraham, Evan Matros, and Babak J. Mehrara
13 Stem cells and regenerative medicine XXX
Benjamin Levi, Derrick C. Wan, Victor W. Wong, Geoffrey C. Gurtner,
and Michael T. Longaker
14 Wound healing XXX
Chandan K. Sen and Sashwati Roy
15 Skin wound healing: Repair biology, wound, and scar treatment
Ursula Mirastschijski, Andreas Jokuszies, and Peter M. Vogt
16 Scar prevention, treatment, and revision XXX
Peter Lorenz and A. Sina Bari
17 Skin graft XXX
Saja S. Scherer-Pietramaggiori, Giorgio Pietramaggiori, and Dennis
P. Orgill
18 Tissue graft, tissue repair, and regeneration XXX
Wei Liu and Yilin Cao
19 Tissue engineering XXX
Andrea J. O'Connor and Wayne A. Morrison
20 Repair, grafting, and engineering of cartilage XXX
Wei Liu and Yilin Cao
21 Repair and grafting of bone XXX
Iris A. Seitz, Chad M. Teven, and Russell R. Reid
22 Repair and grafting of peripheral nerve XXX
Renata V. Weber, Kirsty U. Boyd, and Susan E. Mackinnon
23 Vascular territories XXX
Steven F. Morris and G. Ian Taylor
24 Flap classification and applications XXX
Scott L. Hansen, David M. Young, Patrick Lang, and Hani Sbitany
25 Flap pathophysiology and pharmacology XXX
Cho Y. Pang and Peter C. Neligan
26 Principles and techniques of microvascular surgery XXX
Fu-Chan Wei and Sherilyn Keng Lin Tay
27 Principles and applications of tissue expansion XXX
Malcolm W. Marks and Louis C. Argenta
28 Therapeutic radiation: Principles, effects, and complications
Gabrielle M. Kane
29 Vascular anomalies XXX
Arin K. Greene and John B. Mulliken
30 Benign and malignant nonmelanocytic tumors of the skin and soft
tissue XXX
Rei Ogawa
31 Melanoma XXX
Stephan Ariyan and Aaron Berger
32 Implants and biomaterials XXX
Charles E. Butler and Timothy W. King
33 Facial prosthetics in plastic surgery XXX
Gordon H. Wilkes, Mohammed M. Al Kahtani, and Johan F.
34 Transplantation in plastic surgery XXX
David W. Mathes, Peter E. M. Butler, and W. P. Andrew Lee
35 Technology innovation in plastic surgery: A practical guide for
the surgeon innovator XXX
Leila Jazayeri and Geoffrey C. Gurtner
36 Robotics, simulation, and telemedicine in plastic surgery
Joseph M. Rosen, Todd E. Burdette, Erin Donaldson, Robyn Mosher,
Lindsay B. Katona, and Sarah A. Long
Volume Two: Aesthetic
Richard J. Warren
1 Managing the cosmetic patient XXXMichelle B. Locke and Foad
Section I: Aesthetic Surgery of the Face
2 Nonsurgical skin care and rejuvenation XXXLeslie Baumann
3 Botulinum toxin (BoNT-A) XXXMichael A.C. Kane
4 Soft-tissue fillers XXXTrevor M. Born, Lisa E. Airan, and
Dimitrios Motakis
5 Facial skin resurfacing XXXSteven R. Cohen, Ryan C. Frank, and E.
Victor Ross
6 Anatomy of the aging face XXXBryan Mendelson and Chin-Ho Wong
7 Forehead rejuvenation XXXRichard J. Warren
8 Blepharoplasty XXX
Julius Few Jr. and Marco Ellis
9 Secondary blepharoplasty: Techniques XXX
Glenn W. Jelks, Elizabeth B. Jelks, Ernest S. Chiu, and Douglas S.
10 Asian facial cosmetic surgery XXX
Kyung S. Koh, Jong Woo Choi, and Clyde H. Ishii
11.1 Facelift: Principles XXX
Richard J. Warren
11.2 Facelift: Introduction to deep tissue techniques XXX
Richard J. Warren
11.3 Facelift: Platysma-SMAS plication XXX
Dai M. Davies and Miles G. Berry
11.4 Facelift: Facial rejuvenation with loop sutures, the MACS lift
and its derivatives XXX
Mark Laurence Jewell
11.5 Facelift: Lateral SMASectomy XXX
Daniel C. Baker
11.6 Facelift: The extended SMAS technique in facial rejuvenation
James M. Stuzin
11.7 Facelift: SMAS with skin attached - the "high SMAS" technique
Fritz E. Barton Jr.
11.8 Facelift: Subperiosteal facelift XXX
Oscar M. Ramirez
12 Secondary deformities and the secondary facelift XXX
Timothy J. Marten and Dino Elyassnia
13 Neck rejuvenation XXX
James E. Zins, Colin Myles Morrison, and Claude-Jean Langevin
14 Structural fat grafting XXX
Sydney R. Coleman and Alesia P. Saboeiro
15 Skeletal augmentation XXX
Michael J. Yaremchuk
16 Anthropometry, cephalometry, and orthognathic surgery XXX
Daniel I. Taub, Jordan M.S. Jacobs, and Jonathan S. Jacobs
17 Nasal analysis and anatomy XXX
Joel E. Pessa and Rod J. Rohrich
18 Open technique rhinoplasty XXX
Rod J. Rohrich and Jamil Ahmad
19 Closed technique rhinoplasty XXX
Mark B. Constantian
20 Airway issues and the deviated nose XXX
Bahman Guyuron and Bryan S. Armijo
21 Secondary rhinoplasty XXX
Ronald P. Gruber, Simeon H. Wall Jr., David L. Kaufman, and David
M. Kahn
22 Otoplasty XXX
Charles H. Thorne
23 Hair restoration XXX
Jack Fisher
Section II: General Aesthetic Surgery
24 Liposuction: A comprehensive review of techniques and safety
Jeffrey M. Kenkel and Phillip J. Stephan
25 Abdominoplasty procedures XXX
Dirk F. Richter and Alexander Stoff
26 Lipoabdominoplasty XXX
Osvaldo Ribeiro Saldanha, S�rgio Fernando Dantas de Azevedo,
Osvaldo Ribeiro Saldanha Filho, Cristianna Bonneto Saldanha, and
Luis Humberto Uribe Morelli
27 Lower bodylifts XXX
Al Aly, Khalid Al-Zahrani, and Albert Cram
28 Buttock augmentation XXX
Terrence W. Bruner, Jos� Abel de la Pe�a Salcedo, Constantino G.
Mendieta, and Thomas L. Roberts III
29 Upper limb contouring XXX
Joseph F. Capella, Matthew J. Trovato, and Scott Woehrle
30 Post-bariatric reconstruction XXX
Jonathan W. Toy and J. Peter Rubin
31 Aesthetic genital surgery XXX
Gary J. Alter
Volume Three: Craniofacial, Head and Neck Surgery and Pediatric
Plastic Surgery
Part 1: Craniofacial, head and neck surgery: Eduardo D.
1 Anatomy of the head and neck XXXAhmed M. Afifi and Risal
Section I: Craniofacial Trauma
2 Facial trauma: Soft tissue injuries XXXReid V. Mueller
3 Facial fractures XXXEduardo D. Rodriguez, Amir H. Dorafshar, and
Paul N. Manson
4 TMJ dysfunction and obstructive sleep apnea XXXStephen A.
Schendel and Brinda Thimmappa
Section II: Head and Neck Reconstruction
5 Scalp and forehead reconstruction XXX
Mark D. Wells and Carla Skytta
6 Aesthetic nasal reconstruction XXX
Frederick J. Menick
7 Reconstruction of the ear XXX
Burton D. Brent
8 Acquired cranial and facial bone deformities XXX
Renee M. Burke, Robert J. Morin, and S. Anthony Wolfe
9 Midface reconstruction XXX
Constance M. Chen, Joseph J. Disa, and Peter G. Cordeiro
10 Cheek and lip reconstruction XXX
Peter C. Neligan
11 Facial paralysis XXX
Ronald M. Zuker, Eyal Gur, Gazi Hussain, and Ralph T. Manktelow
12 Oral cavity, tongue, and mandibular reconstructions XXX
Ming-Huei Cheng and Jung-Ju Huang
13 Hypopharyngeal, esophageal, and neck reconstruction XXX
Peirong Yu
14 Salivary gland tumors XXX
Stephan Ariyan, Deepak Narayan, and Charlotte E. Ariyan
15 Tumors of the facial skeleton: Fibrous dysplasia XXX
You-Wei Cheong and Yu-Ray Chen
16 Tumors of the lips, oral cavity, oropharynx, and mandible
John Joseph Coleman III and Anthony P. Tufaro
17 Carcinoma of the upper aerodigestive tract XXX
Michael E. Kupferman, Justin M. Sacks, and Edward I. Chang
18 Local flaps for facial coverage XXX
Ian T. Jackson
19 Secondary facial reconstruction XXX
Julian J. Pribaz and Rodney K. Chan
20 Facial transplant XXX
Laurent Lantieri
21 Surgical management of migraine headaches XXX
Bahman Guyuron and Ali Totonchi
Part 2: Pediatric plastic surgery: Joseph E. Losee
Section I: Clefts
22 Embryology of the craniofacial complex XXX
Maryam Afshar, Samantha A. Brugmann, and Jill A. Helms
23 Repair of unilateral cleft lip XXX
Philip Kuo-Ting Chen, M. Samuel Noordhoff, and Alex Kane
24 Repair of bilateral cleft lip XXX
John B. Mulliken
25 Cleft palate XXX
William Y. Hoffman
26 Alveolar clefts XXX
Richard A. Hopper
27 Orthodontics in cleft lip and palate management XXX
Alvaro A. Figueroa and John W. Polley
28 Velopharyngeal dysfunction XXX
Richard E. Kirschner and Adriane L. Baylis
29 Secondary deformities of the cleft lip, nose, and palate XXX
Evan M. Feldman, John C. Koshy, Larry H. Hollier Jr., and Samuel
30 Cleft and craniofacial orthognathic surgery XXX
Jesse A. Goldstein and Steven B. Baker
Section II: Craniofacial
31 Pediatric facial fractures XXX
Joseph E. Losee and Darren M. Smith
32 Orbital hypertelorism XXX
Eric Arnaud, Daniel Marchac, Federico Di Rocco, and Dominique
33 Craniofacial clefts XXX
James P. Bradley and Henry K. Kawamoto Jr.
34 Nonsyndromic craniosynostosis XXX
Derek M. Steinbacher and Scott P. Bartlett
35 Syndromic craniosynostosis XXX
Jeffrey A. Fearon
36 Craniofacial microsomia XXX
Joseph G. McCarthy, Barry H. Grayson, Richard A. Hopper, and Oren
M. Tepper
37 Hemifacial atrophy XXX
Peter J. Taub, Lester Silver, and Kathryn S.Torok
38 Pierre Robin sequence XXX
Christopher G. Zochowski and Arun K. Gosain
39 Treacher-Collins syndrome XXX
Fernando Molina
Section III: Pediatrics
40 Congenital melanocytic nevi XXX
Bruce S. Bauer and Neta Adler
41 Pediatric chest and trunk defects XXX
Lawrence J. Gottlieb, Russell R. Reid, and Justine C. Lee
42 Pediatric tumors XXX
Sahil Kapur and Michael L. Bentz
43 Conjoined twins XXX
Oksana Jackson, David W. Low and Don LaRossa
44 Reconstruction of urogenital defects: Congenital XXX
Mohan S. Gundeti and Michael C. Large
Volume Four: Lower Extremity, Trunk and Burns
David Song
Section I: Lower Extremity Surgery
1 Comprehensive lower extremity anatomy XXXGinard I. Henry and
Grant M. Kleiber
2 Management of lower extremity trauma XXXShannon Colohan and
Michel Saint-Cyr
3 Lymphatic reconstruction of the extremities XXXRuediger G. H.
Baumeister, David W. Chang, and Peter C. Neligan
4 Lower extremity sarcoma reconstruction XXX
Goetz A.Giessler and Michael Sauerbier
5 Reconstructive surgery: Lower extremity coverage XXX
Joon Pio Hong
6 Diagnosis and treatment of painful neuroma and of nerve
compression in the lower extremity XXX
A. Lee Dellon
7 Skeletal reconstruction XXX
Stephen J. Kovach and L. Scott Levin
8 Foot reconstruction XXX
Mark W. Clemens, Lawrence B. Colen, and Christopher E. Attinger
Section II: Trunk Surgery
9 Comprehensive trunk anatomy XXX
Michael A. Howard and Sara R. Dickie
10 Reconstruction of the chest XXX
David H. Song and Michelle C. Roughton
11 Reconstruction of the soft tissues of the back XXX
Gregory A. Dumanian
12 Abdominal wall reconstruction XXX
Navin K. Singh, Marwan R. Khalifeh, and Jonathan Bank
13 Reconstruction of male genital defects XXX
Stan Monstrey, Peter Ceulemans, Nathalie Roche, Philippe
Houtmeyers, Nicolas Lumen, and Piet Hoebeke
14 Reconstruction of acquired vaginal defects XXX
Laura Snell, Peter G. Cordeiro, and Andrea L. Pusic
15 Surgery for gender identity disorder XXX
Loren S. Schechter
16 Pressure sores XXX
Robert Kwon and Jeffrey E. Janis
17 Perineal reconstruction XXX
Hakim K. Said and Otway Louie
Section III: Burns Surgery
18 Acute management of burn/electrical injuries XXX
Lars Steinstraesser and Sammy Al-Benna
19 Extremity burn reconstruction XXX
Lorenzo Borghese, Alessandro Masellis, and Michele Masellis
20 Cold and chemical injury to the upper extremity XXX
Dennis S. Kao and John Hijjawi
21 Management of facial burns XXX
Robert J. Spence
22 Reconstructive burn surgery XXX
Matthew B. Klein
23 Management of patients with exfoliative disorders, epidermolysis
bullosa, and TEN XXX
Abdullah E. Kattan, Robert C. Cartotto, and Joel S. Fish
Volume Five: Breast
James C. Grotting
1 Anatomy for plastic surgery of the breast XXX
Jorge I. de la Torre and Michael R. Davis
Section I: Cosmetic Surgery of the Breast
2 Breast augmentation XXX
G. Patrick Maxwell and Allen Gabriel
3 Secondary breast augmentation XXX
Mitchell H. Brown
4 Current concepts in revisionary breast surgery XXX
G. Patrick Maxwell and Allen Gabriel
5 Endoscopic approaches to the breast XXX
Neil A. Fine and Clark F. Schierle
6 Iatrogenic disorders following breast surgery XXX
Walter Peters
7 Mastopexy XXX
Kent K. Higdon and James C. Grotting
8.1 Reduction mammaplasty XXX
Jack Fisher and Kent K. Higdon
8.2 Inferior pedicle breast reduction XXX
Jack Fisher
8.3 Superior or medial pedicle XXX
Frank Lista and Jamil Ahmad
8.4 Short scar periareolar inferior pedicle reduction (SPAIR)
mammaplasty XXX
Dennis C. Hammond
8.5 The L short-scar mammaplasty XXX
Armando Chiari Jr.
8.6 Periareolar technique with mesh support XXX
Joao Carlos Sampaio G�es
8.7 Sculpted pillar vertical reduction mammaplasty XXX
Kent K. Higdon and James C. Grotting
9 Revision surgery following breast reduction and mastopexy XXX
Kenneth C. Shestak
Section II: Reconstructive Surgery of the Breast
10 Breast cancer: Diagnosis therapy and oncoplastic techniques
Elisabeth Beahm and Julie E. Lang
11 The oncoplastic approach to partial breast reconstruction
Albert Losken
12 Patient-centered health communication XXX
Gary L. Freed, Alice Andrews, and E. Dale Collins Vidal
13 Imaging in reconstructive breast surgery XXX
Jaume Masia, Carmen Navarro, and Juan A. Clavero
14 Expander-implants breast reconstruction XXX
Maurizio B. Nava, Giuseppe Catanuto, Angela Pennati, Valentina
Visintini Cividin, and Andrea Spano
15 Latissimus dorsi flap breast reconstruction XXX
Scott L. Spear and Mark W. Clemens
16 The bilateral pedicled TRAM flap XXX
L. Franklyn Elliott, John D. Symbas, and Hunter R. Moyer
17 Free TRAM breast reconstruction XXX
Joshua Fosnot and Joseph M. Serletti
18 The deep inferior epigastric artery perforator (DIEAP) flap
Phillip N. Blondeel, Colin M. Morrison, and Robert J. Allen
19 Alternative flaps for breast reconstruction XXX
Maria M. LoTempio, Robert J. Allen, and Phillip N. Blondeel
20 Omentum reconstruction of the breast XXX
Joao Carlos Sampaio G�es and Antonio Luiz Vasconcellos Macedo
21 Local flaps in partial breast reconstruction XXX
Moustapha Hamdi and Eugenia J. Kyriopoulos
22 Reconstruction of the nipple-areola complex XXX
Ketan M. Patel and Maurice Y. Nahabedian
23.1 Congenital anomalies of the breast XXX
Egle Muti
23.2 Poland syndrome XXX
Pietro Berrino and Valeria Berrino
24 Contouring of the arms, breast, upper trunk, and male chest in
the massive weight loss patient XXX
Jonathan W. Toy and J. Peter Rubin
25 Fat grafting to the breast XXX
Henry Wilson and Scott L. Spear
Volume Six: Hand and Upper Extremity
James Chang
Introduction: Plastic surgery contributions to hand surgery XXX
James Chang
Section I: Introduction and Principles
1 Anatomy and biomechanics of the hand XXX
James Chang, Francisco Valero-Cuevas, Vincent R. Hentz, and Robert
A. Chase
2 Examination of the upper extremity XXX
Ryosuke Kakinoki
3 Diagnostic imaging of the hand and wrist XXX
Alphonsus K. Chong and David M.K. Tan
4 Anesthesia for upper extremity surgery XXX
Jonay Hill, Vanila M. Singh and Subhro K. Sen
5 Principles of internal fixation as applied to the hand and wrist
Jeffrey Yao and Christopher Cox
Section II: Acquired Traumatic Disorders
6 Nail and fingertip reconstruction XXX
Michael W. Neumeister, Elvin G. Zook, Nicole Z. Sommer, and Theresa
A. Hegge
7 Hand fractures and joint injuries XXX
Warren C. Hammert
8 Fractures and dislocations of the wrist and distal radius XXX
Kevin C. Chung and Steven C. Haase
9 Flexor tendon injury and reconstruction XXX
Jin Bo Tang
10 Extensor tendon injuries XXX
Kai Megerle and G�nther Germann
11 Replantation and revascularization XXX
William W. Dzwierzynski
12 Reconstructive surgery of the mutilated hand XXX
William C. Pederson and Randolph Sherman
13 Thumb reconstruction: Nonmicrosurgical techniques XXX
Nicholas B. Vedder and Jeffrey B. Friedrich
14 Thumb and finger reconstruction: Microsurgical techniques
Fu Chan Wei and Wee Leon Lam
Section III: Acquired Nontraumatic Disorders
15 Benign and malignant tumors of the hand XXX
Justin M. Sacks, Kodi K. Azari, Scott Oates, and David W. Chang
16 Infections of the hand XXX
Sean M. Bidic and Tim Schaub
17 Management of Dupuytren's disease XXX
Andrew J. Watt and Caroline Leclercq
18 Occupational hand disorders XXX
Steven J. McCabe
19 Rheumatologic conditions of the hand and wrist XXX
Douglas M. Sammer and Kevin C. Chung
20 Osteoarthritis in the hand and wrist XXX
Brian T. Carlsen, Karim Bakri, Faisal M. Al-Mufarrej and Steven L.
21 The stiff hand and the spastic hand XXX
David T. Netscher
22 Ischemia of the hand XXX
Hee Chang Ahn and Neil F. Jones
23 Complex regional pain syndrome in the upper extremity XXX
Ivica Ducic and John M. Felder III
24 Nerve entrapment syndromes XXX
Michael Bezuhly, James P. O'Brien and Donald Lalonde
Section IV: Congenital Disorders
25 Congenital hand I: Embryology, classification, and principles
Michael Tonkin and Kerby Oberg
26 Congenital hand II: Disorders of formation (transverse and
longitudinal arrest) XXX
Gill Smith and Paul Smith
27 Congenital hand III: Disorders of formation - thumb hypoplasia
Joseph Upton III and Amir Taghinia
28 Congenital hand IV: Disorders of differentiation and duplication
Steven E.R. Hovius
29 Congenital hand V: Disorders of overgrowth, undergrowth, and
generalized skeletal deformities XXX
Leung Kim Hung, Ping Chung Leung, and Takayuki Miura (Addendum by
Michael Tonkin)
30 Growth considerations in pediatric upper extremity trauma and
reconstruction XXX
Marco Innocenti and Carla Baldrighi
31 Vascular anomalies of the upper extremity XXX
Joseph Upton III
Section V: Paralytic Disorders
32 Peripheral nerve injuries of the upper extremity XXX
Simon Farnebo, Johan Thorfinn, and Lars B. Dahlin
33 Nerve transfers XXX
Kirsty U. Boyd, Ida K. Fox, and Susan E. Mackinnon
34 Tendon transfers in the upper extremity XXX
Neil F. Jones
35 Free-functioning muscle transfer in the upper extremity XXX
Isaac Harvey and Gregory H. Borschel
36 Brachial plexus injuries: Adult and pediatric XXX
David Chwei-Chin Chuang
37 Restoration of upper extremity function in tetraplegia XXX
Catherine Curtin and Vincent R. Hentz
Section VI: Rehabilitation
38 Upper extremity composite allotransplantation XXX
Vijay S. Gorantla, Stefan S. Schneeberger, and W.P. Andrew Lee
39 Hand therapy XXX
Christine B. Novak and Rebecca L. von der Heyde
40 Treatment of the upper extremity amputee XXX
Gregory A. Dumanian and Todd A. Kuiken
Index to all volumes iXXX-iXXX
Peter Neligan, MB, FRCS, FRCSC, FAC., is a board-certified plastic surgeon, Director of the Center for Reconstructive Surgery at UW Medical Center - Montlake, and a Professor of Surgery in the Division of Plastic Surgery at UW School of Medicine. Dr. Neligan specializes in reconstructive surgery including flap surgery, lymphatic surgery, facial re-animation and facial transplantation.. He strives to provide the best care for patients and provide them with the best treatments available. He is excited by new techniques and solutions and always tries to improve every aspect of care. Dr. Neligan has authored four books, 180 scientific papers, 75 book chapters, edited 10 textbooks and is editor-in-chief of the Journal for Reconstructive Microsurgery. He is president of the Plastic Surgery Foundation, a member of multiple professional organizations and is heavily involved in UW's Plastic Surgery Training Program
"The third volume of 'Plastic Surgery' is a tour de force bringing together the various subspecialty domains of Head and Neck Plastic Surgery (trauma, elective adult and paediatric), as well as a selection of other Paediatric Plastic Surgery Conditions... The quality and quantity of illustrations are impressive and include elaborate intraoperative sequences, radiological scans and excellent pictorial images. The illustrations support the text well and in places are extremely description especially in enabling the reader to understand difficult topics... One of the great benefits of the book is online access... As well as the entire content of the book, there are additional resources including videos and a picturebank with high-definition images. The book presents topics with sufficient clarity to be an excellent starting point for trainee Plastic Surgeons looking to get to grips with Head and Neck surgery. It also delves into subjects with sufficient depth to provide a meaningful reference source for the experience surgeon." Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Anesthestic Surgery (JPRAS), December 2013 "This is the latest edition of the multivolume plastic surgery textbook first edited by John M. Converse in 1964. Through the decades, this has remained the gold standard in plastic surgery textbooks. I have always had the most recent edition close to my desk and have used it as an initial reference when I have needed to review a topic. I will continue to use this edition in the same manner. Plastic surgeons at all stages in their careers can benefit from this book. The coverage of plastic surgery topics remains encyclopedic, and all of the authors are recognized experts in their subject areas.This edition demonstrates a number of differences from prior editions. The books themselves are slightly larger, and the majority of the artwork is in color, with a uniform style and is of high quality. This edition incorporates changes consistent with our digital age, while maintaining the excellent content that has been the hallmark of this book throughout the years." - Walter Lawrence, MPH, MD (University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics) Doody 5 stars!
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